Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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of Indra's elephant. The decapitation of the head depicts the fall of the skandhas<br />

(Karttikeya) as the seeds of Uranus (Indra) into<br />

the Waters of Space (Pisces and Vishnu).<br />

The Soul gains wisdom (the elephant) by its descent (loss of head) to the physical plane.<br />

The rat-companion of Ganesha is the Lower Self. Ganesha is the Wisdom of the Higher<br />

Self.<br />

The Panis as Shiva in Capricorn<br />

The Panis are Pan as Saturn-Cronos or Vala, who conceals the Light of Aquarius in the<br />

Darkness of the Winter Solstice in Capricorn (22 December). Christ is the Light who is<br />

born from the rock-tomb.<br />

Indra (the Light of Heaven or Aquarius) sets the cows (races) free from the cave of<br />

Capricorn (Pan) with the help of the seven Angiras (Seven Rays). The cow (Sk. go)<br />

means a ray of illumination (the Light of the Spiritual Sun in Aquarius who is Savitri).<br />

Indra is a master of the cows (gopati) in Aquarius,<br />

just as Vishnu has his gopis or cow-girls who perform the circle dance of the zodiac.<br />

Vishnu is the ruler of Pisces (as Jupiter-Zeus). Indra is Uranus and Vala is Saturn-Cronos.<br />

The Panis are Pan, ruler of Capricorn (the Goat). Pan has goat feet.<br />

The seven Angiras are the Seven Rays which are the divine flames of Agni (the fire sign<br />

of Aries) from which the Rays emanate.<br />

Indra, assisted by the Angiras, conquers the Panis (Pan in Capricorn) and sets the Light<br />

free in Aquarius. So Jupiter conquers Saturn-Cronos and becomes the Father of the Gods<br />

and ruler of the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces.<br />

Indra, Nahash, Sachi and Surya.<br />


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