Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) voor de ... - NNVO

Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) voor de ... - NNVO

Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) voor de ... - NNVO


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.3 Vaar door naar <strong>de</strong> nood ankerplaats.<br />

.4 Houdt vrij van .../ vermijdt ... .<br />

.5 U heeft toestemming<br />

~ om <strong>de</strong> verkeersbaan / route binnen te varen -<br />

~ om <strong>de</strong> verkeersbaan / route binnen te varen in positie … om<br />

… UTC.<br />

.6 U moet het meldingspunt … niet eer<strong>de</strong>r passeren dan … UTC.<br />

.7 Meld u bij het volgen<strong>de</strong> waypoint / waypoint … om … UTC.<br />

.8 U moet aankomen bij waypoint … om … UTC – uw ligplaats is<br />

vrij.<br />

.9 U moet niet vóór / na … UTC aankomen in positie … .<br />

.10 U heeft stroom mee / tegen.<br />

.3.2 Ankeren<br />

.1 U moet ankeren<br />

~ om … UTC.<br />

~ totdat <strong>de</strong> loods komt.<br />

~ in een an<strong>de</strong>re positie.<br />

~ vrij van het vaarwater.<br />

.2 Ga niet ten anker in positie ... .<br />

.3 Ankeren is verbo<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

.6 U moet anker op gaan.<br />

.7 U ligt ten anker in <strong>de</strong> verkeer<strong>de</strong> positie.<br />

.8 Houdt uw bemanning stand by om anker op te gaan wanneer <strong>de</strong><br />

loods aan boord komt.<br />

.9 U heeft toestemming om te ankeren (om … UTC)<br />

~ in positie ... .<br />

~ totdat <strong>de</strong> loods komt.<br />

~ totdat <strong>de</strong> sleepboten komen.<br />

~ todat er voldoen<strong>de</strong> water staat.<br />

.10 U verspert het vaarwater / an<strong>de</strong>r verkeer.<br />

.11 Krabt uw anker / sleept uw anker?<br />

.3 Proceed to the emergency anchorage.<br />

.4 Keep clear of .../ avoid ... .<br />

.5 You have permission<br />

~ to enter the traffic lane / route - traffic clearance granted.<br />

~ to enter traffic lane / route in position ... at ... UTC.<br />

.6 Do not pass the reporting point ... until ... UTC.<br />

.7 Report at the next waypoint / waypoint ... / at ... UTC.<br />

.8 You must arrive at way point ... at ... UTC - your berth is clear.<br />

.9 Do not arrive in position ... before / after ... UTC.<br />

.10 The ti<strong>de</strong> is with you / against you.<br />

.3.2 Anchoring<br />

.1 You must anchor<br />

~ at ... UTC.<br />

~ until the pilot arrives.<br />

~ in a different position.<br />

~ clear of fairway.<br />

.2 Do not anchor in position ... .<br />

.3 Anchoring is prohibited.<br />

.6 You must heave up anchor.<br />

.7 You are at anchor in a wrong position.<br />

.8 Have your crew on stand by for heaving up anchor when the pilot<br />

embarks.<br />

.9 You have permission to anchor (at ... UTC)<br />

~ in position ... .<br />

~ until the pilot arrives.<br />

~ until the tugs arrive.<br />

~ until sufficient water.<br />

.10 You are obstructing the fairway / other traffic.<br />

.11 Are you dragging / dredging anchor?<br />

MODULE: <strong>SMCP</strong>/NL-ENG © <strong>NNVO</strong><br />

Versie: september 2002<br />

Pagina: 48 van 61

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