1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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TA N Z A N I A<br />

I N V E S T M E N T C L I M A T E<br />

I nvestment Incentive s<br />

In August 1997 the <strong>National</strong> A s s e m b ly repealed the <strong>National</strong><br />

I nvestment (Promotion and Protection) Act of 1990 and<br />

enacted the Tanzania Investment Act (1997) to replace it.<br />

I n c e n t i ves under the new Act are :<br />

• Favourable investment allowances and deductions on<br />

industrial buildings, plant and machinery and on agricultural<br />

e x p e n d i t u re.<br />

• Total exemption from import duty and sales tax on import e d<br />

c apital assets for projects relating to mining, i n f r a s t r u c t u re (i.e.<br />

road construction, b r i d g e s , r a i lw ay s , a i r p o rt s , generation of<br />

e l e c t r i c i t y,water serv i c e s ,back-up services to mining) and EPZs.<br />

• Import duty for investment in other sectors of the economy<br />

is five percent on the pro j e c t ’s imported capital assets.<br />

• Straight line accelerated depreciation is allowed on cap i t a l<br />

go o d s .<br />

• T h e re is unlimited/indefinite carry - over of all business losses<br />

against future pro f i t s .<br />

• A ny ap p roved investment has the right to employ up to five<br />

fo reign nationals on it pro j e c t .For mining, h oweve r, the amount<br />

of fo reigners which can be employed is not limited.<br />

• Investors are at liberty to export both capital and pro f i t s<br />

outside of Ta n z a n i a .<br />

• T h e re is a 20 year tax holiday for certain mining activities.<br />

I n c e n t i ves for companies investing in oil ex p l o r a t i o n :<br />

• Long exploration periods of four (initial), four (first extension)<br />

and three (second extension), totalling 11 ye a r s .<br />

• Relative ly large exploration are a s .<br />

• Maximum Tanzania Pe t roleum Development Corporation<br />

(TPDC) participation is capped at 20 perc e n t .<br />

• Corporate income tax and royalties paid for by T P D C.<br />

• T h reshold rates of return for A dditional Profit Tax at 20<br />

p e rcent for first tranche and 30 percent for the second tranche.<br />

• Separate incentives in order to encourage deep sea (gre a t e r<br />

than 200m water depth) are under consideration by the<br />

government and T P D C.<br />

I nvestment is treated favo u r a b ly under Ta n z a n i a ’s corporate tax<br />

s y s t e m . M a ny tax incentives relate dire c t ly to capital outlay s ,<br />

f rom full write-off for clearing and planting of agricultural land in<br />

the year of inve s t m e n t ,to extensive depreciation allow a n c e s .<br />

E x p o rt incentive s :<br />

At present exporters are benefiting from the liberalisation of<br />

e x p o rt licensing, and the duty drawback scheme. A fe a s i b i l i t y<br />

study for the establishment of EPZs in Tanzania was carried out<br />

during 1996, and the draft regulations and organisation of EPZs<br />

a re under pre p a r a t i o n .<br />

Z a n z i b a r:<br />

The government of Zanzibar offers the same incentives to<br />

i nve s t o r s . F u rt h e r m o re, EPZs are in place in Zanzibar and<br />

companies established in EPZs are offe red 10 years corporate<br />

tax holiday and duty exemption on imports of raw materials and<br />

c apital equipment.<br />

Ta x a t i o n<br />

M e a s u res have been implemented to combat tax evasion and to<br />

s t reamline customs pro c e d u re s .<br />

Corporate tax:<br />

30 perc e n t<br />

Individual tax: ( m a x i mum rate) 35 perc e n t<br />

Withholding tax on dividends and<br />

p rofit-sharing tax for non-re s i d e n t s : 10 perc e n t .<br />

A new value-added tax was introduced in 1997, replacing the<br />

old sales tax, at a rate of 20 perc e n t .<br />

E x c h a n ge contro l s<br />

Fo reign exchange controls we re re m oved by the Fo re i g n<br />

Exchange Act (1992),and Bureau de change regulations of 1992,<br />

and Tanzania accepted the obligations of the IMFs A rticle VIII in<br />

1 9 9 6 . Residents are now permitted to hold fo reign curre n c y<br />

a c c o u n t s . C apital transfers are however still subject to ap p rov a l<br />

