Miscellaneous Transcripts 1513-1770 (336KB PDF) - Dundee City ...

Miscellaneous Transcripts 1513-1770 (336KB PDF) - Dundee City ...

Miscellaneous Transcripts 1513-1770 (336KB PDF) - Dundee City ...


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Eigisimo Primo Januiarie 1588<br />

To Remember On tyesday next to Crave the Dekynis adviss and consent to the rouping of ye<br />

heick buithis under ye Tollbuith for Maist Zearlie feumail relevig ye sam of the burdig of £1 lib<br />

p’ntile yrupon and volting yre Sam Sufficientlie.<br />

Septimo Die Aprilis 1589<br />

The Counsall of ye said Burt being convenet wtin the Counsall hous his dioysed yt void place<br />

at the bak of the weyhous in St Clements kirk yard to be ye maist umodious plaice qrupon to<br />

big ane comaine Schole – ordaining ye sam to be biggit wt all gudlie diligece – and his<br />

appoynted John Barss master of ye Wark &c.<br />

Vigisimo Nono Aprilis and Dei 1589<br />

Anent the t’me assignit to ye dekyne & M’rs of the Baxter Craft to p’duce ye reasonis quhy yai<br />

aucht not to subscryve ye letter gratit be ye Maltmen for yr contributioun to ye Minister<br />

Stipend.<br />

Compearid the Deacon of the said Craft who objeted to being stented to more than the part<br />

they already paid along with the Crafts under Dekynrie and swa can not be subject to the Vyr<br />

&c<br />

The same was protested Against by the hail Deacons in support of the objectein made by the<br />

Baxters – which was replied to by Baillie Alex Scryemizuer that the same was of No<br />

Consequence “because ye haill of ye estait of yis burt Merchandis & Maryners arcaiss yai<br />

handle not Malt ar subicit to the contributiounis desyrit not wtstanding yt yai pay of y rpairtis of<br />

yr ain contributionis Lyck as the Craftsmen under Dekynrie quha traffiques in Merchandice<br />

payis as weil to the gildes Contribution as to the Crafts – And that the grounds of the objectun<br />

offered was nae Admissible because that the Contributien craved is New.”<br />

Decimo Quarto Julie 1589<br />

An act of Parliament imposing a collectun of ten pennies on every ten bolls of malt and<br />

agreed to by the Craftsmen of the burgh under Dekynrie and approven of to be uplifted they<br />

taking burden upon themselves for their hail bretheren and the said ten pennies to be uplifted<br />

universaly off the hail inhabitants upon all malt they shall happen to make during the lifetime<br />

and Service of Mr James Robertson Minister and to indure no longer. And therupon appointed<br />

David Tindal Deacon of the Baxters collector of the same – directing him to pay to the<br />

Minister of the Hospital of the burt appointed to pay the said Stipend the sum of twelve merks<br />

mony yearly at twa times in the zeir by equal portions and that in full of all that can be cravet<br />

of the Craftsmen of the said Contribution on Malt Made by them for their own behoofs or what<br />

they may make to other persons – Stating that the above Act or Agreement is not in any<br />

Manner derogatory or prejudicial to the Ancient liberties and privilidges or touching the same<br />

under any colour or pretext without yr awine Speciall advyce & consent to gewine yrto as<br />

Special Mitenis of the common wail accordig to the Auld laudable Actis maid yr anent.<br />

Decimo Nono die Mensis Sept’ber 1589<br />

Quhilk day the Baillies Counsell and Dekyanes of Crafts of ye burt of <strong>Dundee</strong> being convenit<br />

wtin ye Counsall hous yrof gratis yame wt Comane Consent to have Borrowit and Ressavit fra<br />

ye hands of Walter Man, baillie of ye said burt & collector of the schoirsylvor yrof of the<br />

sowme of an hund’d libs money of Scotland of ye said Schoirsylvor being in his hands<br />

“Ableging themselves and successers to refund the same betwix the dait & fastrenesewine<br />

next. “And for ye mair swir paymet yrof consintis yt Ye said Sowme be lifted of ye hail<br />

Inhabitants of yis burt be Taxatioun & Stent & ye taxters be Noiat yrto – Zropene ye said Wm<br />

Asket”<br />

Decimo Septimo du Decembries 1589<br />

8<br />


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