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'<br />

. . . K.<br />

was<br />

. United<br />


for<br />

BUREAU<br />


iollment form for free information<br />



Brun! Bivd<br />

._,. Ji!y ;-J Mo<br />

atl«m«n:<br />

1-27-58<br />

1- •nroU us in your RESEARCH BUREAU<br />

Acoustica<br />

Air<br />

Coadiliooing<br />

Aictut*ctural<br />

'Black<br />

Lighting<br />

Building Material<br />

Carpet*<br />

Com Machines<br />

vion regularly, as released, on<br />

rts lor Theatre Planning:<br />

Serric*<br />

Complete Remodeling<br />

Decorating<br />

Dnnk Dispenser*<br />

Dhve-In Equipment<br />

G Lighting Fixtures<br />

Plumbing Fixture*<br />

Projector*<br />

Projection<br />

Seating<br />

Lamps<br />

[Z Sign* and Marquee*<br />

Sound Equipment<br />

Telerieion<br />

Theatre Front*<br />

Vending EquipcnenI<br />


p.iinlrrr Cuunly" prrmlrrrd (or colorrd putruiiuKc<br />

ot United Thcatrus Clnboii here<br />

to full hou»e>. tJiref prrformniu-e.s dully . . .<br />

Ellii Kuziiii. the producer-director, wits In<br />

town one duy on un undlscluM-d mLvslon<br />

Hiizel Dule Ls Uie new Inspector ut Stevens<br />

Pictures Ella Tate, uho of Stevens. sUll Is<br />

confined to u lociU hos-pltal wlUi n broken<br />

leK. which she suffered In u full In her New<br />

Il>erUi hoine two month.s before Chrlstmn><br />

Siie was recently lrnn>ferred from tin- N'«-u<br />

Iberia Hospital to Charity here.<br />

Kxhlbltors seen In town Included Joseph<br />

Burcelonii. Btiton Hhukc H. E. Hook. Hook<br />

. . .<br />

. . Russell<br />

Tlieatre-s. Allceville. Alu., iind P. O. Prat Jr ,<br />

The<br />

Prat-Aucoln Theatres. Vachcrle<br />

Oloster. Oloster. MLss . reopened by J. J.<br />

Warren on a 90-day trial basLs, with an option<br />

lo buy the property. Warren also owns<br />

and operates the Fair In Centervllle. Miss.<br />

L. Stepheiis has taken over operation<br />

of the Village at Bonlta. La.<br />

Callen. who handled the buying and booking<br />

for the Tchula. Tchula. Miss., advised the<br />

trade through Transway that the G. M.<br />

Bennets ceased operation.<br />

Roy Lombardo, dispatcher at Transway<br />

who returned to work a few days ago after<br />

a week's stay at home wltli the flu. was home<br />

again after a relap.se . . . Addle AddLson was<br />

back from a European Jaunt lining up publicity-exploitation<br />

for two UA films. "Paths<br />

of Glory" and "Witness for the Prcsecutlon."<br />

Ix>th booked at Loew's State.<br />

"Whewl" exclaimed the crowd of passengers<br />

and employes al Moisant airport when Jayne<br />

Mansfield and hubby Mickey Hargltay<br />

stepped Into the terminal on a 15-minute<br />

stopover en route from Dallas to Miami on<br />

their hone>Tnoon. Work and everything else<br />

seemed to be forgotten as they crowded<br />

around the couple at every step and turn<br />

shouting for autographs, a touch of her and<br />

her snazzy white mink coat and a glimpse<br />

of her sparkling rock. "Hot Dlggety! Oh. my<br />

(o.ihl Hubbu, Hubba." echoed and re-echoed<br />

the entire length and breadth of the airport<br />

building<br />

Variety tent nutex: A general memberihlp<br />

inertliig L% on tub for February 3 ut the clubrooms<br />

A Valentine tuul MurdI OrlL^ mu.squerade<br />

party U> .slated lor February 15 The<br />

auxiliary and friends will huve a sporting<br />

time on February 6 ut "Ijidles Duy at the<br />

Races" . Tliratn-s clwied (or good<br />

the nelghtwrhood Onuiuda and Happyland<br />

Tlu-ulres. and installed a 30-foot wldescreen<br />

In the Prytanla.<br />

Hard-Ticket Policy Set<br />

For 'Arms' in Atlanta<br />

ATLANTA Paramount - Wiiby - Kincey<br />

executives have decided on a reserved -seat,<br />

hard-ticket policy (or the engagement of<br />

David O. Selznlck's "A Farewell to Arms"<br />

when the 20th-Fox picture opens at the Roxy<br />

Tlieatre Thursday c30> It will play two<br />

matinee shows each day and a single evening<br />

per(ormance.<br />

The decision was reached after con(erences<br />

l)etween James H. Harrl-son o( Wllby-Klncey<br />

Theatres and 20th-Fox executives. It will be<br />

the first hard-ticket plan (or the picture.<br />

The New York Roxy Is (ollowlng a reserved<br />

policy (or Its mezzanine alone.<br />

The engagement o( "Around the World<br />

In 80 Dai's" ended Wednesday (22) a(ter a<br />

31 -week run to permit relurblshlng o( the<br />

theatre for the Selznick picture.<br />

Screenplays 'Sundowners'<br />

HOLi,VWooL> Oii ..Miiioui iioiii MGM.<br />

Isobel Lennart has been set at Warner Bros<br />

to wTlte the screenplay o( 'The Sundowners,"<br />

the Gary Cooper. DeboraJi Kerr starrer which<br />

FYed Zlnnemann will direct under his own<br />

production banner. Miss Lennart Just completed<br />

another loanout chore— the screenplay<br />

of 20th-Foxs "Inn of the Sixth Happiness."<br />

Other SubiecU<br />

Mire<br />

I<br />

ttng Capacity<br />

FIGHT<br />

HEART<br />


tfreu<br />

T<br />

Signe-:!<br />

to^c pc>d 'epiy cords tor your furttlcr convenience<br />

ibfotaie^ infonMOtioii art provided in TK« MODERN<br />

lATIE Section peblitked with the firit it«u« o<<br />

fc<br />

month<br />

BOxorncE January 37. 19M SE-7

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