CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011


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7 Publications<br />

7.1 Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters<br />

[DA1] B. Pajot, S. Massart, D. Cariolle, A. Piacentini, and O. Pannekoucke, (<strong>2010</strong>), Assimilation of IASI ozone data<br />

with a CTM at high resolution, In Concordiasi Workshop, Toulouse, France, Météo-France/CNES.<br />

7.2 Journal Publications<br />

[DA2] B. Bouriquet, J. Argaud, P. Erhard, S. Massart, A. Ponçot, S. Ricci, and O. Thual, (<strong>2011</strong>), Differential influence<br />

of each instrument in nuclear core activity evaluation by data assimilation, Nuclear Instrumentation and Method,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>, A626-62, 97–104.<br />

[DA3] M. Claeyman, J.-L. Attié, L. El Amraoui, D. Cariolle, V. H. Peuch, H. Teyssèdre, B. Josse, P. Ricaud,<br />

S. Massart, A. Piacentini, J. P. Cammas, N. L. Livesey, H. Pumphrey, and D. P. Edwards, (<strong>2010</strong>), A linear<br />

CO chemistry parameterization in a chemistry-transport model : evaluation and application to data assimilation,<br />

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 6097–6115.<br />

[DA4] L. El Amraoui, J.-L. Attié, N. Semane, M. Claeyman, V.-H. Peuch, J. Warner, P. Ricaud, J.-P. Cammas,<br />

A. Piacentini, B. Josse, D. Cariolle, S. Massart, and H. Bencherif, (<strong>2010</strong>), Midlatitude stratosphere-troposphere<br />

exchange as diagnosed by MLS O3 and MOPITT CO assimilated fields, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10,<br />

2175–2194.<br />

[DA5] T. Lee, T. Awaji, M. Balmaseda, N. Ferry, Y. Fujii, I. Fukumori, B. Giese, P. Heimbach, A. Kohl, S. Masina,<br />

E. Remy, A. Rosati, M. Schodlok, D. Stammer, and A. T. Weaver, (<strong>2010</strong>), Consistency and fidelity of Indonesianthroughflow<br />

total volume transport estimated by 14 ocean data assimilation products, Dyn. Atmos. Ocean, 50, 201–<br />

223.<br />

[DA6] S. Massart, B. Pajot, A. Piacentini, and O. Pannekoucke, (<strong>2010</strong>), On the merits of using a 3D-FGAT assimilation<br />

scheme with an outer loop for atmospheric situations governed by transport, Monthly Weather Review, 138, 4509–<br />

4522.<br />

[DA7] I. Mirouze and A. Weaver, (<strong>2010</strong>), Representation of correlation functions in variational assimilation using an<br />

implicit diffusion operator, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 136, 1421–1443.<br />

[DA8] G. Thirel, E. Martin, J.-F. Mahfouf, S. Massart, S. Ricci, and F. Habets, (<strong>2010</strong>), A past discharge assimilation<br />

system for ensemble streamflow forecast over France. Part 1 : Description and validation of the assimilation system,<br />

Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, 7, 2413–2453.<br />

[DA9] G. Thirel, E. Martin, S. Mahfouf, J.-F. Massart, S. Ricci, F. Regimbeau, and F. Habets, (<strong>2010</strong>), A past discharge<br />

assimilation system for ensemble streamflow forecasts over France. Part 2 : Impact on the ensemble streamflow<br />

forecasts, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, 7, 2455–2497.<br />

[DA10] B. Bouriquet and J.-P. Argaud, (<strong>2011</strong>), Best Linear Unblased Estimation of the nuclear Masses., Annals of<br />

Nuclear Energy, 38, 1863–1866.<br />

[DA11] B. Bouriquet, J. Argaud, P. Erhard, S. Massart, A. Ponçot, S. Ricci, and O. Thual, (<strong>2011</strong>), Robustness of<br />

nuclear core activity reconstruction by data assimilation., Nuclear Instrumentation and Method, 629 A, 282–287.<br />

[DA12] M. Claeyman, J.-L. Attié, V.-H. Peuch, L. El Amraoui, W. A. Lahoz, B. Josse, M. Joly, J. Barré, P. Ricaud,<br />

S. Massart, A. Piacentini, T. von Clarmann, M. Höpfner, J. Orphal, J.-M. Flaud, and D. P. Edwards, (<strong>2011</strong>), A thermal<br />

infrared instrument onboard a geostationary platform for CO and O3 measurements in the lowermost troposphere :<br />

observing system simulation experiments, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques, 4, 1637–1661.<br />

94 <strong>Jan</strong>. <strong>2010</strong> – <strong>Dec</strong>. <strong>2011</strong>

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