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IP networks<br />

IP – the new universal language for communication networks<br />

by Thomas Mock, Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning Ciena Corporation<br />

As traditional voice services shift to VoIP and broadcast television toward IPTV, the<br />

migrationtoIPischangingthefaceofallcommunications.By2009,nearlyeveryphone<br />

callmadeintheUKwillbeoverIP.AnIP-basedinfrastructure,inadditiontolowercost<br />

calling,providesmanyotheradvantagesthanworldwidetelephonenumberportability.<br />

Thereare11millionpeoplegloballyusingVoIP–twicethoseninemonthsago–andan<br />

increasingnumberofoperatorsandserviceproviderssupporttheseservices.<br />

ThomasMockiscurrentlySeniorVicePresident,StrategicPlanningforCienaCorporation.Inthisrole,<br />

he is responsible for defining Ciena’s LightWorks Architecture and supporting product definition,<br />

requirements,strategyandmarketingofCiena’sportfolioofnetworkingsolutions.Beforeassumingthis<br />

position,MrMockservedastheCompany’sVicePresidentofPortfolioManagementandpreviouslyas<br />

Senior Director of Product Management. He was also Product Marketing Director for Ciena's Short<br />

HaulandAccessproductlines.MrMockjoinedCienaastheInternationalProductMarketingManager.<br />

BeforeCiena,hemanagedtheproductdevelopmentorganisationforaT1multiplexercompany.<br />

ThomasMockreceivedhisBSEEfromtheGeorgiaInstituteofTechnology.<br />

Theturbulenceinthetelecommunicationsindustryinrecentyearshasbeen<br />

dramatic. Despite the challenging<br />

market environment, technologies<br />

havecontinuedtodevelopatanastonishingpace,andthepersistentgrowth<br />

of broadband services has driven a<br />

shiftinnetworkinfrastructure.<br />

As businesses progress to keep up<br />

with the market and new services,<br />

companies like BT with its 21st<br />

Century Network are positioning<br />

InternetProtocol(IP)tobecometheuniversallanguagefortelecommunications.<br />

IP enables the convergence of voice,<br />

data and video services onto a single<br />

network.Astraditionalvoiceservices<br />

shift to Voice over IP and broadcast<br />

televisiontowardIPTV,themigration<br />

toIPischangingtheinterfaceofcommunications<br />

for all users, from businessestogovernmenttoconsumers.<br />

The rise in deployments of IP networkshasledtosomepredictionsthat<br />

by2009nearlyeveryphonecallmade<br />

intheUKwillbeoverIP.<br />

Growthincommunicationstechnology,<br />

attributed to the Internet and<br />

advanced services like broadband, is<br />

leadingthemarkettohungerforfaster<br />

connectionspeeds,greaterbandwidth<br />

andadditionalservicessuchasVoiceover-IP<br />

(VoIP), IPTV (Internet<br />

Protocol Television) and Video on<br />

Demand (VOD). As the adoption of<br />

thesenewservicesandotherapplications<br />

rises, so does bandwidth consumption.<br />

The older ‘legacy’ systems, designed<br />

when voice traffic and revenue predominated,notbasedonIPtechnology,arestrugglingtokeepupwiththe<br />

services users demand. In response,<br />

service providers are employing IP,<br />

originally created as a method for<br />

best-effort communication between<br />

computers, support more efficiently<br />

andreliablytothemountingnumber<br />

of diverse telephony, television and<br />

mission-criticalbusinessapplications.<br />

MigratingtoIPdoesnotmeanacompletechangeinacarrier’sserviceportfolio.<br />

They will still need to offer the<br />

sameoldtelephonyservicestheyhave<br />

alwaysprovided.Unlikethetelevision<br />

broadcasting standard, which will<br />

switchover to digital broadcasting by<br />

government decree by December<br />

2012, carriers and service providers<br />

cannot force their customers to<br />

change their voice services.<br />

Businesses and residential customers<br />

alike purchase voice service based<br />

upon cost, performance and/or customerservice.<br />

In essence, the migration to IP lets<br />

endusersreceivetheircurrentservices,<br />

but gives them the option to use<br />

new advanced offerings from their<br />

suppliers,nomatterhowtheyareconnectedtothenetwork.<br />

Maintaining traditional services as<br />

theyturnoffpartsoftheirnetworkto<br />

build new infrastructure is a huge<br />

undertaking for the carriers. By<br />

migrating to IP, operators can<br />

upgrade their networks to handle<br />

advancedserviceswhilstmaintaining,<br />

withnodifferencefortheenduse,traditionalvoiceservices.<br />


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