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01/2015<br />

Das führende Magazin für das diplomatische Corps, internationale Organisationen und Wirtschaft<br />

The leading magazine for the diplomatic corps, international organizations and the economy<br />

www.cercle-diplomatique.com<br />

44 Jahre<br />

Gegründet 1971<br />

Neu ab<br />

2015!<br />

<strong>IRAK</strong> <strong>DIE</strong> <strong>WIEGE</strong> <strong>DER</strong> <strong>ZIVILISATION</strong><br />




Ich steh<br />

auf Österreich.<br />

Ich sitz auf ADA.<br />


Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser! | Dear Readers,<br />

Sie halten gerade die erste Ausgabe<br />

von Cercle Diplomatique<br />

in Händen, die wir gemeinsam<br />

mit unserem Team gestalten durften.<br />

Nach 18 Jahren erfolgreicher Herausgeberschaft<br />

haben Waltraud und<br />

Erik Steinböck die Agenden des<br />

Magazins vertrauensvoll in unsere<br />

Hände gelegt. Wir bedanken uns<br />

sehr herzlich für die reibungslose<br />

Übergabe und die laufende Unterstützung.<br />

Es freut uns ganz besonders,<br />

dass uns Waltraud Steinböck<br />

als Mit-Herausgeberin mit ihrer<br />

Expertise auch in Zukunft noch zur<br />

Seite stehen wird.<br />

Gemeinsam mit unserem Art<br />

Director Ralph Manfreda haben wir<br />

ein neues und modernes Erscheinungsbild<br />

entwickelt. Doch nicht<br />

nur optisch, sondern auch inhaltlich<br />

gibt es einige Veränderungen. Wie<br />

gehabt, bleiben unsere Kernkompetenzen<br />

Diplomatie, internationale<br />

Organisationen und Beziehungen<br />

sowie Wirtschaft. Neu dazugekommen<br />

sind die Ressorts „L’Autriche“<br />

und „Savoir-vivre“.<br />

Cercle Diplomatique wird in Zukunft<br />

viermal pro Jahr erscheinen<br />

und Sie mit interessanten Geschichten<br />

aus aller Welt und aus Österreich<br />

begleiten. Neben der internationalen<br />

Community und dem diplomatischen<br />

Corps werden künftig noch<br />

stärker als bisher Multiplikatoren,<br />

Führungskräfte und Entscheidungsträger<br />

aus Wirtschaft, Tourismus<br />

und Kultur angesprochen.<br />

Wir freuen uns natürlich auch<br />

über Feedback per Post, E-Mail oder<br />

auch gerne persönlich. Abschließend<br />

bleibt nur noch eines zu sagen:<br />

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim<br />

Lesen!<br />

In your hands, you are holding<br />

the first edition of Cercle Diplomatique<br />

that we were able to<br />

produce together with our team.<br />

After 18 years of successful editorship,<br />

Waltraud and Erik Steinböck<br />

have entrusted the magazine’s agendas<br />

to our hands. We are grateful to<br />

them for the smooth handover process<br />

and for their continued support.<br />

We are particularly pleased that Waltraud<br />

Steinböck, with all her expertise,<br />

will be continuing to work with<br />

and contribute to us as co-editor for<br />

the future.<br />

In cooperation with our art director,<br />

Ralph Manfreda, we have developed<br />

a new, modern layout for the<br />

magazine. There have been a few<br />

changes, not just in terms of appearance<br />

but also in terms of content.<br />

Our core competencies remain, as<br />

ever, diplomacy, international organisations<br />

and relations, and the economy.<br />

New in the portfolio are the<br />

sections “L’Autriche” and “Savoir Vivre”.<br />

Cercle Diplomatique is published<br />

four times a year in the future and<br />

will accompany you with interesting<br />

stories from Austria and all over the<br />

world. In addition to the international<br />

community and the diplomatic<br />

corps more than ever multipliers,<br />

managers and decision makers from<br />

business, tourism and culture will be<br />

addressed in the future.<br />

Of course, we welcome all feedback<br />

via mail, e -mail or personally.<br />

Finally, there is only one thing left to<br />

say: We hope you enjoy reading !<br />

Herzlichst | Warmest regards,<br />

Andrea Fürnweger<br />

Herausgeber | Publisher<br />

Mag. Alexander Bursky<br />

Herausgeber | Publisher<br />

www.ada.at<br />

facebook.com/ADA.Moebel<br />

Graz · Kasematten

ENTRÉE<br />


<strong>DIE</strong> LEISTUNG,<br />

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Grußworte<br />

Greetings<br />

Ich gratuliere zur Neugestaltung<br />

des Magazins Cercle<br />

Diplomatique.<br />

Ich finde die kreative Weiterentwicklung<br />

der traditionsreichen<br />

Publikation durch die neuen Verleger<br />

und Herausgeber Andrea<br />

Fürnweger und Mag. Alexander<br />

Bursky sehr gelungen.<br />

Die Einladung zu einer Grußbotschaft<br />

gibt mir auch die Gelegenheit,<br />

der bisherigen Herausgeberin,<br />

Frau KommR Prof.<br />

Waltraud Steinböck, sehr herzlich<br />

zu danken. Zwei Jahrzehnte lang<br />

hat sie in höchst engagierter Weise<br />

den Leserinnen und Lesern die<br />

Welt der Diplomatie innerhalb<br />

und außerhalb Österreichs nahe<br />

gebracht. Ihre Kompetenz und<br />

ihre große Auslandserfahrung haben<br />

Frau Prof. Steinböck die Anerkennung<br />

einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit<br />

eingebracht, weit über die<br />

Welt der internationalen Beziehungen<br />

und der Internationalen<br />

Organisationen hinaus.<br />

Gute Beziehungen zwischen<br />

Ländern und Nationen sind wichtiger<br />

denn je, um einander ohne<br />

Vorurteile oder historische Belastungen<br />

zu begegnen bzw. gemeinsam<br />

Probleme zu lösen. Österreich<br />

gilt diesbezüglich als offenes,<br />

sicheres und auch gastfreundliches<br />

Land, das seine globale Verantwortung<br />

durch gezielte Dialog-<br />

und Kooperationsbereitschaft<br />

stützt und fördert.<br />

Ich bin überzeugt davon, dass<br />

das nunmehr neu gestaltete Magazin<br />

Cercle Diplomatique wie<br />

gewohnt publizistische Brücken<br />

baut und dabei Menschen, Kulturen<br />

und Nationen miteinander im<br />

Sinne des Friedens und der<br />

Freundschaft verbindet.<br />

In diesem Sinn nochmals herzliche<br />

Gratulation und viel Erfolg<br />

für das neue Team!<br />

Congratulations on the reorganization<br />

of the magazine<br />

Cercle Diplomatique.<br />

I personally find the creative<br />

further development of this traditional<br />

publication by its new editors<br />

Andrea Fürnweger and Mag.<br />

Alexander Bursky very appealing.<br />

The invitation to send a greeting<br />

message also gives me the<br />

opportunity to thank Professor<br />

Waltraud Steinböck very cordially.<br />

For two decades she has<br />

brought the world of diplomacy<br />

in and outside Austria to the readers<br />

in a most dedicated manner.<br />

Her competence and vast foreign<br />

experience have gained Professor<br />

Steinböck great esteem within the<br />

general public, far beyond the<br />

world of international relations<br />

and international organizations.<br />

Good relations among countries<br />

and nations are more important<br />

than ever, in order to approach<br />

one another without<br />

prejudices or historical strains<br />

and find joint problem resolutions.<br />

In this respect Austria is<br />

known as an open, secure and<br />

hospitable country which recognizes<br />

and fosters its global responsibilities<br />

through targeted dialogue<br />

and cooperation.<br />

I am convinced that the newly<br />

designed magazine Cercle Diplomatique<br />

will continue to build<br />

journalistic bridges and thus unite<br />

people, cultures and nations in<br />

the sense of peace and friendship.<br />

In this sense, I congratulate<br />

the new team again and wish<br />

them great success for the future.<br />

Heinz Fischer<br />

Bundespräsident<br />

Dr. Heinz Fischer<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


ENTRÉE<br />

Foto: © SRS/Michael Rzepa<br />

Grußworte<br />

Greetings<br />

WKO-Präsident Dr. Christoph Leitl<br />

an „Cercle Diplomatique“<br />

Wien, Februar 2015<br />

to „Cercle Diplomatique“<br />

Vienna, February 2015<br />





Cercle Diplomatique ist seit<br />

vielen Jahren ein treuer<br />

Begleiter und exzellenter<br />

Berichterstatter der österreichischen<br />

Unternehmen auf dem internationalen<br />

Parkett und mediales<br />

Bindeglied zur gobalen<br />

diplomatischen Gemeinschaft in<br />

Österreich. In diesem Zusammenhang<br />

möchte ich der bisherigen<br />

Herausgeberin, Frau KR Prof.<br />

Waltraud Steinböck, für ihr unermüdliches<br />

Engagement danken<br />

und wünsche ihr das Beste für<br />

ihren weiteren Weg. Es freut mich<br />

aber auch, dass Frau Prof. Steinböck<br />

in Zukunft dem Magazin als<br />

Mit-Herausgeberin mit ihrer Expertise<br />

mit Rat und Tat weiter zur<br />

Verfügung stehen wird. Den neuen<br />

Herausgebern wünsche ich<br />

denselben Erfolg, und ich warte<br />

schon mit Spannung auf die erste<br />

Ausgabe des neu ausgerichteten<br />

Magazins, dessen Fokussierung ja<br />

noch stärker auf wirtschaftliche<br />

Aspekte ausgerichtet sein wird.<br />

For many years now, Cercle<br />

Diplomatique has been<br />

both a loyal companion<br />

and an outstanding reporter for<br />

Austrian companies on the international<br />

stage, and an essential<br />

media link to the global diplomatic<br />

community in Austria. With<br />

this in mind, I would like to thank<br />

the publisher to date, KR Prof.<br />

Waltraud Steinböck, for her tireless<br />

commitment to the magazine,<br />

and wish her all the very best<br />

for the future. I am also extremely<br />

pleased that Prof. Steinböck will<br />

continue to support the magazine<br />

in the future with her advice and<br />

expertise, in her role as co-publisher.<br />

I would like to wish the<br />

magazine’s new publishers the<br />

same degree of success, and look<br />

forward with interest to reading<br />

the first issue of the realigned magazine,<br />

which will focus even<br />

more closely on economic perspectives.<br />

Herzlichst Ihr | Sincerely,<br />

Christoph Leitl<br />

PHOTO: WKO<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />





Nr. 302<br />

Ausgabe | Issue 01/2015<br />

Coverstory<br />

IRAQ<br />

Seite | page 30<br />

Ein umfassendes Portrait über<br />

den Irak heute, seine glorreiche<br />

Vergangenheit, die Aussichten<br />

für die Zukunft und die<br />

Irakische Botschaft in<br />

Österreich.<br />

A comprehensive portrait of<br />

Iraq today, its glorious past,<br />

the prospects for the future<br />

and the Iraqi Embassy in<br />

Austria.<br />

12<br />

16<br />

30<br />

40<br />

44<br />

48<br />

52<br />

56<br />

60<br />

62<br />

66<br />


Die neuen Botschafter | The new Ambassadors<br />

Akkreditierungen durch Bundespräsident Fischer. Accreditations by Federal President Fischer.<br />

Offizielle Empfänge | Official Receptions<br />

Die großen Empfänge der letzten drei Monate. The great receptions of the past three months.<br />

LE MONDE<br />

Coverstory Irak | Cover story Iraq<br />

Die Wiege der Zivilisation. The cradle of civilization.<br />

Thailand<br />

Eines der touristisch attraktivsten Länder der Welt. A leading tourist destination.<br />

Lettland | Latvia<br />

EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. Presidency of the Council of the European Union.<br />

Essay<br />

200 Jahre Wiener Kongress. 200 years of the Congress of Vienna.<br />

Panama<br />

Botschafterin Gloria Young im Fokus. Ambassador Gloria Young in focus.<br />

Außenwirtschaft | Foreign Affairs<br />

Außenminister Kurz zum Thema Integration. Foreign Minister Kurz on the topic of integration.<br />

Vienna Economic Forum<br />

Das VEF und seine Rolle in Südosteuropa. The VEF and its role in Southeastern Europe.<br />

Bangladesch | Bangladesh<br />

Rückblick, Ausblick und die Situation heute. Look back, forecast and the situation today.<br />

News<br />

Neuigkeiten aus der ganzen Welt. Latest update from all over the world.<br />

106<br />

112<br />

118<br />

122<br />

124<br />

126<br />

128<br />

132<br />

134<br />

136<br />

140<br />

144<br />

146<br />

Lyoness Open<br />

Die europäische Golfelite trifft sich in Tulln. The European golf elite meets in Tulln.<br />

Uhren | Watches<br />

Die exklusivsten Neuheiten des Marktes. The most exclusive innovations of the market.<br />

Prag | Prague<br />

Ein Wochenende in der Goldenen Stadt. A weekend in the Golden City.<br />

Suite Dreams<br />

Die Präsidenten Suite des Hotel Sacher. The President Suite in the Hotel Sacher.<br />

Check in<br />

Die Vorzüge des Hotel Meliá Vienna. The amenities of the Hotel Meliá Vienna.<br />

Wellness Hotels<br />

Zufluchtsorte für Ihre kleine Auszeit. Hideaways for your timeout.<br />

Kreuzfahrten | Cruises<br />

Die Kreuzfahrertrends 2015. The cruising trends 2015.<br />

Motor<br />

Powerpakete mit Allround-Qualitäten. Power packages with all-round qualities.<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Die Trends für den kommenden Frühling. The trends for the spring season.<br />

Kunst | Arts<br />

Kulturelle Höhepunkte 2015. Cultural highlights 2015.<br />

Reise | Travel<br />

Top-Hotels und -Restaurants aus aller Welt. Top hotels and restaurants around the world.<br />

Buchempfehlungen | Must-reads<br />

Buchtipps aus und über Wien. Book tips from and about Vienna.<br />

Mein Wien | My Vienna<br />

Spaniens Botschafter Alberto Carnero. Spain‘s Ambassador Alberto Carnero.<br />

72<br />

76<br />

80<br />

82<br />

84<br />

90<br />

96<br />

100<br />

102<br />


Wirtschaft | Economic Affairs<br />

Wirtschaftsminister Mitterlehner über den Welthandel. Mitterlehner on world trade.<br />

Wien Tourismus | Vienna Tourist Board<br />

Das Geheimnis des Erfolgs der Stadt Wien. The secret of the success of the City of Vienna.<br />

Forschung & Entwicklung | Research & Development<br />

Internationale Spitzenforscher in Wien. International Elite Researchers in Vienna.<br />

Zukunftslabor| Future Lab<br />

Georg Kapsch‘s Visionen für Österreich. Georg Kapsch‘s visions for Austria.<br />

Wirtschaftsnews | Business news<br />

Neues aus der Welt der Wirtschaft. News from the world of business.<br />


Wiener Ringstraße | Vienna‘s Ringstraße<br />

150-Jahr-Jubiläum. 150 year anniversary.<br />

Wiener Sängerknaben | Vienna‘s Boys Choir<br />

Österreichs jüngste Botschafter. Austria‘s youngest ambassadors.<br />

Belvedere<br />

Wo der „Kuss“ zu Hause ist. The home of the „Kiss“.<br />

Spanische Hofreitschule | Spanish Riding School<br />

450 Jahre hohe Reitkunst. 450 Years of Consummate Horsemanship.<br />

150<br />

158<br />

3<br />

5<br />

8<br />

161<br />


Veranstaltungen | Events<br />

Exklusive Veranstaltungen im Fokus. Exclusive events in focus.<br />

LE GUIDE<br />

Adressen | Addresses<br />

Nutzliche Adressen für die internationale Gesellschaft.<br />

Useful addresses for the international community.<br />

Editorial<br />

Entré<br />

Inhalt | Contents<br />

Impressum | Masthead<br />


2 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


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Empfang der neuen Botschafter bei Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer<br />

Reception of the new Ambassadors with Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer<br />

H. E.<br />

Dr. Vasilka Poposka<br />

Trenevska<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Republic of Macedonia<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Kingdom of Norway<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Kingdom of Thailand<br />

Credentials: 3rd of December 2014 Credentials: 3rd of December 2014 Credentials: 3rd of Decemeber 2014<br />

H. E.<br />

Bente<br />

Angell-Hansen<br />

H. E.<br />

Arthayudh<br />

Srisamoot<br />

H. E. H. E. H. E.<br />

Vu Viet Anh Md. Abu Zafar Dr. Janos Perenyi<br />

Ambassador of the Socialist<br />

Republic of Vietnam<br />

Ambassador of the People‘s<br />

Republic of Bangladesh<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Republic of Hungary<br />

Credentials: 3rd of Decemeber 2014 Credentials: 10th of December 2014 Credentials: 10th of December 2014<br />

Born on 22nd of June 1964 in Prilep, Republic of Macedonia<br />

Education<br />

1982-1986 – Faculty of Economics at the University St.<br />

Clement of Ohrid, Bitola<br />

1993 – Master of Economics at the Faculty of Economics at<br />

the University St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola<br />

1995 – PhD in Statistics at the Faculty of Economics at the<br />

University St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola<br />

Professional Career<br />

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic<br />

of Macedonia to the Republic of Austria (2014- )<br />

Accompanied her husband, Ambassador Martin Trenevski,<br />

during his mandate as Head of Mission of the Republic of<br />

Macedonia to NATO in Brussels (2010-2014)<br />

Accompanied her husband, Ambassador Martin Trenevski,<br />

during his mandate as Consul General in Toronto, Canada<br />

(2008-2010)<br />

Professor of Biostatistics at the Faculty of Veterinary<br />

Medicine at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje<br />

(2005-2008)<br />

Accompanied her husband, Ambassador Martin Trenevski,<br />

during his mandate as Ambassador in Sweden (2001-2005)<br />

Professor of Biostatistics at the Faculty of Veterinary<br />

Medicine at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje<br />

(2000)<br />

Assistant Professor of Statistics at the Faculty of Economics<br />

at the University St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola (1995-2000)<br />

Assistant Professor of Statistics at the Faculty of Economy at<br />

the University St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola (1990-1993)<br />

Consultant at the National Bank of the Republic of<br />

Macedonia in Skopje (1987-1990)<br />

Born on 15th of December 1951<br />

Education<br />

1988: Leningrad State University, USSR. Degree in social<br />

sciences, University of Oslo. Programmes of study,<br />

concentrating on international politics; French, public law<br />

Professional Career<br />

Ambassador to the Republic of Austria and Permanent<br />

Representative to the International Organisations in<br />

Vienna (2014- )<br />

Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011)<br />

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent<br />

Mission of Norway in Geneva (2007-2011)<br />

Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary (2005-2007)<br />

Director General, Department of International Affairs,<br />

Office of the Prime Minister (2000-2005)<br />

Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1998-2000)<br />

Assistant Director General, Department of Natural<br />

Resources and Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs (1995)<br />

Assistant Director General, Department of External<br />

Economic Affairs I , Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993)<br />

Head of Division, Department of External Economic Affairs<br />

I , Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1991)<br />

Head of Division, Department of Natural Resources and<br />

Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1990)<br />

Excecutive Officer, North-South Section, Department of<br />

Multilateral Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs (1986-1990)<br />

Attaché/Second Secretary, Norwegian Embassy in<br />

Canberra, Australia (1982-1985)<br />

Foreign Service Trainee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1979)<br />

Executive Officer, Ministry of Trade and Shipping<br />

(1978-1979)<br />

Research Fellow, Norwegian Institue of International<br />

Affairs (1976-1978)<br />

Born on 29th December 1962, married<br />

Education<br />

1983, Bachelor of Sciences (Government and Economics)<br />

Monmouth College, Illinois<br />

1984 Master of Arts (Economic Policy) University of<br />

Chicago, Illinois<br />

Professional Career<br />

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the<br />

Federal Republic of Austria, Slovak Republic and Republic<br />

of Slovenia (2014- )<br />

Permanent Representative to the United Nations and<br />

International Agencies in Vienna (2014- )<br />

Director-General, Department of ASEAN Affairs<br />

(2012-2014)<br />

Consul General, Consulate General, Vancouver (2010-2012)<br />

Deputy Director-General, ASEAN-Thailand (2007-2010)<br />

Director, Europe 1 Division (EC and Western Europe)<br />

(2005-2007)<br />

Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United<br />

Nations Office in Geneva (2002- 2004)<br />

First Secretary/Counsellor, Department of ASEAN-Affairs<br />

(1996-2001)<br />

First Secretary, Royal Thai Embassy, Manila (political/information/protocol)<br />

(1992-1996)<br />

Second Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs,<br />

(1991-1992)<br />

Second Secretary, Department of Political Affairs (South<br />

Asia & Middle East), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1990)<br />

Third Secretary, Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs (1988-1989)<br />

Armed Forces Information Office, Supreme Command<br />

Headquarters (1985-1987)<br />


Born on 2nd of November 1963, in Ha Noi, married,<br />

three children<br />

Education<br />

Master of International Journalism, Moscow State Institute<br />

of International Relations – Soviet Union<br />

PhD in Economics, Research Institute of International Politics<br />

and Economics – Russian Federation Academy of Sciences<br />

Management Training, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of<br />

Politics and Public Administration<br />

Professional Career<br />

Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the<br />

Republic of Austria (2014- )<br />

Deputy Director General, Department of Europe, Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs (2009-2014)<br />

Counsellor, then Minister Counsellor – Deputy Chief of<br />

Mission, Embassy of Vietnam in Austria (2006-2009)<br />

Deputy Director General, National Border Committee,<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2002-2006)<br />

Desk Officer, then Chief of the Office, Consular Department,<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1998-2002)<br />

Attaché, Embassy of Vietnam in the United States of<br />

America (1998-1998)<br />

Attaché, Embassy of Vietnam in the Russian Federation<br />

(1995-1997)<br />

Desk Officer, Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs (1993-1995)<br />

Officer, Vietnam Courier Newspaper, Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs (1988-1992)<br />

Born on 1st of March 1963, married, two daughters<br />

Education<br />

BSc Agriculture (Hons) Sher-e-Bangla Agriculture<br />

University in Dhaka, Bangladesh<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations from the<br />

International Institute of Public Administration (IIAP) in<br />

Paris, France<br />

MBA Preston University, USA (Karachi campus)<br />

Professional Career<br />

Career Diplomat to the Bangladesh Civil Service (Foreign<br />

Affairs) (1991-2014)<br />

Consul General for Bangladesh in Dubai, UAE (2009-2013)<br />

Consul General for Bangladesh in the Pacific Coast of the<br />

USA (2007-2009)<br />

Counsellor and Acting Deputy High Commissioner in<br />

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Karachi<br />

(1997-2004)<br />

The Hague as Second and First Secretary as well as<br />

Alternate Representative to the Organization for the<br />

Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (1997-1999)<br />

Assistant Post Master General in the Ministry of Post and<br />

Telecommunication, Bangladesh Civil Service (Foreign<br />

Affairs) (2009-1991)<br />

Scientific Officer of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute<br />

under the Ministry of Agriculture ( 1987-1989)<br />

Born on 14th of September 1949, married, two children<br />

Education<br />

1979 Doctor of Philosophy, Uppsala University<br />

1972 Bachelor of Arts, Uppsala University, Faculty of<br />

Philosophy, History, English, French<br />

Professional Career<br />

Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco (2011-2014)<br />

Counsellor at the Hungarian Embassy in Paris (2009-2011)<br />

National Coordinator for the Alliance of Civilizations in the<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary (2008-2009)<br />

Director General for lnternational Relations, Crans Montana<br />

Forum, Monaco (2005)<br />

Senior Advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary<br />

(2003-2005)<br />

Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the Council of<br />

Europe (2002-2003)<br />

Member of the Governing Board of the Council of Europe<br />

Development Bank (1993-2002)<br />

Ambassador, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the<br />

Council of Europe, (1998 - 2002)<br />

Chairman of the Ministers‘ Deputies during the Hungarian<br />

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council<br />

of Europe (1998-1999)<br />

Project Manager of the Joint Programme of the Council of<br />

Europe and the European Commission for the development<br />

and capacity building of local self- government in<br />

Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ukraine (1997-1998)<br />

Chairman of the Liaison Committee between the Council of<br />

Europe and OECD (1993-1996)<br />

Ambassador, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the<br />

Council of Europe (1992- 1996)<br />

Counsellor at the Embassy of Hungary in Vienna<br />

(1990-1992)<br />

Head of Department , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary<br />

