Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption


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-. .. . . auurrrrs urryc*.i nu* brtr: ucw ruu.#jr-.4 ....- --- -.<br />

-a. rr.,uu;, ~XCLGL. r ~ u .--- r ~ a -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -<br />

Third Putat." Resday. a.Unlled Yms lnlernatlanal wln:' l-mma faced by mhml and adopllve parents and tbclr<br />

star mled the news that the Rhade Island Supreme ldren. LIayd Ehabeih Fasse, Jonrna rltcr, inter-<br />

CImn .ad rejected tbe plea of a former Knnknkecan who viewed (he tar wemen amd tbe Rhode Islano jndgc whose<br />

gave up her Illegitlmak dnnghter for adoption 11 years favanble dcclslr was averraled last week. Tbelr storlev<br />

ago. &ang readers rtspondlng tr the Sunday nrtfeles was faUrw.<br />

1 .<br />

G'i2<br />

Fomr Kankakeean loses court bzd to Jind child *<br />

E a ' Christine ~ndersoi, lormerly uI caring lor her. s~stem ol adopllon must be rclnlned. ern Kentucky Slate and atlcndlng 0.1 don't ~.nt to do anythh,g hpr. m n s lor the clkumstanc= of hcr<br />

8 8 ~ &;mWmtiwai news "I felt 1 had no other alternative. I und polenUal dismption oI the adop. clures in preparatiun lor enterin): 1y.0 adoption. so that she donn't think<br />

t t \:s put week. . wa, not woritlng and I had no place tivc hmiiy must be avoided at all nurs*i' trainln# at Jewlsh Ilwpitai in She wants to rind her daughter; I'm a tramp. Children can hurc l3lsr<br />

Y t Her story WPI p~ckcd up by wire togo." cost." Clncinnnti. ohin. someday. "to see if she is fiettinR hu- im- of Lhcir natural parents. It<br />

0 %mlm md curfed in a number 01 She called her lather when she The Rhode bland hl~h court Nlnl In the meantime, she don not In. mane treatment and not abused, el. damages them emotionally. Slle<br />

neuapapcrs and radio broadcasls. found out she was pregnant (her . that mothers may not sue lor Rhodc tend lo try lo lind her dauuhtcr. ther physically, mentally or roctally. nrrdr 10 how tile truth nbout me.<br />

3; m. ~ er~,n. a. a Lhemb+r 011. mother Is d a d a i d ICY bI.3 rmds in an attempt 10 find 1 " 1 C h Or h i i<br />

"I sould like lor her parents lo<br />

o~~~optire<br />

horn= don.,<br />

2 VC( ~ U graduate. W ~r now a SIU- Dad. If you can just let me comr naturnl childten Put UP lor adoption. But that's stepping around the law.<br />

out..., need to srr<br />

know , am a real Dnson. , don,t<br />

*$dmi at college in KcotucQ. She home for a while and $lay there..." ' The courl sald adoptloo records I'd rather fio thmugh the law.<br />

is aliVF and. know those people, but I do<br />

InUl hc kcpl scaled lo remove "the "Society needs In cllnnge. It is<br />

wcil.<br />

ha$ ldcd thmwh the Rbale blnnd , llcr latl~cr ald nu.<br />

them They may not know what in<br />

bcow to learn something about her She wus under age, and the laws slain of ill~itima~y." slow. somcllmrs. and it's going to "I also want lo aatirly her identity say about me. I don't want la dlsrupl<br />

ytittie &I. who wlll be 12 on April 17. permitlcd him to slh% the adoption Mrs. Anderson b work in^ at Norlb- Wte a lot of icara. alsb. I want her to understand !lie (heir lives."<br />

8 She was not trylap to have the P'.Pe"<br />

p mun rrcords to her, but lo ile did not want me or my baby."<br />

t Swc could be She says. "You would have to be<br />

a ?E J llsht lor her -,Oto,=<br />

see if u her she daughter ~s gettln~ hu. al denland. 17. In I lhe Was mition in a corner: I was lo Un- Rhode Island judge sees problems in changing law<br />

Lon~held kllefs mid dlonp-sbndln~ laws are The Judge says ilc considered this a good case to b forever, and no contact In the funre is'ln he<br />

b ;{myre tnunent and 1s not ab~,? or She says she cannot blame her fa- being challcn~ed by odoptees and natural parents. test the guidelines under which mnlidentlallty . nude. Thls is the mntract made wlth the adoptive<br />

hb baltemI...evcn b she is alive ... she lher lor the pasillon in which sile the chiel judw 01 thc Fpmily Cuurl in Rhnde Is. may he brf~ken. p~nls."<br />

sop. found herself. hut she thlnks he could iund says. And a change in those laws could Imp. He invitt+i a11 partin to the care - the fiunrdlan lle said the ndoptlve family has a "rlxht in a<br />

Just as it lmked an if she would have bccn tnorc undcrst~dlnn. "And ardire the way chlldrcn are placed for adoption. hc aupointd to rrprcacnt tho unknown child: the sense or wrlty and not to havc their prlvacs in.<br />

f t u ~ the , RDode bland S u ~ r m he c I I s r e h e Judge Edward CaiIogV and a former Kanka. adopttre agency md Mrs. Anderson. . vaded."<br />

