Reports - United Nations Development Programme

Reports - United Nations Development Programme

Reports - United Nations Development Programme


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substantively with the youth components of UNDP’s LA<br />

21 programme to mutual benefit.<br />

Considerations of long-term sustainability, scalingup<br />

and spin-off have to be taken more fully into account<br />

at the very outset of programme design in order to ensure<br />

that UNDP programmes have a lasting impact.<br />

Moreover, monitoring and evaluation during programme<br />

implementation is essential. This will help ascertain<br />

whether or not the expected benefits were realised,<br />

whether they are sustainable and whether and how they<br />

can be scaled up.<br />



In the volatile political and economic environment in<br />

Turkey during the years 1998-2003, the UNDP has been<br />

seen as a relevant and important player on the<br />

development scene in Turkey. Its overall strategy was<br />

broadly relevant and focused on key human development<br />

and capacity building areas. While its strategy statements<br />

lacked a clear and continuous line of consistent goals and<br />

approaches, the underlying programme was responsive to<br />

key development challenges, especially in helping Turkey<br />

address important issues of regional disparity and<br />

weakness of sub-national governance, in the<br />

environmental and gender area, and in its advocacy role in<br />

calling attention to Turkey’s urgent human development<br />

challenges through a succession of NHDRs. The UNDP<br />

also sharpened its programmatic focus on key human<br />

development challenges – governance, poverty, environment<br />

and gender – while continuing with substantive<br />

contributions through major flagship programmes. How<br />

the UNDP has risen to its strategic challenges over the<br />

last five years and the results it has achieved in key areas<br />

of engagement in Turkey is the subject of the next chapter.<br />

Looking towards the future, Turkey is now at a<br />

crossroads and so is the UNDP in Turkey. The new<br />

emphasis on EU accession and the accompanying<br />

resource flows from the EU present special challenges not<br />

only for Turkey, but also for the UNDP in Turkey, with its<br />

limited financial resources and capacity and with its<br />

special mandate to promote human development and the<br />

achievement of the MDGs. In order to effectively<br />

position itself, the UNDP needs to seek innovative ways<br />

of bringing its corporate capacity to bear in the Turkish<br />

context and to use the credibility it has gained in the<br />

development of local capacity, particularly in less<br />

developed regions of the country, to help the Government<br />

facilitate the flow of EC funds and use it as a platform for<br />

support to policy development. The UNDP needs to<br />

understand clearly the areas in which it provides value<br />

added to both Turkey and the EU accession process and<br />

build on them. It must always assess the sustainability<br />

and scaling-up potential of its programmes and the<br />

replicability of effective pilot projects. Creation of a<br />

longer-term niche for the UNDP in local governance and<br />

grassroots development and poverty reduction requires it<br />

to both adapt existing as well as develop new flagship<br />

programmes. The UNDP will also need to re-orient its<br />

key partnerships, placing greater emphasis on local<br />

Government, regional administrations and CSOs, while<br />

maintaining strong ownership and support by the<br />

national Government and the EU.<br />


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