(1990)<br />

12 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

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H. E.<br />

Gloria Young<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Republic of Panama<br />

H. E.<br />

Dr. Olexander<br />

Scherba<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Republic of Ukraine<br />

Credentials: 10th of December 2014 Credentials: 10th of December 2014<br />

Paul Cézanne, Montagne Sainte-Victoire, 1900–1902; Musée d’Orsay, Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay)/ Tony Querrec<br />

Born on 30th of December 1952, married, three children,<br />

three grandchildren<br />

Education<br />

2009: Master of Education Systems with specialization in<br />

Curriculum and Supervision, 1984-1985, ICASE, University<br />

of Panama<br />

1998: Social Aspects of Reproductive Health, El Colegio de<br />

México, Mexico<br />

1980: BA in Political Science and Public Administration,<br />

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM),<br />

Mexico<br />

Professional Career<br />

Executive Director of the Institute for the Consolidation of<br />

Democracy at the Panama Latina University (2011-2014)<br />

Executive Director of the Center for Gender Studies at the<br />

Panama Latina University (2009- )<br />

University Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political<br />

Science at the Panama Latina University and Professor of<br />

Graduate Studies and Masters in Higher Teaching and<br />

others (2007- )<br />

Foreign Service Trainee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1979)<br />

Executive Officer, Ministry of Trade and Shipping<br />

(1978-1979)<br />

Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International<br />

Affairs (1976-1978)<br />

Political positions<br />

National Coordinator, political training of the National<br />

Secretariat of Women of the Panamanian Party; Executive<br />

Secretary of Education of the Panamanian Party (at the<br />

current time)<br />

National Director of the Panamanian Party (2006-2010)<br />

Chief Opposition Party Caucus (2004-2003)<br />

Legislator of the Republic of Panama (2004-1994)<br />

Coordinator of the Expanded Government Legislative<br />

Caucus (2001-2000)<br />

President of the Political Party, Movimiento Papa Egoró,<br />

founded by Ruben Blades (1998-1995)<br />

Born on 22th of June 1970, in Kiew, married, two children<br />

Education<br />

Master of Linguistics, National Taras Shevchenko<br />

Kiev University<br />

Doctor of Political Science, Kiev Institute of<br />

International Relations<br />

Professional Career<br />

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the<br />

Ukraine in Austria (2014- )<br />

Special Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the<br />

Ukraine<br />

Participant of the crisis team “Crimea and East”<br />

(2014-2014)<br />

Advisor to the first Deputy Prime Minister of the Ukraine<br />

Participant in negotiations with the IMF and the EU<br />

(2013-2014)<br />

Special Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the<br />

Ukraine (2010-2013)<br />

Advisor to the presidential candidate, MP Arseniy<br />

Yatsenyuk (2009-2010)<br />

Employee in the EU Department in the Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs in the Ukraine (2008-2009)<br />

Counsellor of the Embassy of the Ukraine in Washington<br />

Responsible for relations with the congress and Jewish<br />

organizations (2004-2008)<br />

First Secretary, the Deputy Director of the Minister’s Office,<br />

the Foreign Minister speechwriter Anatolii Zlenko<br />

(2000-2003)<br />

Attaché, the third secretary of the Embassy of the Ukraine<br />

in BR (1996-2000)<br />


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14 00 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


Official receptions<br />

December 10, 2014<br />

Qatar<br />

National Day reception of Qatar at the Hotel Intercontinental.<br />

December 3, 2014<br />

Romania<br />

National Day reception of Romania at the Liechtenstein Garden Palace.<br />

Ambassador<br />

Silvia Davidoiu<br />

Ambassador Ali<br />

Al-Mansouri<br />

December 12, 2014<br />

Kenya<br />

Reception on the occasion of Kenya‘s Independence Day.<br />


Ambassador Michael A. O. Oyugi and wife<br />

16 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


December 15, 2014<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

23rd Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan at The Ritz-Carlton Vienna.<br />

January 19, 2015<br />

Armenia<br />

On the occassion of the signing of the cultural agreement between Armenia<br />

and Austria Arman Kirakossian, Ambassador of Armenia, held a reception at<br />

the Armenian Cultural Center.<br />

Ambassador Kairat<br />

Sarybay and his wife Leila<br />

Makhat-Sarybay<br />

January 9, 2015<br />

Governor‘s Conference<br />

Ceremony at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna as part of the handing over of the presidency of the<br />

Governors‘ Conference from Vienna to Lower Austria.<br />

Premium<br />

Appartements<br />

rent sale<br />

huebl-partner.com<br />

Tel +43 1 277 88 0<br />

Governor of<br />

Lower Austria<br />

Erwin Pröll<br />


Ambassador<br />

Arman<br />

Kirakossian<br />

18 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



January 22, 2015<br />

India<br />

65th anniversary of the Republic of India at the Hotel Bristol, Vienna.<br />

January 23, 2015<br />

Latvia<br />

To mark the beginning of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union the Latvian Embassy invited to<br />

a concert of classical music performed by Latvian musicians at the Vienna City Hall, followed by a reception.<br />

Ambassador Edgars<br />

Skuja (on the right)<br />

February 4, 2015<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

The Ambassador of Sri Lanka hosted a reception in honor of the 67th National Day of Sri Lanka.<br />

Ambassador<br />

Abdul Azeez<br />

Aliyar Lebbe<br />

Ambassador<br />

Rajiva Misra<br />


February 8, 2015<br />

Peace Brunch Stift Melk<br />

On the occasion of the World Interfaith Harmony Week of the United Nations Abbot Georg Wilfinger and Jordan’s<br />

Ambassador Hussam Al Husseini invited to an interreligious dialogue at Stift Melk.<br />

20 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


February 11, 2015<br />

Iran<br />

On the occasion of the National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran the Iranian Embassy invited to a reception.<br />

February 19, 2015<br />

Kuwait<br />

On the occassion of the 54th anniversary of independence and the 24th anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait and<br />

to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations with Austria the Ambassador of Kuwait Sadiq M. Marafi held a<br />

reception at the Hotel Imperial in Vienna.<br />

Ambassador<br />

Hassan Tajik (on<br />

the left)<br />

February 12, 2015<br />

First Foreign Economic Policy Reception<br />

Viceminister Bernadette Marianne Gierlinger invited to the 1st Foreign Economic Policy Reception at the Federal Ministry of<br />

Science, Research and the Economy. Countless ambassadors accepted the invitation.<br />

Ambassador<br />

S.E. Sadiq M.<br />

Marafi and his<br />

wife<br />

Viceminister<br />

Bernadette<br />

Marianne<br />

Gierlinger<br />


22 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

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February 20, 2015<br />

Russia<br />

To honor the fallen soldiers of the Red Army on the “Defender of the Fatherland Day” the Ambassador of the<br />

Russian Federation Sergey Nechaev invited to a reception at the Russian Embassy.<br />

Ambassador Sergey<br />

Nechaev (on the right)<br />

March 4, 2015<br />

Estonia<br />

97th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.<br />

Ambassador<br />

Eve-Külli Kala<br />

(2nd from left)<br />


24 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


February 26, 2015<br />

Egypt<br />

On the occasion of the visit of the Egyptian-Austrian Business Council and the Egyptian Federation of Industries there was a<br />

reception at the Embassy of Egypt.<br />

Ambassador<br />

Khaled Shamaa (in<br />

the middle)<br />

March 4, 2015<br />

Bulgaria<br />

Reception on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria.<br />

Ambassador<br />

Mag. Elena<br />

Shekerletova<br />

(left)<br />


26 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015

LE<br />

MONDE<br />

Mauritius<br />

Erleben Sie Entspannung<br />

von ihrer schönsten Seite:<br />

mit Austrian bequem nonstop<br />

nach Mauritius fliegen.<br />

AB<br />


FROM<br />

Einen Urlaubsort<br />

suchen.<br />

TO<br />

Ein Paradies finden.<br />



BERICHTE ÜBER <strong>DIE</strong><br />

LÄN<strong>DER</strong> <strong>DIE</strong>SER WELT UND<br />

















THE<br />

CRADLE<br />

OF<br />


The territory of present-day Iraq roughly corresponds to that<br />

of ancient Mesopotamia, which is considered to be ‘the cradle<br />

of civilization’. About 10,000 years ago, larger human settlements<br />

first appeared in this area, which would eventually<br />

develop into places of intellectual and spiritual progress and<br />

centres of empires.<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />


Erbil Citadel:<br />

The earliest evidence<br />

for occupation date<br />

to the 5th<br />

millennium B.C.<br />

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FACTS &<br />


IIraq is bordered by the Zagros Mountains to the north-east,<br />

and the Arabian High Plateau to the south-east. The name ‘Mesopotamia’<br />

actually comes from the Greek, meaning „Land between<br />

the Rivers“. The two mighty rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris,<br />

snake across the country from high in the north and west,<br />

before flowing into the the waters of the Persian Gulf in the south.<br />

Their influence holds the key to why the land developed as early as<br />

it did, and the rivers are the reason why people often speak of Iraq<br />

as the Land of Two Rivers.<br />

Northern Iraq is made up of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan,<br />

which maintains its own parliament and official administrative<br />

language, Kurdish. Present-day Iraq only came into being in<br />

1920, when it was created out of the three former Ottoman provinces<br />

of Baghdad, Mosul and Basra.<br />

The glorious days of ancient Mesopotamia<br />

For many thousands of years, during the era of the Sumerian,<br />

Babylonian and Assyrian Empires, Iraq constituted the centre of<br />

the ancient civilised world. Present-day Iraq has something like<br />

10,000 registered settlement mounds, the vast majority of which<br />

have not yet been excavated. They bear witness to the long period<br />

of prosperity of these highly-developed civilisations of the past.<br />

Around 3,200 B.C., the Sumerians invented the wheel, which<br />

was also used as a potter’s wheel. The earliest known potter’s wheel<br />

in the world was found at the famous Royal Tombs of Ur. In the<br />

third millennium B.C., expanding trade led to the development of<br />

written language, as the first symbols were scratched on clay tablets<br />

using styluses. This eventually developed into cuneiform, which<br />

was perfected in about 2,700 B.C.<br />

In the 1st Millennium B.C., the Assyrians (883–612) and the Babylonian<br />

King Nebuchadnezzar (604–562) created the first empires,<br />

which controlled the overwhelming majority of what was the<br />

known world at that time. Nebuchadnezzar used the resources of<br />

his empire to build up his capital city, Babylon, into a gleaming metropolis<br />

with an estimated population of one million people. He<br />

completed the 100-metre-high Tower of Babel (the high temple dedicated<br />

to the god Marduk), built the well-known Ishtar Gate, also<br />

known as the Babylon Gate (parts of which can still be seen to this<br />

day at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin), and created an everlasting<br />

myth surrounding the city. Constructions such as the legendary<br />

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, sometimes referred to as the Hanging<br />

Gardens of Semiramis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient<br />

World, have, together with stories from the Bible, ensured that<br />

the city – a symbol of wealth and power – has retained its glory.<br />

Destruction and Devastation<br />

Mesopotamia was to experience its final peak under Alexander<br />

the Great, who wanted to make Babylon the capital of his empire.<br />

Alexander took a large number of Greek experts with him, who<br />

were to transport the proverbial teachings of the Chaldeans – the<br />

‘Wise Men from the East’ – to Europe, where they had a definite<br />

influence on science in the West.<br />

However, the Mongols then swept through the country: they advanced<br />

from Central Asia to the Middle East in a series of destructive<br />

conquests. They conquered Baghdad in 1258, killing the last<br />

Caliphs along with the country’s entire scholarly, artistic and religious<br />

elite. They destroyed the infrastructure – in particular the<br />

cities and canal systems – to such an extent that the country was<br />

unable to recover for centuries to come. As a result, irreplaceable<br />

cultural heritage was lost forever.<br />

Recent history and the situation today<br />

Since its establishment as a new state in 1920 Iraq has been one<br />

of the strong pillars of diplomacy, mainly in the Middle East. The<br />

invasion of Kuwait in 1990 forced Iraq to part from the International<br />

Community. Iraq was isolated over two decades, but since 2003<br />

Iraq showed sincere efforts towards establishing a federal democratic<br />

government. Iraq and the Iraqis gave their best to come back to<br />

the international arena. Iraq‘s emerge came through intense diplomatic<br />

efforts on both bilateral and multilateral levels. The new established<br />

government was working hard on implementing strategic<br />

approaches towards democracy, human rights and liberal economy.<br />

The Kurdistan Regional Government has emerged towards the<br />

path of democracy and federalism at an early stage. The semiautonomous<br />

character of the region since the early 1990s provided Kurdistan<br />

with a very good and unique position. The measures of economy,<br />

stability and the sustainability of the Kurdish political system<br />

could be seen as a pilot project for the other governorates of Iraq.<br />

The Kurdistan Regional Government represents Iraq as a hub for<br />

investment, political reconciliation, human rights and education.<br />

The Kurdish peshmarga and people in Kurdistan have stood firmly<br />

and bravely against ISIS and terrorism. They believe strongly that<br />

they are part of Iraq’s general security and territorial integrity.<br />

Unfortunately, the era of conflict after 2003 was not easy at all<br />

neither for Iraqi government nor Iraqis in general. The wild wave of<br />

insurgency that later on developed into terrorism has been a big<br />

obstacle. The Iraqi government‘s original objectives were development,<br />

education, health and other projects. In the shadow of terrorism<br />

and its destructive forces, however, the Iraqi government finds<br />

itself obliged to invest heavily in the security field instead.<br />

The need for the international community‘s support is still a key<br />

factor for Iraq‘s future success. A collective approach through broad<br />

international cooperation could help the country to endure, steadfast<br />

and ease challenges imposed by terrorism. Despite Iraq’s situation<br />

it is still considered to be one of the best states for development<br />

and investment on all levels. The infrastructure of Iraq has suffered<br />

great loss due to war and sabotage. Iraq nowadays is at the edge of<br />

historical shift. That is why Iraq‘s relations with Austria, other states<br />

and the international community in general is essential for the<br />

future of Iraq and the region.<br />


The Iraqi capital Baghdad with its<br />

population of 5.4 million is one of the<br />

largest cities in the Middle East.<br />

The shrine of Imam<br />

Hussein, grandson of<br />

the Prophet<br />

Mohammed.<br />

The Iraqi capital Baghdad<br />

with its population of 5.4<br />

million is one of the largest<br />

cities in the Middle East.<br />

Shiite Muslim Pilgrims<br />

gather at the shrine of<br />

Imam Mussa<br />

al-Kadhim in<br />

Kadhimiya.<br />

Abu Ja‘far al-Mansur: Second Abbasid<br />

Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate,<br />

founder of the Imperial capital<br />

Baghdad.<br />

Fortress of Al Ukhaidir,<br />

built in the late 8th<br />

century by the Abbasids.<br />

Iraq<br />

Official name:<br />

Republic of Iraq<br />

Location: Iraq borders Iran<br />

to the east, Kuwait to the<br />

south-west, Saudi Arabia<br />

to the south, Jordan to the<br />

south-west, Syria and<br />

Turkey to the north, and<br />

the Persian Gulf to the<br />

south.<br />

Area: 434,128 km2<br />

Population: 28 million<br />

(2009)<br />

Official languages: Arabic<br />

and Kurdish<br />

Other languages: Azeri,<br />

Aramaic<br />

Religion: 97 % Muslim (of<br />

that number, 60 % Shiite<br />

and 32-37 % Sunni). 3 %<br />

Christian, Yazidi and other<br />

religions.<br />

Capital: Baghdad<br />

Currency: Iraqi Dinar<br />

Climate: extreme seasonal<br />

differences in temperature<br />

ranging from 34°C to 50°C<br />

in summer and as low as<br />

0°C in winter. Tendency to<br />

be dry, with winds from a<br />

north-westerly direction<br />

all-year-round, including<br />

sand storms.<br />

Independence:<br />

3rd October 1932<br />

Form of government:<br />

Federal Republic<br />

Head of State:<br />

Muhammad Fuad Masum<br />

Head of Government:<br />

Haider Jawad Kadhim<br />

Al-Abadi<br />

Cuneiform writing<br />

developed as early as the<br />

third millennium B.C.<br />

32 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


Dr. Surood R. Najib<br />

“There is an outstanding basis for talks between Austria and Iraq“<br />

“If I had a wish, it<br />

would be for peace of<br />

mind for all the people<br />

of my country.“<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Republic of Iraq in<br />

Vienna<br />

Iraq’s Ambassador Dr. Surood R. Najib talks about the bilateral and economic<br />

relations between Iraq and Austria, and his very personal wishes for the future of<br />

his country.<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />

Ambassador Najib talking<br />

about his wishes for the<br />

future in the CD-Interview.<br />

Your Excellency, you’re a great lover of the arts and culture.<br />

Apart from the cultural and historical treasures Austria has<br />

to offer, what else do you like about the country?<br />

I feel entirely at ease here – it‘s almost like being at<br />

home. The people are always nice and friendly. If you<br />

ask a complete stranger the way, he won‘t just explain<br />

how to get there, he‘ll accompany you all the way to<br />

the front door. This has happened to me personally.<br />

It was a lovely experience, and a fine example of Austrian<br />

hospitality. But I don’t just love the historic<br />

buildings of the City of Vienna – I also love the beautiful<br />

countryside in the other federal states and the<br />

history that can be felt and experienced everywhere.<br />

How would you describe bilateral relations between Austria<br />

and Iraq?<br />

Relations between Austria and Iraq are strong on<br />

every level. Only recently I travelled to Iraq together<br />

with the Austrian Foreign Minister, Sebastian Kurz.<br />

We were involved in important talks with Iraq’s President,<br />

Fuad Masum, Iraq’s Foreign Minister Ibrahim<br />

al-Jaafari, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Nechirvan<br />

Idris Barzani, and the Kurdistan Minister for<br />

Foreign Relations, Falah Mustafa Bakir. In Erbil, we<br />

visited a refugee camp together. Kurz was able to see<br />

the dramatic situation in my home country for<br />

himself. At the same time he saw children of different<br />

denominations and beliefs – Shiites, Sunnis,<br />

Christians and Yazidis –<br />

playing peacefully with one<br />

another. On a political level,<br />

there is an outstanding basis<br />

for discussion between Austria<br />

and Iraq. The former Foreign<br />

Minister, Michael Spindelegger,<br />

was also taking<br />

part in bilateral discussions<br />

in Iraq. The Iraqi Austrian<br />

Joint Supreme Committee<br />

has been meeting regularly<br />

again since 2013. Its next meeting will take place in<br />

Baghdad.<br />

The Iraqi economy is dominated by the oil sector. What other<br />

promising sectors would you recommend foreign investors to<br />

look at?<br />

We maintain good relations with the Austrian<br />

Economic Chamber and Austrian business people.<br />

Thanks, first and foremost, to the Austro-Arab<br />

Chamber of Commerce; we are extremely well-networked<br />

when it comes to economic matters and<br />

commercial matters. Many Austrian firms are already<br />

investing in Iraq – predominantly in the oil sector,<br />

of course. The biggest of these is OMV. But there is<br />

also huge potential for investors in the construction<br />

industry and the supply industry. It is not just due to<br />

the falling oil prices that makes it necessary for Iraq<br />

to develop additional economic pillars which will<br />

promise stability and security. In order to be successful<br />

in the agricultural sector, for instance, irrigation<br />

facilities need to be constructed, and intense negotiations<br />

are already underway with Austrian companies<br />

about making this happen.<br />

What needs to be done to intensify relations between our<br />

two countries even further?<br />

Direct flights between Vienna and Baghdad, the<br />

capital of Iraq, would be good. It would facilitate cooperation<br />

a lot.<br />

If you had three wishes for your country, what would you<br />

wish for?<br />

First of all, peace of mind for all the people of my<br />

country. Apart from that, I also wish from the bottom<br />

of my heart for the international community to<br />

continue backing Iraq, and to continue supporting it<br />

in the future. And my wish for this generation is to<br />

protect the country’s cultural heritage for the next<br />

generation, and to honour the people who gave their<br />

lives to preserve that heritage.<br />



Dr. Surood R. Najib Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq<br />

in Vienna and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the<br />

United Nations (Vienna).<br />

34 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Awoken from its sleeping beauty sleep<br />

Before, 2008 … … and after, in 2014.<br />

The time-honored Ringstraßen Palais<br />

Larisch-Mönnich is the home of the<br />

Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in<br />

Vienna. After two years of renovation<br />

work, the building has now been<br />

returned to its original splendour.<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />


Palais Larisch-Mönnich, near the Kursalon<br />

Hü bner in the City Park of Vienna, has belonged<br />

to the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq<br />

since the 1950s. The current Ambassador of Iraq,<br />

Surood R. Najib, is a great lover of the arts and culture,<br />

and he was deeply saddened to see the sorry<br />

state of the once noble residence; the interior furnishings<br />

and decoration had been almost totally destroyed,<br />

and the rooms on the bottom floor were flooded.<br />

All in all, the building was a sad relic of Austria’s<br />

dark past, and of the destiny that the Palais shared<br />

with other residences of the nobility which also fell<br />

victim to the devastations of the war.<br />

Historical significance<br />

The Palais was originally built in 1867 and 1868<br />

according to the plans of the famous Austrian architects<br />

August Sicard von Sicardsburg and Eduard<br />

van der Nü ll (also responsible – amongst other<br />

things – for building the Vienna State Opera). Palais<br />

Larisch-Mönnich was the final piece of work by the<br />

two architects, and eventually completed posthumously<br />

by Karl Stattler. The building has been kept<br />

in the style of the French Renaissance, its representative<br />

character emphasised by the oriel tower, high bel<br />

étage and broad central projecting risalits. It is one of<br />

the most striking examples of grand residential homes<br />

of the second half of the 19th century, and one of<br />

the few palais of the old feudal type in Vienna’s Ringstraße<br />

architecture to have been built to allow a single<br />

family to hold court. Historically, it is a highly significant<br />

construction which would have been the<br />

backdrop to many a grand and splendid festival and<br />

banquet at that time, to which members of the imperial<br />

family were invited again and again.<br />

The Austrian landowner and Finance Minister Johann,<br />

Count Larisch von Mönnich, commissioned<br />

the building of the Palais. He originally came from a<br />

wealthy family of Prussian-Austrian nobility. Marie<br />

Louise von Larisch-Wallersee, a niece and close confidante<br />

of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, also frequented<br />

the beautiful Palais on the Ringstraße on a<br />

regular basis. Marie Louise was the illegitimate child<br />

of Duke Ludwig von Bayern and actress Henriette<br />

Mendel – a relationship which served to generate<br />

much excitement in aristocratic circles at the time.<br />

Like her mother, she was not admitted to the nobility<br />

until many years later.<br />

Renovation work<br />

It took a total of two years and countless hours of<br />

painstaking precision work for the Palais to be restored<br />

to be its original splendour. Ambassador Najib’s<br />

aim was for the grand residence for nobility to be<br />

returned the original using original drafts and images.<br />

Even individual items of furniture, such as<br />

chairs, mirrors, tables and two Bösendorfer pianos,<br />

were retained and completely renovated. Today,<br />

some of the oldest chandeliers in Austria are part of<br />

the interior furnishings of the Embassy of Iraq in Vienna.<br />

Ambassador Najib watched over the restoration<br />

work with an eagle eye. “The constructors went<br />

mad with me,” he told Cercle Diplomatique with a<br />

twinkle in his eye. But he was absolutely right to do<br />

so, because the results are impressive. The Embassy<br />

of Iraq has made a significant contribution to the<br />

preservation of a valuable cultural treasure – for<br />

which Austria can only say “Thank you”.<br />

The Embassy of Iraq has<br />

made a significant<br />

contribution to the<br />

preservation of valuable<br />

cultural treasures.<br />

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Working together against Jihadism<br />

Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz visited Iraq at the beginning of February.<br />

Together with Elmar Brok, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs at the<br />

European Parliament, he set a sign of solidarity with this trip.<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />

