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Teaching Earth Sciences - Earth Science Teachers' Association

Teaching Earth Sciences - Earth Science Teachers' Association


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experienced by this region have been over the last 55<br />

million years, we can provide a geological context for those<br />

developing predictions for the future climatic development<br />

of this region.<br />

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Ian Harding<br />

School of Ocean & <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Science</strong>, University of<br />

Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, European<br />

Way, Southampton, SO17 3RT.<br />

ich@noc.soton.ac.uk<br />

Cause of Mass Extinction...... “the earth<br />

was hit by a giant ammonite”<br />

www.esta-uk.net Vol 35 No 1 2010 <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>Earth</strong> <strong><strong>Science</strong>s</strong> 35

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