Authors include: - Connect-World

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Service assurance<br />

agesandofferacompellingsetofservicessuchasIPTV,onlinegaming,distancelearningandmanynewapplications.Thisappealstobothconsumers<br />

and service providers. The convergence<br />

of IP networks with both fixed<br />

and wireless networks facilitates the<br />

delivery of rich multimedia content,<br />

traditionallydominatedbycablecompanies,bytelcos.<br />

Telecomserviceprovidersareencouraged<br />

by technology, now available,<br />

that lets them cost effectively deliver<br />

advanced services to users. There is<br />

still some time for telcos to roll out<br />

suchservices.Thechallengeistotake<br />

advantageofthelimitedtimewindow.<br />

Adoptionofnewtechnologies<br />

Todeliverthesenewconvergedservices,<br />

networkoperatorsmustupgradetheir<br />

legacy equipment at unprecedented<br />

speedandgettheirIP-basedservices<br />

tomarketquickly.Thisputspressure<br />

upon the TEMs to meet the network<br />

operators’ speed and cost requirements.<br />

Traditionally, TEMs have developed<br />

proprietary systems that have been<br />

costly,andtookyearstogettomarket.<br />

Giventhecostandspeedconstraints,<br />

this approach no longer works. So<br />

TEMsaremovingawayfrombuilding<br />

proprietary telecom systems to systems<br />

based upon commercially<br />

available,pre-integratedpre-tested,<br />

standards-basedcomponents.<br />

The challenge for TEMs is to decide<br />

where they must add core value, and<br />

wheretheyshouldrelyuponpartners<br />

and suppliers to deliver the components<br />

quickly to build systems that<br />

addressthecarriers’service,costand<br />

time-to-market requirements. This is<br />

notatemporarysituation.Thesechallengeswillcontinuetodefinethetelecom<br />

environment for the foreseeable<br />

future.<br />

Aparadigmshift<br />

In the early days of enterprise computing,<br />

single source computer systems<br />

suppliers provided a full, vertically<br />

integrated, computing solution.<br />

They would design, manufacture and<br />

deliver their own silicon, hardware,<br />

operating systems, middleware and<br />

thecustomerapplication.<br />

The supplier’s differentiating factors<br />

were usually distinct features, functionality<br />

and speeds and feeds. Such<br />

proprietary offerings locked the customerintothesolutionfortheforeseeable<br />

future with little flexibility to<br />

changeorupgradethepieceswithout<br />

payingthesupplierpremiumprices.<br />

Realising that they were locked into<br />

expensive proprietary, single-supplier,<br />

solutions, companies sought the<br />

flexibilitytopickandchoosesolution<br />

components from best-of-breed suppliers.<br />

This encouraged the developmentandadoptionofstandardsforall<br />

manufacturerstouseandhelpedcreate<br />

an eco-system of suppliers specialised<br />

in producing individual systems<br />

elements better, faster, cheaper<br />

thananyotherplayer.<br />

Since the elements are standards<br />

based,theyworkperfectlywithother<br />

complementary systems elements<br />

provided by other standards based<br />

suppliers to create a cost effective<br />

solution for the customer. This gave<br />

birthtoasuccessfulhorizontalindustrymodelandanefficientcommercial<br />

off-the-shelf supplier (COTS) ecosystem<br />

for enterprise computing.<br />

Industry players that successfully<br />

adopted this model have benefited<br />

fromit.Otherseitherexitedthebusinessorwererelegatedtoniches.<br />

Thetelecomindustryisjustbeginning<br />

tobenefitfromthehorizontalindustry<br />

model with a COTS ecosystem of its<br />

own.TheemergenceofIPinthetelecom<br />

industry is accelerating the convergencebetweenITandthetelecom<br />

network.Theshiftismadepossibleby<br />

the adoption of a few key standards<br />

thatdefineinterfacesbetweenthevarious<br />

layers of the telecom equipment<br />

systems.<br />

Hardwareplatformstandards,suchas<br />

AdvancedTCA, specify carrier-grade<br />

hardware architecture to provide the<br />

reliability,performanceandscalability<br />

required for telecommunication<br />

applications. The Open Software<br />

DevelopmentLaboratory(OSDL)now<br />

hasaworkinggroupspecificallydedicatedtodefiningCarrierGradeLinux<br />

(CGL) feature roadmaps and specifications<br />

to use in telecommunications<br />

architectures.<br />

Serviceavailability<br />

One of the most significant recent<br />

developmentshasbeentheadventof<br />

the Service Availability Forum, an<br />

industry consortium dedicated to<br />

developingspecificationsforstandard<br />

interfaces necessary to enable the<br />

delivery of highly available carriergradesystemswithCOTScomponents<br />

including hardware platforms, middlewareandserviceapplications.The<br />

ServiceAvailabilityForumisdeveloping<br />

three sets of specifications that<br />

apply to various layers of a highly<br />

availableserviceplatform.<br />

HardwarePlatformInterface<br />

specification<br />

The Hardware Platform Interface<br />

(HPI) specification separates the<br />

hardware from management middlewareandmakeseachindependentof<br />

the other. It specifies services which,<br />

when implemented by the hardware<br />

platform manufacturer, simplify the<br />

integrationofthird-partymiddleware<br />

thatcomplieswiththeHPIspecification.<br />

The interface allows portability of<br />

middlewarecomponentsbetweenvarioushardwareplatformsthatprovide<br />

servicesspecifiedbytheinterface.<br />

ApplicationInterfaceSpecification<br />

The Application Interface Specification<br />

(AIS) standardises the interface<br />

between Service Availability Forum<br />

compliantHighAvailability(HA)middlewareandserviceapplications.Just<br />

as the HPI interface allows hardware<br />

platformabstraction,theAISenables<br />

compliant applications to be ported<br />

across AIS compliant middleware<br />

fromvariousvendors.<br />

SystemsManagementSpecification<br />

TheSystemsManagementSpecification<br />

(SMS), a complementary specification,<br />

acts as an umbrella to tie together<br />

existing HPI and AIS specifications.<br />

The overall goal of the SMS is to<br />

addresstheadministrativeoperations<br />

andmanagementofvariousaspectsof<br />

thehighlyavailablesystem.<br />

The IP telecom network is creating<br />

unprecedented demand for new and<br />

converged consumer telecommunications<br />

services. This in turn is forcing<br />

TEMstorethinktheirsystemdevelopment<br />

strategies and develop telecom<br />

network systems quickly and cost<br />

effectively.<br />

The emergence of a set of key standards<br />

is enabling an ecosystem of<br />

COTS suppliers. The COTS suppliers<br />

help TEMs to build, quickly and cost<br />

effectively, highly available systems<br />

using standards-based components.<br />

TheServiceAvailabilityForum’sspecificationsareplayingapivotalrolein<br />

the transition from proprietary to<br />

standards-basedsystems.<br />


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