Isabel Schmiedbauer<br />

An expert view on the huge economic importance of Iraq in Austrian<br />

business, difficulties in the market there at the present time, and<br />

opportunities for the future.<br />

Left: Foreign Minister<br />

Sebastian Kurz and Iraq’s<br />

Foreign Minister Ibrahim<br />

al-Jaafari.<br />

Right: Kurz in conversation<br />

with his Kurdish counterpart,<br />

Falah Mustafa Bakir, and<br />

Iraq‘s Ambassador Dr.<br />

Surood R. Najib.<br />

Recent talks in Baghdad and Erbil with Iraq’s<br />

President, Fuad Masum, Iraq’s Foreign Minister,<br />

Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Prime Minister of<br />

the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan-Iraq, Nechirvan<br />

Idris Barzani, and the Kurdistan Minister for<br />

Foreign Relations, Falah Mustafa Bakir, focused on<br />

joint efforts to fight jihadism and the Islamic State<br />

campaign of terror.<br />

Austria promised financial aid (a sum of 1.25 million<br />

Euro) for refugees in northern Iraq. “Our first<br />

aim is to strengthen mutual cooperation. This also<br />

relates to dealing with foreign jihadists who pose a<br />

threat to Europe upon their return. On the one hand,<br />

they should be prevented from leaving, on the other,<br />

they should be observed while they are in Iraq,” Kurz<br />

announced in a joint press conference with Iraq’s<br />

Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.<br />

Austria strengthens cooperation with Kurdistan<br />

During his stay in Erbil, after a meeting with Falah<br />

Mustafa Bakir, the Minister for Foreign Relations<br />

of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Foreign Minister<br />

Sebastian Kurz announced that an Honorary<br />

Consulate was to be opened in Kurdistan. This could<br />

be opened by the end of the year.<br />

Austrian businesspeople were also to be given the<br />

opportunity to invest in the region as part of a specially-dedicated<br />

economic forum. Both AUA and<br />

OMV already have a strong presence in Erbil.<br />

Austrian Embassy desired<br />

Al-Jaafari stated that while cooperation with Austria<br />

was still in its initial phase: “This visit will give<br />

new impetus to the development.” Al-Jaafari also expressed<br />

a wish for Austria to reopen its diplomatic<br />

mission in Baghdad.<br />

Kurz told Iraq’s President Fuad Masum that it was<br />

possible that the EU would open a police mission in<br />

Iraq. Masum said he was interested in this concept,<br />

and that an official request would be sent to the EU<br />

shortly. This would make it possible for EU Member<br />

States to train Iraqi security forces in the future. This<br />

should make “a further contribution to greater security<br />

in Iraq,” Kurz said.<br />

The situation in Iraq<br />

Thousands of people have already been forced to<br />

flee the terror, and are now living in tents in refugee<br />

camps. These refugee camps have no clean water or<br />

functioning sanitary facilities. The meeting also touched<br />

upon the position of religious and ethnic minorities<br />

in Iraq, particularly Christians and Yazidis.<br />


PHOTO: WKO<br />

The Iraqi economy grew by an average of 6.9<br />

percent per annum from 2008 to 2012, and<br />

enjoyed an increase of 4.2 percent in 2013. By<br />

2014, how ever, the Iraqi economy was being hit hard<br />

by a combination of factors, including the expansion<br />

of the Islamic State (IS) within the country, the falling<br />

oil price and continuing tensions in the security<br />

situation, which slowed economic growth significantly.<br />

Estimates by a range of institutions including<br />

the World Bank and the International Monetary<br />

Fund now suggest that Iraqi economic growth in<br />

2014 was between 0.5 percent and 1.8 percent. This<br />

figure is expected to rise to 1.5 percent in 2015.<br />

The falling oil price has meant that oil revenues<br />

have been lower, despite higher oil exports. These lower<br />

revenues, coupled with increased expenditures<br />

driven by the delicate security situation and the humanitarian<br />

catastrophe in the country, have of course<br />

had a negative impact on Iraq’s financial position. A<br />

budget of USD 103 billion was adopted in 2015 – approximately<br />

30 percent down on the previous year.<br />

From an Austrian viewpoint, Iraq is the sixth largest<br />

Arab export market. Because much Austrian business<br />

in Iraq is project-based, export statistics tend to<br />

vary widely from year to year. 2011, for example, was<br />

a record year, with exports reaching almost EUR 193<br />

million, but this figure differed vastly from 2009,<br />

when exports were worth less than EUR 80 million.<br />

Exports to Iraq from January to September 2014<br />

totalled EUR 55 million, down by around 57 percent<br />

on the comparison period of the preceding year. The<br />

types of goods which feature regularly amongst the<br />

top export products include transformers, pharmaceutical<br />

products, cheese, machinery such as mechanical<br />

diggers, cranes, cars and switches. Although<br />

the security situation does complicate direct market<br />

cultivation on location, the Iraqi market offers opportunities<br />

for Austrian companies operating in<br />

fields such as infrastructure, energy, agriculture (irrigation),<br />

foodstuffs and equipment used in the health<br />

“From an Austrian viewpoint, Iraq is the sixth largest<br />

Arab export market.”<br />

sector. Due to planned higher expenditure in the<br />

mili tary sector and a lower budget, it is not yet clear<br />

which sectors the government will be prioritising for<br />

investment this year, but it is worth keeping an eye<br />

on the Iraqi market. Although the current security<br />

situation makes it difficult to take advantage of the<br />

high rates of growth seen in recent years, Iraq is still<br />

a country with large oil and gas revenues and enormous<br />

demand for reconstruction.<br />

It is also important that companies are aware of<br />

the fact that Iraq now consists de facto of two different<br />

markets which need to be treated differently: the<br />

Autonomous Region of Kurdistan in the north of the<br />

country on the one hand, and the country’s central<br />

and southern provinces on the other. There are often<br />

differences affecting import procedures, the jurisdiction<br />

of official authorities, policies on attracting new<br />

investors to the region, and of course language. A<br />

Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs<br />

travel warning is already in place for Iraq.<br />

The security situation in the Autonomous Region<br />

of Kurdistan is noticeably better than in most other<br />

provinces of Iraq, and Austrian Airlines continues to<br />

offer direct flights from Vienna to the regional capital,<br />

Erbil. Although it is possible to travel to Erbil,<br />

you should always look into the prevailing security<br />

situation before travelling outside conurbations, and<br />

observe certain basic rules during your stay. When<br />

arriving in Erbil, European travellers receive an entry<br />

visa which is (exclusively) valid for the Region of<br />

Kurdistan.<br />

The Austrian Chamber of Commerce’s Foreign<br />

Trade Centre in Amman, Jordan, is responsible not<br />

only for Iraq, but also for Lebanon, Syria and Jordan<br />

itself. We research market information and will always<br />

be happy to answer any questions you may have<br />

involving the Iraqi market. International experience<br />

is important for the Middle East as a whole, and Iraq<br />

should not be viewed as a target market for those<br />

new to the region.<br />


Isabel Schmiedbauer<br />

is a delegate for<br />

Economic Affairs of<br />

theAustrian Economic<br />

Chambers‘ Foreign<br />

Trade Centre in Amman,<br />

Jordan. She is responsible<br />

for Iraq, Jordan,<br />

Lebanon and Syria.<br />

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The Heart of South-East Asia<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />

FACTS &<br />


Thailand is one of the world’s most<br />

attractive tourist destinations. The<br />

country is currently under going<br />

enormous social, cultural and<br />

political change.<br />

The Grand Palace.<br />

The palace is situated in the<br />

heart of Bangkok and used to<br />

be the official residence of<br />

the Kings of Siam.<br />


The Thailand we know today was formerly<br />

known as Siam for thousands of years and<br />

was transformed in 1932, when public officials<br />

first promulgated a constitutional monarchy<br />

and democratic constitution. The country has undergone<br />

radical change, as democratic and authoritarian<br />

forces have taken turns in forming a government.<br />

The military has played a central political role<br />

at all times, and the former Commander in Chief of<br />

the Royal Thai Army, Prayuth Chan-o-cha, currently<br />

is the Prime Minister of the country. He has been in<br />

charge since August 2014. His current challenges are<br />

to undertake reforms aimed at strengthening the political<br />

morality and transparency of the country.<br />

Thailand’s head of state is King Bhumibol Adulyadej,<br />

also known as Rama IX, who is the longest-reigning<br />

monarch in the world. He is hugely revered by the<br />

Thai people, and his picture hangs not only in all public<br />

buildings, but also in most private homes and<br />

businesses. The King’s portrait is found on the banknotes<br />

and coins of the official currency of the Kingdom<br />

of Thailand, the Baht.<br />

International relations<br />

Thailand pursues a liberal economic policy internationally,<br />

and is represented in a range of organisations,<br />

including the WTO, IMF, APEC and the Asian<br />

Development Bank (ADB). It has always maintained<br />

good relations with the West. This policy is based on<br />

economic relations being deepened through new<br />

trade and investment treaties currently.<br />

Thailand is a target country for a great deal of foreign<br />

direct investment. This investment comes first<br />

and foremost from the USA, Japan, ASEAN and the<br />

European Union. The World Bank finances projects<br />

in Thailand, primarily in social services and education,<br />

and in the energy sector. Thailand’s most important<br />

trading partners after China and Japan are<br />

the USA, Hong Kong and Malaysia. The country’s<br />

main imports are machinery, jewellery, chemicals,<br />

glassware and pharmaceuticals, while it exports<br />

jewellery, machinery and<br />

electrical goods, textiles, vehicles,<br />

rubber and essential oils in return.<br />

The trading volume between Austria<br />

and Thailand hit an all-timehigh<br />

of 777 million Euros in 2013.<br />

While Thai imports increased overall by<br />

21 percent, exports fell by 5.5 percent.<br />

Revenues from tourism and direct<br />

investment have ensured that Thailand’s trade balance<br />

and balance of payments have almost always been<br />

positive in the past. In an effort to promote external<br />

trade further still, the country has entered into bilateral<br />

free trade agreements with states such as Australia,<br />

New Zea land, China, India and Bahrain.<br />

Austrian success stories in Thailand<br />

Around one hundred Austrian companies have<br />

so far established subsidiaries in Thailand. Half of<br />

these are in the sector of services and production,<br />

while the rest have sales branches. According to data<br />

issued by the National Bank of Austria, investment<br />

in 2013 is estimated to have been worth some 117<br />

Million Euros.<br />

The best-known Thai-Austrian success story is<br />

Dietrich Mateschitz’ Red Bull. In 1982, Mateschitz<br />

discovered a drink in Thailand called ‘Krating Daeng’<br />

(Thai for ‘red bull’), a cheap drink popular<br />

among taxi drivers. Together with Thai billionaire<br />

Chaleo Yoovidhya, Mateschitz founded a joint venture,<br />

reworked the recipe and and started the legendary<br />

triumph of Red Bull, which is now sold in more<br />

than 100 countries. Red Bull has only been marketed<br />

in Thailand itself, however, since May 2013.<br />

Another long-standing industrial presence in<br />

Thailand is the company Semperit, the global market<br />

leader in surgical and protective gloves The primary<br />

reason for Semperit producing its gloves in Thailand<br />

was the proximity to the raw material latex. Since<br />

then, however, the dynamic growth in the Asian<br />

market has become an equally important factor.<br />

Austrian jewellery manufacturer Swarovski<br />

also has a number of subsidiaries in Thailand.<br />

The company, the world’s leading producer of<br />

cut-crystal, not only maintains its largest production<br />

location outside Austria in Thailand,<br />

but also has a distribution centre there<br />

which serves all of South-East Asia. Products<br />

from the region already make up<br />

to 35 percent of Swarovski’s total sales.<br />

The Austrian company Cargo-<br />

Partner has been active in Thailand<br />

since 2008. It primarily serves the<br />

needs of small and medium-sized<br />

enterprises entering the market, and has<br />

succeeded in establishing itself<br />

against 3,000 rival companies<br />

in the logistics sector with<br />

this orientation.<br />

Thailand<br />

Official name:<br />

Kingdom of Thailand<br />

Location: state in<br />

South-East Asia –<br />

bordering Myanmar, Laos,<br />

Cambodia, Malaysia, the<br />

Andaman Sea (part of the<br />

Indian Ocean) and the Gulf<br />

of Thailand (part of the<br />

Pacific Ocean)<br />

Area: 513,115 km2<br />

Population: 69,522,234<br />

(2010)<br />

Official language: Thai<br />

Other languages: 73<br />

Religions: Theravada<br />

Buddhism (94 %), Islam<br />

(5 %), Christianity and<br />

Hinduism<br />

Capital city: Bangkok<br />

Currency: Thai Baht<br />

Climate: tropical with mild<br />

winters from October to<br />

March and hot, damp<br />

summers from March to<br />

June; average annual<br />

temperature ranges<br />

between 28 °C in south and<br />

19 °C in extreme north;<br />

seasonal fluctuations low<br />

throughout<br />

Public holidays: 5th<br />

December, HM The King’s<br />

Birthday; 10th December,<br />

Constitution Day<br />

Form of government:<br />

Constitutional monarchy<br />

Head of State: King<br />

Bhumibol Adulyadej, also<br />

known as Rama IX<br />

Head of Government:<br />

Prime Minister General<br />

Prayuth Chan-o-cha<br />

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Arthayudh Srisamoot<br />

“We’re aiming to strengthen our<br />

position as the connectivity hub of South-East Asia”<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />

INFO<br />

Ambassador Arthayudh Srisamoot about his government’s plans for the economic<br />

future of Thailand and the potential synergies between Austria and Thailand from<br />

a business point of view.<br />

Thailand is South-East Asia’s second-largest economy.<br />

In 2012 it was described by the World Bank as “one of the<br />

great development success stories”. After the political<br />

turmoil of the past few years, what are the prospects for the<br />

future from a business viewpoint?<br />

Thailand has long been one of the widely-cited<br />

development success stories, with its strategic location<br />

at the heart of South-East Asia and strong economic<br />

fundamentals in the agriculture, industrial<br />

and service sectors, and an impressive record of poverty<br />

reduction. The country’s economy has also experienced<br />

a number of setbacks, however, including<br />

the severe flooding in 2011 and the political turmoil<br />

of the recent years. Despite these factors, the Thai<br />

economy is fundamentally strong, based on a range<br />

of agricultural products, extensive manufacturing<br />

capacity in the automotive, electronics and chemicals,<br />

and petro-chemical sectors, and health services<br />

and tourism sectors. The Thai economy is projected<br />

to grow by 3.0-3.5 percent in 2015, underpinned by<br />

factors such as improved exports, revival in tourism,<br />

increasing private investment, a stable political environment,<br />

and forecast improvement of the global<br />

economy.<br />

How would you define Thailand’s role in the global arena?<br />

Thailand has always been an active and responsible<br />

member of the global community. The Association<br />

of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was<br />

established by the “Bangkok Declaration” in 1967.<br />

In 1996 Thailand convened the first Asia-Europe<br />

Summit –ASEM. Thailand has placed great<br />

emphasis on all aspects of the work of the United<br />

Nations – peace and security, human rights and<br />

development. Since 1950 over 20.000 Thai military<br />

and police personnel have proudly served in more<br />

than 20 peacekeeping and related missions of the<br />

UN. Regarding human rights, we have worked<br />

tirelessly with the international community to<br />

protect and promote human rights both at home<br />

and worldwide. We served in the Human Rights<br />

Council from 2010-2013, where we were entrusted<br />

with the Presidency of the Council in 2010-2011.<br />

Thailand is also chairing the Commission on<br />

Narcotics Drugs (CND) in 2015. Concerning development,<br />

we have actively participated in the<br />

global discussion on the Post-2015 Development<br />

Agenda and sustainable development goals<br />

through hosting a number of regional and<br />



international meetings. At present, we are actively<br />

campaigning for our candidature for non-permanent<br />

membership in the UN Security Council for the<br />

term 2017-2018. We believe that our experiences<br />

and track record in the UN can demonstrate that we<br />

are able to make positive contributions in strengthening<br />

global peace and security. Our candidature has<br />

been endorsed by all ASEAN Member States.<br />

How would you describe the current relationship between<br />

Thailand and Austria?<br />

Thailand and Austria have long enjoyed close and<br />

cordial relations. The relationship between the two<br />

countries began 150 years ago, when consular relations<br />

were formally established in 1865 and the<br />

Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation was<br />

signed in 1869. Thailand and Austria have developed<br />

close and mutually beneficial cooperation in the intervening<br />

years, in a wide range of political, economic,<br />

social and cultural fields, as well as through<br />

tools such as academic cooperation. Most importantly,<br />

Thailand cherishes the close ties that have developed<br />

between the two countries through tourism<br />

and business relations.<br />

What are the most promising economic relations between<br />

the two countries?<br />

Austria is an important trading partner for<br />

Thailand, ranking 10th among all European Union<br />

Member States. Trading volume between the two<br />

countries is gradually increasing, but there remains<br />

plenty of potential for further growth. I hope that<br />

Austrian companies will invest more in Thailand in<br />

areas such as health and medical technologies,<br />

waste water management, alternative and renewable<br />

energies and infrastructure - Austria is an acknowledged<br />

expert in all these areas. Tourism is another<br />

growth area which deserves to be explored further.<br />

Thailand is one of the world’s top 10 tourist destinations;<br />

Austria is one of Europe’s top 10 destinations.<br />

What potential synergies do you think the countries could<br />

have in the area of tourism?<br />

More than 24 million tourists visited Thailand in<br />

2014, a fact of which the country is immensely<br />

proud. Over 100,000 of these visitors were from<br />

Austria. Austria and Thailand can definitely create<br />

synergies in health and eco-tourism, develop strong<br />

medical networks and services, and exploit their respective<br />

cultural heritages.<br />

Thai Peacekeeping operation with the United Nations Mission<br />

in Dafur: a Thai Military doctor performing an eye examination<br />

for children.<br />

Something else that Thailand and Austria share is<br />

their strategic location. Both countries have the potential<br />

to become logistical and tourist hubs for<br />

South-East Asia and Central Europe respectively. To<br />

promote this, Austrians should be encouraged not<br />

just to travel to Thailand, but to use the country as a<br />

springboard for visiting Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia,<br />

Myanmar and other destinations. At the same time,<br />

Thai visitors to Vienna should be encouraged to travel<br />

on to Germany, Italy and Switzerland, as well as<br />

the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia or<br />

Croatia. This connectivity hub role could easily be a<br />

means for Thailand and Austria to stimulate tourism<br />

in both countries.<br />

What Austrian companies are currently investing in<br />

Thailand?<br />

In total, some 100 Austrian companies have investments<br />

in Thailand. Their investments amount to<br />

approximately EUR 500 million, and are responsible<br />

for employing over 20,000 people in Thailand. These<br />

companies include Semperit, Swarovski, Tyrolit,<br />

MAM baby products, Mosdorfer GmbH, Greiner<br />

Bio-One, iSi Automotive, Anita and Cargo-Partner.<br />

Their products range from rubber gloves to technical<br />

rubber and plastic products, costume jewellery and<br />

medical supplies. Without doubt, the most famous<br />

joint venture is the energy drink Red Bull – originally<br />

an energy drink used by Bangkok taxi drivers<br />

to stay awake at night, which was spotted by an Austrian<br />

entrepreneur and developed into a JV for both<br />

countries. Its original name, ‘Krating Daeng‘, is Thai<br />

for ’Red Bull‘.<br />

Did you know<br />

that ...<br />

… Thailand is one of the<br />

world’s Top 10 car<br />

producers?<br />

... Thailand is the world‘s<br />

largest producer of rice?<br />

… Thailand is a top<br />

exporter of preserved fish?<br />

… Thailand is the world’s<br />

second-largest manufacturer<br />

of hard drives?<br />

… Thailand is the world’s<br />

biggest exporter of farmed<br />

shrimps?<br />

… Thailand is the world’s<br />

biggest producer of optical<br />

lenses?<br />

… Thailand is the world‘s<br />

second-largest producer of<br />

cane sugar after Brazil?<br />


Arthayudh Srisamoot was<br />

born on 29th December, 1962.<br />

He is the current Ambassador<br />

of Thailand to Austria,<br />

Slovakia and Slovenia.<br />

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Edgars Skuja<br />

“The Presidency of the Council of the European Union<br />

will once more highlight Latvia on the map of Europe“<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />

The Freedom Monument,<br />

at the heart of the Latvian<br />

capital Riga, symbolises<br />

the unity, independence<br />

and freedom of the Latvian<br />

people.<br />

Ambassador Edgars Skuja explains why the grinding stone is the symbol of Latvia‘s<br />

Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the three principal priorities<br />

