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United States Instltut~ of Peace, a federally funded think tan~.<br />

"can (Sadr) be bought off? He can be bought off, yes. But only as a stepping-stone to total power.<br />

Namely, he'll do the same thing that Saddam Huss~in has done, that Hitler has done. He'll cooperate up<br />

to a point and then he'll try to take over and replace the system," said Baram, who Is also a professor of<br />

Middle Eastern history at the University of Haifa In Israel.<br />

"Unless Sadr is captured or killed he will remain a thorn In the side of the new Iraqi government," agreed<br />

,Nimrod Raphaell, a senior analyst at the Middle Eastern Media Research Institute, an organization that<br />

monitors and analyzes Middle East media reports.<br />

Whatever strategy the new Iraqi government ultimately pursues, experts agree that disbanding the<br />

Mahdi Army,. whether by force or persuasion, Is a practical challenge of ~Imost overwhelming difficulty.<br />

Unlike Kurdish militias and the Badr Corps -- the armed force of the Supreme Council for Islamic<br />

Revolution In Iraq, or SCIRI, which Is one of the groups that has reportedly agreed 'to disband -- Sadr's<br />

militia Is undisciplined and may not respond even to their leader's commands to lay down weapons.<br />

liThe Mahdi Army Is not a militia in the same way that the Badr Corps Is, and cannot be disbanded. It's<br />

just a congeries of ShIIte ghetto youth gangs, mainly from ,East Baghdad," said Cole. "They are like the<br />

Crlps and the Bloods in Los Angeles. As long as there are ghettos and as long as the poverty-stricken<br />

young men In them are armed, they will be something of a problem."<br />

Moqtada Sadr, 30, Is the fourth son of Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Muhammad Baqlr Sadr, a Shiite<br />

leader who was killed, along with two of his children, by agents of Saddam Hussein In 1999. The Sadr<br />

family traces Its origins to the prophet Muhammad and Is one of the most venerated In ShIIte Iraq.<br />

His fiery serm9.ns are characterized by Intense anti-American hostility and.afundamentallst<br />

Interpretation of Islam.similar to that promulgated by the Iranian government, from-whom he is believed<br />

to receive funding. .<br />

"His vision for Iraq is probably a government similar to that of Iran," said Raphaell.<br />

After Sadr's weekly paper, AI-Hawza, was dosed by the Coalition Provisional Authority on March 28, his<br />

forces took over holy ShUte shrines in the cities of Najaf and Karbala and declared open rebellion against<br />

the U.S.-led occupation. Fighters In the Mahdi Army occupied buildings and mosques In as many as six<br />

Iraqi cities In April, holding out longest in Najaf and Kufa.<br />

Those cities have been relatively quiet for about a week, following a cease-fire between American and<br />

Sadr forces mediated by mainstream ShIIte authorities. U.S~ forces appear to have given upon their<br />

threats to "capture or kill" Sadr and have reportedly decided to let the new Iraqi prime minister decide<br />

how to handle the rebellious cleric.<br />

LOAD-DATE: June 9, 2004<br />

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