Full Release - IRmep

Full Release - IRmep

Full Release - IRmep


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," Page 5 of6<br />

, ..' sup;osed'to have beeQresided over by the ostensiQpro-Western Chalabi,<br />

t4e neocons' Alger Hiss. That was the pl~Jl, at any rate, but something<br />

seems to have gone awry....<br />

As in the Abu Ghraib photo-gallery of horrors, the nature of the crime<br />

suggests that a few lowly spear carriers -Rubin is just barely out of knee<br />

pants, and Rhode was certainly not in the loop on super-sensitive<br />

intelligence - didn't pull this off all on their own. Before it's all over,<br />

Chalabi-gate will reach into the favored nesting place of the neocons, the<br />

very top echelons .of the Pentagon.<br />

As UPI editor Martin Walker reports:<br />

"The real target goes beyond Chalabi. The hunt is on, in the Republican<br />

Party, in Congress, in the CIA and State Department and in a media<br />

which is being deluged with leaks, for' Chalabi's friends and sponsors in<br />

Washington - the group known as the neo-cons. In particular, the targets<br />

seem to be Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, the former assistant<br />

secretary (in Reagan's day) Richard Perle, Vice President Dick Cheney's<br />

national security aide Scooter Libby, and the National Security Council's<br />

Middle East aide Elliott Abrams. The leaking against them - from sources<br />

who insist on .anonymity, but some CIA and FBI veterans - is intense.<br />

Some of the sources are now private citizens, making a good living<br />

through business connections in the Arab world."<br />

Speaking of business connections, how does Richard Perle maKe his living<br />

except by using his governmentconnections to profit handsomely from the<br />

war-driven neocon agenda? Oh well, never mind that: let's get to the juicy<br />

'part. Walker also reports that these poor persecuted neocons "are now<br />

beginning to fight back, II and in a familiar fashion:<br />

"Richard Perle told this reporter Tuesday that the gloves were off. ... Perle<br />

has no doubts that some of the attacks on him are- coming directly from<br />

the CIA, in. order to cover their own exposed rears, attacking Chalabi's<br />

intelligence to distract attention from their own mistakes. 7 believe that<br />

much of th~ CIA operation in Iraq was owned by Saddam Hussein,' Perle<br />

said. 'There were 45 decapitation attempts against Saddam - and he<br />

survived them all. How could that be, if he was not manipulating the<br />

intelligence?'"<br />

Gee, I guess this means that, on account of all those failed IIdecapitation<br />

attempts" on Fidel Castro over the years, the Cuban Communists exercised<br />

joint ownership of the CIA along with Saddam's Ba'athists. Oh, what a Perle<br />

of wisdom, but the Prince of Darkness was just getting started:<br />

"Perle went on to suggest an even darker motiv_e behind the attacks on the<br />

neo-cons; that the real target was Israel's Likud governm~nt a11:d the<br />

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