for Europe during his country’s presidency.<br />



FOTOS:<br />

PHOTOS:<br />



Cercle Diplomatique: For the first time in the history of the<br />

EU, Latvia has assumed the presidency of the Council of the<br />

European Union. What will be the biggest challenges of the<br />

forthcoming six months for your country?<br />

Edgars Skuja: We started with a prepared program<br />

and main priorities for the six-month period. It<br />

has also to be seen within a context of the trio: Italy,<br />

Latvia and Luxemburg. But real life brought in its<br />

dramatic modifications. And I dare say that the attack<br />

on the main office of the Charlie Hebdo magazine<br />

in Paris has again confirmed the need for a strict<br />

counter-terrorism policy. This tragic event is evidence<br />

of threats posed to one of the fundamental<br />

values of European democracy – the freedom of<br />

speech and expression.<br />

With the crisis in Ukraine, there were unprecedented<br />

challenges to national and European security.<br />

Now, an agreement between the leaders of Russia,<br />

Ukraine, Germany and France on the Ukraine crisis<br />

offers hope, with a ceasefire from February 15th, followed<br />

by the withdrawal of heavy weapons. We fully<br />

support this agreement and hope that it will be fully<br />

implemented.<br />

As to the Presidency’s primary tasks, we have to<br />

continue to implement two broad objectives: to fully<br />

overcome the economic and financial crisis, and to<br />

promote stability, security and development in the<br />

European neighbourhood and all over the world.<br />

Our Presidency‘s symbol is the grinding stone, which<br />

is a sign of tradition for Latvians, but also an emblem<br />

of innovation and change - it represents both stability<br />

and movement.<br />

What do you think the benefits for your country will be, as a<br />

result of the presidency of the Council of the EU?<br />

The Presidency will show our identity and ability<br />

as Europeans. I have no doubt that the preparations<br />

for the Presidency and the Presidency itself will<br />

make our public administration and society in Latvia<br />

more experienced and more confident. Following on<br />

from a year when Riga was the European Capital of<br />

Culture, the Presidency’s public diplomacy and culture<br />

programme will once more highlight Latvia on<br />

the map of Europe.<br />

In a close dialogue with non-governmental organisations<br />

and social partners at home, and with Italy<br />

and Luxembourg in the Presidency Trio, Latvia has<br />

defined three principal priorities for Europe during<br />

its presidency in the first semester of 2015.<br />

The first priority of the Presidency is the enhancement<br />

of Europe’s competitiveness. In practical<br />

terms, this will mean hard work on the drafting of a<br />

new investment plan for the EU, the so-called “Juncker<br />

plan”, the establishment of the Energy Union,<br />

and the strengthening of the Banking Union, to put<br />

Europe back on the path of long-term growth.<br />

The second priority is the development of a Digital<br />

Agenda. This means the mainstreaming of the<br />

digital agenda in EU policies, increased data security,<br />

cybersecurity, and the promotion of the EU’s Digital<br />

Single Market to increase the digital competitiveness<br />

of the European Union.<br />

Thirdly, Latvia’s EU Presidency will also turn attention<br />

to enhancing the EU’s global and regional role. I<br />

wish to place a special emphasis on this priority, due<br />

to its strong foreign policy dimension.<br />

Latvia’s Presidency will focus on the strengthening<br />

of EU cooperation with the Eastern Partnership<br />

countries. On 22nd May, Riga will host the Eastern<br />

Partnership Summit. I am certain that this will prove<br />

to be a historic milestone, one of the most significant<br />

events of the Presidency, with a number of challenging<br />

tasks. The Riga Summit should send a signal<br />

that the European Union has clear interests in the<br />

strengthening and continuation of the Eastern Partnership.<br />

Secondly, the Riga Summit will take stock of<br />

the fulfilment of objectives set by the Vilnius Summit<br />

and provide a preliminary assessment of the implementation<br />

of the Association Agreements. An assistance<br />

programme should be prepared to support<br />

The beautiful coastline of<br />

the Baltic Sea.<br />

Edgars Skuja was born on 20th February, 1966 in<br />

Valmiera, Latvia. He is a Latvian diplomat and is the<br />

current Ambassador of Latvia to Austria.<br />

44 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

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INFO<br />

Latvian-Austrian Relations<br />

Left: The new National<br />

Library of Latvia was opened<br />

in August 2014.<br />

Right: Characteristic „Art<br />

Nouveau“-building in Riga.<br />

practical implementation of the Association Agreements.<br />

Thirdly, the process of visa liberalisation with<br />

the Eastern Partnership countries should be taken<br />

forward. And fourthly, the EU, while pursuing this<br />

initiative, should be looking at the individual interests<br />

of each EaP country and their readiness to cooperate<br />

with the EU, and not merely apply the same<br />

approach to all six countries.<br />

Latvia joined the EU in 2004. What have been the most<br />

significant changes in your country since then?<br />

We have gone a long way since we joined the Union.<br />

There were challenging times with the Lisbon<br />

Treaty, the financial crisis, the enlargement of the<br />

Schengen area and of the Euro area. Over this period<br />

of time, we have developed a sense of belonging to<br />

the EU, an understanding of the daily work of the EU<br />

institutions, and also a greater sense of common responsibility<br />

for this project. Prior to joining the EU in<br />

2004, Latvia had an accession period, which was the<br />

most important reform process in our country. We<br />

were able to successfully develop our democratic system<br />

and economy in a short time. And the Presidency<br />

itself is kind of proof and confirmation that we<br />

were able to turnaround from our past and develop<br />

fast. Since 2004, when Latvia joined the EU, the confidence<br />

of the people of Latvia in the European Union<br />

has grown considerably. 80 percent of Latvians<br />

have indicated that the membership has clearly<br />

brought economic and social benefits, the most popular<br />

among them are the rights for free movement<br />

– the possibility to live, work, establish business and<br />

study in any of the EU countries.<br />

Latvia has proven to be one of the most visible<br />

member states since its accession. Ten years in the<br />

EU have resulted in a 30 percent GDP increase and a<br />

45 percent increase of real wages, as well as many<br />

other economic benefits.<br />

The comparisons in the cities of Latvia are remarkable,<br />

and prove once again that joining the EU was<br />

a wise decision. Just one example: thanks to EU funding,<br />

60,000 grants have been received by Latvian<br />

students for professional education, 405 health care<br />

facilities have been renovated, improving the overall<br />

quality of life.<br />

Just one year ago, you joined the Euro-Zone. Which benefits<br />

has the Euro brought to Latvia?<br />

This clearly shows that Latvia is one step closer to<br />

the core of the European Union and is a full-fledged<br />

member. This demonstrates to the people of Latvia<br />

and to the entire world that we are a modern Western<br />

state and honour the values of Western countries,<br />

such as freedom, tolerance, individual responsibility,<br />

security and welfare. Since becoming an<br />

independent state on 18th November 1918, Latvia<br />

has always sought to be a respected European state in<br />

its own right.<br />



Bilateral relations between Latvia and Austria are<br />

extremely good, with regular political dialogue taking<br />

place in the form of consultations on a range of<br />

different levels between the two countries’ Foreign<br />

Ministries. The Austrian President, Dr. Heinz Fischer,<br />

visited Latvia in the summer of 2014, and a state visit<br />

to Vienna by Latvian President Andris Bērziņš is<br />

planned for April of this year.<br />

Arts and Culture<br />

The two countries are also very close in the cultural<br />

field, and there is already a high level of cultural<br />

exchange. Latvian singers, conductors and actors, such<br />

as Elīna Garanča, Kristīne Opolais, Marina Rebeka,<br />

Aleksandrs Antoņenko, Mariss Jansons, Andris Nelsons,<br />

Alvis Hermanis and Gundars Āboliņš, are well-known<br />

and well-liked in Austria, and play the role of “cultural<br />

ambassadors” for the small country of Latvia. Riga<br />

was the European Cultural Capital in 2014, and the<br />

Latvian Embassy highlighted projects associated with<br />

this role by putting on a series of events such as the<br />

exhibition “Riga’s Art Nouveau. Architecture and Art”,<br />

Sacher Anz. Circle Diplomatique 230x148,5_Druck 25.02.15 14:17 Seite 1<br />

Song and Dance Festival 2013 at the Latvian National<br />

Centre for Culture.<br />

which ran at Vienna’s Academy of the Visual Arts in<br />

November 2014. The exhibition focussed on the extent<br />

to which Riga played a role in shaping Western<br />

European culture, architecture and lifestyle at the<br />

beginning of the 20th century.<br />

Business<br />

There remains strong potential for development in<br />

economic relations between Austria and Latvia. Goods<br />

with a value of approximately EUR 154 million were<br />

exported from Austria to Latvia in 2013, while goods<br />

with a value of EUR 26 million were imported. The<br />

main exports from Austria to Latvia were in the<br />

pharmaceutical products, electrical and mechanical<br />

goods sectors. Austria, on the other hand, primarily<br />

imports goods produced in the wood processing and<br />

chemicals sectors from Latvia. Ambassador Skuja sees<br />

the engineering goods, metal processing, electronics,<br />

electrotechnology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical<br />

sectors as having the greatest potential for development.<br />

Tourism<br />

In the tourism sector, in comparison, the trend is<br />

already positive on both sides, with the number of<br />

visitors to both countries increasing from year to year.<br />

According to Statistik Austria, overnight stays in<br />

Austria by visitors from Latvia rose by two percent in<br />

2013 compared to the preceding year. The daily direct<br />

flight with Air Baltic between Riga and Vienna is a<br />

major benefit here. “Latvians love the Austrian<br />

mountains, and Austrians enjoy our 400 km long Baltic<br />

coastline, the well-wooded landsape and the numerous<br />

music and cultural festivals in Riga and all over the<br />

country“, said Ambassador Skuja.<br />



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46 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



The Invention of Europe<br />

Turn of an era: “Miranda en la<br />

Caraca” (1896) by Arturo<br />

Michelena, “Napoleon in Berlin”<br />

(1810) by Charles Meynier and<br />

“Portrait of Monsieur Lavoisier<br />

and his Wife” (1788) by<br />

Jacques-Louis David.<br />

The congress was dancing, as a fact. But that’s only<br />

half the story. In his essay, Manfred Matzka,<br />

Director General of the Chancellery, examines the<br />

political relevance of a major historical event.<br />

Author Manfred Matzka<br />

is the Head of the<br />

Presidential Section in the<br />

Federal Chancellery. In<br />

addition, he was a lecturer<br />

at the University of Vienna,<br />

and is a speaker at the<br />

Danube University Krems.<br />

I<br />

have spent the majority of my professional life in<br />

the former Secret Court and State Chancellery<br />

on Ballhausplatz, and hardly a day went by when<br />

I did not use, show or explain the famous „Kongresssaal”<br />

(congress hall). So, in a way it was an everyday<br />

occurrence to be asked about the Congress of Vienna,<br />

which took place there. Unfortunately, it was also<br />

a given thing, that the event was reduced to the same<br />

two preconceptions which seem to characterise its<br />

image, namely, that the congress danced, but did not<br />

achieve anything, and that the conservative Metternich<br />

only contributed to a restoration of the old political<br />

conditions. Hardly any of the guests and visitors<br />

established a relationship to the current importance<br />

of the Congress of Vienna. Both images – like every<br />

good preconception – contain a grain of truth, but<br />

they are both far away from reality. Therefore, it is<br />

time to put a great deal right, and shed new light on<br />

it: this includes things like long term goals, planning<br />

and action plans, the target oriented and clever use<br />

of top entertainers in the music programme for the<br />

conference, networking and lobbying whole droves<br />

of experts, hangers-on, society ladies and conduits,<br />

for the dynamic of a series of summits with preparation<br />

by working groups and confessional negotiations,<br />

for the readiness for international law sanctions<br />

and the correction of borders within Europe,<br />

for the importance of single individuals that are charismatic<br />

for the whole of Europe in an unstable historical<br />

situation …<br />

All of these are also current phenomena of the<br />

European cooperation, it seems to me. You can obviously<br />

describe the congress fittingly with the current<br />

EU vocabulary: Vienna was really the cultural capital<br />

of Europe in this „chairmanship year“; strategic concepts,<br />

state political and economic interests were<br />

brought home to the heads of state and government<br />

in a professional way, and they integrated these into<br />

the negotiations. Even the fact that the working method<br />

– many people from different states sitting together,<br />

in a succession of meetings according to the<br />

rising order of the position of the participants – is<br />

still the same in the EU today, does not put the Congress<br />

of Vienna in a bad light, but rather the working<br />

style of today‘s European bureaucracy. And the fact<br />

that at the time you didn‘t have to strive for and pay<br />

for translation services is going in a similar direction.<br />

The thought of supranationality, the legitimacy of<br />

normative stipulations on a level above the states –<br />

which previously had the monopoly on legislation –<br />

continued to develop from Ballhausplatz into the late<br />

20th Century. The fact that the EU successfully eliminated<br />

some borders within Europe (or at least<br />

their perception) with Schengen, only to recreate<br />

them unsuccessfully and paradoxically somewhere<br />

else, is something else it has in common with the<br />

congress. Incidentally, the whole thing cost about as<br />

much as an EU Council Presidency today, took a similar<br />

amount of time, worked in the same format<br />

and was paid without objection by tax payers, just<br />

like today, who were not quite clear on how it actually<br />

happened.<br />

However, it also makes sense to go deeper underneath<br />

the surface, to look at some of the basic principles<br />

of the Congress of Vienna from a current European<br />

perspective, and ask yourself whether, and if<br />


yes, which effects and significance it has for the current<br />

political Europe.<br />

A joint conviction was at the beginning of the<br />

whole thing – it seemed possible to turn a fundamental<br />

crisis into a chance. The wars with their consequences,<br />

and the wide reaching internal and external<br />

destabilisation of the European states enabled<br />

joint initiatives to be set up, in economics, state<br />

structure and society, which would previously hardly<br />

have been possible without a huge turning point – a<br />

stable, comprehensive reorganisation of the whole<br />

continent.<br />

The congress proved something else: Cooperative<br />

action is possible in Europe. Not only could the individual<br />

states be the bearers of political decisions, there<br />

were further possibilities outside of their sphere of<br />

action, which had previously hardly been recognised,<br />

and were almost never used.<br />

After that it was shown that diplomacy and law<br />

can also bring about what until then had mostly only<br />

occurred through the use of armies. The conquests<br />

of the revolutionary Napoleonic France could be reversed,<br />

without having to enforce this on the battlefield.<br />

You could give yourself and others a new order,<br />

and at the same time avoid military violence. This<br />

proved, that in future it could even be possible to solve<br />

conflicts diplomatically, and moreover, even prevent<br />

them in this way.<br />

This was a new political quality – the instrument<br />

was a new category of norms, namely supranational<br />

law, which was determined by the states together, but<br />

then was also binding for them, where they did not<br />

expressly agree. This applied both for the whole of<br />

Europe, and – with even denser regulations – for<br />

parts of the continent, such as the small states merging<br />

in the German Confederation. Thus, a variable<br />

geometry of the European, political organisation – a<br />

very modern image.<br />

48 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



BOOK-TIP<br />



finden Sie auch in diesen<br />

exklusiven Häusern:<br />

can also be found in these exclusive hotels:<br />

Napoleon and the<br />

consequences: Swiss<br />

Federal Agreement of<br />

1815; “The Plum-pudding<br />

in Danger” (1805), a<br />

caricature by James<br />

Gillray.<br />

Popular uprising:<br />

“Heimkehrender Tiroler<br />

Landsturm im Krieg von<br />

1809” [Returning Tyrolean<br />

militiamen in the war of<br />

1809], (1876) by Franz von<br />

Defregger.<br />

The Congress<br />

of Vienna<br />

We have taken Manfred<br />

Matzka‘s – here slightly<br />

abridged – essay from the<br />

very clever, richly<br />

illustrated book „Der<br />

Wiener Kongress. Die<br />

Erfindung Europas“ (The<br />

Congress of Vienna. The<br />

invention of Europe),<br />

which appeared in Carl<br />

Gerold’s Sohn Verlagsbuchhandlung<br />

(90 Euro),<br />

and in which 23 Austrian<br />

and international authors<br />

explore the secrets to the<br />

success of an unprecedented<br />

congress of the most<br />

powerful rulers of Europe,<br />

in which the foundations<br />

were laid for a peace order,<br />

enuring until the outbreak<br />

of the First World War.<br />

New international law emerged, for the first time<br />

as a compact, detailed regulation at this standardisation<br />

level. It not only determined states, their borders<br />

and mutual recognition, but also rules for everyday<br />

life of living together on this small and richly structured<br />

continent. The statutory provision of freedom<br />

of international river navigation, and the legally binding<br />

regulation of diplomatic law serve as proof of<br />

this.<br />

And – what none of my visitors to the congress<br />

hall praise – the Vienna Congress also had an important<br />

influence on the emergence and definition of<br />

generally applicable basic rights in Europe: the abolition<br />

of slavery in article 118 of the conference papers<br />

are the proof of this.<br />

Of course, the restoration of former relationships<br />

was also a focal point of the congress. But these focussed<br />

on the domestic situations, not on the development<br />

of Europe. Restorative principles and a basic<br />

scepticism towards all revolutionary and liberal<br />

efforts were their guidelines, but the repression was<br />

also oriented towards nationalist movements – and<br />

that was not to a reactionary extent, in that nationalism<br />

did not have to be seen as a progressive development<br />

in Europe. An extensive discussion would<br />

serve to find out whether middle class nationalism<br />

should be seen as progressive and positive, from the<br />

point of view of the time and/or today. But in 1848 at<br />

the latest, it showed its not at all progressive face to<br />

the proletariat, to the students, to democratic movements.<br />

However, the Congress of Vienna brought new<br />

ways of thinking and principles into international<br />

politics, which are still significant for today‘s Europe.<br />

It became clear that there is a joint European identity,<br />

which some things should sensibly be subordinated<br />

to. People assumed that a hegemony of the policy on<br />

economics and society made sense. They were firmly<br />

convinced that after uncertainty and war, peace is<br />

possible, if you get together and make joint decisions.<br />

Even more so, because they assumed that clever<br />

and long-term planning could also ensure long-term<br />

peace. The fact that defeated France was once again<br />

accepted into the concert of the great powers shows<br />

this just as much as the system of pentarchy oriented<br />

towards equality.<br />

In any case, the congress created stable peace for a<br />

long time. For the first time, the people in Europe<br />

had the real experience that you can evolve and grow<br />

without war. Because, after the congress and up to<br />


the Crimean war in the early 1850s, Europe remained<br />

protected against wars between the great powers<br />

for more than 35 years. That was a great achievement<br />

after thirty wars in the 17th century and fifteen in<br />

the 18th century, and after the 17 years of the Napoleonic<br />

Wars immediately beforehand; after two centuries,<br />

in which there were always at least two, but<br />

mostly a handful of battlegrounds in Europe at the<br />

same time, a whole generation lived in peace for the<br />

first time.<br />

This has to be the most important message that<br />

the Congress of Vienna left behind for future European<br />

development: a permanent peace project is<br />

possible on this continent, if the states agree to put<br />

supranational laws in place, which obligate them to<br />

provide counter measures, at least where there is a<br />

risk of violent confrontation. To do this, one must<br />

carry out many negotiations until then, and accept a<br />

large-scale staging and the prepotency of individual<br />

interests (from supranationalists to financial capital).<br />

Overall, however, it is worth taking such a path. It is<br />

better than building up hostile images and nationalism,<br />

which one can perhaps no longer control – see<br />

Ukraine.<br />

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50 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


Ambassador, politician, poet, scientist<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />

Gloria Young, Ambassador of the Republic of Panama in Vienna, has a very<br />

versatile and engaging personality. She writes books and poems, is committed to<br />

research projects and is a respected politician in her country. For a period of over<br />

ten years, she was politically active for her country and therefore has the best<br />

possible credentials to represent the interests of Panama in Austria.<br />

Diablos y Congos Festival.<br />

Two weeks after Carnival,<br />

communities in and around<br />

Portobelo hold the Diablos y<br />

Congos (Devils and Slaves)<br />

festival to honour their<br />

ancestors who managed to<br />

escape slavery during the<br />

Spanish colonial period.<br />


February 3rd 2015, Embassy of Panama, Goldschmiedegasse<br />

10, 1st district in the Vienna<br />

city centre: interview with I.E. Gloria Young,<br />

Ambassador of Panama in Vienna since December<br />

8th 2014. One can hardly imagine a warmer welcome.<br />

We are greeted by a highly charismatic, lively<br />

and alert lady and feel very comfortable in her presence.<br />

She doesn’t hold back and recounts the story<br />

of her eventful life since arriving in Austria in early<br />

December. Still at war with speaking German, she<br />

admits that the complexity of the language is a tough<br />

hurdle to overcome. In an effort to give her best, she<br />

is attending a German course to improve her language<br />

skills. In Austria, she rushes from meeting to meeting.<br />

„Due to the presence of the UN in Vienna there<br />

are plenty of issues on a bilateral as well as multilateral<br />

level“, explains Ambassador Young. Since she<br />

took office in Vienna, she is proud to have acted as<br />

chairman for the Group of Latin American and Caribbean<br />

States (GRULAC) within the United Nations<br />

as well. “I grow with the challenge. It is very exciting<br />

to learn so much about the other Latin American<br />

countries,” said Young.<br />

As Versatile as a Book<br />

The charismatic lady teaches to this day at the Latin<br />

University of Panama City in the Faculty of Law<br />

and Political Science. Furthermore, she is the executive<br />

director of the Department of Gender Studies.<br />

She lectures on various topics such as politics, gender<br />

politics, literature, education and human rights<br />

both at national and international level. She is president<br />

of the Association of Former Parliamentarians<br />

of the Republic of Panama and member of the Central<br />

American Network of „No Violence against Women“<br />

in San Jose, Costa Rica.<br />

From 2010 to 2012, she was president of the National<br />

Council of Writers of Panama. She has released<br />

nine books in total, and over 300 of her articles and<br />

essays have been printed in national and international<br />

publications. Her latest literary work “Nada que<br />

ocultar” (“Nothing to Hide”) is a collection of prose<br />

poems with impressive illustrations by the Panamanian<br />

artists Pearl Bajdez, Silvia Costa and Soledad<br />

Velasco Hernandez. According to Gloria Young’s description,<br />

“It is a book for all the senses, a book to<br />

feel, a book to see, a book to read, to listen to and to<br />

smell”. The famous Panamanian writer Pedro Crenes<br />

Castro referred to Gloria Young in his book review as<br />

“one of the great female literary voices of the country”.<br />

“Nothing to Hide” touches the soul and makes it<br />

shiver at the same time. Gloria Young just recently<br />

presented her book in MUSA (Museum Startgalerie<br />

Artothek) to the Viennese public for the first time.<br />

The Indigenous People of Panama<br />

Ambassador Young tells us about a research project,<br />

she was involved in, with great enthusiasm.:<br />

“The leadership of the Nagbe Buglé woman: Silvia<br />

Carrera”. That is how we also got an insight into the<br />

way of life of the indigenous peoples in Panama. We<br />

learned that in 2011, Silvia Carrera Concepción was<br />

the first woman to be voted cacica (native chief) of<br />

the Ngäbe-Buglé tribe. In 2012, she even made international<br />

headlines by arranging large-scale roadblocks<br />

with her people to prevent the construction of<br />

a hydroelectric power plant on her people‘s land,<br />

which brought traffic to Panama City to a standstill.<br />

Ever since then, mining projects in the autonomous<br />

territories of the indigenous peoples have only been<br />

allowed to go ahead upon their consent. An enormous<br />

victory for a woman from a small Indian tribe<br />

in the mountains of Veraguas.<br />

The Ngäbe-Buglé represent the most numerous<br />

of the indigenous peoples in Panama. About 180.000<br />

Ngäbes and 10.000 Buglé live in the protected “Ngäbe-Buglé<br />

Comarca”, comparable to a reservation.<br />

They have their own political system. The majority<br />

of the Ngäbe-Buglé live in small towns or villages,<br />

particularly in the mountain region of Bocas del<br />

Ambassador<br />

Gloria Young at her<br />

accreditation.<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



FACTS &<br />


1 Two Kuna Yala boys, fishing.<br />

2 Panama City at night.<br />

3 Diablos y Congos Festival in<br />

Portobelo.<br />

Trade Relations<br />

Austria - Panama<br />

Export: 18,03 million euro<br />

Main export products:<br />

Machinery and equipment,<br />

medicine, products made<br />

of iron and steel, slot<br />

machines and motor<br />

vehicles, pharmaceutical<br />

products.<br />

Import: 3.26 million euro<br />

Main import products:<br />

Fruits (pineapple, melons,<br />

bananas), consumer<br />

products and metal<br />

structures<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

Toro, Veraguas and Chiriqui.<br />

The Kuna Yala are another interesting indigenous<br />

group as is it not known exactly when they migrated<br />

from South America to Panama. In any case, they<br />

had populated the 360 islands, known as the San Blas<br />

Islands in the Archipelago de San Blas by the 16th<br />

century. Today, most of the 36.000 Kuna Yala still live<br />

there. They fought for centuries to keep their culture<br />

and traditions alive, but it was only in 1930 that they<br />

succeeded in securing a political settlement to establish<br />

the semi-autonomous Kuna Yala territory.<br />

The people of the Emberá and the Wounaan are<br />

equally fascinating. With an estimated population of<br />

15.000, most of the Emberá live in the Darien rainforest<br />

in Panama. Together with the Wounaan people,<br />

they were formerly known as the Choco, as they originally<br />

came from the Choco province in Colombia<br />

which they left in the 18th century. There are approximately<br />

2.600 Wounaan Indians who also live in the<br />

Darien rainforest. In 1983, the government of Panama<br />

recognized the Comarca Emberá-Drua as a semi-autonomous<br />

indigenous territory for both the<br />

Emberá as well as the Wounaan. The area extends to<br />

the Darien National Park and the biosphere reserve.<br />

Along the banks of the many rivers, these tribes live<br />

far away from the comforts and problems of civilization<br />

– in perfect harmony with their environment.<br />

They are proud, peaceful and honest, but wary of<br />

strangers. They lead a day-to-day existence without<br />

real economic pressure and choose to ignore laws<br />

and regulations of local authorities. Instead, they<br />

created their own laws.<br />

The Panama Canal, an Economic Miracle<br />

The Panama Canal is by far the most important<br />

factor for the national economy. After all, 82 percent<br />

of the country’s economic output is generated almost<br />

entirely via transit revenue. It is also considered the<br />

eighth Wonder of the World, a masterpiece of engineering<br />

and technology.<br />

By the end of the 18th century, the French failed<br />

in their construction efforts of the Canal. They had<br />

underestimated the tropical conditions in the area.<br />

Workers were brought to their knees by the damp<br />

heat, malaria and yellow fewer, causing the death of<br />

seven men on average per day. The USA took over<br />

under President Roosevelt, and completed the mammoth<br />

project in August 1914 after over ten years of<br />

construction work. The dream of connecting two<br />

oceans finally came true. Transiting between the Atlantic<br />

and Pacific Oceans saves ships from sailing an<br />

additional 15.000 kilometres.<br />

Sole administrative authority of the Panama Canal<br />

was in the hands of the USA until 1977. Only after<br />

tough negotiations and numerous protests by the<br />

people of Panama did they come to an agreement to<br />

transfer authority of the Canal by the end of 1999.<br />

Since the container ships are getting bigger and<br />

bigger, the Panama Canal is currently being further<br />

developed. The original schedule, however, is in danger<br />

of changing both in time and budget. Initially,<br />

the completion was planned for the end of 2015, and<br />

the cost was to amount to 5.25 billion US dollars.<br />

Economic Benefits of the country<br />

Apart from the Panama Canal, the country has<br />


d.signwerk.com | Photos: Markus Pummer, Gregor Titze, Keith Collie<br />

also other important advantages thanks to the location<br />

such as a modern financial centre, linking to the<br />

dollar, the best flight connections in Latin America,<br />

the free trade zone of Colón (world wide the second<br />

largest) and raw materials including copper and<br />

gold. Agriculture mainly focuses on rice, corn, coffee<br />

and tropical fruits.<br />

In 2013, the gross domestic product amounted<br />

to 40 billion US dollars. 81 percent of Panama’s economic<br />

output is generated in the transit region (Panama<br />

City, Canal area), and only 16 percent come<br />

from the country’s interior. A further three percent<br />

are from the five indigenous Comarcas and Darién.<br />

The gross domestic product is in steady growth<br />

since mid-2002. Throughout the last decade, Panama<br />

reached the biggest growth rates of about 8.5 percent<br />

in Latin America according to the IMF. In 2013,<br />

it was 8 percent, and for 2014, a decrease to seven<br />

percent is expected. Inflation was four percent in<br />

2013, and the official unemployment rate could be<br />

lowered to four percent. There is virtually full employment<br />

now in Panama.<br />

An Attractive Country for Investors<br />

Panama succeeds in attracting foreign investors<br />

by giving them equal market access as local companies<br />

enjoy, with a few exceptions, such as in retail<br />

and maritime services. Foreign investment of about<br />

4 billion US dollars put Panama on the top again in<br />

Central America.<br />

Additional corporate settlement is possible in the<br />

world-wide prominent free zone Colón, also called<br />

“Science City” (Ciudad del Saber) and the Special<br />

Economic Zone AEP (Área Especial Económica Panamá-Pacífico)<br />

close to the capital. The legislation<br />

for seats of multinational enterprises (SEM), the free<br />

zone regime (“zonas francas” in succession of export<br />

promotion zones) for manufacturing companies, industry-specific<br />

support programs, a comprehensive<br />

service from a single source (one stop shop) in the<br />

production zone Panamá Pacífico for non-bureaucratic<br />

control of immigration and work permit issues<br />

as well as tax benefits (including the territorial control<br />

principle) give the foreign investor support, facilitation<br />

and highly attractive incentives.<br />


A TRULY<br />


PLACE<br />

Panama<br />

Official name:<br />

Republic of Panama<br />

Location: Costa Rica to the<br />

west, Colombia to the east<br />

Area: 75,517 km2<br />

Population: 3.3 million<br />

Official language: Spanish<br />

Other languages: 73<br />

Religion: 86% Catholic,<br />

10% Protestant<br />

Capital: Panama City<br />

Currency: Balboa (PAB),<br />

US dollar<br />

Climate: tropical<br />

National day: 3rd<br />

November (1903 – independence<br />

from Colombia)<br />

Form of government:<br />

Republic<br />

Head of State:<br />

Juan Carlos Varela<br />

Source: WKO, Status: 2013<br />

54 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


BURGGASSE 2 | 1070 VIENNA, AUSTRIA | T: +43-1-522 25 20 | WWW.SANSSOUCI-WIEN.COM<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Sebastian Kurz<br />

