Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption


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.~<br />

~~<br />

-~<br />

Slarf Pholov~phtf Ken<br />

Elli~ll 11 u%ed In sclllns<br />

lnn~lrrd In hh rorh -<br />

moll rrrrnllt 1.tlna hlq<br />

om pholosrlrrph .hle he<br />

gI8ttnl ar #he Delrocd<br />

rhltmlet in rrbntlr and<br />

rundown dlmn rho 11.<br />

lu~t~~ltd our Mnr I4 *I.<br />

lute on rnnddchl. Dm<br />

K~nouldldhlmvlIIwlhl~<br />

Inus', rtntr on .dopllnn.<br />

Ilrt4ckdupMrr.Dorothy<br />

hlspn .I hct hame In<br />

Totoao. drove lo Uoad<br />

9 I I or our rmil~.<br />

hato;sh<br />

I<br />

- .keo i'hs ihte woken met lo, IuI. aha muld lndlals thal she<br />

Ihc n!rl rlmr I"ou nn m lhs lrnulu ~4 I I atu - sn rmatlon ~~- n muld momedar<br />

~~ ~~<br />

I<br />

MU.#<br />

prrcnls' orsmlmllon. She uvc up her<br />

Inlanl tan In 1964. "I1 doern'l hurl s:!<br />

Ins buse I1 happened I J ruts #lo.<br />

While we, 8s ldopllve prenll, hlve<br />

Ihe wle rlshl lo ralse our daulhler 10<br />

mlurlly. re rc~lizc lhal we mn'l<br />

Facers her for the rcsl al hrr lire. Over<br />

lhs lrrr lew rcrn we've ilo*ly b m r ..- .. .~<br />

ante ihal woman ran~rrhete may lh<br />

mnderlnslboulourd~u~hlcr -<br />

~~~ .~~<br />

h, r~,r~oh,a. ~ftrti~ 18 rrth hnu.t+~thn<br />

whn b<br />

Ron Rtnnrn (Irll)ondahp#~wh,hrr<br />

RGfil~3il:llrfoundon01hn hr@hhn<br />

her druihler. too - I<br />

and may llka lo<br />

.<br />

know many lhinss lhal we wid sham<br />

rllh her wllhoul lhtulcnlnslhcururll~ whrlhcr ahewnnlr lomcel her trown.up<br />

shc may WAI lo updale cl~lld. Surprirln~ly, one . provlnn -<br />

Ncwloundland 2 Is quletly ollcrlns<br />

such a servln nuw.<br />

Omuse lhe provlnn I: so small and<br />

Ihc number of lnqulrlcl arc lev, lhe<br />

Newfoundland Dcp.nmcnl al Swid<br />

I I<br />

wmmvnkm~c<br />

ho 1.1<br />

10 0111 daushln lo tern&<br />

Uenilnimknur rnrv wlrdl .nd'ltlur<br />

lvatsl lro more ~nkln, lhnugh .e don3 '"7 ruiin~ orrrjrnlon.<br />

U,U.IV rnn.,e~~!~~r h~m ror that. slnro h., The mrlhad ol mmmunlcallan<br />

ma been mmpieled. But h nn ~lvlyr be<br />

AU. 3.n" opened lo nrrlre new Infmmallon: I1<br />

AtlMm(*<br />

tlnn lhb"4<br />

Servlccr hmr ken mblc lo csl.blhh I<br />

palnslmklnl procedure lhal mg lakt<br />

aveal monlhr. So lar abovl levm adull<br />

sdoplecs wmllnn to mrel lhclr blrlh<br />

vlrrs and munsellin( sn,lonr: *hm<br />

nemssaty. a m~chl~l~lsl Itled lo saqe<br />

lhclr abllilr lo handle a mcriblc rrlrr.<br />

Ilon. ~veiumlb. whcn a'blrlh moihcr<br />

who looked like her. A pll. Rools.<br />

"llnnor uvr me lhc barkslaund Infur.<br />

mallon lhrl nnally let me lwk back. She<br />

loldmc 1 h*dkcn ulth my birll! tnolhrr<br />

for flrc math%. hly God, she rarcd<br />

enou~hlo kmpmdllonnr lold me thal I<br />

hall been In I haby home, 1h.l my<br />

morhrr had idkn 111 and cuuldn'r krrp<br />

up lhc paymtnls In #he home. llollar<br />

lave me myiifr." .<br />

In rclvrn loan Vnnclune - 1 MI,.<br />

Morlndcl's urglnl - gave life lo<br />

Rrcnl Flndrts. I1 muld herante llnnor<br />

Mowln~krl's lc~ry; she died crrly 11th<br />

yur. Mn. V~nslonc dcvclnbed I1 It810 a<br />

nallonll tcunion rcdslly lor adoplccs<br />

and blllll 101111ve6 an lnarutllon cclllrc<br />

whcrc they ten lertn llnw in flnd one<br />

*nother. and an lnlermedirry lhlouth<br />

which one prlycm r~ulloacly arpmrrt<br />

Ihc olher wirhoe wrcrkln~ a lilc.<br />

lhrml Finden' head nfllm lr 1408 I<br />

Awnue. Vancouver, D.C.<br />

,<br />

C-tt1kll.am1.n<br />

,wr*rz,uur ;. ,<br />

ruut IIC~HI, 1 .<br />

