1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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S O U TH A F R I C A<br />


Type A p p l i c a b i l i t y B e n e f i t s<br />

L ow Interest Rate Industrialists with total assets of at least L ow interest rate loan for the first three<br />

Finance fo r ZAR1m (USD 198,500) expanding cap a c i t y years if 60% of sales are intended fo r<br />

E x p o rt Pro m o t i o n to serve export marke t s .This expansion e x p o rt .If 30% to 60% of sales are<br />

should also create employment opport u n i t i e s . e x p o rt e d ,o n ly half the loan will be at the<br />

l ow rate, with the balance being advanced<br />

at the current rate on ord i n a ry IDC loans.<br />

Small Business Limited to entre p reneurs with enterprises P rovision of finance, p remises and training<br />

D eve l o p m e n t<br />

whose gross assets are less than ZAR10m<br />

L o a n s<br />

(about USD 1.99m).<br />

Finance to Improve For manu f a c t u rers who need to improve Finance available at a low interest rate fo r<br />

I n t e r n a t i o n a l their international competitiveness thro u g h t h ree ye a r s .<br />

C o m p e t i t i ve n e s s the acquisition of fixed assets, fo l l owing the<br />

change in tariff protection policy.<br />

Bank Indemnity Small or medium enterprises where Indemnity to banks against 60% of loss.<br />

S c h e m e contribution and collateral must total at M a x i mum of ZAR400,000 (abou t<br />

least 50% of facility granted.<br />

USD 79,400) per client.<br />

Ecotourism Scheme D eve l o p m e n t ,i m p rovement and/or expansion Loans at IDC rates or by risk part i c i p a t i o n.<br />

of tourist accommodation in conserv a t i o n<br />

a reas and national game re s e rve s .<br />

General To u r i s m Institutions which are developing tourist Loans at IDC rates .<br />

S c h e m e accommodation suitable for fo reign tourists. M a x i mum funding of ZAR 10 million (about<br />

USD 1.99 m) per pro j e c t .<br />

Full range of support serv i c e s .<br />

Low Interest Rate Manufacturers expanding capacity to create Loans are granted at 5% below the<br />

Scheme for new employment opportunities. Employment prevailing IDC rate for the first three<br />

Employment must be created at a capital cost not years, and at the normal rate for the<br />

Creation exceeding ZAR 100,000 (about USD 19,850) following years .<br />

per job.<br />


S u p p o rt Pro g r a m m e All private sector companies in the 50% subsidy on the expenditure incurred in<br />

for Industrial m a nufacturing industry. d eveloping new products and technology .<br />

I n n ov a t i o n M a x i mum of ZAR1m (USD 198,500)<br />


E x p o rt Marke t i n g U n d e rtakings re g i s t e red with the Depart m e n t A portion of specified costs relating to<br />

A s s i s t a n c e of Trade and Industry (DTI). e x h i b i t i o n ,m a r ket re s e a rch and travel<br />

re f u n d e d .<br />

E x p o rt Credit and U n d e rtakings re g i s t e red with the DTI. • Fo reign exchange risk cove r: F i n a n c i a l<br />

Fo reign Inve s t m e n t<br />

institutions may offer loans to exporters<br />

R e i n s u r a n c e<br />

of capital goods at a range of fo r w a rd<br />

S c h e m e.<br />

exchange rates instead of a single<br />

p redetermined export exchange rate.<br />

• C o m p e t i t i ve n e s s :Enhanced through a<br />

reduction in the bank lending rate,<br />

enabling the DTI to adjust the USD<br />

denominated re p ayments rates<br />

d ow n w a rd s .<br />

Steel Rebates and E x p o rters of fabricated steel products where Rebates based on the value of export s .<br />

Steel Concessions 25% value has been add e d .<br />


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