1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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S WA Z I L A N D<br />

The Ministry of Enterprise and Employ m e n t , launched SIPA<br />

(Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority) in April this ye a r.<br />

This is to be a one-stop facility and its primary functions include<br />

the promotion of tourism-related inve s t m e n t s ,m i n i n g ,e x p o rt -<br />

oriented and labour- i n t e n s i ve industries, and re s o u rc e - b a s e d<br />

s e c t o r s . It should also serve as a gatew ay to investors seeking<br />

to establish businesses in the country.<br />

T i b i yo is an investment promising entity established by the late<br />

King Sobhuza 11 for the Swazi Nation, which has interests in<br />

v i rt u a l ly all sectors of the ecomony.<br />

I nvestment Co d e<br />

An Investment Code, consisting of revised inve s t m e n t<br />

i n c e n t i ve s ,was developed and adopted during 1997. The code<br />

outlines investment regulations and incentive s .<br />

E x c h a n ge Co n t rols<br />

No restrictions are applied to payments within CMA.<br />

Dividends and profits are fre e ly repatriated from Swaziland<br />

subject to a 15 percent withholding tax. O u t w a rd transfers of<br />

c apital re q u i re Central Bank ap p rov a l . I n w a rd transfers should<br />

be re g i s t e red with the Central Bank, to facilitate possible future<br />

repatriation of cap i t a l .<br />

Companies that are more than 25 percent owned or contro l l e d<br />

outside the CMA re q u i re Central Bank ap p roval befo re taking<br />

up loans locally.<br />

Legal Protection of Inve s t m e n t<br />

As a signatory to MIGA, Swaziland guarantees against<br />

nationalisation and expropriation of private enterprise.<br />

I N V E S TM E N T<br />

O P P O R T U N I T I E S A N D<br />

P R O J E C T S<br />

O p p o rt u n i t i e s<br />

I nvestment opportunities in Swaziland are mainly found in the<br />

p rocessing of the country ’s natural re s o u rc e s ,both agricultural<br />

and mineral. Sugar is produced from the vast sugar cane<br />

p l a n t a t i o n s ,but it could also be used to manu f a c t u re sweets and<br />

c o n fe c t i o n a r i e s .To b a c c o, p i n e apple and vegetables are curre n t ly<br />

g rown and canned, but there is scope for further processing of<br />

these go o d s . Kaolin and limestone may be used to pro d u c e<br />

ceramic ware, p ap e r, pharmaceuticals and glass. Coal could be<br />

p rocessed to make chemicals, cement and fe rt i l i s e r s .T h e re are<br />

also favourable opportunities to further develop the country ’s<br />

tourism potential.<br />

P rojects for Potential Inve s t m e n t<br />

Ty p e P ro j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n<br />

A g r i c u l t u re Cattle farming (other live s t o c k :go a t s , Fe e d l o t i n g ,hides and skins, re n d e red fats,<br />

s h e e p, pigs have great potential) t a l l ow, m e a l ,h o r n .<br />

C o n s t r u c t i o n Electrical power systems Power grid “ i n t e rconnect” between<br />

Swaziland and Mozambique and also a fo u rt h<br />

feeder line from South Africa to<br />

complete an important link-up in<br />

the southern African regional power grid.<br />

Upgrading of the Matsapha airport<br />

A i r p o rt / G round Support Equipment wo u l d<br />

h ave to be supplied.<br />

M a nu f a c t u r i n g Various value added pro d u c t s P roduction of such products as sugar, citrus<br />

f r u i t ,and wo o d - p u l p.<br />

Various agro - related pro d u c t s<br />

Medical equipment<br />

S u g a r, animal fe e d ,cotton ginning, yarn and<br />

f a b r i c s ,p aper processing and pulp pro d u c t s<br />

and wood pro d u c t s .<br />

Tenders for supply of goods such as wheel<br />

chairs and physical therapy equipment<br />

S e rv i c e s Te l e c o m munication equipment and serv i c e s Establishing a Swaziland base station for<br />

cellular phones.<br />

Fo re s t ry A f fo restation and charc o a l R e s o u rce-based project aimed at producing<br />

an alternative source of energy utilizing the<br />

abundant wattle fo re s t .<br />

To u r i s m Hotel complex D evelop a prime plot located in the heart of<br />

M b a b a n e, and to incorporate shopping<br />

f a c i l i t i e s ,office and parking space. D evelop<br />

hotel in the Low veld for ecotourism,<br />

w a t e r s p o rts and game.<br />

Road netwo r k s<br />

M b a b a n e - N g we nya/Oshoek bord e r<br />

M a n k ay a n e - S i c u nu s a<br />

S o u rc e : SIDC (Swaziland Industrial Development Company ),<strong>1998</strong>.<br />


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