“Vienna is a natural venue for dialogue“<br />

Austria’s Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz about the importance of intercultural<br />

and interreligious dialogue, development-cooperation, and the efforts his department<br />

is making to bring Austria’s economic movers and shakers together with<br />

international diplomats.<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />

“Promoting cohesion<br />

is a task for the<br />

whole of society“<br />

Fear of terror threatens to drive a wedge between Europe<br />

and its immigrants. How do you view the situation at present,<br />

and what can be done to counter the trend?<br />

The shocking propensity for violence of the terror<br />

group calling itself ‘Islamic State’, the issue of radicalisation<br />

associated with jihadism, and the latest attack<br />

in Paris are anything but helpful to the climate<br />

of integration. Simply equating Islam with terror,<br />

however, is both wrong and dangerous. Islam has<br />

now been recognised in Austria for over 100 years,<br />

and we have been taking in Muslim migrant workers<br />

for 50 years now. Muslims are an important part of<br />

our society today, and must not be subjected to some<br />

sort of general suspicion. At the same time, people’s<br />

fears need to be taken seriously. The fact is that we<br />

have succeeded in achieving a great deal in the area<br />

of integration in recent years, and the climate of coexistence<br />

has been continuously improving. In the<br />

field of integration, therefore, we need to ensure that<br />

we achieve clear goals in an effort to make sure that<br />

there is not a wholesale loss of trust between the<br />

Muslim and non-Muslim population. We will be<br />

proceeding determinedly against dangerous trends<br />

such as political Islamism on the one hand, while not<br />

allowing a negative mood against all Muslims to take<br />

root on the other. Promoting cohesion is a task for<br />

the whole of society, and the responsibility of each<br />

and every one of us. All sides and each and every one<br />

of us can contribute to building mutual trust.<br />

Let’s talk for a moment about “successful integration”. What<br />

do you mean by successful integration?<br />

Our guiding principle is “integration through<br />

achievement”. Migrants should not be measured by<br />

their origin, but by what they succeed in achieving in<br />

their profession, education, family or society. Successful<br />

integration builds upon their German language<br />

skills, success in education, and profession.<br />

That’s why we’re concentrating on these areas in our<br />

work. We have vastly increased investment in helping<br />

children master the language at an early age.<br />

Central government will be investing an additional<br />

EUR 60 million in our kindergartens by 2018. We are<br />

currently working around the clock on a law recognising<br />

qualifications gained abroad, which will be a<br />

hugely important step for those seeking opportunities<br />

in the job market here. And a new law on Islam<br />

will be enacted in the next few weeks defining the<br />

rights and obligations of Muslims in Austria.<br />

The situation in Ukraine is still critical and there seems to be<br />

no solution in sight. What can be done?<br />

We are of course observing the situation in Eastern<br />

Ukraine with great concern. A peaceful solution<br />

can only be achieved if all participants are involved.<br />

That means that the dialogue between all parties to<br />

the conflict has to be kept going. It also means that<br />

the EU will have to continue speaking with one<br />

voice, and remain true to its principles. No solution<br />

to the conflict will ever work without Russia on<br />

board, but the basis for any solution has to be complete<br />

implementation of the Minsk Agreement. Selective<br />

implementation damages trust, and as we<br />

have already seen, does not contribute to progress in<br />

any way. Internal reforms will also have to be implemented<br />

within Ukraine; without these, any international<br />

aid will be completely ineffective.<br />

2015 is the European Year of Development. The OECD is<br />

demanding that Austria increases the financial resources it<br />

contributes to development work. What do your plans look<br />

like for fulfilling the OECD demands in the future?<br />

The European Year of Development is a hugely<br />

important opportunity to discuss development cooperation,<br />

keep Austrians informed, and reach people<br />

who have not been concerned with the issue to<br />

date. What happens in the wider world, and in developing<br />

countries in particular, affects every one of us:<br />

issues such as fighting poverty, protecting the environment,<br />

using nature and precious resources care-<br />

PHOTOS:<br />




Sebastian Kurz<br />

Born in 1986, Sebastian Kurz<br />

became Austria’s Minister for<br />

Europe, Integration and<br />

Foreign Affairs in December<br />

2013. He is the youngest<br />

Foreign Minister in the world.<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



fully, peace and security, and how to deal with refugees,<br />

are global challenges which can only be<br />

overcome by working together. One important target<br />

audience is our young people; at the end of the day,<br />

it’s their future in particular that we’re talking about<br />

here. The launch event in Austria, which we’ve organised<br />

together with partners from the Austrian Development<br />

Cooperation, has been targeted at young<br />

people, and communicates knowledge surrounding<br />

this development cooperation theme in what I hope<br />

will be a fresh and exciting way. Erik Solheim, Chair<br />

of the Development Aid Committee of the OECD,<br />

has praised Austria for the way it has involved the<br />

private sector and the Austrian Development Cooperation’s<br />

work in Moldova. And because we are doing<br />

good things at present, of course, we should be continuing<br />

to redouble our efforts. We take this request<br />

extremely seriously, of course. That’s why I think increasing<br />

financial resources from public as well as<br />

private sources is so very important. Development<br />

cooperation and its financing are not just tasks for<br />

my own department, however; they are responsibilities<br />

of the entire government. I’m very pleased to see<br />

that together with the respective Finance Ministers,<br />

we succeeded in avoiding making the cutbacks in the<br />

budget for bilateral development cooperation in<br />

both 2014 and 2015, and I shall of course be working<br />

to strengthen future development cooperation.<br />

In your speech to the General Assembly of the OSCE, you<br />

declared that you were prepared to take over Chairmanship<br />

of the OSCE in 2017. What do you think will be the greatest<br />

challenges facing you when you do so?<br />

Chairmanship of the OSCE is a huge challenge,<br />

both at an organisational level and in terms of content,<br />

so we will need to get the process of preparation<br />

moving at as early a stage as possible. We shall be<br />

supporting the chairmanships of Serbia in 2015 and<br />

Germany in 2016 to the best of our abilities. In light<br />

of the crisis in Ukraine, the OSCE has proven to be<br />

the core organisation for security in Europe. Events<br />

have made clear, however, that this system needs to<br />

be updated and strengthened. It was against this<br />

backdrop as much as anything else that I offered to<br />

take over the chairmanship in 2017. We see our<br />

chairmanship as a sign of our commitment to a<br />

peaceful, free and common Europe based on cooperation<br />

and dialogue, and are hoping to receive the<br />

support of the international community in achieving<br />

this goal.<br />

At the opening event of the European Year for Development<br />

in Austria, together with Development Commissioner Neven<br />

Mimica.<br />

The Conference of Western Balkan States is being held in<br />

Salzburg this year. How are preparations for this going, and<br />

what do you think its core themes will be?<br />

We’re currently in the middle of preparations for<br />

the Conference of Western Balkan States on 27th<br />

August, which will be held in Salzburg. The heads of<br />

government, foreign ministers and economic ministers<br />

of the seven states of the former Yugoslavia and<br />

Albania will be participating, and I’m very pleased to<br />

say that there will also be other high-level addresses,<br />

including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and<br />

representatives of the EU, such as High Representative<br />

Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes<br />

Hahn. The core themes will be infrastructure expansion,<br />

strengthening of the rule of law, and regional<br />

cooperation. Civil society is also an important theme<br />

for us, which is why we’re also planning to hold a<br />

Civil Society Conference just before the summit<br />

takes place itself.<br />

You have repeatedly emphasised that you would like to<br />

position Austria even more strongly as a location for<br />

dialogue. What initiatives are you planning for 2015 in order<br />

to achieve this?<br />

As one of the UN’s four permanent seats, Vienna<br />

makes a natural venue for dialogue. In 2015, we shall<br />


Left: Sebastian Kurz meets Kofi Annan at the Security Conference in Munich at the beginning of February 2015.<br />

Right: Speaking to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pawlo Klimkin at the OSCE Security Council in December 2014.<br />

be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding<br />

of the United Nations, and the 60th anniversary of<br />

Austria becoming a member of the UN. We want to<br />

use these anniversaries to continue strengthening dialogue<br />

with Viennese UN organisations on the one<br />

hand, and to bring the UN’s work closer to Austrians<br />

on the other hand. To do this, we’re planning a series<br />

of events targeted at a broad public, i.e. not just diplomats<br />

and experts, but also the public at large, all<br />

with the aim of contributing to stronger dialogue. At<br />

times like this, possibly more than any other – when<br />

the global community is exposed to ever-greater<br />

challenges – it’s absolutely crucial that we focus on<br />

multilateral cooperation and mutual understanding.<br />

Austrian foreign policy also has a decades-long tradition<br />

of inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue.<br />

The new pluralism in Austrian society demands dialogue<br />

both within Austria and with our neighbours<br />

and partners. Important bilateral projects on Islam<br />

in the best Austrian tradition of dialogue are being<br />

prepared for 2015. The Task Force Dialogue of Cultures<br />

also considers projects with new dialogue partners,<br />

including China. The Intercultural Achievement<br />

Award (IAA), which I presented for the first<br />

time last year and which is open to participants<br />

around the world, will be held again this year.<br />

What measures is the Foreign Ministry taking to network<br />

domestic economic movers and shakers with international<br />

diplomats?<br />

The newly set-up enterprise service will be spearheading<br />

our efforts in this area. Business diplomacy,<br />

which is also a natural setting for targeted networking<br />

by domestic companies, has always been a central<br />

area of activity of the Foreign Ministry in its own<br />

right. I wanted to make this aspect of our daily work<br />

more visible to the public at large by setting up the<br />

enterprise service, so Austrian companies can now<br />

address their concerns and queries directly to a central<br />

point of contact. The global network of the<br />

BMEIA, which represents more than 100 authorities,<br />

offers specific added value in this field, such as providing<br />

exporters and investors with sound political<br />

analyses and forecasts, and a means of accessing<br />

high-ranking political decision-makers abroad. We<br />

also proactively network our entrepreneurs with international<br />

diplomats through a wide range of<br />

events, such as our “One Day At...” company tours<br />

and regular “Foreign Trade Round Table” meetings.<br />

In addition to this, we work hard to draw companies’<br />

attention to any procurements being made by international<br />

organisations, and promoting contacts with<br />

those organisations.<br />

“At times like<br />

this – when the<br />

global community<br />

is exposed to evergreater<br />

challenges<br />

– it’s absolutely<br />

crucial that we focus<br />

on multilateral<br />

cooperation and mutual<br />

understanding.”<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



From the Adriatic to the Black Sea<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />

INFO<br />

1 2<br />

5 7<br />

VEF Events in 2015<br />

27th-28th May 2015:<br />

“Vienna Economic<br />

Talks – Tirana Meeting.<br />

Brainstorming Regional”,<br />

in Tirana, Albania<br />

3 4<br />

18th June 2015:<br />

“Vienna Economic<br />

Talks – Meet Macedonia in<br />

Vienna”, Studio 44 of the<br />

Austrian Lotteries,<br />

Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna<br />

The Vienna Economic Forum has played a hugely influential<br />

role in establishing Vienna as an economic hub for the<br />

region of Southeastern Europe.<br />

1 Left to right: Austrian<br />

Chancellor Werner<br />

Faymann, Elena Kirtcheva<br />

and Erhard Busek.<br />

2 Austrian President Heinz<br />

Fischer with the Patrons<br />

Committee.<br />

3 Elena Kirtcheva.<br />

4 Former Austrian<br />

Chancellor Wolfgang<br />

Schüssel.<br />

5 „Family picture“ at the<br />

Business and Investment<br />

Forum, Albania, organised<br />

by WKO and VEF.<br />

6 Former President of the<br />

Vienna Economic<br />

Chamber, Brigitte Jank<br />

(left) and Margarete<br />

Kriz-Zwittkowits,<br />

Honorary President,<br />

Austrian Trade<br />

Association.<br />

7 Regional Governor of<br />

Lower Austria, Erwin Pröll.<br />

The Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) was<br />

ini tially founded in April 2004, based on an<br />

idea by Elena Kirtcheva, Ambassador of the<br />

Republic of Bulgaria in Vienna at the time. A few<br />

years previously, as Bulgarian Ambassador to Switzerland,<br />

she had become acquainted with the World<br />

Economic Forum in Davos, an experience which<br />

inspired her to found an organisation of a similar nature<br />

focussed on the needs of Southeastern Europe<br />

and the Balkan countries, and based in Vienna.<br />

“Vienna immediately struck me as the perfect location,”<br />

Kirtcheva says. “Not only was there a real demand<br />

for economic exchange in the region, but you<br />

could sense the generally optimistic mood in the city,<br />

a feeling of wanting to instigate change.” The aim of<br />

the VEF is to promote economic cooperation between<br />

the countries and territories of the region,<br />

which is defined as stretching from the Adriatic to<br />

the Black Sea, from a location in Vienna.<br />

It was decided that the VEF’s partner countries<br />

should be Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,<br />

Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of<br />

Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia,<br />

Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Kosovo – and of course<br />

Austria.<br />

Along with Kirtcheva, who initially came up with<br />

the idea, the Forum’s founding members included<br />

some of Austria’s most notable entrepreneurs and industrialists,<br />

such as Josef Taus, the first President of<br />

the Vienna Economic Forum, Erhard Busek, Rudolf<br />

Gruber, Burkhard Hofer, Walter Rothensteiner,<br />

Herbert Stepic, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, Veit Sorger,<br />

Andreas Treichl, Karl Fink, Hanno Soravia,<br />

Christoph Leitl and Elisabeth Gürtler-Sacher. Therefore,<br />

the three fundamental components in the<br />

Forum’s success – the right location, the right time<br />

and the right people – were all very much in place.<br />

Former Austrian Vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek,<br />

who was also a Special Coordinator of the Stability<br />

Pact for Southeastern Europe, is the current President<br />

of the Vienna Economic Forum. The Patrons<br />

Committee of the VEF is made up of the Prime<br />

Ministers of individual member states, together with<br />

the Austrian Chancellor. The ambassadors of the<br />

countries in the region also participate in the work of<br />

the Forum as honorary members.<br />

Asked why she thinks the Forum has enjoyed the<br />

success it has done, Kirtcheva says: “The Vienna Economic<br />

Forum has accomplished a lot over the past<br />

eleven years, and Vienna’s importance as an economic<br />

hub for the region of Southeastern Europe has<br />

grown enormously at the same time. The achievements<br />

of our members, Austrian and Southeastern<br />


6<br />

European companies and international firms, in helping<br />

the region of Southeastern Europe from Vienna,<br />

really speak for themselves.”<br />

The Vienna Economic Forum’s main conferences<br />

are held in the Austrian capital every year in November.<br />

The conferences are attended by hundreds of<br />

decision-makers from business and industry, who<br />

come together to exchange ideas and to network. In<br />

addition to this, the VEF organises a number of<br />

external conferences each year in the capital cities of<br />

its partner countries, under the patronage of the<br />

prime minister in question.<br />

Another initiative, the “Vienna Economic Talks”,<br />

provides a platform for discussing specific issues or<br />

economic sectors within a smaller framework. In<br />

2008, the “Vienna Economic Talks – Pleven Meeting”<br />

was organised to discuss the issues of water<br />

supply, waste management and infrastructure.<br />

The 11th Forum was held in Vienna in November<br />

2014. 500 participants from 44 countries attended<br />

the event, including Austrian President Heinz<br />

Fischer, Chancellor Werner Faymann, and the<br />

President of the European Bank for Reconstruction<br />

and Development, Suma Chakrabarti.<br />

Elena Kirtcheva is also particularly proud of the<br />

fact that the VEF was awarded NGO status in 2011,<br />

and that it now enjoys Special Advisor status at the<br />

Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.<br />

One particularly popular event in the Vienna<br />

Economic Forum calendar is its annual garden party<br />

every summer. “The unique atmosphere of this event<br />

proves once again just how much the people of this<br />

region, from the Adriatic to the Black Sea, have in<br />

common with one another,” Kirtcheva says.<br />

The Vienna Economic Forum is continuously<br />

growing and evolving, a trend reflected in the ongoing<br />

internationalisation of its Executive Board.<br />

One Belgian, two Bulgarian and one German company<br />

are now represented on the Board, as well as the<br />

Turkish Investment Agency. “We are firmly convinced<br />

that the presence on the Board of the VEF of<br />

representatives of companies from all member countries<br />

heightens economic collaboration across the<br />

region as a whole,” Kirtcheva says.<br />

Playing such a key role in the region of Southeastern<br />

Europe for almost eleven years, and continuing<br />

to establish Vienna’s place as an economic hub, is a<br />

hugely positive feeling, of course, and Kirtcheva is<br />

optimistic about the future. “Advancing the region’s<br />

economic development and witnessing so many success<br />

stories – initially those of the Austrians, and as<br />

time has gone by, those companies we have had the<br />

chance to accompany in partner countries as well –<br />

provides enormous motivation and impetus.”<br />

9th June 2015:<br />

14th Traditional Garden<br />

Party of the Vienna<br />

Economic Forum, Haus<br />

Wittgenstein, Parkgasse<br />

18, 1030 Vienna<br />

23rd November 2015:<br />

12th Vienna Economic<br />

Forum – Vienna Dialogue<br />

2015, Palais Niederösterreich,<br />

Vienna<br />

INFO:<br />

www.vienna-economicforum.com<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



An up-and-coming country<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />


The decision by the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to<br />

open an Embassy in Vienna for the first time represents a<br />

significant milestone in the planned expansion of bilateral<br />

relations between Austria and Bangladesh.<br />

Bangladesh today is actually still a young country.<br />

It was only in 1971, following a bloody<br />

war of liberation the country then known as<br />

East Pakistan gained independence from Pakistan<br />

and became Bangladesh. Although the country may<br />

only have existed for 44 years, its cultural and historical<br />

roots actually extend far back into antiquity.<br />

Today’s Bangladesh was once part of the historically<br />

significant Bengal Empire.<br />

Bengal was inhabited by Hindus, Buddhists, and<br />

some animists until the thirteenth century, when<br />

Muslims invaded from the north-west, bringing<br />

their faith and culture with them. The British assumed<br />

political power in Bangladesh from 1757 onwards,<br />

ruling the country’s destiny for almost two<br />

centuries. After the Second World War, when the<br />

British planned to give up colonial power, they decided<br />

to partition the Indian Subcontinent into Hindu<br />

and Muslim regions, namely India and Pakistan respectively.<br />

The region once known as East Bengal was<br />

renamed East Pakistan in June 1947. Overnight, the<br />

new Muslim country was created out of British India,<br />

but split in two: West Pakistan lay to the far west,<br />

and East Pakistan to the east, separated by almost<br />

1,600 km of Indian territory. This was not the only<br />

problem, however. Irrespective of the geographical<br />

distance between them, East and West Pakistan had<br />

absolutely nothing in common other than the fact<br />

that both were Muslim; they did not even speak the<br />

same language. After years of political marginalisation,<br />

ethnic discrimination and economic neglect, a<br />

war of liberation finally broke out in 1971, and the<br />

country gained its independence from Pakistan. This<br />

was followed by decades of deprivation for the newly-founded<br />

state of Bangladesh, characterised by poverty<br />

and natural disasters as well as political unrest<br />

and military putsches. The country’s new age of economic<br />

progress could only begin in earnest once democratic<br />

elections began being held again in 1991.<br />

Economic growth<br />

Today, Bangladesh is one of the five fastest growing<br />

developing countries in the world. In the years<br />

2011-2014, the country saw average rates of economic<br />

growth of 6.3 percent. In the years since it gained<br />

independence from Pakistan, Bangladesh’s economy<br />

has evolved from being primarily agrarian-based, to<br />

one focussed on the industrial and service sectors.<br />

The traditionally dominant agricultural sector is now<br />

only responsible for around one-fifth of the country’s<br />


GDP. Despite this, three out of every five working<br />

people continue to be employed in the agricultural<br />

sector. For the rural population in particular (approximately<br />

three-quarters of the popula tion as a whole),<br />

agricultural production still represents the most<br />

important way of earning a living.<br />

The most important staple crop by far is rice.<br />

Something like 11.3 million hectares of land (around<br />

73 percent of the total area devoted to agricultural<br />

production) is used for the cultivation of rice. Increasingly<br />

large areas have been devoted to cultivating<br />

grain in recent decades, and production currently<br />

stands at over 36 million tons.Another important<br />

staple is jute. Even though its production is being<br />

steadily reduced every year, this continues to be an<br />

important source of revenue on the world market.<br />

“In 44 years we have made tremendous progress in<br />

food production. We have almost tripled the<br />

country’s production of grain since 1971,” said Md<br />

Abu Zafar, Bangladesh’s Ambassador in Vienna.<br />

The growth in the industrial sector is essentially a<br />

result of the booming textile industry. The success<br />

story began in the 1980s, when South Korean textile<br />

producers tried to get around quotas for textile imports<br />

in industrialised countries by moving their<br />

production to Bangladesh. Today, Bangladesh is the<br />

world’s second-largest textile producer as a result.<br />

The textile industry now employs over four million<br />

people. In addition, Bangladesh has entered into the<br />

ship-building industry with supplying ocean-going<br />

ships to the western world.<br />

International relations<br />

The foreign policy priorities of the government,<br />

unequivocally guided by the fundamental principle<br />

of foreign relations were outlined four decades<br />

ago by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu<br />

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman – ‘Friendship<br />

to all and malice to none’. The foreign<br />

policy accents and diplomatic<br />

initiatives were also essentially guided<br />

by the principal tenets of foreign policy<br />

as enumerated in the Constitution of<br />

Bangladesh and further shaped by the<br />

present go-vernment’s foreign policy<br />

pledges contained in its ‘Vision 2021’<br />

manifesto. Accordingly the government<br />

has launched proactive and multidimensional<br />

diplomatic initiatives to<br />

reaffirm and add value to Bangladesh’s<br />

Md Abu Zafar, Bangladesh‘s first Ambassador in Vienna<br />

His Excellency Md Abu Zafar talks about the natural beauty of his home country and<br />

the economic potential this could have, the role of religion in Bangladesh, and the<br />

