1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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A recent event in the political scenario has been the re t i re m e n t<br />

of Sir Ketumile Masire, who has held the country ’s pre s i d e n c y<br />

for a period of 18 years and whose political career stre t c h e s<br />

over 32 ye a r s . He has been succeeded by former Finance<br />

Minister and Vice Pre s i d e n t ,Mr Festus Mogae, who will re m a i n<br />

as head of state until the next elections.<br />

The financial district of Gaborone.<br />

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N<br />

G e og r ap hy and Po p u l a t i o n<br />

B o t swana is a landlocked country, b o rd e red by A n gola and<br />

Z a m b i a ,N a m i b i a ,Mozambique and South A f r i c a ,with an area of<br />

about 585,000 km 2 .The Kalahari desert occupies most parts of<br />

the country and the population is re l a t i ve ly rural, but growth in<br />

urbanization has also been incre a s i n g . Languages spoken in<br />

B o t swana are Setswana and English, and the capital city is<br />

G a b o ro n e. B o t swana has a population of ap p rox i m a t e ly 1.5m<br />

(1997 estimate).<br />

B o t swana is ranked 97 on the UNDP’s HDI 1 ) (1997) out of 175<br />

c o u n t r i e s ,a c h i eving a place in the medium development range.<br />

This ranking is the third-highest in the SADC countries, b e h i n d<br />

Mauritius (61) and South Africa (90).<br />

Political Ove rv i ew<br />

Since independence the political system in Botswana has been<br />

based on a stable mu l t i - p a rty democracy with a bicameral<br />

p a r l i a m e n t a ry system. The two houses of parliament consist of<br />

the House of Chiefs (a 15-member council serving as advisor to<br />

the President) and the <strong>National</strong> A s s e m b ly (a 44-member<br />

a s s e m b ly, with 40 of its members elected by popular vote and<br />

the remaining 4 appointed by the majority part y ) . The Pre s i d e n t<br />

is elected by the legislature.<br />

The Botswana Democratic Party has remained the dominant<br />

political part y, dating back to independence.A number of other<br />

p a rties exist, and constitute the opposition. The main<br />

opposition party is the Botswana <strong>National</strong> Front with other<br />

political players being the Botswana Pe o p l e ’s Part y, t h e<br />

Independent Freedom Part y, and the Botswana Political Union.<br />

1) The ranking is based on life expectancy at birt h , adult literacy, c o m b i n e d<br />

p r i m a ry, s e c o n d a ry and tert i a ry education enrolment ratio and adjusted re a l<br />

GDP per cap i t a .<br />

Sectoral Description<br />

After South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo,<br />

B o t swana is now the third largest African mineral pro d u c e r.T h e<br />

p roduction of diamonds continues to play a prime role in the<br />

e c o n o my as the country ’s biggest earner of fo reign exchange.<br />

Other significant minerals produced include copper- n i c ke l ,s o d a<br />

ash and coal, as well as small quantities of go l d .<br />

L i vestock pro d u c t i o n , m a i n ly cattle farming, is the other<br />

cornerstone of Botsw a n a ’s economy. In an attempt to limit the<br />

dependence on this industry the government is seeking to<br />

s t i mulate the diversification of agricultural pro d u c t i o n .<br />

U n f avourable climatic conditions have become a limiting factor<br />

in the growing of cro p s , hence sorghum is naturally the most<br />

arable crop due to its drought resilient characteristics.<br />

The performance of the industrial sector has in the past been<br />

c o n s t r a i n e d ,to a certain extent, by a limited domestic marke t ,a<br />

lack of an adequate pool of managerial personnel and by<br />

competition from South A f r i c a .N eve rt h e l e s s ,e x p o rts of nontraditional<br />

products have grown significantly in recent ye a r s .<br />

H oweve r, vast opportunities remain untapped in sectors such as<br />

food pro c e s s i n g , e l e c t ronics equipment, t e x t i l e s , and the<br />

m a nu f a c t u re of soda ash pro d u c t s .<br />

C o n t i nued stability and improving infrastructure in the country<br />

should enhance tourism’s position as another import a n t<br />

reve nue earner for Botsw a n a . Major attractions include the<br />

O k av a n go Delta, the Kalahari Game Reserve, M a k g a d i k g a d i<br />

P a n s ,Chobe <strong>National</strong> Park and the Tuli Block.<br />

I n f r a s t r u c t u re<br />

In spite of Botsw a n a ’s arid climate, 93 percent of the population<br />

h ave access to safe water, and 55 percent have adequate<br />

s a n i t a t i o n ,a c c o rding to the 1997 UNDP Human Deve l o p m e n t<br />

R e p o rt . The first phase of the USD300m North-South Wa t e r<br />

C a rrier Project was completed in October 1997. The whole<br />

p roject will be completed in 1999. Some electricity is pro d u c e d<br />

by Botswana and the rest is imported from South A f r i c a ,Z a m b i a<br />

and Namibia.<br />

B o t swana has a we l l - d eveloped air and road transport a t i o n<br />

n e t wo r k . T h e re are five international airport s , situated in<br />

G a b o ro n e, F r a n c i s t ow n ,K a s a n e, S e l e b i - P h i k we and Maun. T h e<br />

c o u n t ry ’s road network extends over 8,700km, and the<br />

government has allocated over BWP200m for the construction<br />

of roads in <strong>1998</strong>/99. S a fety and protection on the roads is<br />

governed by the Road Traffic A c t ,with the Road and Tr a n s p o rt<br />

Act enabling the regulation of passenger transport and haulage.<br />

The telecommunications sector has been undergo i n g<br />


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