Annual Report 2006 (pdf) - EuroMaint Rail

Annual Report 2006 (pdf) - EuroMaint Rail

Annual Report 2006 (pdf) - EuroMaint Rail


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E u r o M a i n t A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 6<br />

Notes<br />

Note 1<br />

Accounting principles Contd.<br />

Intra-Group transactions and balance sheet items, as well as profits<br />

on transactions between Group companies, are eliminated. Losses<br />

are also eliminated, unless the transaction is proof of a write-down<br />

requirement for the transferred asset. The accounting principles<br />

for subsidiaries have been changed where appropriate to guarantee<br />

consistent application of the Group’s principles.<br />

Business combinations<br />

IFRS 3 entails establishing the fair value of identifiable assets and<br />

liabilities in the acquired operation at the time of acquisition. Identifiable<br />

assets and liabilities also include assets, liabilities and provisions<br />

including obligations and demands from external parties not reported<br />

in the acquired operation’s balance sheet. No provisions are made<br />

for costs relating to planned restructuring measures resulting from<br />

the acquisition. The difference between the cost of the acquisition<br />

and the acquired proportion of net assets in the acquired operation is<br />

classified as goodwill and is recognised as an intangible asset in the<br />

balance sheet.<br />

The useful life of each individual intangible asset is established<br />

and the asset’s fair value is amortised over its useful life. If the useful<br />

life is deemed indefinite, no amortisation takes place. If the useful life<br />

of an intangible asset is deemed indefinite, all relevant conditions are<br />

taken into account and based on there being no foreseeable upper<br />

time limit for the net cash flow generated by the asset. The useful life<br />

for goodwill is generally assumed to be indefinite.<br />

Segment reporting<br />

As the subsidiaries conduct separate operations with separate products<br />

and services, their operations have been chosen as the primary<br />

segment. Sales between subsidiaries are based on market conditions.<br />

All assets and liabilities have been included for each subsidiary.<br />

Segment information per subsidiary is given in Note 3.<br />

Translation of foreign currencies<br />

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the rate used on<br />

the transaction date. Receivables and liabilities in foreign currencies<br />

are translated at the exchange rates in force on the balance sheet<br />

date. Exchange rate differences on loans and investments in foreign<br />

currencies are reported as financial revenues or financial expense.<br />

Other exchange differences are included in operating revenues.<br />

Tangible fixed assets<br />

Tangible fixed assets are recognised at cost less accumulated depreciation<br />

according to plan and accumulated write-downs. Depreciation<br />

takes place in accordance with a systematic plan over the useful life of<br />

the asset to an estimated residual value.<br />

Additional costs are added to the asset’s carrying amount or<br />

recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is likely<br />

that future economic benefits associated with the asset will accrue to<br />

the Group and the asset’s cost can be measured in a reliable way. All<br />

other forms of repair and maintenance are recognised as expenses in<br />

the income statement for the period in which they arise.<br />

In order to distribute the cost of tangible fixed assets down to the<br />

estimated residual value, depreciation takes place linearly over the<br />

estimated useful life, in accordance with the following percentages.<br />

Machinery and equipment 10–20<br />

Computers and terminals 33<br />

Improvements to third-party property 10–20<br />

The residual values and useful lives of assets are tested on each<br />

balance sheet date and adjusted as necessary. An asset’s carrying<br />

amount is depreciated immediately to its recoverable amount (the<br />

higher of the net selling price and value in use) if the asset’s carrying<br />

amount exceeds its estimated recoverable amount.<br />

Profits and losses from sales are established by means of a<br />

comparison between the sales proceeds and carrying amount and the<br />

result is recognised in the income statement.<br />

Intangible assets<br />

Goodwill<br />

Goodwill is the amount by which the cost exceeds the fair value of the<br />

Group’s proportion of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets upon<br />

acquisition. Goodwill is recognised as an intangible asset. Profit or<br />

loss from the sale of a unit includes the remaining carrying amount<br />

of the goodwill pertaining to the sold unit.<br />

Goodwill is distributed between cash generating units upon testing<br />

to determine any write-down requirement. The write-down requirement<br />

for goodwill is tested as follows: the goodwill value established at<br />

the time of acquisition is distributed among cash generating units or<br />

groups of cash generating units, which are expected to bring benefits<br />

through the acquisition in the form of synergy effects. Assets and<br />

liabilities already within the Group at the time of acquisition may<br />

also be attributed to these cash generating units. Each cash flow<br />

of this kind to which goodwill is distributed, corresponds to the<br />

lowest level in the Group at which goodwill is monitored in the<br />

company’s Board and is not a larger part of the Group than a<br />

segment. A write-down requirement exists when the recoverable<br />

amount for a cash generating unit, or group of cash generating units,<br />

is lower than the carrying amount. In such cases a write-down is<br />

entered in the income statement.<br />

Other intangible assets/Customer relations<br />

In connection with corporate acquisitions, the Group has identified<br />

intangible assets which fulfil the criteria set out in IAS 38. Linear<br />

amortisation is applied over the useful life of the asset, which is taken<br />

as 8 years.<br />

The carrying amounts of intangible assets are tested to determine<br />

any write-down requirement when events or changes in circumstances<br />

indicate that the value may not be recoverable.<br />

Investment property<br />

Investment property is recognised at fair value, which equates to<br />

the market value and is established annually by external and internal<br />

valuers. Changes in fair value are recognised in the income statement<br />

as part of the Other operating revenues item.<br />

The “Land and buildings” header in Note 7 mainly recognises<br />

rebuilding of hired premises and investment property.<br />


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