social position of women there.<br />

Bangladesh’s coastline has the potential to<br />

support a successful tourist industry. Nowhere is<br />

the natural landscape more stunning than in the<br />

far south of the country. The coastal town of<br />

Cox’s Bazar is particularly blessed, for instance:<br />

it boasts the longest unbroken, natural sandy<br />

beach on Earth, with a gently sloping, sandy<br />

shore snaking along the coastline for more than<br />

125 kilometres. Bangladesh’s foreign tourism<br />

sector is still relatively small, and few<br />

Bangladeshis themselves have had the resources<br />

to travel within the country until recently.<br />

Internal tourism is now growing, however, as the<br />

economy develops, Austria is a world leader in<br />

providing such services, of course, so it will be in<br />

the interest of both countries to build up levels<br />

of cooperation in areas such as tourism.<br />

Although approximately 90 perccent of the<br />

Bangladeshi population are Muslims, it is far<br />

from what one might imagine as a conservative<br />

Islamic country. Bangladesh is a People’s<br />

Republic, in a similar way, in fact, to Austria.<br />

It is a secular country by constitution, where<br />

all religions co-exist peacefully. There is no<br />

religious discrimination of any sort here. The<br />

best thing about Bangladesh is that it is a<br />

tolerant society, and one of the most liberal<br />

Muslim countries in the world. The United<br />

Nations has described Bangladesh as being a<br />

model for other Muslim countries.<br />

The other important achievement of<br />

Bangladesh is women empowerment. The past<br />

four decades have seen increased political<br />

empowerment for women, better job prospects,<br />

and more opportunities for girl’s education and<br />

new laws to protect their rights. In Parliament<br />

we have 50 seats reserved for women. As of<br />

2014, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the<br />

Parliament, the leader of the opposition are<br />

women. And not forgetting, they were elected<br />

by a majority of men. We have women football,<br />

cricket and hockey teams. This speaks volume<br />

for the liberal, democratic ethos of Bangladesh.<br />

Md Abu Zafar and<br />

his wife Salma,<br />

wearing the<br />

traditional Sari.<br />

62 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

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FACTS &<br />



Bangladesh<br />

Official name: People’s<br />

Republic of Bangladesh<br />

Location: bordered by India<br />

to the north, east and west,<br />

and the Bay of Bengal to<br />

the south and Myanmar to<br />

the south-east<br />

Area: 147,570 km2<br />

Population: 158 million<br />

Official language: Bengali<br />

Other languages: English<br />

Religion: Islam (90.4 %),<br />

Hinduism (8.2 %),<br />

Buddhism, Christianity<br />

Capital city: Dhaka<br />

Currency: Taka<br />

Climate: tropical with mild<br />

winters from October to<br />

March and hot, humid<br />

summers from March to<br />

June<br />

Public holiday: 26th<br />

March, Independence and<br />

National Day<br />

Form of state:<br />

People‘s Republic<br />

Head of State:<br />

Abdul Hamid<br />

Head of Government:<br />

Sheikh Hasina<br />

From left to right: Honorary Consul Wolfgang Weninger,<br />

First Secretary Shabab Bin Ahmed, Ambassador Mohammed Abu<br />

Zafar, Salma A. Zafar, Honorary Consul Ernst W. Graft.<br />

global identity and stature as a responsible and contributing<br />

member of the international community.<br />

Inspired by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu<br />

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s vision of establishing the<br />

country as “Sonar Bangla” (Golden Bengal). The<br />

Government of Bangladesh has been tirelessly working<br />

to transform Bangladesh into a middle income<br />

country by 2021 and a developed nation by 2041. Taking<br />

into consideration the country’s geographical<br />

position, the importance of foreign development assistance<br />

and its economic and political interests.<br />

Bangladesh pursues constructive cooperation with<br />

the world of Islamic states and with western states.<br />

Relations with Bangladesh’s South Asian neighbours<br />

with whom it enjoys historic ties, geographic proximity<br />

and multifaceted cooperation is being further<br />

consolidated, while Bangladesh’s relations with its<br />

traditional economic partners in the Far Eastern region,<br />

especially China, Japan and South Korea have<br />

been vibrant. Both China and Japan are supporting<br />

Bangladesh in expanding infrastructure. The country<br />

also enjoys particularly close relations with states<br />

in the Gulf, where more than half of Bangladesh’s<br />

overseas workers are employed. Second only to export<br />

revenues from the textile industry, their remittances<br />

to home are Bangladesh’s most important<br />

source of income. Bangladesh is a founder member<br />

of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation<br />

(SAARC), the Group of Eight Developing<br />

Countries (D-8) and the Bay of Bengal Initiative for<br />

“Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation”<br />

(BIMSTEC). The country is a member of the<br />

United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the<br />

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Movement<br />

of Non-Aligned States.<br />

Bilateral relations: Austria – Bangladesh<br />

The foundations for the good relations between<br />

Austria and Bangladesh were laid back in 1971 when<br />

Austria supported Bangladesh during its war of independence,<br />

both in a moral and a material regard.<br />

“Immediately after liberation, the Austrian Ambassador<br />

based in New Delhi basically worked out a<br />

paper on economic policy for Bangladesh, outlining<br />

how Bangladesh could deepen its economic relations<br />

with Western Europe,” Ambassador Zafar said.<br />

The First Meeting of the Austria-Bangladesh Joint<br />

Working Group was held in February 2002. From<br />

26th-28th February 2013, the Bangladeshi Foreign<br />

Minister visited Austria for the 5th Global Forum of<br />

the Alliance of Civilisation of the United Nations in<br />

Vienna. During this visit, she met a range of dignitaries<br />

including the Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister,<br />

Michael Spindelegger, the President of the<br />

Austrian Economic Chambers, Christoph Leitl, and<br />

members of the Foreign Policy Committee of Parliament.<br />

Both Foreign Ministers showed great interest<br />

in expanding existing economic relations further.<br />

The two saw great potential for future cooperation in<br />

fields including the energy sector, health, education,<br />

tourism and waste management. The volume of bilateral<br />

trade between the two countries in 2013 was<br />

over 360 million Euro. Around 30 Austrian companies<br />

were located in Bangladesh at the time. “There is<br />

an imbalance in trade relations between our two<br />

countries. There exist great potentials to expand our<br />

bilateral trade to 1 Billion Euro by 2020, and thereby<br />

gradually offsetting the trade imbalance. Most importantly,<br />

Austrian investment in Bangladesh in sectors<br />

like renewable energy, waste management, agro<br />

industry, pharmaceuticals, physical infrastructure<br />

and service sectors including tourism can further<br />

contribute to the healthy trade and economic relations<br />

between the two countries. One of the objects<br />

of our mission here in Austria is to work towards<br />

achieving these goals,” Ambassador Zafar stated.<br />

PHOTO: CD<br />

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Latest update from around the globe<br />


Bloomberg Innovationsranking<br />

South Korea is in<br />

the lead<br />

Austria ranked 17th out of 50<br />

in the global innovation<br />

ranking by Bloomberg, the<br />

financial news service. The<br />

most innovative countries are<br />

South Korea, Japan and<br />

Germany followed by Finland,<br />

Israel and the USA. Austria<br />

came 5th in the subcategory<br />

of manufacturing processes.<br />

Bloomberg ranked the<br />

countries based on six<br />

categories, which determine<br />

their ability to innovate.<br />

www.bloomberg.com<br />

European Union<br />

Economic forecast 2015<br />

For the first time since 2007, the economies of all European Union Member States are<br />

expected to grow again this year, according to the European Commission‘s winter<br />

forecast. Over the course of this year, economic activity is expected to pick up moderately<br />

in the EU and in the euro area, before accelerating further in 2016. Growth this year is<br />

forecast to rise to 1,7 percent for the EU as a whole and to 1,3 percent for the euro area. In<br />

2016, annual growth should reach 2,1 percent and 1,9 percent respectively, on the back of<br />

strengthened domestic and foreign demand, very accommodative monetary policy and a<br />

broadly neutral fiscal stance. Growth prospects across Europe are still limited by a weak<br />

investment environment and high unemployment. However, since the autumn, a number<br />

of key developments have brightened the near-term outlook. Oil prices have declined<br />

faster than before, the euro has depreciated noticeably, the ECB has announced<br />

quantitative easing, and the European Commission has presented its Investment Plan for<br />

Europe. All these factors are set to have a positive impact on growth. The trend towards<br />

low inflation has continued. In most Member States, inflation temporarily turned negative<br />

in December, on the back of the steep fall in energy prices. Inflation is set to remain<br />

subdued in 2015 as low commodity prices dampen the headline figure. Inflation should<br />

increase as of mid-2015 and in the course of 2016, as economic activity gradually<br />

strengthens, wages rise and the economic slack is reduced. In the EU, inflation is projected<br />

at 0,2 percent in 2015 and 1,4 percent in 2016. Inflation in the euro area is forecast to be<br />

-0,1 percent this year before rising to 1,3 percent in 2016.<br />

ec.europa.eu<br />

International Soil Sciences<br />

Office established<br />

in Vienna<br />

The IUSS (International Union<br />

of Soil Sciences) has set up an<br />

office in Vienna. IUSS is the<br />

global umbrella organisation<br />

of national soil associations<br />

and has more than 20,000<br />

members – scientists from 70<br />

countries around the world.<br />

www.iuss.org<br />

Airline Ranking<br />

The safest airlines<br />

in the world<br />

This year‘s safety ranking by JACDEC (Jet<br />

Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre)<br />

gave the top spot to Cathay Pacific Airways<br />

from Hong Kong, closely followed by<br />

Emirates from the United Arab Emirates<br />

and Eva Air, a private Taiwanese airline.<br />

The JACDEC ranking analyses the<br />

relationship between transport<br />

performance and incidents of the 60<br />

largest airlines in the world. To compile<br />

the list, all aircraft write-offs and fatalities<br />

in the last 30 years are recorded as well as<br />

serious incidents such as near-misses or<br />

risky situations.<br />

www.jacdec.de<br />

Spain<br />

Booming Automotive<br />

industry<br />

Spanish car manufacturers<br />

were able to increase their<br />

production in 2014 by eleven<br />

percent to a total of 2,4<br />

million vehicles. This has<br />

made Spain the second<br />

largest European car<br />

manufacturer and go up to<br />

ninth place in the worldwide<br />

top ten.<br />

www.wko.at<br />

VEF 2015<br />

Vienna<br />

Energy Forum<br />

The Vienna Energy Forum<br />

2015 will take place only a<br />

few months before the<br />

Sustainable Development<br />

Goals Summit in New York<br />

and the UNFCCC Conference<br />

of the Parties in Paris. By<br />

emphasizing the multiple<br />

benefits of the Post-2015<br />

Development and the Climate<br />

Agenda and by showcasing<br />

best practices and actions on<br />

the ground, the VEF 2015<br />

aims at contributing to both.<br />

Date: 18th to 20th June 2015<br />

Venue: Hofburg Imperial<br />

Palace in Vienna.<br />

www.unido.org<br />

Austria-Bulgaria<br />

Cultural agreement<br />

signed<br />

Austria and Bulgaria have<br />

signed a new agreement<br />

regarding cooperation in the<br />

fields of culture, education,<br />

science and youth. The<br />

agreement replaces an<br />

outdated agreement from<br />

1976. It has established a new<br />

basis for cooperation in the<br />

promotion of language<br />

teaching, literature, history<br />

and regional studies.<br />

www.bmeia.gv.at<br />






66 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



The South African<br />

soprano Pretty Yende<br />

is considered to be a<br />

shooting star on the<br />

opera scene.<br />

European Union<br />

Green light for<br />

SME financing<br />

Following a decision by the<br />

Board of Governors of the<br />

European Investment Bank<br />

(EIB), small and mediumsized<br />

companies (SMEs)<br />

across Europe should be able<br />

to benefit from the first funds<br />

from the new European Fund<br />

for Strategic Investments<br />

(EFSI) before the summer.<br />

The landmark decision taken<br />

today by the EIB Board of<br />

Governors will allow for the<br />

pre-financing of SME projects<br />

linked to the Investment Plan<br />

for Europe before the<br />

summer.<br />

ec.europa.eu<br />

China<br />

Shanghai expands free trade zone<br />

The Guangdong Free Trade Zone will now include the<br />

Nansha New Area in Guangzhou, Qianhai in Shenzhen<br />

and Hengqin New Area in Zhuhai, covering 116,2 sq km.<br />

The Tianjin Free Trade Zone covering an area of 119,9 sq<br />

km will incorporate the port, the airport as well as the<br />

Binhai New Area Industrial Park. The industrial areas in<br />

the provincial capital city of Fuzhou as well as Xiamen<br />

und Pingtan are also going to be included in the Fujian<br />

Free Trade Zone. Furthermore, the Shanghai Free Trade<br />

Zone, which has existed since 2013, will be extended<br />

substantially and will also include the well-known<br />

Lujiazui Financial District, the Jinqiao Development<br />

Zone and the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park.<br />

www.wko.at<br />

Individuelle Beratung bei<br />

MM Wien Mitte Flagshipstore<br />

Customised Consultation at<br />

Media Markt Wien Mitte Flagshipstore<br />

South African Embassy organises charity concert<br />

Nelson Mandela Tribute Concert<br />

The South African embassy in Vienna is holding a charity concert<br />

on 20th April at the Konzerthaus in Vienna in support of Nelson<br />

Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust. It was Nelson Mandela’s last<br />

wish to build a children‘s hospital in Johannesburg, the second<br />

medical facility of its kind in South Africa and the fifth in the<br />

entire African continent. They will also be celebrating the<br />

twenty-year anniversary of freedom and democracy in the<br />

Republic of South Africa. The two South African opera stars,<br />

Johan Botha and Pretty Yende, as well as the Vienna Chamber<br />

Orchestra conducted by Stefan Vladar will be performing works<br />

by Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti, Vincenzo Bellini, Giacomo<br />

Puccini, Franz Lehar and Johann Strauss.<br />

www.konzerthaus.at<br />

Indonesia<br />

Business licensing<br />

faciliated<br />

The Indonesian Ministry of<br />

Industry has transferred<br />

complete authorisation to<br />

BKPM (Indonesian Investment<br />

Coordination Board) to issue<br />

business licences for 436 of<br />

1.249 industrial sectors as<br />

well as licences to allow<br />

extensions of business<br />

activities in various sectors.<br />

The government is taking this<br />

measure in order to transform<br />

BKPM into a “one-stop”<br />

licence centre. By having<br />

simpler approval procedures,<br />

the general conditions for<br />

foreign investors will be made<br />

easier and will therefore<br />

attract new investments by<br />

foreign companies.<br />

www.wko.at<br />

IACA/ICC<br />

Corruption Workshops<br />

The Austrian International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)<br />

and IACA invite you to take part in two workshops on<br />

the worth of contracts and the dangers of alleged<br />

corruption in arbitral proceedings. The workshops will<br />

take place back-to-back, from 7th to 8th May and 8th<br />

- 9th May, in Vienna, Austria. A group of international<br />

experts will present legal issues and discuss real cases,<br />

highlighting the complexities of corruption in business,<br />

the civil law consequences, possible costs for business,<br />

and response mechanisms. Participants wishing to have<br />

a special situation discussed can anonymously submit<br />

questions as well.<br />

www. iaca.int<br />


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Reinhold Mitterlehner<br />

„Nationaler Protektionismus wäre genau die falsche Strategie“<br />

“National protectionism would be precisely the wrong strategy”<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />

Österreichs Wirtschaftsminister Reinhold Mitterlehner über die Liberalisierung<br />

des Welthandels und die Exportmärkte der Zukunft.<br />

Austria’s Minister of Economy Reinhold Mitterlehner on liberalising world trade<br />

and the export markets of the future.<br />

Für die Zukunft des Wirtschaftsstandortes Österreich<br />

ist eine weitere Liberalisierung des Welthandels von<br />

enormer Bedeutung. Wie stellen Sie sich diese<br />

Liberalisierung vor?<br />

Um die Wirtschaftskrise nachhaltig und langfristig<br />

zu überwinden, muss der Welthandel weiter belebt<br />

werden. Denn der Abbau von unnötigen Handelshemmnissen<br />

wie zum Beispiel langwierigen Zollverfahren<br />

schafft Wachstum und Arbeitsplätze und<br />

nützt sowohl den Unternehmen als auch den Konsumenten.<br />

Im Gegensatz dazu wäre ein Rückfall in nationalen<br />

Protektionismus genau die falsche Strategie.<br />

Abschottung löst keine Probleme, sondern verschärft<br />

sie. Dass sich die Internationalisierung bewährt und<br />

letztlich für alle Beteiligten Vorteile bringt, sehen wir<br />

auch in der Forschung.<br />

Welche Bedeutung hat das umstrittene Freihandelsabkommen<br />

zwischen der EU und den USA (TTIP) für den<br />

Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich?<br />

Die USA sind nach Deutschland und Italien Österreichs<br />

drittwichtigster Handelspartner. Ein starkes<br />

Exportland wie Österreich kann daher von einem<br />

gut gemachten Handelsabkommen besonders profitieren,<br />

aber die Qualität muss stimmen. Entscheidend<br />

für den Erfolg von TTIP ist daher, dass jeder<br />

Vertragspartner das Schutzniveau nach eigenem Ermessen<br />

festlegen kann und unsere nationalen Standards<br />

gesichert und respektiert werden. Das gilt vor<br />

allem bei Lebensmitteln, Umwelt, Gesundheit und<br />

Konsumentenschutz. Auch die Transparenz muss<br />

trotz einiger Fortschritte weiter gestärkt werden. Wir<br />

brauchen bei den künftigen Verhandlungsrunden<br />

mehr Offenheit, um das Vertrauen der Bürgerinnen<br />

und Bürger zu erhalten.<br />

Wie ist der Ist-Stand der österreichischen Internationalisierungsoffensive?<br />

Was sind die Vorhaben der Zukunft?<br />

Die Maßnahmen und Angebote von „go international“<br />

haben sich bewährt und unterstützen vor allem<br />

Klein- und Mittelbetriebe beim ersten Schritt in den<br />

Export, bei der Erschließung von Zukunftsmärkten<br />

und der Vermarktung ihrer Innovationen. Weitere<br />

Instrumente sind die Unterstützung des Besuchs<br />

wichtiger Branchentreffs, von Kongressen und Messen,<br />

sowie die Teilnahme an Forschungskooperationen.<br />

Neben Marktstudien werden auch Rechtsberatungen<br />

und Risikoanalysen durchgeführt und den<br />

Unternehmen angeboten. Unsere Exportbetriebe<br />

zählen zu den wichtigsten Konjunkturstützen und<br />

sichern Wachstum und Arbeitsplätze in Österreich.<br />

Was sind, Ihrer Meinung nach, die Exportmärkte der<br />

Zukunft?<br />

Aufgrund der Wachstumsschwäche in Europa müssen<br />

wir die erfolgreich eingeleitete Diversifikation<br />

der Exporte weiter forcieren, um neue Märkte zu erschließen<br />

und das Risiko zu diversifizieren. Wir<br />

müssen dorthin gehen, wo das stärkste Wachstum<br />

ist, ohne die traditionellen Märkte wie Deutschland<br />

zu vernachlässigen. Großes Potenzial sehe ich zum<br />

Beispiel in China, das ich im Vorjahr gemeinsam mit<br />

einer großen Wirtschaftsdelegation besucht habe.<br />

Heimisches Know-how und hochwertige Produkte<br />

und Dienstleistungen treffen dort auf eine stark steigende<br />

Nachfrage. Unser Ziel ist es daher, das gesamte<br />

Handelsvolumen mit China bis 2020 zu verdoppeln.<br />

Gerade die Russland/Ukraine-Krise macht es<br />

notwendig, noch stärker als bisher neue Märkte zu<br />

erschließen, um die Exportströme zu diversifizieren.<br />

Die EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland haben auch Auswirkungen<br />

auf Österreichs Wirtschaft. Welche Maßnahmen hat<br />

sich das Wirtschaftsministerium überlegt, um hier<br />

gegenzusteuern?<br />

Gerade in schwierigen Zeiten ist es besonders wichtig,<br />

ein verlässlicher Partner der Wirtschaft zu sein.<br />

Daher unterstützen wir die von der Russland/Ukraine-Krise<br />

betroffenen Unternehmen noch intensiver.<br />

Durch die rasche Aufstockung unserer Exportoffen-<br />




Reinhold Mitterlehner<br />

ist seit 2008 Österreichs Wirtschaftsminister. Im Jahr 2013 übernahm<br />

er auch die Agenden des Wissenschafts- und Forschungsministers.<br />

Seit 1. September 2014 ist er auch Vizekanzler der Republik Österreich.<br />

Reinhold Mitterlehner has been Austria’s Minister of Economy since 2008.<br />

He also took on the Science and Research Ministry portfolios in 2013.<br />

In September 2014 he additionally became Vice Chancellor of Austria.<br />

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sive „go international“ um 2,5 Millionen Euro können<br />

sie dank neuer Förderungen gezielt alternative<br />

Auslandsmärkte bearbeiten und somit neue Exportchancen<br />

erschließen. Weiters bieten wir über die<br />

Förderbank Austria Wirtschaftsservice spezielle<br />

Überbrückungsgarantien für Betriebsmittelkredite<br />

an. Damit können zum Beispiel neue Kundenaufträge<br />

vorfinanziert werden.<br />

Nach den verheerenden Anschlägen in Paris sprachen Sie<br />

davon, dass die Regierung an einer Sicherheitsoffensive<br />

arbeite. Können Sie dazu schon Genaueres sagen?<br />

Wir haben im Ministerrat vereinbart, dass wir in den<br />

nächsten Jahren zusätzliche Mittel von bis zu<br />

290 Millionen Euro in die Sicherheit investieren. Zudem<br />

haben wir auch schon einige legistische Maßnahmen<br />

gesetzt, etwa das Verbot des Werbens mit<br />

Terrorsymbolen und Nachschärfungen beim Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz.<br />

Darüber hinaus müssen wir<br />

Integration und Dialog einen hohen Stellenwert einräumen,<br />

um die Herausforderungen durch Terror<br />

und Extremismus gesamtgesellschaftlich bewältigen<br />

zu können. Wichtige Säulen des Pakets sind daher<br />

Prävention und Bewusstseinsbildung.<br />

It is hugely important for Austria’s future as an economic location<br />

that world trade should continue to be liberalised. What<br />

form do you think such liberalisation should take?<br />

If we want to overcome the present economic crisis<br />

in a way that is sustainable and long-term, then we’re<br />

going to need to keep stimulating world trade. Removing<br />

unnecessary barriers to trade – long and<br />

drawn-out customs processes, for example – creates<br />

growth and jobs, and helps companies and consumers<br />

alike. The alternative to that would cause a return<br />

to national protectionism, which would be precisely<br />

the wrong strategy. A protectionist approach<br />

doesn’t solve problems; it merely exacerbates them.<br />

Greater internationalisation, on the other hand, does<br />

work, and eventually everybody involved will benefit.<br />

This is something we’re also seeing in the research<br />

fi e l d .<br />

What is the importance for Austria as an economic location of<br />

the controversial free trade agreement between the EU and the<br />

USA, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership<br />

(TTIP)?<br />

The USA is Austria’s third-largest trading partner,<br />

after Germany and Italy. That is why a country like<br />

Reinhold Mitterlehner auf Marktsondierungsreise in China.<br />

Reinhold Mitterlehner on a fact-finding tour in China.<br />

ours, with a strongly export-led economy, can do<br />

particularly well out of a well-crafted trade agreement.<br />

At the same time, the quality of that agreement<br />

has to be absolutely right. If TTIP is going to succeed,<br />

it’s crucial that all the partners to the agreement<br />

have the discretion to define levels of protection, and<br />

that national standards are guaranteed and respected.<br />

This is particularly applicable to food, the environment,<br />

and health and consumer protection. Levels of<br />

transparency also need to be strengthened further,<br />

even though we have made a certain amount of progress<br />

in this field. We will have to achieve greater<br />

openness in future rounds of negotiations, if we want<br />

to retain our citizens’ confidence.<br />

How is the Austrian internationalisation offensive going? What<br />

are the projects of the future?<br />

The measures and services provided in “go international”<br />

have already proven their worth. Primarily,<br />

they are there to support small and medium-sized<br />

enterprises in beginning to export, open up future<br />

markets and market their innovations. It also uses<br />

other instruments, such as helping them attend important<br />

industry meetings, conferences and trade<br />

fairs, and participate in research collaborations, and<br />

companies are being provided with legal advice, risk<br />

analyses and market surveys. Exports have slowed<br />

down in recent years due to the challenging inter-<br />



Reinhold Mitterlehner: „Ein Rückfall in nationalen Protektionismus wäre jetzt genau die falsche Strategie.“<br />

