1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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N A M I B I A<br />

In the meantime, n e gotiations with potential financiers are<br />

u n d e r w ay in an attempt to satisfy the financing re q u i rements of<br />

the pro j e c t . The targeted development will enhance the port ’s<br />

c apacity and reposition it as an ‘emerging transit point’ on the<br />

West Coast.<br />

P r i v a t i s a t i o n<br />

The process of privatising state assets in Namibia has been go i n g<br />

on for the last three ye a r s .The Namibian authorities have opted<br />

for a gradual pro c e s s ,meaning that initially there will be a hivingoff<br />

of non-core functions with the intention of operating the<br />

enterprises on a pure ly commercial basis. In essence, t h e<br />

c o m m e rcialisation programme should entail the conversion of<br />

w h o l ly - owned government enterprises into semi-ow n e d<br />

p a r a s t a t a l s .The guidelines of the process are laid down in a draft<br />

Cabinet memorandum.<br />

I N V E S T M E N T C L I M A T E<br />

I nvestment Incentives<br />

To encourage investment into Namibia the government offe r s<br />

tax and non-tax incentives to fo reign inve s t o r s ,with an emphasis<br />

on export-oriented manu f a c t u r i n g :<br />

C e rtificate of Status Investment<br />

I nvestors may obtain a Certificate provided they fulfill cert a i n<br />

criteria re g a rding the size and nature of the inve s t m e n t . T h e<br />

holder of a Certificate is entitled to, inter alia, buy fo re i g n<br />

c u rrency to service fo reign loans, to transfer net pro f i t s ,<br />

d i v i d e n d s , p roceeds of sales and remittances and to re t a i n<br />

c u rrency gained from export s . T h ey are also granted exe m p t i o n<br />

f rom restrictions re g a rding categories of business re s e rved fo r<br />

Namibian re s i d e n t s .<br />

Special Incentives for Manufacturing Enterprises:<br />

The fo l l owing incentives we re introduced in 1993 and ap p ly<br />

e q u a l ly to local and fo reign manufacturing companies:<br />

* 50 percent tax abatement for five years - phased out over 10<br />

ye a r s ;<br />

* N ew investment relocation package - further negotiated tax<br />

r a t e s ;<br />

* Accelerated depreciation on buildings - 10 ye a r s ;<br />

* E x p o rt e r ’s deduction (promotion costs) - 125 percent to 175<br />

p e rcent tax deductible;<br />

* Training cost deduction - 125 percent tax deductible;<br />

* D i rect production wages deduction - 125 percent tax<br />

d e d u c t i b l e ;<br />

* Concessional loans for industrial studies 50 percent of real<br />

c o s t ;a n d<br />

* E x p o rt e r ’s grants/loans - 50 percent of ap p roved pro m o t i o n a l<br />

e x p e n s e s .<br />

E x p o rt Incentives<br />

To market local manu f a c t u re r s ,the Namibian government has<br />

e m b a r ked on a series of programmes that will ultimately boost<br />

the export industry. Chief among these programmes has been<br />

the introduction of export processing zones (EPZ). A r a n d i s<br />

near Swako p mund has been a special incentives zone since<br />

1 9 9 1 .A l s o,in 1995 the government announced an EPZ in Wa l v i s<br />

B ay. T h e re are plans of establishing financing institutions allow i n g<br />

for guaranteed conversion of fo reign exchange. Activities that<br />

qualify for EPZ include all export - m a nufacturing activities, v a l u e<br />

a dded processing in agro - i n d u s t ry and mineral beneficiation,<br />

storage and ware h o u s i n g , b reak-bulk activities and business<br />

s e rv i c e s . I n c e n t i ves offe red in the EPZ include:<br />

* E xemption from corporate income tax, general sales tax,<br />

a dditional sales duty, stamp duties, t r a n s fer duties and import<br />

duties (for exports out of SAC U ) ;<br />

* Guaranteed currency conversion (offshore banking legislation<br />

to fo l l ow ) ;<br />

* Liberal labour and customs re g u l a t i o n s ;a n d<br />

* Conditional reimbursement of up to 75 percent of EPZ<br />

personnel training costs.<br />

In addition to the incentives offe red in the EPZs, a provision was<br />

i n t roduced in 1994/95, which offers an 80 percent exe m p t i o n<br />

f rom taxation on profits accruing to exports of manu f a c t u re d<br />

goods (except fish and meat pro d u c t s ) . Tax incentives fo r<br />

e x p o rt promotion activities are also av a i l a b l e.<br />

As a Lomé Convention signatory Namibia enjoys pre fe re n t i a l<br />

access to the European Union on a wide range of pro d u c t s .T h e<br />

c o u n t ry is also granted duty-free access to the US and other<br />

major markets through the GSP. Namibia is a member of the<br />

regional organisations SADC and COMESA.<br />

TA X AT I O N<br />

C o r p o r a t e :G e n e r a l :<br />

Diamond mining companies:<br />

35 perc e n t<br />

55 percent<br />

Oil and gas extraction companies: 42 percent plus additional<br />

p rofits tax<br />

Other mining companies:<br />

Individual income tax:<br />

25 – 55 perc e n t<br />

depending on pro f i t a b i l i t y<br />

35 percent maximu m<br />

marginal rate.<br />

N o n - resident shareholders tax: 10 perc e n t .<br />

Dividends from the NSE-listed companies payable to Namibian<br />

residents are tax-fre e.<br />

Double taxation agreements have been concluded with South<br />

Africa and the UK. N e gotiations are underway with a nu m b e r<br />

of additional countries.<br />

Institutions Invo l ved in Investment Pro m o t i o n<br />

The Investment Centre is located within the Ministry of Tr a d e<br />

and Industry and is the officially recognised inve s t m e n t<br />

p romotion and facilitation office. The centre was founded by the<br />

Fo reign Investment Act of 1990, focuses on promotion of<br />

domestic investment and provides a service to all investors fro m<br />

e n q u i ry to operational stage. The Centre offers general<br />

i n formation packages and tailor-made advice re g a rd i n g<br />

i nvestment opport u n i t i e s ,i n c e n t i ves and pro c e d u res and also<br />

p rovides advice to government on investment tre n d s ,policy and<br />

the need for new strategies or strategies.<br />

The Offshore Development Company (ODC) has been cre a t e d<br />

for the sole purpose of monitoring, regulating and pro m o t i n g<br />

N a m i b i a ’s EPZ re g i m e. This is a private company run by the EPZ<br />

s e c retariat whose main task is to provide easy, speedy and<br />

efficient processing of investors’ ap p l i c a t i o n s . The ODC is<br />

c u rre n t ly in the process of establishing an Official Financial<br />

S e rvice Industry, which will be used as financing vehicle fo r<br />

i nvestors settling in the EPZs.<br />

The Namibian Development Corporation is a parastatal<br />

p roviding loans and equity, local and fo reign inve s t m e n t ,<br />

s t i mulation of small and informal economic activity and the<br />

p romotion of employ m e n t . The Corporation is also invo l ved in<br />

the implementation of development schemes. The Namibian<br />

<strong>National</strong> Chamber of Commerce and Industry, established in<br />

1 9 9 0 ,re p resents the interests of the business commu n i t y.<br />


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