Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 1-117 (Adoptees) - triadoption


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8-Rocky Moin~oin News<br />

lhurs.. Julv 17, 1975. Denver. Colo.<br />

I<br />

f Cedaredge is home of 'Orphan Voyage' \<br />

Adop fees receive help in fracing origins, identities1<br />

-<br />


*., 61111<br />

"Prnctlcnlly everyone who has been ndopcd<br />

wonders nbout hls true bnckground. his 'real'<br />

fnmlly," &n. I:nl$.KIl~n, herself an adop<br />

lee, sald in hvcr Wednesday. "It's human<br />

MIWCLJ wnnt lo know."<br />

hUss I'dcm, who was born In ,Iklroil and<br />

adopt$ lwi,ce by the tlmc she wns 2, has spenl<br />

a li ellme llnd~ng out aboul hcrsclf and helping<br />

ohr ndoptccs find out nboul Lhcmselvcs.<br />

Rom her homc in Cednrcdge, she operalu<br />

"Orphan Voyage." whlch she describes ns n<br />

'March organlzntlon." Through her impellci<br />

and lnspirnlion. some 20 orgnnizollm of adop<br />

1 s have been formed across Ole nallon~ nnd<br />

dr was In Denver Wcdncsdny lo ollcr sumcs.<br />

Uons lo a Denver group, Adoplea In Search.<br />

Wch wnsorganlrrd n few monthsngo.<br />

The Denver gmup 01 ndults who were ado*<br />

cd chlldren mct Wednesday IIl~ht at Ule<br />

homc 01 hlrs. Jeanie Stewart, 15893 E. tlamil.<br />

ton Place. They ere trying to srcure the<br />

opcnlng of senled slnle records which mntnin<br />

dclnlls of lhelr backgrounds nnd lhelr<br />

ndoptlons.<br />

"i\S it IS now. we know nothing nboul our<br />

backgrounds, no1 even medico1 inlormniion,"<br />

saldone of the membem.<br />

htiss Pnton said It wns much cnsier uhcn she<br />

kgnn her scnrch more thnn 30 ycars ngo. She<br />

dscussm her background aad her search freely<br />

and fronkly.<br />

"My molher's famlly wouldn'l lcl her keep<br />

me," shc said. "1 was ndopled by o lamil<br />

wtlcn I wns nn Wnnl, bul my fosler fnlher died:<br />

nnd then I was ndopled by Dr. and Mrs.<br />

lbmns I'nlonol Ypsllnnti, hllch."<br />

hlis. Palon mnlls lhnl she was given %wi.<br />

ly, kindness and an exccllenl cducolion in the<br />

I'alm homc. Sl~c wns grodunlcd lmm the<br />

Urilvcrsily of Wisconsin in 1932 nnd obtnid n<br />

muster's dqm! there In cconomies and soclol.<br />

ogy a year later. In IEIS she corned n mnslcr's<br />

dcgm In soclnl work from lhc UNvcrslly ol<br />

uilh her loslcr lnlher, olten Rolng on his medicnl<br />

rounds wllh hlm. And she hnd at lens1 a<br />

mrknb!e relolionshlp. wllh her laster mother.<br />

nut shc alwn wns curlous aboul her rcnl p?r-<br />

~ntncc. "., . Mi- ..-- Etnn . ,I*.<br />

In 1'43 she applied to the Probate Courl in<br />

Uclmlt and was allowed to look at her adopllon<br />

. - - -. - .<br />

"I lcnrned my mothcr's flrsl nnme and sow<br />

her signalum." she sald. "It wns n thrill."<br />

Rnnsylunnln. m-<br />

"I workcd llve ears In child plncinl: 01 llle<br />

Philadelphln ~hllcf Cuidoncc Cl~n~c nnd qual~.<br />

Orphan VoyogeSs jwn pPlon.~i~tsorl<br />

I~rdnsn psychinlrlcmlol workcr," shesold. ''11'3 human llaturc to want lo<br />

Shr hud n worm and enjoy~~bie rclo~ionshlp<br />

know."<br />

-<br />

- -<br />

- -<br />

\Vllh lhc scnnl Informalion she had obtn111ed<br />

Imm the rccor&, hllss Pnton looked up (hc<br />

recorded in the city d ~mory and hired<br />

n pnvale dclecllve lo look up nll possible<br />

relnllves.<br />

"I urole the possible rclallves nnd finally got<br />

an ansu'er from nn aunt who had k n on m<br />

