1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury

1998 SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMIC ... - National Treasury


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scheduled for 23 May <strong>1998</strong>. Eight political parties and six<br />

independent candidates have re g i s t e red so far. It is expected<br />

that the main contenders will be the BCP, the Basotho <strong>National</strong><br />

P a rty and the LCD.<br />

Dam construction in progress at the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.<br />

G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N<br />

G e og r ap hy and Po p u l a t i o n<br />

C overing an area of 30,355 km 2 , the Kingdom of Lesotho is a<br />

small landlocked country, located in the ve ry south of Southern<br />

A f r i c a ,s u rrounded by South A f r i c a . It is the only country in the<br />

world to have all its terr i t o ry located at more than 1,000 metre s<br />

a b ove sea leve l . The capital of Lesotho, M a s e r u , h a s<br />

ap p rox i m a t e ly 170,000 inhabitants.<br />

Lesotho has a population of about 2.1 m (1997 estimate),and an<br />

estimated growth rate of 2.3 perc e n t . The major languages<br />

s p o ken are English and Sesotho and the literacy rate is about 70<br />

p e rc e n t . About 86 percent of the population is engaged in<br />

subsistence farming, and ap p rox i m a t e ly 35 percent of the male<br />

wage earners are employed in South A f r i c a ,p re d o m i n a n t ly in<br />

the mining industry.<br />

Lesotho is ranked at 137 out of 175 countries in the UNDP<br />

1997 human development index (HDI) 1 ) , which puts it in the<br />

same catego ry as Ghana (132), and India (138), or in the midd l e<br />

of the SADC countries.<br />

Political Ove rv i ew<br />

Lesotho is a monarc hy and the king is the head of state. S i n c e<br />

the adoption of the new constitution in 1993 the king has no<br />

e xe c u t i ve or legislative powe r s . The present head of state is<br />

King Letsie III, who succeeded his father at the throne in<br />

Fe b r u a ry 1996.<br />

At the end of Fe b r u a ry <strong>1998</strong> the Parliament was dissolved to<br />

p re p a re for the country ’s third general elections, which are<br />

1 ) . The ranking, d evised by the United Nations Development Pro g r a m m e<br />

( U N D P ) ,is based on life expectancy at birt h , adult literacy, combined primary,<br />

s e c o n d a ry and tert i a ry education enrolment and adjusted real GDP per cap i t a .<br />

It should be noted howeve r, that the ranking is based on 1994 figure s .<br />

Sectoral Descriptions<br />

The main sectoral contributors to GDP we re the fo l l owing in<br />

1 9 9 7 : s e rvices 44 perc e n t , s e c o n d a ry sector 43.2 perc e n t , a n d<br />

a g r i c u l t u re 12.7 perc e n t .<br />

A g r i c u l t u re remains the backbone of the economy and the<br />

agricultural sector absorbs over 80 percent of the labour fo rc e.<br />

The main crops are maize, sorghum and wheat. Lesotho is<br />

h owever exporting fresh and canned asparagus to Euro p e.<br />

L i vestock keeping is a substantial contributor to rural income.<br />

Much of Lesotho’s terrain is suited to animal pro d u c t i o n ,<br />

although the sector has suffe red from drought in recent ye a r s .<br />

Wool and mohair are the major exports of this sector. T h e<br />

gove r n m e n t ’s main agricultural policy is to move from a fo o d<br />

self-sufficiency strategy to one of food security, and an<br />

i nvestment programme to this effect is being finalised.<br />

The government has also introduced a tree-planting pro g r a m m e<br />

which aims to increase land conservation and fo re s t ry. A ro u n d<br />

0.2 percent of the total area under arable production is planted<br />

with tre e s , m a i n ly eucalyptus and pine which provides fuel<br />

wo o d .<br />

Lesotho is sparsely endowed with natural re s o u rc e s ,the main<br />

t wo being the hy d roelectric potential of its rive r s ,and diamonds.<br />

One of the largest civil engineering projects in A f r i c a , t h e<br />

Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), is curre n t ly<br />

u n d e r w ay, its purpose being to harness and export surplus<br />

water to South A f r i c a . Lesotho is already receiving roy a l t i e s<br />

f rom the sale of the water.<br />

T h e re has been a decline in the volume of exports of diamonds<br />

since 1983, due to the closure of the main diamond mine. P l a n s<br />

to rev i ve the diamond industry have not yet been implemented.<br />

Large deposits of clay have also been mined for brick<br />

m a nu f a c t u r i n g ,and for the manu f a c t u re of ceramic ware and<br />

t i l e s .Building and construction activity has increased significantly<br />

since 1986 and the upward trend is now decelerating after<br />

completion of phase 1 A of the LHWP, w h i c h ,in addition to the<br />

building of the project itself, also re q u i red much upgrading in<br />

s u rrounding infrastructure. Despite the country ’s rugged<br />

t e rr a i n ,the overall policy of government is to facilitate access to<br />

isolated are a s .<br />

The programme of industrialisation through private enterprise<br />

has seen significant growth in the manufacturing sector. T h e<br />

main activities in this sector are clothing and fo o t wear fo r<br />

e x p o rt ,d eveloped through direct fo reign investment from South<br />

A f r i c a , East A s i a , Mauritius and Euro p e. Other export go o d s<br />

include bricks, ceramic tiles, h a n d i c r a f t s ,f u r n i t u re and tap e s t r i e s .<br />

Companies producing for import substitution are in the areas of<br />

b r i c k - m a k i n g ,c a n d l e s ,beer and beve r a g e s ,canned fo o d , b re a d<br />

and milled pro d u c t s .<br />

L e s o t h o ’s tourism strategy is aimed at those who enjoy outdoor<br />


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