Nuts & Volts

Nuts & Volts

Nuts & Volts


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serout portc.6, 2, [“LED Chosen: “, #new, 10, 13]<br />

The program pauses to allow the PC to get the data. I<br />

just threw this in as a precaution since some PCs can run a<br />

little slow.<br />

Pause 100<br />

Now the LEDs are controlled with simple HIGH and<br />

LOW commands. The previous LED value is stored in the<br />

variable “old” and the LED is turned off with a LOW signal<br />

on that pin.<br />

low old<br />

A HIGH signal on the “new” LED value just received<br />

turns the selected LED on.<br />

high new<br />

The “old” variable is made to match the “new” variable so<br />

the next time through, the program will shut off the lit LED.<br />

old = new<br />

The last step is to jump to the top of the program at<br />

the “main” label so it can all be done again.<br />

goto main<br />


I cheated a little on the hardware setup shown in<br />

Figure 3. I like to build most of my projects on breadboards,<br />

so I developed a bunch of breadboard modules. I<br />

used three of them here which made the setup go faster.<br />

You can easily build the same setup<br />

with discrete components.<br />

The PIC16F876A is plugged directly<br />

into the breadboard and has the resonator<br />

and pull-up resistor installed<br />

with it. The RS232 interface circuit is<br />

one of the breadboard modules which<br />

is shown connected to the serial cable.<br />

The LEDs are another breadboard<br />

module and the connection header<br />

lines up perfectly with the PORT B pins<br />

of the PIC, saving me jumper wires.<br />

The PIC gets its five-volt power from<br />

the breadboard rails which are connected<br />

to one of my breadboard power<br />

modules. This makes it easy to connect<br />

an AC adapter to the breadboard.<br />

The power module has pins that<br />

line up with the breadboard rails to<br />

⇒ FIGURE 7. The final working screen<br />

showing the communication lines the<br />

PIC sent out and my response.<br />

supply five volts and ground throughout the breadboard. Both<br />

the RS232 and LED module have pins that plug into the power<br />

rails so I save more jumpers. Okay, it goes beyond being lazy.<br />

If I had a dollar for every mis-wired jumper that left me pulling<br />

my hair out blaming my code, I could probably retire.<br />


Setting up Hyperterminal for proper communication<br />

takes a few steps. The first step is to open Hyperterminal<br />

and you will be asked to open a new connection. Actually,<br />

this is the first step in Windows 98. If you use XP or some<br />

other version of Window’s Hyperterminal, you’ll be asked<br />

for a phone number and other information before you get<br />

to the screen in Figure 4. Just enter a bogus phone number<br />

and follow through until you get to the screen shown.<br />

The screen in Figure 4 sets up the connection file<br />

name. Enter the connection name you want and click “OK.”<br />

Then the connection setup window will pop up asking for<br />

your connection method, as shown in Figure 5 (you might<br />

have to go through a few more bogus entry screens). From<br />

the selection window, choose the serial port you want to<br />

connect to. In my case, it was COM1.<br />

Click “OK” and you’ll be asked to choose your<br />

connection format. Figure 6 shows the setup as 9600 bits<br />

per second, eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. You<br />

also want to make the flow control selection “none.” After<br />

you click on “OK,” you’re ready to receive data.<br />

The final working screen is shown in Figure 7. It shows<br />

the communication lines the PIC has sent out and shows<br />

my response, as the PC user, three different times. The last<br />

one chose to turn on the fourth LED, as shown lit in the<br />

hardware picture of Figure 3. The best way to start is to get<br />

everything connected and start the Hyperterminal connection.<br />

Then turn off the PIC circuit and back on so the “Enter<br />

which LED to light (0-7):” shows up on the terminal screen.<br />

March 2006 81

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