Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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(a) Nahash is the cosmic serpent of Aquarius.<br />

(b) Indra is the controller of Space (Aquarius).<br />

(c) Sachi, wife of Indra, is Sat-Chit, which means the bliss (Sat)-consciousness (Chit)<br />

originating from the "Urn of Sat" or Sat-Urn in Capricorn.<br />

Indra hides in a lotus stem after killing the Brahmin Trishiras. The lotus is Pisces. The<br />

lotus stem is the Aries-Libra axis of the spine, or the Cosmic Tree of the universe.<br />

(Mount Meru is Aries.)<br />

Nahash falls in love with Sachi. (Fohat, the cosmic serpent of Aquarius marries Mahat,<br />

the Cosmic Intelligence of the Angelic Hosts in Aries.) Nahash is cursed by the Rishi<br />

Agastya to wander the Earth for 1,000 years (the ten planes of manifestation) as a serpent<br />

(Fohat-kundalini).<br />

Surya is the Sun exalted in Aries as a manifestation from Indra. Surya has twelve names<br />

related to the twelve qualities of the zodiacal signs which must be acquired by the Sun<br />

(Soul Monad) on its progression through the signs. As Dhatri the Sun is the Demiurge in<br />

Aries (also as Tvashtri). His name Varuna refers to Pisces ruled by Vishnu. As Mitra, the<br />

Moon, his light is reflected into the Lower Self.<br />

The Asvins and the White Horse<br />

Indra releases the Light (svar or luminous space of Aquarius from Vala (Saturn-Cronos in<br />

Capricorn). The Asvins are the divine horsemen (Sk. asva = horse) or energies of the<br />

cosmic serpent or Light of Aquarius. Hence the white horse is a symbol of the energies of<br />

the Spiritual Sun in Aquarius (Savitri) as distinct from the Sun in Leo (Polar opposite of<br />

Aquarius) which is the Spirit-Atma in man, the microcosm or lower hemisphere of the<br />

zodiacal circle.<br />

Tvashtri is the Demiurge (Jehovah) in Aries. He has three heads as a reflection of the<br />

Trinity in the Sun-Monad. (These heads are the Monad, Higher Self and Lower Self.) The<br />


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