Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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About 1200 A.D. the Incas established their culture centred on Cuzco. Known as the Four<br />

Regions the kingdom was based on the mandala pattern. The ancestors of the Incas, four<br />

brothers and four sisters were said to have emerged from the cave of Pakari-tambo. These<br />

eight are similar to the Ogdoads of the<br />

Gnostics and Egyptians.<br />

The state religion was based on the worship of the Sun at Coricancha, centre of the four<br />

quarters of the sacred city of Cuzco. The son of the Sun god was Manco Capac who<br />

emerged from the cave (of Capricorn, the rock tomb).<br />

The Tapirape tribe were said to live at the bottom of a lake (the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces)<br />

until the light of the Sun (in Aries) reached them. They followed the rays (the seven<br />

Rays) and came to Earth. They met a serpent (the energies of Fohat) who told them they<br />

could not return to the lake.<br />

The Caraja-Javaheh tribes (Jahweh) have a god called Ra-Ra-Tse-Ca (the Sun god Ra of<br />

Egypt). The Javaheh tribe were earlier named the Iaveh (Io-Yah) and had a god Arara-<br />

Reis and a goddess Awawe Nuna. (Nun is the Cosmic Ocean.) Reis is the Semitic word<br />

for king or prince.<br />

The Aztec Mandala (A)<br />

The four directions of space related to the gods are:<br />


GOD<br />

North<br />

Tezcatlipoca<br />

Winter<br />

East<br />

South<br />

Chalchihuitlicue<br />

Spring<br />

Tlaloc<br />

Darkness<br />

Water<br />


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