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Authors include: - Connect-World

Authors include: - Connect-World


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National development<br />

"Users will be able to<br />

decide for themselves<br />

what services to use,<br />

and will possibly<br />

configure their own or<br />

use the services<br />

offered from one or<br />

more providers on one<br />

or more platforms."<br />

premium rate services. Online sales<br />

could be significantly higher if the<br />

Internet were more secure. The cost<br />

advantages of home banking or electronic<br />

services could benefit companiesandcustomersalike.<br />

Wecannotexpecttopreventeachand<br />

every form of fraud and misuse,<br />

despite specific measures, but it is<br />

essentialnottobecomplacent,andto<br />

strengthen users' confidence in technologyandservicesbytakingaction.<br />

Constantvigilance<br />

TheGermanregulatoryauthorityhas<br />

been largely successful combating<br />

dialler misuse by, for example, compiling<br />

a register of diallers that must<br />

meetpreciselydefinedconsumerprotection<br />

requirements. Yet experience<br />

showstheneedforconstantvigilance,<br />

due to constant efforts to circumvent<br />

therequirements.<br />

The universal nature of the Internet<br />

allowsactivitiestobemovedtoother<br />

countries, consequently preventing<br />

national regulatory authorities from<br />

intervening.<br />

In many cases, objectives require<br />

international action flanked by<br />

national measures. These measures<br />

should not be the responsibility of<br />

stateinstitutionsalone.Networkoperators<br />

and service providers should<br />

playapart.<br />

Concerted action is the only way to<br />

stemabuseandspurgrowth.TheITU<br />

hasafundamentalroleinternationally,<br />

co-ordinating as it does internationalInternetgovernance.<br />

friendlyspeed.Currently,then,broad-<br />

band and its promotion is one of the<br />

most important issues in Germany<br />

andEuropeasawhole.<br />

The European Regulators Group<br />

(ERG),agroupofnationalregulatory<br />

authorities created by the European<br />

Commission, is currently addressing<br />

issues of broadband penetration. An<br />

ERG working group headed by the<br />

German regulatory authority has<br />

begunanempiricalstudyofdevelopments<br />

in the broadband access market.<br />

Assisted by national regulatory<br />

authorities,ithascollectedimportant<br />

data that allow initial conclusions to<br />

be drawn about the extent to which<br />

regulatory strategies and the availability<br />

of regulated access stimulate<br />

competition.<br />

Thestudybeginsbylookingatthecurrentstructuresintheindividualmemberstates.Whereasinothercountries<br />

cable provides a large number of<br />

broadband connections, the number<br />

of cable connections in Germany,<br />

compared to telephone network DSL<br />

connections, is very low. Of the 6.9<br />

million broadband connections in<br />

Germany at the end of 2004, only<br />

145,000 were by cable. The data<br />

shows that in many countries only<br />

intermodal competition triggered by<br />

cablehasthrowndownthegauntletto<br />

thetelephonecompanies.<br />

The study shows that a diversified<br />

rangeofaccessproductsboostscom-<br />

petitioninthebroadbandmarketcon-<br />

siderably. The ERG is currently discussingamodelbasedona'ladderof<br />

investment'. The ladder stands for a<br />

rangeofaccessproducts,thedifferent<br />

stages of an investment scenario for<br />

competitors.<br />

Thefirstrungoftheladderrepresents<br />

pure resale, while the next rung, bit<br />

stream access, leads to the fully<br />

unbundledlocalloop.Thetoprungis<br />

self-operatedinfrastructure.<br />

The broadband market is well<br />

advanced wherever many wholesale<br />

productsareavailableonmanyrungs<br />

of the ladder. This facilitates market<br />

entry, since entry is possible at any<br />

point.<br />

Access products, however, must be<br />

consistentlypricedsothatacompetitor<br />

entering lower down the ladder<br />

canmoreeasilyclimbtothenextrung.<br />

Provision should be made for migration<br />

paths facilitating the move from<br />

one rung to another. For example,<br />

competitors acquiring customers by<br />

way of resale should have access to<br />

consistently priced products such as<br />

bitstreamaccess.<br />

The ladder describes the various<br />

stages of the value chain which competitors<br />

can reach, step-by-step, successivelyreplacingwholesaleproducts<br />

they initially bought with their own<br />

infrastructure. When they have<br />

reachedthetoprungandpossessinfra-<br />

Promotingbroadband<br />

TheservicesenabledbyIPtechnology<br />

and next generation networks will<br />

onlybeavailabletouserswithbroadband<br />

connections, allowing them to<br />

usethewholespectrumofservicesin<br />

user-friendly quality and at user-<br />

Figure 1: The broadband market is well advanced wherever many wholesale products are available<br />

on many rungs of the ladder.<br />


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