Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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Mother, who is Venus exalted in Pisces, the Cosmic Sea of emanation. All matter<br />

contains a fragment of her life and love. (In humans Pisces reflects<br />

the Turks. In<br />

Hindu mythology Uma is Parvati, wife of Shiva or Saturn-Cronos. As ruler of Capricorn<br />

he controls<br />

emanation into the Great Sea of Pisces (the Virgin Mother).<br />

The Mother expands through 99 tengri (the 100 or 10 planes from Aries to Capricorn)<br />

and through 77 layers (the seven subdivisions of the Seven Planes). Ymai in Pisces is<br />

related to the fire of Aries.<br />

Finland (A)<br />

The creation myths relate to the eagle (Fohat in Aquarius) seeking dry land to lay the<br />

cosmic egg. The egg is laid on the knee (ruled by Saturn-Cronos as Capricorn) of a<br />

sorcerer (Saturn). The egg falls into the waters (Cosmic Sea of Pisces) when the sorcerer<br />

stirs (when emanation commences from Capricorn into Pisces). From the egg come:<br />

(a) Stars. The Star-Monads in Aries.<br />

(b) Sun. The Higher Self or Solar Triad.<br />

(c) Moon. The Lower Self or Lunar Triad.<br />

The Yuraks have a god Num. (The Egyptian Nun is the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces.) Num<br />

sends out birds, like Noah, to find dry land. (The black birds, crows, or ravens are<br />

symbols of Saturn-Cronos in Capricorn.)<br />

One dwarf-hero (Purusha, the dwarf artificer-smith in Aries) finds the Stars, Sun and<br />

Moon buried in a mountain (the rock-tomb of Capricorn). He liberates them and throws a<br />

drop of water which becomes the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces. Then he throws a stone<br />

(symbol of Saturn-Capricorn) which becomes the Mountain (of Aries). The giant (Saturn)<br />

who threatens the hero lives in the darkness of the North (the Winter Solstice of 22<br />

December which is Capricorn ruled by Saturn).<br />


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