mxhrr's slde in lhe whole episode," she mid:<br />

'Sr imk me lo sce my mother. who wns 69<br />

Urn. She wns 22 when I was born. 60 it was 47<br />

)van. Her molher hnd told her I was dad."<br />

tkr molhcr lold her the nnrne of her renl fathcr<br />

--Kitlson -and where he had unrked.<br />

"I didn'l prm her lor loo much lnlormn.<br />

Urn" she said. "I1 wns pnlnful for her to lnlk<br />

abaE it. tIe would hnvc been in his lnlc 1Ds<br />

Un and I never saw hlm. But lmm the lcads<br />

she gave mc. I wns able lo learn a lot ahxn<br />

hrn and it helpcd me lo undersLand m)3ell<br />

hcclcr."<br />

TW experience of locnling her oun molher<br />

cnnched her oun life nnd broughl peace lo lk<br />

k 10 ycnrs of her mother's lllc. hks I'nlm<br />

m.d. And nlthough she usually iy addressed as<br />

hls Pnton, she puts her nnme doun officinlly .<br />

as hlon.Kll(son.<br />

"IVc idopted people like lo play nmund uilh<br />

our names like that," she cxplnhd wit11 a<br />

mile.<br />

kkr experlence In locnllng her molher led her<br />

to make n sludy of ndopld persons in lklr<br />

&It yenn. Hcsulls of the study, anu,ering<br />

arh qucslions ns "Did hey want to know Wlr<br />

Wgrounds? lb~d U~ey tried to find out? How<br />

had bein adopted influence their lives?" sere<br />

wuh c i in n book in IW.<br />

7be book led lo thc publicalion ol a quarterly<br />

mletlcr. "The Log or Orphnn Voyage,"<br />

uhich discussesprublcmsof sdoptea.<br />

The roblcm of background inlormullon Is<br />

med tiose dcnresl lo Mlss Patcm.<br />

"Ow prcsenl policies concerning ndopiions<br />

hnve becn eslablished nklrnclcdlg." she said.<br />

"u~lhout nn). vcrllicnlion or nny nicipation<br />

of the nnlural parents. Adoplecs Eve had no<br />

pnrl in lhe cslnbllshmcnl of present sdopllon<br />

pllcics, no panlclpnllon In nny legislation mn.<br />

mrning lhemselves.<br />

"Wc are asking lhnl the records be opened.<br />

for lhmc of us who want 10 look Into lkm. Wr<br />

nre no1 all ol one volce, no1 everyone wanls lo<br />

know the lruth about hlmself, bul Ume who<br />

don't cure lolook don't hnvcto.<br />

"Wc arc not nsklng hat lhcsc records be<br />

opened lo the world in gcncrnl. Wc do wnnl<br />

lhem avnilablc to the persons whose names nre<br />

mcnlioned in Ibem, upon the mnluiil). of lhc<br />

child.<br />

"hfy llfc didn't reach a clcnr, solid base unUl<br />

nllcr I had conlnclcd my own molher, rcsalved<br />

lhnt doubt." hliss Pnlon sold. "I lhink olhers<br />

slwruld have this opporlunily lo irnpmve Wir<br />

li,~cscF."<br />

'Ihr "Reunion File" she has started Is a<br />

cmss.lndcxed curd file containing infomtion<br />

about persons who have been adofled and per.<br />

sons who hove given up children for ndopllon.<br />

Bg comparing slatlsllc$ she hopes nl limes lo<br />

k nblc to mulch nalurnl molhers uilh lhcir<br />

lonpmissirq children.<br />

Ollc of her lnvorlle stories concern n Colomdo<br />

"natural" mothcr who mntacled kr lor aid<br />

in locating her child.<br />

"We wire able to gcl Lhe information evcntually<br />

through the ngency which handled the<br />

ndoption." Mlss Palon relnlcd. "I got thc ngm<br />

cy lo u~ile lo the daughter, who wat inher ps<br />

nnd married by then. The daughler hen wrolcher<br />

molher, nppnrcnlly wllh lhe grcntesl dc-<br />

U&l, and the mother wenttovlslt ha.<br />

"It hns been n happy Ullng all around. and<br />

the foslcr parents hnve been most gracious In I1<br />


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