Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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Osiris Dismembered.<br />

The Eye of Horus<br />

Geb as Saturn-Cronos transferred his powers to Osiris (the Seat of the Eye) at Abydos,<br />

the cult centre. His brother Set attempted to destroy Osiris by enclosing him in a chest<br />

(ark) and placing it in the river (emanation of spiritual energies). This refers to the<br />

descent of the Monad into incarnation.<br />

Isis finds Osiris (the Sun Monad in Aries) at a sycamore tree (the Aries-Libra axis of the<br />

spine).<br />

Seth retrieves the body of Osiris and cuts it into 14 pieces. (The polar opposites of the<br />

seven planes through which the Monad must fall into incarnation. Isis again finds the<br />

pieces except for the phallus. She gives birth to Horus (Christ) who loses an eye (his<br />

spiritual vision) (cf. Odin ed.) to Set (the Lower Self) by falling into incarnation.<br />

The gods request Set to return the eye. Horus gives the eye ("third eye" in the forehead)<br />

to Osiris who wears it as the serpent uraeus on his forehead. This is a physiological fact<br />

and not a myth. The divine serpent is kundalini in the spine of each individual. The<br />

Egyptian knowledge of man's spiritual anatomy<br />

was well in advance of the present primitive psychological knowledge (See Shafica<br />

Karagulla's book, Breakthrough to Creativity.) possessed by us in the twentieth century.<br />

Isis (The Great Mother)<br />

Isis is the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is part of the great Egyptian triad.<br />

The veil of Isis is the gate of the Mandala between Pisces (the Great Sea) and Aries (the<br />

first point of manifestation). She was worshipped by these names:<br />

Our Lady<br />


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