Progressively Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization ...

Progressively Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization ...

Progressively Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization ...


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F2<br />

0<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.6<br />

−0.8<br />

−1<br />

−2 −1.8 −1.6 −1.4<br />

F1<br />

−1.2 −1 −0.8<br />

Figure 11: Final archive solutions for<br />

problemTP1.<br />

F2<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.6<br />

−0.8<br />

−1<br />

−2 −1.8 −1.6 −1.4<br />

F1<br />

−1.2 −1 −0.8<br />

Figure 12: Attainment surfaces(0%, 50%<br />

and100%)forproblemTP1from21runs.<br />

Theattainment surfacesobtainedforthe archivesolutions over21runs areshown<br />

in Figure 12. All three surfaces are so close to each other that they are difficult to be<br />

distinguished from one another. This indicates the robustness of the procedure. The<br />

hypervolume values are computed after normalizing the upper level objective values<br />

bytheirminimumandmaximumvalues. Thehypervolumesforthe0%,50%and100%<br />

attainment surfaces are 0.3583, 0.3678 and 0.3700, respectively. The difference in the<br />

hypervolume valueover 21runs is only about 3%.<br />

In order to investigate the effect of Nu on the performance of the algorithm, next,<br />

we use different Nu values but maintain an identical termination criteria. Figure 13<br />

showsthefunctionevaluationsneededforlower(includingthelocalsearch)andupper<br />

level optimization tasks for different Nu values ranging from40 to 200. It is clear from<br />

the figure that a population size of Nu = 60 (which we used in Figures 11 and 12)<br />

performsthe best, onanaverage,inbothlower and upperleveloptimization tasks.<br />

6.2 ProblemTP2<br />

The second test problem has n = 15 variables. Thus, we use Nu = 300. Figure 14<br />

shows the final archivepopulation of atypical run. The attainment surfaceplot inFigure15showsthattheproposedalgorithmisfairlyrobustinall21differentsimulations.<br />

The algorithm finds an almost an identical front close to the true Pareto-optimal front<br />

in multiple runs. The hypervolumes for the obtained attainment surfaces are 0.8561,<br />

0.8582 and 0.8589, making a maximum difference of 0.3% only. A comparison of our<br />

currentlocal searchbasedalgorithm with our previously proposedBLEMOprocedure<br />

(SinhaandDeb,2009)intermsofanerrormeasure(asdiscussedforproblemTP1)from<br />

the exact Pareto-optimal solutions indicates a smaller error for our current approach.<br />

Despite the use of 15 variables here, as opposed to 7 variables used in the previous<br />

study, the error in the current approach is 7.920 × 10 −6 , compared to 11.158 × 10 −6 in<br />

the previous study. In terms of the median performance, H-BLEMO requires 338,232<br />

function evaluations for the 15-variableproblem, as opposed to 771,404function evaluations<br />

needed by our previous approach (Sinha and Deb, 2009) on a seven-variable<br />

versionof the problem.<br />


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