Cast Ul~m 6 .<br />

'<br />

Wilh lhe name and any non.ldcnllly.<br />

have some nfcsuards: lrrincd mun. willr branchel In I4 clller end a IC&ISII~ 1nnlnform.lion avmliablc In lhr ndopllan<br />

M*nha*lnla.AnnCdtln~ , ~llon should lnlcrvlew bolh p.rlln lo or 1,100 nmmcs - was besun In Van. nle - pbn ol blrlh. mnlhcr'~ ale and<br />

hdwrmbur. i,, e~plorelhelr prnenl lllcslluallanl. thelr muvcr thrcc yem mso by an ebulllanl mupallon - sn adaplcc can %our such<br />

~n ~vm~trrntuom<br />

cmo~lonml~lnn.lhelr molivcslormcel. ndoplec named lorn Vsns~onc. I public r d r .I old phonc brinks, dty<br />

A-lw An Ill& . . Ins. The rounsellon muld recommend mlddle.agcd mmhcr oflhrec,<br />

.<br />

llrr oedo dircnnrlcs and rrltml ycarhauk1. Thc<br />

am&.,L(yI<br />

f ' mulnu a Ieunlon, but should no1 have lccma lo k summed up In s remrlk she search ir vsurlb Ions. ~Ithoug11 some<br />

IW m<br />

~nn~a..&h~tu.~loy . lhe ponr In prevenl 11.<br />

madctoua recenlly:"My~oul Is my soul ares arc e~cepllonml. Gary Cowlry. a<br />

'. A r~slrymuldaaually pmlCcl mdap and mdopllon shnuld no1 sell my tad rounder of Patent Flndcrr, had lrled or<br />

= " ;, ~ llvcprmulrom ~ lhme ~ lew blnh pmnlr ~ Inlo slavety. Everyone her m dghl lo hb and on lrom the llmc he was I8 In learn<br />

n*.wt** . I<br />

re kno* who'va found oul where lhelr om sense olldenll~y and dlsnlly!' his hlrlh name. Finally. In Ills mid.10~.<br />

Ovr~lSh* children arc. Knowins lhsl lhcrc'm a She'd lurned about her own blrlh he bemsn to wrile the Orilkh Colvmhla<br />

UIt*l.l Am#*-- . ' leal chann lhcy an meel lhrm as plrenlc horn the lame Children's AId mtlotney.smenl'l depmtlmml. Aller I8<br />

cumtb ~nr.. ~ anr%nlns :' rdulls, IhcMrrh prenamisht bldqlhelr Soelcly srrfsl worker who hnndlcd our months. lor rearens lhal wrle never<br />

hnlrnlrl MnniahUhhO*Onh~ llme Inslead of ltyln: I0 Inltudsdurln( daushler's ndopllon - a warm, perm(* nrldc clur. Mrs. hlowlnrkel was given<br />

C-Mk(kr tWIdn*rhtrtloml)rt the imrnalure live womm named ~~nor.M~~lnck~I. permi~slm lo rcvnl hls Idmlily. Then,<br />

Nbawbr*lhll*r hblnhrn 1Id.Y)I WY. Dcyond runnlng I rr~lslty. sdopllon )o?n Vln~!onc diuuvetcd lhat her m l her auggnlian, hc placed a ncwspapc<br />

*"''Im,<br />

rmm'4 *'L"lt la 'tCYbrlrl. lsenriel should be prrparcd lo .el as In.<br />

Adwtirlna irtmrntalmM8raaMMi Umitd.<br />

nrlural parcnla hhd dlrd long before she ad asklni aboul hlr molhrr's uhrri.<br />

raa,o.ad,,,,n,bn ,IL,l,A,IO~rIY, ltrmcdiatlcs even whcn only one prrly llled loollnslhcrn. Ye1 MR. M~wintkel lbouU and the very nc~l<br />

day rmlvrd a<br />

Y. blplna,~.ac. IV IM( II~.)~I.II~~ has lndklled m.deslre lor rcunlon. For smve hcrcnoush dctallfrom ascnqfllcr phone all from m run1 he'd never<br />

km4,lrn mu1 ntntr.%a nurnk, Il11:m~ inslance, a munrcllot mishl diwrwlly lo lrark down hnll.htolhcr. a hsll. known. Il'i molhcr was dead. she lold<br />

c'ls.rlr' ldmd*lh'rdm~d,"** leek oul m blrlh molhcr and dclermlne ~lsIrr.aunls, unclcsmndmuslns. Proplc him. and char wma 1 shock but he dld<br />

- ti,'<br />

. . .<br />

....<br />

maiurlly we hoFc'lherc wliibe analnclal<br />

r~llrlq llsllns the nrmes ol.dull sdop<br />

Lea and birlh pnrcnls who wan1 lo<br />

reunilc. This reunlon rclisln should<br />

Arras Canada, n looser, boldly<br />

unollldal reunlon %rrlcc has ilterdy<br />

bloulhllo~clhcr~boull00adoplccssnd<br />

lhrlr blrlh rchlircs. Rrcnl Flndcn -<br />

bear only;he adonllrr lamlly's 5urnrmc<br />

and only tame adapllon orders carq lltc<br />

blrlh surname.<br />

, . 4<br />


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