Annual Report 2006 (pdf) - EuroMaint Rail

Annual Report 2006 (pdf) - EuroMaint Rail

Annual Report 2006 (pdf) - EuroMaint Rail


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E u r o M a i n t A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 6<br />

Note 1<br />

Accounting principles Contd.<br />

Write-downs<br />

Assets with an indefinite useful life are not depreciated/amortised but<br />

tested annually to determine any write-down requirement. The assets<br />

which are depreciated/amortised are assessed in terms of decrease<br />

in value whenever an event or a change in circumstances indicates<br />

that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. A write-down is<br />

carried out for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount<br />

exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher<br />

of an asset’s fair value less selling expenses, or its value in use. On<br />

determining the write-down requirement, the assets are grouped at<br />

the lowest levels at which there are separate, identifiable cash flows<br />

(cash generating units). Goodwill is tested annually to identify any<br />

write-down requirement and is recognised at cost less accumulated<br />

write-downs.<br />

Financial instruments<br />

Financial instruments recognised as assets in the balance sheet<br />

include cash equivalents, accounts receivable, derivatives and other<br />

receivables. Those recognised as liabilities include accounts payable,<br />

borrowings, derivatives and other liabilities.<br />

A financial asset or financial liability is recognised in the balance<br />

sheet when the company becomes party to the instrument’s contractual<br />

terms. Accounts receivable are recognised in the balance sheet<br />

once an invoice has been sent. Liabilities are recognised once the<br />

counterparty has completed its task and there is a contractual obligation<br />

to pay, even though an invoice may not yet have been received.<br />

Accounts payable are recognised once the invoice has been received.<br />

A financial asset is excluded from the balance sheet once the<br />

contractual rights have been realised, have expired or the company<br />

has lost control over it. The same applies for part of a financial asset.<br />

A financial liability is removed from the balance sheet once the obligation<br />

in the contract has been fulfilled or has in some other way been<br />

extinguished. The same applies for part of a financial liability.<br />

Financial assets<br />

Acquisitions and sales of financial assets are reported on the business<br />

day, i.e. the day on which the company commits to acquiring or<br />

selling the asset.<br />

Borrowing<br />

Loans are initially recognised at the loan amount and are subsequently<br />

entered at the loan amount less reductions. Borrowing is classified as<br />

a current liability if the payment of the liability will be made within 12<br />

months of the balance sheet date.<br />

Derivative instruments<br />

The Group uses derivative instruments to secure parts of its exposure<br />

to currency risks in ongoing payment flows. Management is in<br />

accordance with the financial rules established by the Board. Hedge<br />

accounting is not applied, instead all derivatives are categorised as<br />

financial assets and liabilities valued at fair value through the income<br />

statement. This means that the change in value of the derivatives is<br />

recognised in the income statement under financial items. Derivatives<br />

with positive values are entered as assets and derivatives with<br />

negative values are entered as liabilities. Fair value is established by<br />

obtaining the costs or revenue which would have arisen if the contract<br />

had expired on the balance sheet date.<br />

Inventories<br />

Material stores and finished goods inventories are valued at the lower<br />

of cost or net selling price. The Group applies the first-in, first-out<br />

method (FIFO). The net selling price is the estimated selling price in<br />

operating activities less applicable variable selling expenses.<br />

Accounts receivable<br />

Accounts receivable are reported at the invoiced amount less any reserve<br />

for decrease in value. A reserve for decrease in value of accounts<br />

receivable is set up when there is objective proof that the Group will<br />

not be able to receive all amounts due in accordance with the original<br />

terms of the receivables. The size of the reserve is the difference between<br />

the asset’s carrying amount and the value of assessed future cash<br />

flows. The decrease in value is reported in the income statement.<br />

Cash and cash equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents include cash and bank balances. In<br />

the balance sheet, the bank overdraft facility utilised is entered as<br />

borrowing under current liabilities.<br />

Income tax<br />

The tax burden is affected by appropriations and other tax adjustments<br />

made in each company. The tax rate used is 28%. Deferred tax is<br />

recognised in its entirety on all temporary differences comprising<br />

the difference between the tax base for assets and liabilities and their<br />

carrying amounts. Deferred tax is calculated through the application<br />

of tax rates and laws which have been decided or notified on the balance<br />

sheet date and which are expected to apply when the deferred tax<br />

assets in question are realised or the deferred tax liability is cleared.<br />

Deferred tax assets are recognised for tax-deductible temporary<br />

differences and unused loss carry-forwards to the extent it is likely<br />

that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary<br />

differences or unused loss carry-forwards may be used.<br />

Remuneration to employees<br />

Pension obligations<br />

The Group companies have different pension plans. The pension<br />

plans are financed through payment of insurance premiums or<br />

through a provision in the balance sheet. The Group has both defined<br />

benefit and defined contribution pension plans. For employees in<br />

the Group previously employed by the public enterprise, the Swedish<br />

State <strong>Rail</strong>ways, the Swedish state is responsible for earned and not<br />

paid pension commitments for the time prior to conversion into<br />

companies at the end of 2000/beginning of 2001.<br />

A defined contribution pension plan is a plan for which the Group<br />

holds no further payment obligation once the contributions are<br />

paid. Defined contribution pension plans in the Group are PA-03,<br />

Alternativ ITP (supplementary pensions for higher earners), and ITP<br />

supplementary pensions for salaried employees, Alecta. ITP pensions<br />

in Alecta are recognised as defined contribution plans due to a<br />

deficiency in the information required to classify the plan as a defined<br />

benefit pension. According to a statement from the Swedish Financial<br />

Accounting Standards Council’s Emerging Issues Task Force,<br />

URA 42, these are defined benefit plans encompassing several<br />

employers. <strong>EuroMaint</strong> has not had access to such information for<br />

the <strong>2006</strong> financial year that would make it possible to enter this<br />

plan as a defined benefit plan.<br />


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