Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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There are fifty daughters of Danaus and fifty sons of his brother Aegyptus. These fifty<br />

sons and daughters (7 x 7 = 49, + 1) had to marry but Hypermnestra alone refused to kill<br />

her husband on the orders of Danaus. The other 49 were punished in the underworld.<br />

(This refers to the spiritual life energies descending through the seven planes. The 49 had<br />

to pour water, the energies, into a bottomless<br />

vase representing the physical plane.)<br />

Similarly, there are said to be fifty companions of Jason on the Argo to seek the golden<br />

fleece (the Ram of Aries from which the process of manifestation begins). The fleece<br />

hangs on the oak tree - a symbol of the Aries-Libra axis, or spine in man.<br />

The Origins of Perseus<br />

From the source, Io, came Danaus with his 50 (7 x 7 = 49, + 1) daughters representing the<br />

planes and their sub-planes through which the Monad must descend. They marry the 50<br />

sons of Aegyptus (polarities) and 49 (7 x 7) of the sons are killed (descend).<br />

Hypermnestra spares her husband Lynceus<br />

from whom descend the Argive kings. Lynceus represents the Monad, and from him<br />

come the Gemini twins of Proteus and Acrisius. They fought each other and Proteus fled<br />

to Lycia (descended into manifestation). Acrisius ruled Argos and Proteus founded<br />

Tiryns, so the kingdom was divided. (This is the same division of Egypt into the Upper<br />

and Lower Kingdoms related to the Higher and Lower Selves in each individual.)<br />

Zeus visited Danae and she gave birth to Perseus. Fearing death from Perseus Acrisius set<br />

his daughter Danae and Perseus afloat in a coffer (as happened to the body of Isiris and<br />

Moses). They were found by a fisherman and taken to Polydectes who fell in love with<br />

Danae. Perseus offered him the trophy of the Gorgon's head and Athena and Hermes<br />

agreed to help Perseus obtain it. (Athena as Venus rules Libra,<br />

the Higher Mind. Hermes as Mercury rules Virgo. Hermes-Aphrodite or Venus-Athena<br />

represents the whole man with the unified spiritual powers of the Higher Mind and<br />

Intuition.)<br />

The Gorgon, whose glance can turn men to stone, depicts the undisciplined powers of the<br />

Lower Self. These powers can kill or deaden the Soul until it responds to the promptings<br />

of Intuition.<br />


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