Master's Thesis - Studierstube Augmented Reality Project - Graz ...

Master's Thesis - Studierstube Augmented Reality Project - Graz ...

Master's Thesis - Studierstube Augmented Reality Project - Graz ...


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A.2 Data Files<br />

Offset Name Type Description<br />

0x00 magic int Magic word to recognize the file as master file. Always contains<br />

the value 0x4df1c0de<br />

0x04 headerLen short int Length of the fixed-length part of the header. In case the length<br />

is larger than expected (for example when reading a newer file<br />

version) the reader should skip the extra fields. Version 1 has a<br />

headerLen of 40 bytes.<br />

0x06 mode short int Mode of the DICOM data (PARALLEL 1D = 0, PARAL-<br />

LEL 2D = 1, PARALLEL 3D = 2, GRID 3D = 3)<br />

0x08 version unsigned char Version of this file format. This specification describes version<br />

1<br />

0x09 compatVersion unsigned char The version the reader at least has to understand to be able to<br />

parse that archive. Set to 1 in this version.<br />

0x0A dicomPathOffset short int The offset to the DICOM path string calculated from the beginning<br />

of the string section (bytes)<br />

0x0C dicomPathLen short int The length (in Unicode characters) of the DICOM path string.<br />

0x0E numSlices short int The number of slices associated with this master file. Equivalent<br />

to the number of data files.<br />

0x10 stringSectionOffset int Offset to the start of the string section.<br />

0x14 maxVelocity float The maximum velocity magnitude (in cm/s) in all the phasecontrast<br />

data files. This field is used to calculate the proper<br />

mapping from velocities to colors in the visualization part<br />

0x18 preferredBlock short int Index to the preferred block. The images of this block are related<br />

to the vector field data. This field is set to 0 in all parallel<br />

modes.<br />

0x1A dicomPatientIndex unsigned short Index of the patient inside the DICOM archive<br />

0x1C dicomNumStudies unsigned int Number of DICOM studies<br />

0x20 dicomNumImages unsigned int Number of DICOM images<br />

0x24 checksum int CRC32 checksum of this header (excluding the checksum, of<br />

course)<br />

Table A.1: The fixed-length part of the master file header.<br />


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