by the Bank of Ta n z a n i a .<br />

To ensure eventual repatriation of cap i t a l ,all inward inve s t m e n t s<br />

into Tanzania should be re g i s t e red with the Tanzania Inve s t m e n t<br />

C e n t re. I nvestments in Zanzibar should either be re g i s t e re d<br />

with the Zanzibar Investment Promotion Agency or Zanzibar<br />

F ree Economic Zones A u t h o r i t y. I nvestors are allowed to re t a i n<br />

100 percent of their net fo reign exchange earnings for purposes<br />

of remittance of dividends, p rofits and settlement of external<br />

o b l i g a t i o n s . B o rrowing of funds from local banks by nonresidents<br />

is allowe d .<br />

Institutions invo l ved in investment pro m o t i o n<br />

The Tanzania Investment Centre, established in 1991, p ro c e s s e s<br />

i nvestment proposals and assists investors with ap p l i c a t i o n<br />

p ro c e d u re s . Their mandate is to be the focal point for the<br />

implementation of the <strong>National</strong> Investment Policy and to<br />

p ro m o t e, c o o rdinate and monitor domestic and fo re i g n<br />

i nve s t m e n t s .<br />

Zanzibar operates a separate Investment Promotion A g e n c y<br />

( Z I PA) which was established in 1991. To benefit from the<br />

i n c e n t i ve schemes offe red by Zanzibar, i nvestors should contact<br />

Z I PA first.<br />

I nvestment code<br />

The Tanzania Investment Act (1997) outlines provisions and<br />

i n c e n t i ves for investment in areas of national priority.<br />

E x t e n s i ve guarantees are provided to investors under the<br />

I nvestment Promotion Centre ’s Certificate of A p p rov a l ,such as<br />

guarantees re g a rding ownership of pro p e rt i e s ,dispensation of<br />

a s s e t s , repatriation of income and others. Tanzania is also a<br />

member of MIGA and ICSID.<br />

I nvestments in Zanzibar are regulated by the <strong>National</strong><br />

I nvestment Promotion Act of 1986 (under rev i s i o n ) ,o u t l i n i n g<br />

p rovisions and incentives for investments in areas of national<br />

p r i o r i t y. The Economic Zones Act (1992) governs EPZs. I n<br />

a ddition to the guarantees provided by Ta n z a n i a , Z a n z i b a r<br />

guarantees against compulsory acquisition by gove r n m e n t ,<br />

except on payment of full compensation.<br />

I N V E S TM E N T<br />

O P P O R T U N I T I E S A N D<br />

P R O J E C T S<br />

I nvestment Opport u n i t i e s<br />

The government has identified the fo l l owing priority areas fo r<br />

i nve s t m e n t : m a nu f a c t u r i n g ,a g r i c u l t u re, p e t roleum and mining,<br />

c o n s t r u c t i o n ,t r a n s p o rt ,transit trade, computer and other high<br />

t e c h n o l o gy businesses, tourism and natural re s o u rc e s .<br />

I nvestment opportunities in Zanzibar include: l a b o u r- i n t e n s i ve<br />

industries and assembly plants, construction and housing, h o t e l<br />

and tourism, t r a n s p o rt by sea and air, human re s o u rc e<br />

d evelopment schemes, transit trade and warehousing and offs<br />

h o re activities.<br />

P ro j e c t s<br />

U n fo rt u n a t e ly we we re unable to obtain a list of projects fo r<br />

i nve s t m e n t .<br />


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