1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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Z I M BA BW E<br />

- No restrictions on local borrowing for working cap i t a l .<br />

- P u rchase of shares by fo reign inve s t o res on the ZSE is limited<br />

to 40 percent of total equity with a single investor acquiring a<br />

m a x i mum of 10 percent of the share s ;<br />

- Dividend and profits remittance for all fo reign investors is<br />

n ow 100 percent and payment is effected through the inter<br />

bank marke t ;<br />

- I nvestment inflows and capital transfers are eligible for 100<br />

p e rcent deposits into Fo reign Currency A c c o u n t s ;<br />

- Fo reign investors may hold up to 100 percent equity in<br />

companies operating in pre fe rred sectors of the economy ;<br />

- Fo reign investors may hold up to 35 percent equity in<br />

companies which are re s e rved for domestic investors as<br />

specified in Statutory Instrument 108 of 1994 (e. g .<br />

t r a n s p o rt a t i o n ,retail/wholesale trade estate agencies,<br />

e m p l oyment agencies and some agriculture and fo re s t ry ) ;<br />

- In construction and specialised serv i c e s ,fo reign investors may<br />

hold up to 70 percent equity.<br />

Legal Protection of Inve s t m e n t<br />

Z i m b a b we, being a signatory to several bilateral and mu l t i l a t e r a l<br />

p rotection agre e m e n t s ,guarantees security of investment and<br />

p ro p e rty rights of investors thro u g h : UN Commission on<br />

International Trade and Arbitration Law (UNCITRAL), OPIC -<br />

U S A , M I G A , ICSID - World Bank, N ew York Convention on<br />

Recognition and Enfo rcement of Fo reign Arbitral Aw a rd s ,a n d<br />

bilateral investment protection agreements signed with<br />

M o z a m b i q u e, the UK, G e r m a ny, M a l ay s i a ,Po rt u g a l ,S w i t z e r l a n d<br />

and China.<br />

I N V E S TM E N T<br />

O P P O R T U N I T I E S A N D<br />

P R O J E C T S<br />

Main sectors of interest to investors are manufacturing and<br />

a g ro - i n d u s t ry, m i n i n g ,tourism and agriculture.<br />

P RO J E C T S<br />

H o rt i c u l t u re and A g ro-Based Industries<br />

P roduction of 2.3 million stems of roses such as the red ve l ve t ,white noblesse and first re d 0 . 5 7<br />

M a nufacturing of 1.0 million litres of sunflower oil, 27 million litres of blended vegetable oil and 7,000 litres of mixed oil 1 . 06<br />

P roduction of exotic fruits and ve g e t a b l e s ,including punnets of vegetable salads, f rench salads, punnets of fruit salad and 0 . 35<br />

50,000 litres of fresh juice<br />

Establishment of a medium size wheat milling plant for production of flour 0.97<br />

To u r i s m<br />

Construction of a high class hotel at Chirinda Fo re s t ,M u t a re 7 . 09<br />

Setting up of an eco-tourism project in the mountains of the Central Province for game loving guests that should 1 . 49<br />

cater for hikers and photograp hy.A lodge at Bindura, Mashonaland is to be built<br />

Construction of a top class hotel with confe rence facilities at Osborne Dam, M u t a re 5 . 83<br />

Provision of travel and prepaid packaged tours and to cater for an estimated market of 60,000 people on day tours 0.52<br />

and excursions<br />

M i s c e l l a n e o u s<br />

Equity partner sought to produce Po rtland cement utilising locally available re s o u rc e s .The project is promoted by both 1 4 . 9 0<br />

the Industrial Development Corporation (Zimbabwe) and a Chinese company<br />

To engage in the extraction of black granite to meet increased fo reign demand and undertaking re l evant marketing 6 . 0 0<br />

a c t i v i t i e s<br />

P roduction of metal equipment such as agricultural implements, hand implements, wheel barrows and window/door 1 . 3 8<br />

f r a m e s<br />

Construction of shell factories to be leased out to budding entre p re n e u r s .The project is promoted by the City of 2 . 5 0<br />

G we r u<br />

S o u rc e s :Z i m b a b we Investment Centre, 1 9 9 8 .<br />


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