Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption


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moral support and 1cg:tl a d vicc for a<br />

strtrggle th:tt ir now in thc courts.<br />

Tlrc outcomc of rl~is battle will alfcct<br />

up to five n~illion adoptecs in<br />

tltis country 1)lus tr~illio~~s more of<br />

tl~cir n:~tural and atloprive p:trcnts.<br />

..<br />

llrc issuc is r:tisit~g [~assior~s on<br />

both sides.<br />

U1',11101'7'10N RI~l.'ORI).S<br />

scarclt tvorksltops, traclc exl)cricnccs. Pro: ,\t.af,\at~tl ~~~ostotl~cr:~~lc~~rtee IICS, and wl~atcvcr hoq~ital and<br />

and discuss <strong>III</strong>C problems, adjust- groups c~~rtccde tlt:n records sho~lld<br />

adoption-agency filcs are available.<br />

nlents and internal conllicts tltat be- rcmain closcd to tninors bcc:~ure of Tl~i> tncans cndlcss pl~o~ic calls, Iep<br />

set tl~e atlol)tcc wl~o starts looking the emotional rtraitls :lrtd pitfalls tltat<br />

work and lcttcr writing.<br />

for his or her natural parents. uftct~ conte tvitlr a search. Where<br />

Hospitals and agcncics usually<br />

I-low, for instancc, docs an ad00- adultsare concerned, l~owcvcr,,~~.st~ turn a dcaf car. Wllcn adol~tion<br />

tcc dcal with :tdoptivc parcnts who nrgucs t11:1t scalcd rc~-crrtls infringe<br />

sourccs do leak information, tltcy<br />

understandably resent the searcl~l U~IOII basic civil and l~umao rights-<br />

sornctimcs dcccivc. "Even nuns have<br />

What is tl~c best way of gctting including thosc promising equal<br />

licd to adoptccs," says ALMA mcmbcr<br />

through to social agcncics and bu. protection under tlte law for a11<br />

Karl Zimlncr, who had a succcssful<br />

rcaucrats WIIO often trcat searchers citizens, and guarantees against loss<br />

reunion ;il his natural parents<br />

with wllous disdain? if tlle scarcl~ of rcligious frccdom.<br />

aftcr a scarch lasting a year and<br />

succccdr, what docs <strong>III</strong>C adoptcc say Con: Opponents-mostly adop-<br />

a half. Tllc adoption agcncy gave<br />

to a natural parent?<br />

tive parents as wcll assotnc adoption<br />

ALVA'S nabcttc Dalsl~rinlcr tllc first<br />

I3y providing :tnswcrs, cncouragc- agencies and social workers-insist<br />

names of hcr natural parcnts and<br />

mcnt and hope, ALMA is hclpinq: that adoptccs alrcady llavc legal ac-<br />

told hcr both wcrc dcad. Sltc ltircd a<br />

adoptccs ~nin what cvcryonc clsc ccss for "good cause." 'rl~is broadly<br />

dctcctivc wlto turncd up two glaring<br />

takcs for gr;lntcd: tl~c scnsc of lteri- includes special nccds for tncdical or<br />

discrcpancics: her fatllcr's namc was<br />

tagc tl~at ansV,vcrs tlrc most basic and psychiatric I~irtorics. Bcyond sucll<br />

incorrect and lter motl~cr was, in<br />

l~auntitig of l~uman questions. "Who instances, up )otlcnts claim that<br />

fact, alivc.<br />

am I?"<br />

adoptccs sllou 1 d lcnvc wcll enougl~<br />

After all tl~c searching, dcad ends<br />

Witltout it, adoptce I ' u y ~ g alone-if only out of lovc for tllcir<br />

and dirappoirttmcntr, tl~c final rc-<br />

2 . . I-tasry?t~, ..., . . an ~l.atA n~ru~bcr, claints adoptivc parcnts. "Your rcal parcnts<br />

union can bc exhilarating-or hcartshc<br />

is likean island.<br />

E<br />

"I wattt to touch arc the pcoplc wl~o raised you,"<br />

breaking. Florcncc Fishcr's was<br />

\ tltc n~ainlat~d-to ask 'Who? Why?' " columrrisr Ann Landers advised onc<br />

both. Whrn first confronted, her<br />

sl~c rays. Anita .--- .McCartl~ . .- - another adolxcc. "Don't go poking around.<br />

