Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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aised. The depletion of the generative powers of the Bull by the Scorpion (22 October to<br />

22 November) denotes the onset of Winter and the Death of the Sun God.<br />

The Bull, the Ram and the Fish<br />

The movement of the Vernal Equinox from Taurus (Bull) to Aries (Ram) caused by the<br />

precession of the equinoxes coincided with the change in worship in Egypt from the Apis<br />

Bull to the veneration of the ram-headed god Amun also known as Jupiter-Amun.<br />

The Bible relates that Moses became indignant when the Children of Israel were found to<br />

be worshipping the Golden Calf (a Taurean ritual). With the further move from Aries to<br />

Pisces coinciding with the advent of Christianity the Christians adopted the symbol of the<br />

Fish as a means of identification.<br />

Christmas is related to the birth of Hercules. The infant state is the weakness of the Sun at<br />

the Winter Solstice. The powers of the two serpents strangled by Hercules relate to the<br />

male and female energies of Ida and Pingala in yoga which have to be transmuted or<br />

"raised from the dead" from their source in the muladharam chakra at the base of the<br />

spine (the pine tree of Attis). The spine of man is represented by the middle columns of<br />

the zodiacal signs of Virgo and Scorpio. These signs were united prior to the fall<br />

of humanity down to the physical plane. Libra is an inserted sign. Originally the zodiac<br />

had only ten<br />

signs.<br />

The Serpent Fohat of Aquarius and the Sun<br />

The serpent represents the unfolded Circle or Cycle of manifestation which the Sun-<br />

Initiate must follow. In Babylon, Baal is the serpent with the disc and Moloch is the<br />

serpent without it. Baal as Tammuz, the incarnating Monad is depicted as slaying the<br />

snake or dragon. Bacchus and Heracles both strangle two snakes. Horus-Osiris and<br />

Apollo kill the serpent. The Aztec goddess Cioaocatl is seen next to a tree<br />

entwined with a serpent. In India Krishna destroys the serpent Kaliya by crushing its head<br />

whilst it bites his heel. In Genesis the woman bruises the head of the snake, and in<br />

Revelation Christ casts out the dragon.<br />


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