1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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Victoria Falls.<br />

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N<br />

G e og r ap hy and Po p u l a t i o n<br />

Z i m b a b we is a landlocked country covering 390,757 km 2 i n<br />

Southern Africa between the Limpopo and Zambezi rive r s . I t s<br />

neighbours are Mozambique, N a m i b a , M a l aw i , Z a m b i a , S o u t h<br />

Africa and Botsw a n a . The official and business language is<br />

E n g l i s h . Shona and Ndebele are widely spoken local languages.<br />

The population of ap p rox i m a t e ly 12.3 million (1997) is grow i n g<br />

at an annual rate of 3.3 perc e n t . S l i g h t ly more than half the<br />

population is between 15 and 64 years of age. Z i m b a b we was<br />

r a n ked 129 out of 175 countries in the 1997 UNDP Human<br />

D evelopment Index 1 which puts it in the medium human<br />

d evelopment catego ry.<br />

Political Ove rv i ew<br />

Z i m b a b we has had an exe c u t i ve president and an independent<br />

j u d i c i a ry since 1987. The parliamentary system is unicameral<br />

with 150 members, and thirty of them are appointed by the<br />

p re s i d e n t ,including eight chiefs and eight provincial gove r n o r s .<br />

In the current parliament 117 seats belong to the ruling Zanu PF<br />

while two are taken Zanu (Ndonga) led by Reve re n d<br />

Ndabaningi Sithole. One seat has been secured by an<br />

independent candidate.The last elections we re held in 1996, a n d<br />

the next elections are scheduled for 2002.<br />

Sectoral Description<br />

Z i m b a b we is rich in natural re s o u rces and produces more than<br />

40 types of metals and minerals. A p p rox i m a t e ly 40 percent of<br />

1 )<br />

The ranking is based on life expectancy at birt h , adult literacy, c o m b i n e d<br />

p r i m a ry, s e c o n d a ry and tert i a ry education enrolment ratio and adjusted GDP<br />

per cap i t a .<br />

the country ’s fo reign exchange is earned from the export of<br />

these metals and minerals. Z i m b a b we has the wo r l d ’s third<br />

largest known source of high grade chro m i t e,and second largest<br />

s o u rce of platinum group metals.R e c e n t ly,it was discove red that<br />

the country has potential to be one of the major diamond<br />

p roducing countries in Southern A f r i c a , and several potential<br />

diamond areas have already been identified.<br />

A g r i c u l t u re has been the main contributor to the high grow t h<br />

rate achieved during the past three ye a r s .A g r i c u l t u re employ s<br />

about 30 percent of the working population and provides many<br />

r aw materials re q u i red by the manufacturing sector. M a j o r<br />

e x p o rt commodities are tobacco and horticultural pro d u c e.<br />

C rops like sugar, t e a , c o f fe e, c o t t o n ,m a i z e, small grains and oil<br />

seeds are also export e d , as well as live s t o c k , d a i ry pro d u c t s ,<br />

w i l d l i fe and poultry.<br />

The manufacturing sector is well developed and re l a t i ve ly<br />

d i ve r s i f i e d .This sector has responded positive ly to a dere g u l a t e d<br />

e c o n o my and has become one of the major contributors to<br />

g row t h .<br />

Tourism is Zimbabwe ’s fastest growing industry. The industry<br />

c u rre n t ly contributes six percent to GDP and is expected to<br />

g row by an average of 28 percent annu a l ly to achieve a target of<br />

10 percent contribution to GDP by the year 2000.<br />

I n f r a s t r u c t u re<br />

Generation and distribution of electricity is undert a ken by the<br />

Z i m b a b we Electricity Supply A u t h o r i t y. H y d roelectric power is<br />

generated from the Zambezi river at Kariba, and there are fo u r<br />

thermal power stations. Z i m b a b we is on the regional powe r<br />

grid linking it to sources in Zambia, the Democratic Republic of<br />

C o n go and South A f r i c a .<br />

Z i m b a b we has an extensive rail and road transport netwo r k<br />

linking it to principal ports in Mozambique and South A f r i c a ,a n d<br />

to all neighbouring countries. The rail netwo r k , s u p p l e m e n t e d<br />

by the <strong>National</strong> Railw ays of Zimbabwe ’s Road Motor Serv i c e s<br />

and a thriving privately run trucking industry, handles the bulk of<br />

i m p o rts and export s . The railw ay company is administered as a<br />

p a r a s t a t a l .<br />

T h e re are 18,435 km of state ro a d s ,of which 8,710 are surfaced<br />

and 9,725 grave l l e d . Another 61,630 km in rural areas are<br />

maintained by local and district authorities.<br />

The national airline, Air Zimbabwe, is a commercial body<br />

a d m i n i s t e red by the Ministry of Tr a n s p o rt and Energy. I t<br />

p rovides regular internal connections to Bulaw ayo and the<br />

principal tourist destinations of Victoria Falls, Hwange and Lake<br />

K a r i b a . It also provides direct services to various A f r i c a n<br />

d e s t i n a t i o n s ,Australia and the UK. S everal established re g i o n a l<br />

and international carriers have scheduled flights to Harare.<br />

A f f re t a i r, the national cargo airline, handles specialised cargo fo r<br />

destinations wo r l d w i d e. Facilities include a 200-tonne cold<br />

room at Harare A i r p o rt . Work on a new international airport<br />

is pro g ressing in the cap i t a l .<br />


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