Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption


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ig111 front window of tllc car as<br />

Donna cvas opcni~l the door to stcp<br />

out and go insillc P icr honlc.<br />

I3allistics found tliat tllc murdcr<br />

weapon was R .qq-calibcr rcvolvcr.<br />

'i'his inlortllation was not rclcascd.<br />

Somebody said that Donna had<br />

l~nd a fight with tier boy fricntl, who<br />

was now in Ncw hfcxico. Dcrcctivcs<br />

flcw to New Mcxico, whcrc, invcstiation<br />

rcvcalcd, a .44 rcvolvcr had<br />

ffccn bought rcccnrly, by anotl~cr<br />

rnan. And this sccond man oncc had<br />

livcd only six blocks from the 13ronx<br />

strcct whcrc Donna was killcd.<br />

Thc ~~icces tvcrc falling into placc.<br />

But one<br />

P<br />

cssimistic dctcctivc conrmct~tccl,<br />

' If it's not ourguy, then it's<br />

a ~>sycho and wc'rc in a lot td trou.<br />

hle."(A psychopath, killing at whim,<br />

brcaks thc police pattcrn of looking<br />

. for tnotivc.)<br />

At thc rcqucst of thc New York<br />

: Policc Department, the statc policc<br />

in Ncw Mcxico scarcl1cd for thc . 4<br />

Thcy found it. Tllcy tcst-fired it. T 1"' c<br />

bullcts did not nlatcli thc Donna<br />

huria bullcts.<br />

. l'licrc was bad language in the<br />

squad room.And cvonc wastocomc.<br />

-N,m I*& *<br />

TRS. DIGFS7'<br />

No~umhrr,.,,<br />

killcr hacl nlistakcn Dcnaro, who had<br />

sl~ol~lder-length hair, for I wo~rtacl.<br />

I Saturday, Novcmbcr 27, tllc killer<br />

struck again. jmmn*c.Lotrlino, 18,<br />

and a iricnd, l&~~nqDiM;~ri, 17,<br />

wcrc sitting on ]oartnc's front porch<br />

whcn a ntan walked o and asked<br />

for directions. 'l'hcn 1 tc p~~llctl a<br />

gun fronl undcr his coat and ol>cnctl<br />

fire.<br />

Miss Lotniao was struck in tllc<br />

back of the 11ead and is now paralyzcd.<br />

Donna was woundcd in tlic<br />

ncck. Policc picked up thrcc 44.<br />

calibcr $llcll casings at thc sccnc.<br />

Two months wcnt by bcforc thc<br />

ncxt attack, and this timc thc killcr's<br />

aim wn deadly. Cl~ristincFrcund, a<br />

26-ycar-old sccrctary, was shot to<br />

dcatliat 12:30a.m., January 30,1977,<br />

as shc sat with hcr fiancC in a car<br />

parked in Forest Hills, (Juccns. (He<br />

war unliurt.) 'Sllcn, just half n block<br />

from thcrc-and'fivc wccks lstcr, on<br />

Mardl Bat about 7:jop.m.-Vir inla<br />

Voskcrichian, a rg-ycar-old Co f umbia<br />

University studcnt, was shot at<br />

closc rangc and killcd as slie walkcd<br />

on I)artn~oulh Strcct.<br />

Tbc juxtaposition of the two killings<br />

sccmcd too muclt to bc a co-<br />

incidence. Two days later, as fcar,<br />

~l~~~x~~~~~c~,~itll~noticcdat<br />

thc ripped thc Forcst 1-lills neighbor- '-'<br />

tinlc, was a virtual rcplay of tl~c food, Ncw York Mayor Abraham<br />

Lauria killing. At z:3oa.n1. on Octo- ncatnc and City Police Conlrnissionbcr<br />

23, C&r!.Qc?%, 20, and Me- cr Michael 1. Codd callcd a joint<br />

tilary...Kccnan, -- 21, wcrc sitting in new confcrcncc to annouricc tller<br />

pxkcd wron '160th Strcct in Flush- tl~c sarrrc .dq-caliber rcvolvcr ha<br />

ing, Quccns. Ilcnaro was shot in the killcd three young woracn and thc<br />

back of thc bead, but survivcd. Miss lonc gunman was srill at large.<br />

Kccnan was uninjurcd. Policc lntcr The oficials appcalccl for public<br />

tl~corizcd tliat in thc darkness the I~clp, arld mail and rclcphonc tips<br />


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