motltcr dcnicd all. Sl~c eventually<br />

2 .+t.stA trtcmlcr, adils: '7' ---? IC rcal me You may regret if."<br />

admitted tl~c relationship, but thc<br />

V,<br />

lies frlrzcn inside. My children have lgrtorirtg suc11 argultlents. Inany<br />

gulf bctwccn motlter and daughter<br />

Y<br />

b only l~alf of tl~cir lteritag-thcir fa- adopters do start tltc searcl~-and<br />

proved too witlc to bridge. Latcr,<br />

thcr's. Is ntine any less importal~r arc itntncdiately faccd with ntyriad<br />

though, Fisl~cr did forn~ a lovirtg<br />

-. C bccausc I was adopted?'<br />

problentr. First, wltcrc to bcgin?<br />

rclationsltip with l~cr natural fathcr,<br />

0<br />

;c,<br />

Ikyond its supportive role, Al.rlA I-low does onc takc that first step<br />

a Hollywood stuntman.<br />

is also ic:tdirlg a nationwiclc crusade across tl~c bleak, blank ycars that<br />

Yct, wl~etl~er good or bad, tltc<br />

for t11c rigl~tsof adoptccs- xoviding<br />

new rclationsltip is ala~ost secondary<br />

cluud tllc adoptce's past? Most adoptccs<br />

don't wen know their placc of<br />

birtlt: and adoptive parents, the<br />

printe starti~~g point, oftcr~ rcfusc<br />

tltcn~ tl~c infor~natiut~,<br />

lic about it<br />

(JS i:lurence. Fis11w:s rtlotlter did).<br />

Armed wit11 2 few clues, tllc adop-<br />

tcc's next step is rumlnagiog tl~raugl~<br />

city-hall recortls, telelrlto~~e tlirccto-<br />

to the scnsc of fulfillment tl~c adoptcr:<br />

gains by simply cornplcting tltc<br />

scarclt. "It is the truth of tl~c past one<br />

is searcl~ing for, not :I relationship<br />

wit11 anutl~er sct of parents," strcsrcs<br />

I~~t~y.Jc~rr~Liftort.irt 'liuicr ilont, an<br />

~CCOU<strong>III</strong> of Iter SIICCC~S~UI<br />

attempt to<br />

tracc llrr natural parcots.<br />

Dcspitc tllc sytnl~arhic sucl~ stories<br />

cvokc, the struggle for adolrtccr'<br />

rigl~ts will not bc wort overnight.<br />

Opposition is strong and makes a<br />

poignant casc for the rights of ado()-<br />

rive parents thcmsclvcs. Tbcy Itavc<br />

raiscd cl~ildrcn.v,tl~eirowt~, with thc<br />

understanding that thc vcil of sccrccy<br />

would ttcvcr be liftcd. Now rltat<br />

may changr. And many of them fecl<br />

betrayed and l~urt by a child-theirs<br />

by cvcrything but blood-who sccms<br />

to nccd a grcatcr scnsc of family than<br />

tlicy provided.<br />

Yet, little by littlc. lcgal opinion is<br />

swinging toward the adoptcc. In<br />

Fcbruary 1977, in the most significant<br />

court decision so far, a New<br />

jcrscy superior court forccd an adop.<br />

tion agency to scarclt for the natural<br />

oarcrtts: if unsucccssful, the agency<br />

must give thc'rccords to thc adop.<br />

tee, unlcss the statc sltows "good<br />

uusc" wily be sltould not have<br />

them.<br />

A sccondCor~stitutional chal!engc<br />

will bc dccidcd in New York federal<br />

court this summer. Thcrc, tg ALMA<br />

rncmbcrs have brought a class-action<br />

suit, dcmandir~g acccss to thcir rccords.<br />

If tltcy win, the prcccdent will<br />

invalidate tlie laws that scal rccords.<br />

'ilpart fron~ davcry," the ALhth<br />

membcrs argue in tl~eir court corrtplaint,<br />

"thcrc is no orhcr instancc in<br />

our law in wl~iclt 3 contract made<br />

among adults on bind thc cltild oncc<br />

hc rcachcr ltis majority."<br />

Florence Fisl~cr ~nakcs another<br />

point: The original ptlrpclscs of sealing<br />

adopriorr rccortis wcrc not only<br />

to protcct but11 scts of parents but

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