FEIS Summary - Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority

FEIS Summary - Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority

FEIS Summary - Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority


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<strong>Knik</strong> <strong>Arm</strong> Crossing Final EIS<br />

<strong>Summary</strong><br />

Exhibit S-24. Mitigation Measures <strong>and</strong> Commitments for the Recommended Alternative (continued)<br />

EIS<br />

section<br />

Environmental Conseq uences<br />

section title<br />

4.8 Impacts on the Natural Environment<br />

Mitigation Measures <strong>and</strong> Commitments<br />

4.8.1 Impacts on Surface Water Resources<br />

Water Bodies (lakes, streams, ponds) <strong>and</strong><br />

Water Quality<br />

KABATA or its contractors will develop an Erosion <strong>and</strong> Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) to meet Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) <strong>and</strong> USEPA requirements of the Clean Water Act. The<br />

ESCP will be prepared by a registered engineer <strong>and</strong> included in the contract plan set.<br />

• The ESCP will become the basis of the USEPA Notice of Intent <strong>and</strong> the contractor’s SWPPP, which will be implemented during project construction to minimize soil disturbance.<br />

• The ESCP will direct contractors to reduce construction impacts, particularly those impacts that would result in destabilization of adjacent slopes <strong>and</strong> in possible siltation.<br />

The following mitigation measures will be undertaken to limit sediment disturbance from construction activities:<br />

• BMP erosion <strong>and</strong> sediment control measures, such as furrow ditches, check dams, <strong>and</strong> detention basins, will be used, as appropriate.<br />

• To protect critical areas around freshwater bodies <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong>s sites from potential exposure to sediment plumes, appropriate BMPs will be employed that allow passage of water but capture sediment.<br />

• Erosion will be reduced during <strong>and</strong> after construction by seeding cut <strong>and</strong> fill slopes as soon as practically possible with both fast-growing annual species (to establish a root mass) <strong>and</strong> with native species (for<br />

long-term growth <strong>and</strong> soil stabilization).<br />

The contractor shall comply with USEPA’s General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities, including preparing <strong>and</strong> implementing a detailed SWPPP. The SWPPP will be prepared by a<br />

registered engineer to direct the contractors’ efforts to minimize construction impacts on water quality <strong>and</strong> it would be implemented <strong>and</strong> adjusted during project construction. The plan will describe BMPs<br />

developed in accordance with ADOT&PF’s Alaska Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Guide <strong>and</strong> USEPA’s Stormwater Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution <strong>and</strong> Prevention Plans <strong>and</strong><br />

Best Management Practices.<br />

Impacts to water quality will also be minimized through the use of BMPs that minimize erosion, temporary water quality impacts from construction activities, <strong>and</strong> the introduction of suspended sediment <strong>and</strong><br />

siltation.<br />

BMPs that will be employed include:<br />

• Coarse rock rubble to stabilize toes of slopes at ponds <strong>and</strong> stream crossings to prevent the erosion of fine-grained material into adjacent waters <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

• Roadside swales designed to detain surface water to allow sediment-laden water to clear before being discharged to adjacent wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> waters.<br />

Construction-related BMPs that will be employed include:<br />

• Clearly demarcating clearing limits prior to construction to ensure impacts are confined within the project footprint near water bodies <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> within 20 feet of the footprint in other areas.<br />

• Performing regular visual inspections of all slopes to monitor for slope erosion.<br />

• Locating all fueling, <strong>and</strong> equipment-servicing operations at least 100 feet away from all streams <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

• Having spill-response equipment readily available <strong>and</strong> ensuring that construction personnel are trained in spill response to contain accidental leaks of oil or fuel from construction equipment.<br />

All roads will be designed to maintain existing surface water courses <strong>and</strong> will incorporate grass-lined ditches <strong>and</strong> swales. In areas where curb-<strong>and</strong>-gutter storm drains would be required, enclosed collection systems<br />

will be incorporated to minimize the effects of runoff. Alterations to surface drainage <strong>and</strong> hydrology that could adversely affect nearby water bodies will be avoided or minimized through incorporation of<br />

appropriately designed, sized, <strong>and</strong> placed culverts under the roadway.<br />

KABATA will hold meetings with the construction contractor <strong>and</strong> agencies to ensure implementation of mitigation commitments.<br />

The drainage design of the road through Government Hill will incorporate all feasible measures to detain water on site or in other designated areas <strong>and</strong> to avoid direct routing of stormwater to creeks.<br />

The KAC project will incorporate a clear-span structure to cross Ship Creek.<br />

All required permits <strong>and</strong> agency approvals will be obtained prior to construction, <strong>and</strong> any permit stipulations will be incorporated into the construction contract specifications. All applicable state <strong>and</strong> federal<br />

permit conditions will be adhered to throughout the construction stage.<br />

Marine Hydrology<br />

In 2007, KABATA conducted supplemental field studies, reconfigured the hydrologic model, <strong>and</strong> gathered additional information on <strong>Knik</strong> <strong>Arm</strong> marine hydrology. This information was submitted to the USACE.<br />

KABATA will continue to coordinate with the USACE during the design <strong>and</strong> permitting phase of the project.<br />

Exhibit S-24 Mitigation Measures <strong>and</strong> Committments<br />

(continued on next page)<br />


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