Reinhold Mitterlehner: “A return to national protectionism would be precisely the wrong strategy at a time like this.”<br />

national environment, of course, but exporters are<br />

still amongst the most important pillars of the<br />

Austrian economy, and are the basis of growth and<br />

many jobs in the country.<br />

What do you think are the export markets of the future?<br />

Because of the current low levels of growth in Europe,<br />

we are going to have to push forward with the diversification<br />

of exports introduced so successfully, in<br />

order to open up new markets and spread the risk.<br />

We always need to be going wherever the highest levels<br />

of growth are, without neglecting our traditional<br />

markets, like Germany, by doing so. I see huge potential<br />

in China, for example, a country I had the<br />

pleasure of visiting last year as part of a large economic<br />

delegation, where domestic know-how and<br />

high-value products and services are meeting<br />

sharply-increasing levels of demand. We are aiming,<br />

therefore, to double overall trading volume with<br />

China by 2020. The current crisis between Russia<br />

and Ukraine makes it more necessary than ever<br />

before for us to open up new markets, so that we can<br />

diversify export flows.<br />

EU sanctions against Russia have also had consequences for<br />

Austria’s economy. What measures has the Ministry of Economy<br />

considered using to counter this?<br />

It is always important that we remain a reliable partner<br />

to business, of course, and never more so than<br />

during such difficult periods as these. That’s why<br />

we’re trying to support companies affected by the<br />

Russia-Ukraine crisis more intensively. By increasing<br />

our “go international” export offensive by 2.5 mil lion<br />

Euros, we’ve enabled those companies to target specific<br />

foreign markets with the help of new support<br />

funds, and create new export opportunities by doing<br />

so. We are also offering special bridging guarantees<br />

on operating loans through our development bank,<br />

the Austria Wirtschaftsservice. This will allow companies<br />

to finance new orders in advance.<br />

In the wake of the terrible attacks in Paris, you said the government<br />

was working on a security offensive. Can you be more<br />

specific as to what exactly this might mean?<br />

We agreed in the Council of Ministers that we would<br />

invest additional funds of up to 290 million Euros in<br />

security. We have also put in place a number of logistical<br />

measures, such as prohibiting the advertising<br />

of terror symbols, and tightening up the Nationality<br />

Act. Alongside measures such as these, though, we<br />

are going to need to give a high priority to integration<br />

and dialogue, if we want to overcome the challenges<br />

posed by terror and extremism throughout society<br />

as a whole. That is why preventative measures<br />

and consciousness building will also be important<br />

components of the package.<br />

„Gerade die<br />

Ukraine-Krise<br />

macht es notwendig,<br />

neue<br />

Märkte zu<br />

erschließen.“<br />

„The crisis in the<br />

Ukraine makes it<br />

more than necessary<br />

to open up<br />

new markets.“<br />

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Norbert Kettner<br />

„Wenn du nach Europa fährst, dann musst du in Wien vorbeischauen!“<br />

“If you travel to Europe, you just have to visit Vienna!”<br />

Interview: Gerald Sturz<br />

Wien boomt. Jahr<br />

für Jahr kann die<br />

Stadt mit einem<br />

neuen Rekord an<br />

Übernachtungen<br />

aufwarten. Das ist<br />

zu einem großen<br />

Teil das Verdienst<br />

von Norbert<br />

Kettner. Ein<br />

Gespräch mit<br />

dem Wiener<br />

Tourismusdirektor.<br />

Vienna is booming.<br />

Year after<br />

year, the town has<br />

been observing<br />

new records of<br />

overnight stays.<br />

This success can<br />

be credited to a<br />

large extent to<br />

Norbert Kettner.<br />

An interview with<br />

the managing<br />

director of the<br />

Vienna Tourist<br />

Board.<br />

Herr Kettner, lassen Sie uns zuerst einmal einen Blick<br />

zurückwerfen. 2014 war für Wien trotz aller Krisen –<br />

auch auf für Österreich relevanten Märkten – ein sehr<br />

erfolgreiches Jahr.<br />

Es war wieder einmal das beste Jahr aller Zeiten. Wir<br />

hatten in elf von zwölf Monaten historische Bestergebnisse.<br />

Wir haben allein durch die Zuwächse im<br />

deutschen Markt in absoluten Zahlen die Rückgänge<br />

aus dem russischen Markt wettgemacht und wir<br />

haben aus allen Hauptmärkten – außer Russland<br />

und Japan – deutliche Zuwachsraten erzielt. Das<br />

zeigt uns, dass nicht nur der Städtetourismus nach<br />

wie vor boomt, sondern dass Wien auch mit seiner<br />

Steigerungsrate oberhalb des Trends liegt. Wien gewinnt<br />

deutlich an Marktanteilen, und das ist natürlich<br />

eine Auszeichnung für die Stadt.<br />

Warum funktioniert Wien in jüngster Zeit so gut?<br />

Wien funktioniert eigentlich seit vielen Jahren gut.<br />

Mit Ausnahme von 2009, als wir die Auswirkungen<br />

der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise zu spüren bekamen.<br />

Für den Erfolg gibt es viele Gründe: Wir spüren<br />

jeden neuen Flug nach Wien, und es helfen uns auch<br />

die neuen Hotels, die eigenes Marketing machen und<br />

eigene Gäste und Gästegruppen gemeinsam mit uns<br />

nach Wien bringen. Und wenn ich mir in den Überseemärkten<br />

die Situation anschaue, dann sehe ich einen<br />

neuen Trend: Wenn du nach Europa fährst, dann<br />

musst du in Wien vorbeischauen. Das war nicht immer<br />

so. Das spüren wir und davon profitieren wir.<br />

Wie erklären Sie sich dieses neue Interesse an Wien?<br />

Das hat natürlich mit der Entwicklung der Stadt zu<br />

tun. Beim Destination-Marketing stehen wir im globalen<br />

Wettbewerb; wir können dort redlich kommunizieren,<br />

was in der Stadt wirklich passiert. Dass<br />

Wien immer noch bekannt ist als die schöne, elegante,<br />

zeitlose Stadt, dass Wien aber auch eine der jüngsten,<br />

eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Städte Europas<br />

ist, mit der höchsten Lebensqualität. Das wird wahrgenommen.<br />

Wien ist die größte Universitätsstadt im<br />

deutschsprachigen Raum, Konferenzstadt, Ort der<br />

Begegnung. Wien ist eine Stadt der Expats – 25.000<br />

Expats leben hier. Das Produkt hat sich massiv verändert<br />

und das strahlt jetzt in die Welt hinaus.<br />

Wie sieht ein Blick in die Zukunft aus?<br />

Wir haben ein Tourismuskonzept für das Jahr 2020,<br />

in dem die Baseline ist: global, smart und Premium.<br />

Das heißt: Wir wollen, dass Wien eine globale Stadt<br />

bleibt beziehungsweise noch mehr wird – dabei sind<br />

die Expats und die internationalen Organisationen<br />

von immenser Bedeutung. Denn für das Image einer<br />

Stadt verantwortlich ist der Tourismusverband nur<br />

zu einem geringen Teil; genauso wichtig sind Expats,<br />

genauso wichtig sind Diplomaten, internationale<br />

Organisationen, Celebrities, Filmproduktionen, Politiker.<br />

Unsere Aufgabe ist es, das alles ein wenig zu<br />

steuern. Wenn wir smart sagen, dann meinen wir<br />

eine intelligente Stadt nicht nur im Sinne von Technologie,<br />

sondern intelligent auch im Sinne des Zusammenlebens.<br />

Wir leben ja in der postmodernen<br />

Brechung, wir haben so viele Touristen wie noch nie<br />

auf der Welt und keiner will ein Tourist sein. Der<br />

Gast will Lokalkolorit aufsaugen. In Wien kann man<br />

am Leben der Wiener relativ leicht teilhaben. Und<br />

Premium, das hat nichts mit Luxus zu tun, sondern<br />

dass wir versuchen, in jedem Segment die bestmögliche<br />

Qualität zu liefern. Wir wollen Wien als eine<br />

wertige, aber nicht abgehobene Stadt präsentieren.<br />

Was bringen Events wie das Public Viewing vor der Sydney<br />

Opera oder das Kaffeehaus in der New Yorker Grand<br />

Central Station, wie Sie sie kürzlich organisiert haben?<br />

Das bringt Aufmerksamkeit. Wenn man in Australien<br />

mit einem Event Twitter-Trend wird, dann heißt das<br />

Aufmerksamkeit – und das bei einer Zielgruppe, die<br />

man sonst nur schwer erreicht. Wir sind auf mehr als<br />

zwanzig Märkten aktiv, und das mit einem überschaubaren<br />

Budget von 14 oder 15 Millionen Euro.<br />

Das ist nicht viel. Also muss man bündeln und in<br />

Medienstrategien investieren. Und Relevanz schaffen.<br />

Wenn beim Public Viewing im Hafen von<br />

Sydney 3.000 vor allem junge Menschen sitzen, die<br />

vielleicht nicht jedes Stück kennen, das in der Oper<br />

gespielt wird, die aber das alles mit großen Augen<br />

verfolgen, dann haben wir zum einen die Destination<br />

Wien untergebracht, aber auch ein für uns wichtiges<br />

Asset, nämlich die klassische Musik, neu aufgeladen.<br />

Das ist ein wichtiges Thema: Wie kann ich klassische<br />

Inhalte so aufladen, dass sie auch für junge Menschen<br />

spannend bleiben. Im Elfenbeinturm zu verkümmern<br />

nützt uns allen nichts.<br />

Mr. Kettner, let’s first take a look back. In spite of all the crises,<br />

2014 was for Vienna – as well as for markets important to Austria<br />

– a very successful year.<br />

It was the best year ever. We had the best results of all<br />

time in eleven out of twelve months. The increase in<br />

FOTOS:<br />

PHOTO:<br />




„Die klassische Musik neu<br />

aufzuladen ist ein wichtiges<br />

Thema für uns.“<br />

“Revamping classical music is<br />

an important issue for us.”<br />

Norbert Kettner wurde 1967 in Tirol geboren. Von 2003 bis 2007 war er<br />

Gründungsgeschäftsführer von Departure, Wiens Wirtschaftsförderinstitution für<br />

die Creative Industries. Seit 2007 ist er Geschäftsführer von Wien Tourismus.<br />

Norbert Kettner was born in Tyrol in 1967. He was the founding managing<br />

director of Departure, Vienna’s institute for economic development for the<br />

creative industries from 2003 to 2007. He has been the managing director of the<br />

Vienna Tourist Board since 2007.<br />

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Im Nachbau des Café Central<br />

in der Grand Central Station,<br />

New York, konnten die Gäste<br />

live mit Gästen im Wiener<br />

Original plaudern.<br />

In the replica of Café Central<br />

in Grand Central Station, New<br />

York, a live link-up enabled<br />

guests to communicate with<br />

guests in the original café in<br />

Vienna.<br />

absolute numbers in the German market helped us<br />

make up for the drop in the Russian market and we<br />

were able to achieve considerable rates of growth in<br />

all of our main markets – apart from Russia and Japan.<br />

This shows us that not only city tourism is<br />

booming like never before but also that Vienna’s<br />

growth rate is above the trend. Vienna has gained a<br />

greater market share and that is naturally a credit to<br />

the city.<br />

Why has Vienna been performing so well recently?<br />

Vienna has actually been performing well for many<br />

years. Except for 2009 when we felt the impact of the<br />

financial and economic crisis. Many factors have<br />

contributed to its success: we notice every new flight<br />

to Vienna and the contribution by the new hotels,<br />

which do their own marketing and attract their own<br />

guests and groups jointly with us to Vienna. And<br />

when I look at the situation in the overseas markets,<br />

I see a new trend: if you travel to Europe, you just<br />

have to visit Vienna; this wasn’t always the case. We<br />

can feel it and we benefit from it.<br />

How do you explain this new interest in Vienna?<br />

The development of the city is the reason. Destination<br />

marketing means we are competing globally; we<br />

can talk openly about what is really happening in this<br />

city. Vienna is still known as the beautiful, elegant<br />

and timeless city. However, Vienna, is also one of the<br />

youngest and one of the fastest growing towns in<br />

Europe with the highest quality of life. People have<br />

noticed this. Vienna is the largest University city in a<br />

German-speaking country, a conference town, a<br />

meeting-place. Vienna is a town of expats – 25.000<br />

expats live here. The product ‘Vienna’ has massively<br />

transformed itself and is now being radiated all over<br />

the world.<br />

What does a glimpse into the future look like?<br />

Our tourism concept for the year 2020 has the baseline:<br />

global, smart and premium. This means: we<br />

want Vienna to remain being a global town and to<br />

grow even more – therefore, the expats and the international<br />

organisations are extremely important to us.<br />

The tourism association is only responsible for a<br />


small part of a town’s image; expats are just as important,<br />

as are the diplomats, international organisations,<br />

celebrities, film productions, politicians. It is<br />

our job to steer everything a little. When we say<br />

smart, we mean an intelligent town not only in the<br />

sense of technology but also intelligent in the sense<br />

of living side-by-side. We are living in a postmodern<br />

refraction, and there are so many tourists in the<br />

world as never before, but nobody wants to be a tourist.<br />

Visitors want to soak up the local atmosphere! It<br />

is easy to participate in Viennese life. ‘Premium’ has<br />

nothing to do with luxury, instead we’re trying to deliver<br />

the best possible quality in all areas. We want to<br />

present Vienna as a valuable city, not a city out of<br />

touch with the real world..<br />

What are the benefits of events such as public screenings in<br />

front of the Sydney Opera House or the coffee shop in Grand<br />

Central Station in New York, which you recently organised?<br />

It attracts attention. If you are trending on Twitter<br />

after just one event in Australia, then that means attention,<br />

and this happened with a target group which<br />

is otherwise difficult to reach. We are active in more<br />

than twenty markets and that with a manageable<br />

budget of 14 or 15 million euro. That’s not a lot. So<br />

you have to pool together and invest in media strategies.<br />

And create relevance. If there are 3.000 mainly<br />

young people at a public screening at Sydney Harbour<br />

who maybe do not know every single piece<br />

played at the opera but who watch it all wide-eyed,<br />

then we’ve not only made people aware of Vienna as<br />

a destination but also of an important asset for us,<br />

namely classical music. This is an important issue:<br />

how can I revamp classical content so that young<br />

people will also find it exciting. Withering away in<br />

the ivory tower is of no use to us at all.<br />

Spektakuläre Wien-Inszenierung am Dach<br />

des Opernhauses von Sydney.<br />

Spectacular Vienna production on the roof of<br />

the Sydney Opera House.<br />



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78 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


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Tickets: Tel. +43 1 347 80 80, www.muth.at or at the Box Office<br />

Konzertsaal der Wiener Sängerknaben<br />

Am Augartenspitz 1, 1020 Wien<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

79<br />

Penthouse Perfection Photo: lukasbeck.com


Internationale Spitzenforscher in Wien<br />

International Elite Researchers in Vienna<br />

Text: Petra Stix<br />

Die „Außenwirtschaft Austria“ der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich organisiert<br />

heuer bereits zum fünften Mal die MIT Europe Conference und bringt hochkarätige<br />

Forscher des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) nach Wien.<br />

The “Außenwirtschaft Austria” (Foreign Trade Austria) from the Chamber of<br />

Commerce Austria organises the MIT Europe Conference this year for the<br />

fifth time, bringing top-level researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of<br />

Technology (MIT) to Vienna.<br />

Vom 25. bis 26. März 2015 ist die Forschungselite<br />

des weltbekannten Massachusetts<br />

Institute of Technology (MIT) wieder in der<br />

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich versammelt und<br />

trifft dort auf Interessierte aus Wissenschaft, Forschung<br />

und Wirtschaft. Dr. Walter Koren, Leiter der<br />

„Außenwirtschaft Austria“, dazu: „Die österreichischen<br />

Unternehmen und ihre Entwickler schätzen<br />

den Dialog mit den Spitzenforschern und holen sich<br />

bei der MIT Conference wichtige Impulse für ihre<br />

tägliche Arbeit.“<br />

Das MIT gilt als eine der weltweit führenden<br />

Institutionen im Bereich von technologischer Forschung<br />

und Lehre. Bei der diesjährigen Konferenz<br />

dreht sich alles um das Thema „Minds, Machines &<br />

Management“. Die englischsprachige Veranstaltung<br />

kann mit einer Reihe prominenter Redner aus der<br />

US-Kaderschmiede punkten.<br />

Neben dem berühmten Informatiker Tomaso<br />

Poggio, Nicholas Roy, Michale Schrage, John<br />

Cipplinger, George Westerman und vielen anderen<br />

wird auch Caleb Harper am Podium stehen. Er hat<br />

eine höchst interessante Vision für die Landwirtschaft<br />

und Nahrungsmittelproduktion. Auf seiner<br />

CityFarm am MIT Media Lab werden Pflanzen nicht<br />

in den Boden eingesetzt, sondern über die Luft ernährt.<br />

Mittels dieses aeroponischen Systems gelingt<br />

es dem Forscher, Obst- und Gemüsepflanzen bis zu<br />

viermal schneller aufzuziehen als in der traditionellen<br />

Landwirtschaft. Sein Verfahren verspricht die<br />

Landwirtschaft zu revolutionieren. Bei der Konferenz<br />

in Wien wird er erklären, wie die auf der<br />

CityFarm angewandte Methode in Zukunft den klassischen<br />

Pflanzenanbau ablösen könnte.<br />

From the 25th to 26th of March 2015, the research<br />

elite of the world-renowned Massachusetts<br />

Institute of Technology (MIT) is reassembled<br />

in the Chamber of Commerce Austria, where it<br />

meets those interested in science, research and economics.<br />

Dr. Walter Koren, head of the “Außenwirtschaft<br />

Austria” commented: “Austrian companies<br />

and their developers appreciate the dialogue with<br />

senior researchers and pick up important impetus<br />

for their daily work at the MIT Conference.”<br />

The MIT is one of the world’s leading institutions<br />

in the field of technological research and teaching.<br />

At this year’s conference, it’s all about the topic<br />

“Minds, Machines & Management”. The Englishlanguage<br />

event scores with a number of prominent<br />

speakers from the US elite university.<br />

Besides the famous computer scientist Tomaso<br />

Poggio, Nicholas Roy, Michale Schrage, John Cipplinger,<br />

George Westerman and many others, Caleb<br />

Harper will also take a stand at the podium. He has a<br />

very interesting vision for agriculture and food production.<br />

On his City Farm at the MIT Media Lab<br />

plants are not planted in the ground, but fed through<br />

the air. Using this aeroponic system, the researcher<br />

manages to grow fruit and vegetable plants four<br />

times faster than in traditional agriculture. His method<br />

promises to revolutionise<br />

agriculture. At the conference<br />

in Vienna, he will<br />

explain how the methodology<br />

applied to the City<br />

Farm could replace traditional<br />

crop production in the<br />

future.<br />

INFO<br />

MIT Europe<br />

Conference 2015<br />

Datum: 25.-26. März 2015<br />

Zeit: 9:00-18:00 Uhr<br />

Ort: WKO, Julius-Raab-Saal<br />

Wiedner Hauptstraße 63<br />

1045 Wien<br />

Evening Reception:<br />

Palais Ferstel<br />

Strauchgasse 4<br />

1010 Wien<br />

Date: 25. - 26. March 2015<br />

Time: 9.00 - 18.00<br />

Location: WKO, Julius<br />

Raab Saal, Wiedner<br />

Hauptstraße 63<br />

1045 Vienna<br />

Evening Reception:<br />

Palais Ferstel<br />

Strauchgasse 4<br />

1010 Vienna<br />

wko.at/aussenwirtschaft/MIT<br />

Der Robotik-Experte<br />

Nicholas Roy spricht über<br />

den Paketversand durch<br />

selbstfliegende Drohnen.<br />

Robotics expert Nicholas<br />

Roy talks about parcel<br />

delivery via flying drones.<br />

Caleb Harper’s CityFarm.<br />

Das aeroponische System von<br />

Caleb Harper verspricht die<br />

Landwirtschaft zu<br />

revolutionieren.<br />

The aeroponic system by<br />

Caleb Harper promises to<br />

revolutionise agriculture.<br />


80 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Georg Kapsch<br />

„Die Produktion ist die Basis des Wirtschaftens.“<br />

„Production is the basis of economic activity.”<br />

Der Präsident der Industriellenvereinigung Georg Kapsch über seine Vorstellungen, wie der<br />

Wirtschaftsmotor in Österreich beschleunigt und das Innovationsmanagement gestärkt werden kann.<br />

The President of the Federation of Austrian Industry, Georg Kapsch, about his ideas of how to drive<br />

economic growth and strengthen innovation management in Austria.<br />

Der Motor der österreichischen Wirtschaft ist<br />

ins Stottern geraten. Und zwar mehr, als es<br />

noch vor einem Jahr den Anschein hatte. Zu<br />

diesem Ergebnis kommt zumindest das Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut,<br />

das Ende Jänner seine Prognosen<br />

auf ein jährliches Wachstum von 1,25 Prozent bis<br />

2019 festgelegt hat. Vor einem Jahr wurden noch<br />

1,8 Prozent jährliches Wachstum prognostiziert. Was<br />

hindert Österreichs Wirtschaft daran, die volle Leistung<br />

auf die Straße in Richtung Zukunft zu bringen?<br />

Innovationen fördern<br />

Die Europäische Kommission stellt Österreich<br />

ein nicht gerade berauschendes Innovationszeugnis<br />

aus. Im Innovation Union Scoreboard liegt Österreich<br />

auf dem elften Platz im Feld der Innovations-<br />

Follower – also abseits der Spitzengruppe. Wir müssen<br />

aufpassen, dass entscheidende Trends nicht<br />

verschlafen werden. Blickt man über die Grenze<br />

nach Deutschland, sieht man mit der Hightech-Strategie<br />

der Bundesregierung ein konkretes Programm<br />

von oberster Stelle verordnet. Schweiz, Dänemark<br />

oder Schweden: All diese Länder haben die Bedeutung<br />

von Innovation nicht nur erkannt, sondern<br />

auch schon in Form von nationalen Strategien verankert<br />

und institutionalisiert. Hierzulande haben<br />

Infrastruktur- und Wirtschaftsministerium die Implementierung<br />

einer Taskforce angekündigt – ein<br />

begrüßenswerter Schritt. Derartige Entwicklungen<br />

müssen aber konsequent und schneller vorangetrieben<br />

werden. Ein erster möglicher Schritt wären<br />

vermehrte Partnerschaften zwischen Industrie und<br />

Universitäten. Warum Innovation so wichtig ist?<br />

Weil Innovation eng mit Produktion verflochten ist.<br />

Die Produktion muss optimiert werden, um sie letztendlich<br />

im Land zu halten, denn sie ist die Basis des<br />

Wirtschaftens. Bei Kapsch legen wir traditionell über<br />

zehn Prozent unseres Umsatzes in Entwicklungsprojekte<br />

um und arbeiten eng mit Universitäten wie der<br />

TU Wien und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen<br />

wie COMET zusammen. Unsere Erfahrung<br />

aus dem eigenen Unternehmen lehrt uns, wie<br />

viel dadurch gewonnen werden kann. Aber auch,<br />

dass die Möglichkeiten bei Weitem noch nicht ausgeschöpft<br />

sind.<br />

Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken<br />

Als kleine offene Volkswirtschaft sind wir mit einer<br />

Exportquote von 59 Prozent des BIP auf Exporte<br />

angewiesen. Das sind gute Nachrichten, die belegen,<br />

wie gefragt österreichische Produkte sind. Es ist auch<br />

ein wertvolles Signal für heimische Unternehmen,<br />

ihr Profil weiter zu schärfen und ihre Expertise auszubauen.<br />

Export und internationale Arbeitsteilung<br />

sind Fundamente dafür, dass es uns allen besser geht:<br />

Exportierende Unternehmen in Österreich weisen<br />

eine um 66 Prozent höhere Arbeitsproduktivität, um<br />

23 Prozent höhere Löhne und eine um sogar 72 Prozent<br />

höhere Investitionsintensität als nicht exportierende<br />

Unternehmen auf. Das ist eine gewaltige „Exportprämie“,<br />

die den Arbeitnehmerinnen und<br />


Arbeitnehmern zugutekommt.<br />

Wir müssen aber diese Unternehmen wettbewerbsfähig<br />

halten. Mit einer Abgabenbelastung von<br />

über 52 Prozent des Unternehmensgewinns (Quelle:<br />

IV/PWC) liegen wir weltweit im Spitzenfeld der<br />

Steuerbelastungen auf unternehmerische Tätigkeiten.<br />

Das sind Summen, die gerade im internationalen<br />

Wettbewerb den Unternehmen ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit<br />