Coun ovenurned the mllne of Judge hew I was vulncrablc. The agency Is keenn. Christine Anderson. made the national<br />

supgcstd<br />

)'A( the wme time. Ihe mothcr has riven thr<br />

Edward P. Cnlio~iy. the chiel judge in the business to gel the babies news thb past week because of Mrs. Anderson's<br />

ol the Fmlb Court in Pmvldence. away lrnm piris." efforts to be lo the gave wency, nlntart the adoutlvc ttnily to see if they up ye* w". and made a life lor her.<br />

would nblect to a mcetlnC.<br />

sell. To violate the conlidentlalil~ rules could<br />

He had ordered that the child's court- She thinks soclety may be chnnglng up nearly I2 years ago.<br />

appointed guardian be able to seek nw - "1 madc it clear if they hnd any oblcctions. the<br />

JI few yew ago. there was Mrs. ~ndcrson. who brcnme an unwed mother pPtltion would dismissed,,, said. u.y$t: :~~$~$vemcnt to ha,.e<br />

out the daughter's adoptive parents, much mom pressure put on n Blrl ns a trrnagcr. had ukcn her ~florla to Judfie Gai-<br />

Ilowcvrr, the aNcncy a stay his -ds opened. 11 would rguirc ChnnKes in legis.<br />

to see U they obJc*ed lo a visit fwm who got prqant. lody's cuurt. She wns aakln~ that records he<br />

order from the Supreme court, and the court<br />

intion in almost every state in the nation. It would<br />

!dm. Andemo.<br />

hfrs. Andcnot~ came to lllln~is and owned to e court.sppolnled fiuardlm for the child jmpardize the mechan~sm for piactng children for<br />

She wid in a telephone lnlcrview lo Olilvt where she rccclvtrl an asso su he could rind the adoptlve parenw. SIF wanted rutmi to kwP Ihe clOsml.<br />

Ilc said llte court bellcvfd "lhat the best tntcrcsl adoiltlon'<br />

lmm Norlhcrn KentucW Slate Uni- cialo 01 arb dc~rce in social work. to ask thew permission lo see her natural dau~ll. or child, the was tlladc, NU^ mxny mothers unuld relessr thclr child :I<br />

\.cnily. "They Wuld not hnvc had LO She kuan her c;lmpaih% In 1377, tcr.<br />

tell her I nm herrcal mother." ending up hcfore Judge Gallogly. ruled in hln. Andcrson~s but th" it wns forcver. For all practical purp~ses, the lhey the child. lhelr later lo<br />

"I did nd try to them that I lfc ruled that a court-~ppolnlcd the Mode bland Suprcnle Court overttjrncd his thCirs ('he Parents'). "If you authorize a mother to scck nut her ehlld<br />

wuld take mY daughter from them. ~uordlun mtlld contact the dnuuhlcr's dcclslon, hlockin~ the ymardian from llndln~ thu "Thrse consldcraltons were ovcnidlng to any at a later date. ... you havc to evaluate those rights<br />

"I wu no1 married at the llmc nl adoptlve parents lo seek ~frmisslon xirl for !he natural tnolher. dcsirrs thtt Christine had." aqainsl the other rlghls."<br />

her birth. and at 17, was in a silu. lor Mrs. Anderson to a1 least see her in a telephone inlcrvlew. Judge Callonly told lie said the mltrt did not clesc the dour. In case llu sold the adtrplivc child has been C l m<br />

aliM with no rllcrn~tlv~~. MY father dau~htcr. The .fo~rnal. "We had no dellnitlve $uidciin~ ul n,tnpelling rncdical reasons that would be in the "rtabillly and 3 honlc...ln tile vast malorits nf the<br />

rmnl the adoptlon pawrs. I had no The adopllon nycncy arkni lor a lmm lhr Supreme Court as lo wi~nl would uulhnr k t interest nl the child.<br />

carer, you have lo prolcrt lllc mother. the parents<br />

other relatives who wanted lo help stay ol the Judae's order, and twk kc a ludce lo brtsak the scai ol conllden11;lllIy." "I [~rohahly would hare dcvided :a ihc Suprrtnt. and the chlld."<br />

me keep her. the nlultcr to llle ilhwle Island SU. n ~ judge c said that Mrs. Anderaon had wrltlen C~lurt did," .lu~lee Galltoxly said.<br />

ilc said. "If public pllllcy cornus lo tire w~nl<br />

'The adoption axcncy stronltly in. prctnc Court. . . hilll, tcilinll him she wantcfl thl, ~~Pputl~lnltY lo "\\'hilr it rirv c.l~.ar rh:d I'hr~utln~'~ isvr and 4r. W<strong>III</strong>~ ~iav in sav lhorr I~IVS sb~~lllrl irr rl'lvarnl.<br />

I [lllrqrrll m. In "(a. *-r r. 'F*.. -

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