Projects - Cengage Learning

Projects - Cengage Learning

Projects - Cengage Learning


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Appendix C C-75<br />


Vector Algebra Using Vector Geometry<br />

In the previous section we defined vectors and vector addition geometrically<br />

and showed that vector addition is commutative, that is, if u and v are vectors<br />

then u v v u. What happens if we want to add three vectors? Let u, v,<br />

and w be vectors. How should we define the sum u v w? Addition was<br />

defined for two vectors at a time. That leads to two possible “groupings” of the<br />

three terms. We might add u and v first, then add w to their sum. In symbols we<br />

write (u v) w, where the parentheses are grouping symbols, as in algebra,<br />

indicating what operation is done first. Alternatively we might add v and w<br />

first, then add their sum to u. In symbols we write u (v w). Of course, we<br />

would like (u v) w to equal u (v w). If this is true, then we can write<br />

the sum u v w without ambiguity.<br />

Exercise 1 Draw three distinct (unequal) vectors u, v, and w. Use the definition<br />

of vector addition to compute (u v) w and u (v w). Convince<br />

yourself that the resulting sums are equal. So we have<br />

(u v) w u (v w) (1)<br />

the associative property of vector addition.<br />

Now we want to define a vector with the property that when we add it to any<br />

vector v, it leaves v unchanged. This new vector is called the zero vector, denoted<br />

O. So<br />

v O v (2)<br />

According to equation (2), the zero vector is a vector with no direction and<br />

whose magnitude is zero. It can be shown that the zero vector is unique, that is,<br />

O is the only vector with the property that v O v for all vectors v.<br />

Exercise 2 Explain why the zero vector must have no direction and have<br />

magnitude zero.<br />

The next exercise provides a motivation for a definition of the multiplication<br />

of a vector by a positive real number.<br />

Exercise 3 Draw a nonzero vector v. Then draw the vector v v. What are<br />

the direction and magnitude of v v?<br />

On the basis of Exercise 3 it is natural to call the vector v v, 2v, that is,<br />

v v 2v. Similarly, for any positive real number k the vector kv is defined<br />

to be the vector with the same direction as v and whose magnitude is k times<br />

the magnitude of v. In symbols, 0 kv k v .<br />

Now start with a nonzero vector v. Consider a new vector with the “opposite”<br />

direction of v and the same magnitude as v. By opposite direction we<br />

mean that this new vector is represented by an arrow whose initial point is the<br />

terminal point of v and whose terminal point is the initial point of v. This vector<br />

is called the opposite of v, denoted v. Clearly, given v, the vector v is<br />


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