Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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Apollo and Artemis, Children of Zeus and Leto<br />

Apollo was born on the island of Ortygia (quail) renamed Delos (brilliant). The sacred<br />

swans (the form Zeus took to mate Leto) circled the island seven times. (This depicts the<br />

descent of the Sun-Monad as Apollo through the seven planes to the physical island.) The<br />

swans took Apollo to the northern Hyperboreans (Second Root Race prior to the<br />

Lemurians). He came back to Greece and found Delphi guarded by the great serpent<br />

Python which he slew. The eight-yearly festival at Delphi celebrated the<br />

purification rites connected with the cycle of the Soul into and out of incarnation. The<br />

figure 8 on its side is the lemniscate or symbol of the Soul cycle, and is related to Saturn<br />

as the Initiator of the Mysteries.<br />

Apollo's love for Daphne is the love of the Monad for the Soul (Daphne) who becomes a<br />

laurel tree (the Aries-Libra axis of the spine) adopted as the symbol of Apollo.<br />

As a god of music he plays the seven-stringed lyre. Each string is related to one of the<br />

Seven Rays through which the Sun-Monad (Apollo) descends through the Tree (Daphne<br />

the Soul) to incarnation. The fight with the Serpent-Python represents the desire nature of<br />

the Lower Self.<br />

Artemis (The Divine Mother) Sister of Apollo<br />

Artemis is described as a virgin and protector of women in childbirth. She killed Orion,<br />

who was in love with Opis (the virgin Soul), by sending a scorpion to sting him in the<br />

heel.<br />

The scorpion is the astrological sign Scorpio which is related to the desire - mind of man.<br />

In the Bible it stings the heel of Adam but the power of the Soul can bruise its head by<br />

changing Scorpio into Virgo. The astrological psychology of the individual is as follows:<br />




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