rauben.<br />

Viel zu bewahren<br />

Letzten Endes gibt es nämlich vieles, auf das wir<br />

als Wirtschaftsstandort stolz sein können. 116 so genannte<br />

„Hidden Champions“ beheimatet der Standort<br />

Österreich. Also Unternehmen, die in ihrer Sparte<br />

Innovations- und/oder Marktführer sind. Laut<br />

Eurostat generieren jede Österreicherin und jeder<br />

Österreicher im Schnitt eine industrielle Wertschöpfung<br />

von 6.124 Euro pro Jahr; der Durchschnittseuropäer<br />

nur 3.484 Euro pro Jahr. Damit ist Österreich<br />

„Industrienation“ Nummer drei in der EU.<br />

Es muss in diesem Land endlich jedem klar sein,<br />

dass nur Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer mit<br />

ihren engagierten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern<br />

Arbeitsplätze schaffen und damit gemeinsam<br />

auch den gesamten öffentlichen Dienst finanzieren.<br />

The engine of the Austrian economy has begun<br />

to stutter, even more than it seemed last year.<br />

This is the conclusion drawn by the Austrian<br />

Institute of Economic Research, which at the end of<br />

January forecast an annual growth of 1.25 percent<br />

until 2019. A year ago, 1.8 percent annual growth<br />

was forecast. So what prevents the Austrian economy<br />

from delivering its full potential for the future?<br />

Promoting Innovation<br />

The European Commission does not give an exhilarating<br />

innovation testimony to Austria. On the Innovation<br />

Union Scoreboard, Austria is in eleventh<br />

place in the innovation followers field – far from the<br />

top group. We must be careful in avoiding overlooking<br />

key trends. Peering across the border to Germany,<br />

we see that the government has implemented a<br />

programme of top priority covering high-tech. Switzerland,<br />

Denmark and Sweden have also not only<br />

recognized the importance of innovation, but already<br />

anchored it in form of national and institutionalised<br />

strategies. In Austria the Ministries for Infrastructure<br />

and Economy have already announced the<br />

implementation of a task force, a positive step. However,<br />

such developments must be pursued consistently<br />

and quickly. A first possible step would be further<br />

partnerships between industry and universities.<br />

Why is innovation so important? Because innovation<br />

is closely linked to production. Production must<br />

be optimized in order to keep it in the country, as it<br />

is the basis of economic activity. At Kapsch, we traditionally<br />

invest more than ten percent of our turnover<br />

into development projects and work closely with<br />

universities such as the University of Vienna and<br />

non-university research institutions like COMET.<br />

Our experience from within the company tells us<br />

how much can be gained through this, but also that<br />

the possibilities are far from being exhausted.<br />

Strengthen International Competitiveness<br />

As a small, open economy with an export share of<br />

59 percent of gross domestic product, we are dependent<br />

on export. This is good news and demonstrates<br />

just how popular Austrian products are. It is also a<br />

valuable message for domestic companies to expand<br />

their expertise. Export and international division of<br />

labour is the foundation for improving our lives. Exporting<br />

companies record higher productivity by 66<br />

percent, as well as 23 percent higher wages and a higher<br />

capital investment by 72 percent than their nonexporting<br />

counterparts. Employess benefit a lot from<br />

this “export bonus”, but we need to keep these companies<br />

competitive. With a tax burden of 52 percent<br />

of business profits (source: IV/PWC), we are among<br />

the world leaders in the tax burden on business activities.<br />

These are sums that decrease the international<br />

competitiveness of our companies.<br />

Much to Treasure<br />

At the end of the day, we can be proud of many<br />

things as an economic location. Austria is home to<br />

116 so-called “Hidden Champions” – companies<br />

that are innovation or market leaders in their sector.<br />

According to Eurostat, each and every Austrian generated<br />

an industrial added value of 6,124 euros on<br />

average per year; in comparison, the average European<br />

only 3,484 euros per year. This makes Austria<br />

the number 3 “industrial nation” in the EU.<br />

Everybody in this country should finally realize<br />

that only entrepreneurs with their dedicated employees<br />

create new jobs and likewise finance the entire<br />

public service sector.<br />


Georg Kapsch ist<br />

CEO und Mitglied des<br />

Vorstandes der Kapsch AG.<br />

Seit dem Jahr 2000 ist er<br />

CEO der Kapsch Group und<br />

seit 2002 CEO und<br />

Vorstandsmitglied der<br />

Kapsch TrafficCom AG.<br />

Im Jahr 2012 wurde<br />

Georg Kapsch zum<br />

Präsidenten der<br />

Industriellenvereinigung<br />

gewählt.<br />

Georg Kapsch is CEO und<br />

member of the board of<br />

Kapsch Corporation. He<br />

has been CEO of the<br />

Kapsch Group since 2000<br />

and CEO and board<br />

member of Kapsch<br />

TrafficCom Corporation<br />

since 2002. In 2012, Georg<br />

Kapsch was elected<br />

President of the Federation<br />

of Austrian Industry.<br />

Kapsch errichtet die<br />

TETRA-Infrastruktur für<br />

eine neue U-Bahn-Linie in<br />

Rio de Janeiro und sorgte<br />

für die Digitalisierung<br />

der International School<br />

of Carinthia.<br />

Kapsch built the TETRA<br />

infrastructure for a new<br />

subway line in Rio de<br />

Janeiro and implemented<br />

the digitalization of the<br />

International School of<br />

Carinthia.<br />

82 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Das Neueste aus der Welt des Business<br />

The latest from the world of business<br />


Global Entrepreneurship Monitor<br />

Hohes Gründerniveau<br />

in Österreich<br />

High level of<br />

start-ups in Austria<br />

Der Global Entrepreneurship<br />

Monitor (GEM) gilt als<br />

weltweit größter Benchmark<br />

zur unternehmerischen<br />

Aktivität von derzeit<br />

70 Ländern. Österreich wurde<br />

2014 ein anhaltend hohes<br />

Niveau an Gründungsaktivität<br />

bestätigt.<br />

The Global Entrepreneurship<br />

Monitor (GEM) is the<br />

worldwide largest benchmark<br />

for entrepreneurial activity for<br />

currently 70 countries. A<br />

sustainably high level of<br />

founding activity was<br />

confirmed in Austria in 2014.<br />

www.bmwfw.gv.at<br />

Auszeichnung | Award<br />

OFID Generaldirektor<br />

Suleiman J. Al-Herbish<br />

OFID General Director<br />

Suleiman J Al-Herbish<br />

Der Generaldirektor des OPEC<br />

Fonds für Internationale Entwicklung<br />

(OFID), Suleiman J. Al-Herbish,<br />

wurde mit dem Großen Goldenen Ehrenzeichen für die Verdienste um das Land<br />

Wien ausgezeichnet. Die hohe Auszeichnung wurde, stellvertretend für Wiens<br />

Bürgermeister Michael Häupl, von Wirtschafts- und Finanzstadträtin Vizebürgermeisterin<br />

Renate Brauner überreicht. Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish ist seit 1. November<br />

2003 der Generaldirektor des OFID.<br />

The General Director of the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID),<br />

Suleiman J. Al-Herbish, was awarded the Grand Golden Badge of Honour for<br />

services to the city of Vienna. The high distinction was awarded by the city<br />

councillor for economics and finance, Vice Mayor Renate Brauner, standing in for the<br />

mayor of Vienna, Michael Häupl. Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish has been General<br />

Director of OFID since 1 November 2003.<br />

www.ofid.org<br />

Exportwirtschaft | Export<br />

Industry<br />

Wirtschafts-Oscar<br />

2015<br />

Economic Oscar 2015<br />

Die Firmen Doka, FACC,<br />

Getzner, opvizor, Siemens<br />

Österreich und TTTech sind mit<br />

ihren Spitzenleistungen am<br />

US-Markt Gewinner des<br />

USABizAward 2015 des<br />

AußenwirtschaftsCenter<br />

Los Angeles der<br />

Außenwirtschaft Austria.<br />

Doka, FACC, Getzner, opvizor,<br />

Siemens Österreich and TTTech<br />

are the winners of the USABiz-<br />

Award 2015 of the foreign trade<br />

centre Los Angeles, for foreign<br />

trade in Austria, with their peak<br />

performances on the US<br />

market.<br />

www.wko.at<br />



Expo 2015<br />

Österreich-Pavillon<br />

Austria pavilion<br />

Nachdem die Luft in Österreich<br />

von besonderer Qualität ist, wird<br />

sie im Österreich-Pavillon bei der<br />

kommenden Weltausstellung in<br />

Mailand zum Thema „Feeding the<br />

Planet. Energy for Life“ thematisiert.<br />

Auf 560 Quadratmetern wird<br />

ein lebender Wald gepflanzt. Dazu<br />

wurde ein Gebäude entwickelt, in<br />

dem man österreichische Waldluft<br />

atmen kann. „breathe.austria“<br />

nennt sich das Projekt.<br />

As the air in Austria is of<br />

particularly high quality, the topic<br />

at the Austria pavilion of the<br />

coming world exhibition in Milan<br />

will be “Feeding the planet. Energy<br />

for Life”. A living forest will be<br />

planted over 560 m2. For this<br />

purpose, a building has been<br />

developed, where you can breathe<br />

Austrian forest air. The project is<br />

called „breathe.austria“.<br />

www.expo2015.org<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 85


Umfrage | Survey<br />

Einkaufen am<br />

Sonntag<br />

Shopping on a Sunday<br />

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit | Development Cooperation<br />

Neukonstituierung des<br />

Entwicklungspolitischen Beirats<br />

Reconstitution of the development policy<br />

advisory board<br />

Unter dem Vorsitz von Außenminister Sebastian Kurz hat sich<br />

der Entwicklungspolitische Beirat vor Kurzem neu konstituiert.<br />

Die neuen Mitglieder sind Univ.-Prof. Mag. Wolfgang Lutz,<br />

IIASA, Dr. Franz Fischler, Europäisches Forum Alpbach,<br />

Dr. Werner Kerschbaum, ÖRK, Dr. Petra C. Braun, Universität<br />

Linz, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Haber, Donau-Universität Krems,<br />

Sissy Mayerhoffer, ORF, Dr. Walter Koren, WKO, Stefan<br />

Szyskowitz, EVN, Doraja Eberle, ERSTE Stiftung,<br />

und DDr. Michael Landau, Präsident Caritas.<br />

Under the chairmanship of foreign minister Sebastian Kurz, the<br />

development policy advisory board was reconstituted recently.<br />

The new members of the advisory board are Univ.-Prof. Mag.<br />

Wolfgang Lutz, IIASA, Dr. Franz Fischler, European Forum<br />

Alpbach, Dr. Werner Kerschbaum, ÖRK, Dr. Petra C. Braun,<br />

University of Linz, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Haber, Danube<br />

University Krems, Sissy Mayerhofer, ORF, Dr. Walter Koren,<br />

WKO, Stefan Szyskowitz, EVN, Doraja Eberle, ERSTE Stiftung<br />

and Dr. Michael Landau, President of Caritas.<br />

www.bmeia.gv.at<br />

Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage<br />

von MAKAM Research im<br />

Auftrag der Wirtschaftskammer<br />

Wien wünschen<br />

sich 65 Prozent der Wiener<br />

Touristen am Sonntag offene<br />

Geschäfte. „Will Wien<br />

Weltstadt werden, muss man<br />

sich weiterentwickeln und<br />

provinzielle Haltungen<br />

ablegen“, sagt Walter Ruck,<br />

Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer<br />

Wien.<br />

According to a recent survey<br />

by MAKAM Research on<br />

behalf of the Chamber of<br />

Commerce Vienna, 65% of<br />

Vienna tourists want shops to<br />

open on Sunday. “If Vienna<br />

wants to become a<br />

metropolis, we must further<br />

develop and discard provincial<br />

attitudes,” says Walter Ruck,<br />

President of the Chamber of<br />

Commerce Vienna.<br />

www.wko.at/wien<br />

Leitbetriebe Austria<br />

Erstes Zertifikat 2015<br />

geht an Lyoness<br />

First certificate 2015 goes to Lyoness<br />

Als erstes Unternehmen im neuen Jahr wurde Lyoness<br />

in das Netzwerk der Leitbetriebe Austria aufgenommen.<br />

Neben der Vorreiterrolle für Cashback-Produkte wurde<br />

Lyoness auch für sein Corporate Citizenship Programm<br />

ausgezeichnet, zu dem die Child & Family Foundation<br />

und die Greenfinity Foundation zählen. Das Zertifikat<br />

überreichte Leitbetriebe Austria Geschäftsführerin<br />

Monica Rintersbacher an Lyoness CEO Hubert Freidl.<br />

Lyoness was the first company to be accepted into the<br />

network of leading companies in Austria in the new<br />

year. Apart from its forerunner role for cash back<br />

products, Lyoness was also awarded for its Corporate<br />

Citizenship Programme, which includes the Child &<br />

Family Foundation and the Greenfinity Foundation. The<br />

certificate was presented to Lyoness CEO Hubert Freidl<br />

by Leitbetriebe Austria manager Monica Rintersbacher.<br />

www.leitbetriebe.at<br />


Auszeichnung | Award<br />

WKO-Präsident Christoph Leitl<br />

WKO-President Christoph Leitl<br />

Deutschlands Botschafter Detlev Rünger überreichte<br />

Österreichs Wirtschaftskammer-Präsident Christoph Leitl das<br />

Große Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik<br />

Deutschland. Der feierliche Empfang fand in der deutschen<br />

Botschaft statt. „Namens der österreichischen Wirtschaft<br />

bedanke ich mich für die mit dieser Verleihung symbolisch<br />

zum Ausdruck gekommene Wertschätzung der erfolgreichen<br />

ökonomischen Kooperation zwischen Deutschland und<br />

Österreich“, sagte Leitl in seiner Dankesrede.<br />

German ambassador Detlev Rünger presented Christoph Leitl,<br />

President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, with the<br />

Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal<br />

Republic of Germany. The ceremonial reception took place in<br />

the German embassy. “On behalf of the Austrian economy,<br />

I would like to say thank you for the appreciation of the<br />

successful economic cooperation between Germany and<br />

Austria, symbolically expressed with this award,” said Leitl in<br />

his speech of thanks.<br />

www.diplo.de<br />

World Architecture Top 100 | World Architecture Top 100<br />

ATP auf Platz 1 in Westeuropa<br />

ATP in 1st place in Western Europe<br />

Das renommierte britische Magazin BD hat wieder das<br />

alljährliche Ranking der 100 weltweit größten Player in<br />

der Architekturszene bekannt gegeben. Das Innsbrucker<br />

Architektenbüro ATP architekten ingenieure erreicht<br />

erstmals Platz 1 in Westeuropa und ist als führendes<br />

europäisches Büro in CEE gelistet.<br />

The renowned British magazine BD has once again<br />

announced the annual ranking of the 100 worldwide biggest<br />

players on the architecture scene. The Innsbruck<br />

architecture firm ATP architects engineers reached 1st place<br />

in Western Europe for the first time, and is listed as the<br />

leading European office in CEE.<br />

www.atp.ag<br />

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86 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


SAVOIR<br />

VIVRE<br />


SICH ALLES UM <strong>DIE</strong> SCHÖNEN<br />















Wiens Prachtboulevard<br />

Vienna’s Magnificent Boulevard<br />

Text: Gerald Sturz<br />

Die Wiener Ringstraße feiert in diesem Jahr ihren 150. Geburtstag. Ihre Entstehungsgeschichte<br />

dokumentiert den Wandel der Stadt zur modernen Metropole.<br />

Ringstraße in Vienna celebrates its 150th birthday this year. Its development story documents<br />

the city’s change into a modern metropolis.<br />

Ende des Absolutismus.<br />

Das Parlamentsgebäude, einst<br />

Reichsratsgebäude, wurde im<br />

neoklassizistischen Stil<br />

entworfen.<br />

The end of absolutism.<br />

The parliament building, once<br />

the Imperial Assembly<br />

building, was designed in the<br />

neo-classical style.<br />


Die Geschichte der Wiener Ringstraße begann<br />

am 25. Dezember 1857. Da druckte<br />

die amtliche Wiener Zeitung eine kaiserliche<br />

Verfügung ab, in der Kaiser Franz Joseph die<br />

Anordnung gab, die Befestigungsanlagen rund um<br />

die Innenstadt zu schleifen und an ihrer Stelle einen<br />

Prachtboulevard mit repräsentativen Gebäuden zu<br />

errichten. Es gab dafür mehrere Gründe: Erstens waren<br />

Stadtmauern aus militärisch-strategischer Sicht<br />

nicht mehr sinnvoll, außerdem sollte endlich eine<br />

bessere Anbindung der rasant wachsenden Vororte<br />

an das imperial-aristokratische Machtzentrum geschaffen<br />

werden – vor allem aber sollte durch den<br />

Verkauf der Grundstücke Geld in die öffentlichen<br />

Kassen gespült werden. So begann das größte städtebauliche<br />

Projekt in der Stadtgeschichte Wiens.<br />

Ein internationaler Wettbewerb wurde ausgeschrieben,<br />

85 Büros reichten Vorschläge ein, aus<br />

denen eine Kommission einen „Grundplan“ erarbeitete:<br />

eine fünf Kilometer lange und knapp 60 Meter<br />

breite Doppelallee-Straße, die nahezu kreisförmig<br />

um die Wiener Innenstadt führt. Eine gemischte<br />

Nutzung wurde angestrebt: Nicht nur öffentliche Gebäude<br />

sollten den Boulevard säumen, sondern auch<br />

Palais, private Miethäuser und Kulturinstitutionen<br />

sowie Parks und Plätze. Die Errichtung der öffentlichen<br />

Gebäude sollte durch den Verkauf von Grundstücksflächen<br />

an private Personen teilweise finanziert<br />

werden. Um diesen Investoren einen Anreiz zu<br />

schaffen, Grundstücke zu erwerben, wurde ihnen<br />

sehr großzügig für 30 Jahre Steuerfreiheit gewährt.<br />

Unter der Auflage, dass sie ihr Bauprojekt innerhalb<br />

von fünf Jahren fertigstellen.<br />

Tatsächlich vergingen nur sieben Jahre, bis dieses<br />

Monster-Projekt so weit gediehen war, dass die –<br />

noch nicht zur Gänze fertiggestellte – Ringstraße am<br />

1. Mai 1865 vor dem Burgtor durch Kaiser Franz<br />

Joseph und seine Gattin Elisabeth feierlich eröffnet<br />

werden konnte. Und sie ist eine städteplanerische<br />

Meisterleistung geworden. Vielen gilt die Ringstraße<br />

heute als der schönste Boulevard der Welt. Es dauerte<br />

jedoch dann noch fast 50 Jahre, bis die Ringstraße<br />

tatsächlich vollendet war.<br />

Was diesen Boulevard so außergewöhnlich und<br />

so einmalig macht, hat keiner besser beschrieben als<br />

der englische Schriftsteller Edmund de Waal in<br />

seinem wunderbaren, melancholischen, immens erfolgreichen<br />

Roman „Der Hase mit den Bernsteinaugen“:<br />

„Diese neue Straße ist nicht von einem einzigen<br />

Gebäude dominiert; es gibt kein Crescendo hin<br />

zu einem Palast oder einer Kathedrale, dafür aber<br />

einen fortwährenden Zug von einem großen Aspekt<br />

der Zivilisation zum nächsten.“ Zentrum der Erzählung<br />

de Waals ist das Palais Ephrussi, das am Universitätsring<br />

gelegen ist. Sein Schicksal sowie das<br />

Schicksal seiner Bewohner mag stellvertretend für<br />

viele Prachtbauten entlang der Ringstraße stehen. Es<br />

ist die Geschichte des jüdischen Großbürgertums, es<br />

ist die Geschichte jener jüdischen Unternehmer und<br />

Bankiers, der Epsteins, der Todescos, der Ephrussis,<br />

die wesentlich zum wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung jener<br />

Gründerjahre beitrugen, die von diesem Boom<br />

profitierten und die als Mäzene und Kunstsammler<br />

wesentlich dazu beitrugen, dass sich Wien in den<br />

folgenden Jahren zu einem kreativen Brutkasten entwickelte<br />

– dass hier und vor allem im Umfeld der<br />

Ringstraße das entstand, was wir heute die Moderne<br />

nennen. Die Geschichte dieses jüdischen Großbürgertums<br />

fand ein tragisches Ende. 1938, nach<br />

dem Anschluss Österreichs ans Deutsche Reich,<br />

wurde es enteignet, vertrieben oder ermordet.<br />

Nicht vergessen sollte man bei all der Pracht und<br />

Glorie der Ringstraße die Geschichten jener Menschen,<br />

die diese Straße tatsächlich gebaut haben. Die<br />

vielen tausenden Bau- und Ziegelarbeiter, die auf<br />

dieser Megabaustelle unter unmenschlichen,<br />

sklavenartigen Bedingungen im Akkord und bei<br />

schlechter Bezahlung arbeiteten, kamen vor allem<br />

aus Böhmen und aus Mähren. Man nannte sie deshalb<br />

die „Ziegelböhm“. Ohne die Ausbeutung dieser<br />

Arbeitskräfte wäre das Projekt Ringstraße nicht zu<br />

realisieren gewesen.<br />

Aber auch viele der wichtigsten Architekten und<br />

viele Bauherren kamen aus allen Teilen der Monarchie<br />

und aus dem übrigen Europa. Geprägt wurde<br />

das Aussehen der Ringstraße von Architekten wie<br />

Theophil von Hansen, der Parlament, Börse, die<br />

Akademie der bildenden Künste, den Musikverein,<br />

die Palais Epstein, Ephrussi und Hansen schuf und<br />

der aus Dänemark kam; von Gottfried Semper, zu<br />

dessen Arbeiten die Neue Burg, das Burgtheater und<br />

das Kunsthistorische und das Naturhistorische<br />

Museum gehören und der aus Hamburg stammte.<br />

Auch August Sicard von Sicardsburg, der gemeinsam<br />

mit dem Wiener Eduard van der Nüll die Staatsoper<br />

entwarf, kam nicht aus dem österreichischen,<br />

sondern aus dem ungarischen Teil der Monarchie.<br />

Heinrich Ferstel, der Universität, Votivkirche, das<br />

Museum für angewandte Kunst und das Palais Wertheim<br />

schuf, stammte aus Wien.<br />

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Die Wiener Ringstraße.<br />

Ein prächtiger Bildband,<br />

herausgegeben von<br />

Alfred Fogarassy, der die<br />

Geschichte des Boulevards<br />

erzählt. Den vielen<br />

historischen Aufnahmen<br />

werden aktuelle Fotos,<br />

die von der Fotografin<br />

Nora Schoeller stammen,<br />

gegenübergestellt. Darüber<br />

hinaus wird die Geschichte<br />

der Wiener Ringstraße in<br />

Beiträgen von namhaften<br />

Autoren wie Frederic<br />

Morton oder Monika Faber<br />

erzählt.<br />

A beautifully illustrated<br />

volume, published by<br />

Alfred Fogarassy, which<br />

tells the story of the<br />

boulevard. The many<br />

historical pictures are<br />

compared to historical<br />

photos, taken by the<br />

photographer Nora<br />

Schoeller. Furthermore, the<br />

history of Ringstraße<br />

Vienna is told in articles by<br />

renowned authors such as<br />

Frederic Morton or Monika<br />

Faber.<br />

–<br />

Verlag Hatje Cantz<br />

€ 58,00<br />

Eine Straßenbahn fährt an der<br />

Votivkirche vorbei.<br />

A tram goes past Votivkirche church.<br />

Dominierender Baustil ist der Historismus, als<br />

Vorbilder dienten Bauten der Renaissance, des<br />

Barocks und der Gotik. Es ist diese stilistische Mischung,<br />

die die Ringstraße so attraktiv macht.<br />

Wer heute die Ringstraße entlangwandert, dem<br />

werden die vielen Luxushotels auffallen, die an<br />

diesem Boulevard zu finden sind. Sie waren jedoch<br />

ursprünglich nicht vorgesehen. Erst 1873, als Wien<br />

eine Weltausstellung veranstaltete und Nachfrage<br />

nach repräsentativen Unterkünften bestand, wurden<br />

Palais und Wohnhäuser in Hotels umgewandelt. Das<br />

älteste Hotel am Ring ist das Grand Hotel zwischen<br />

Oper und Schwarzenbergplatz; es wurde 1870 eröffnet,<br />

entstand aus einem Wohnhaus und beeindruckte<br />

damals durch seine avancierte technische Ausstattung:<br />

Ein maschinenbetriebener Lift und Telefone in<br />

jedem Zimmer waren eine Sensation. Vor allem der<br />

Adel fand Gefallen an diesem modernen Haus – so<br />

traf hier Kronprinz Rudolf regelmäßig seine Geliebte<br />

Mary Vetsera. Auch das Palais Württemberg, das gegenüber<br />

dem Grand Hotel gelegen ist, wurde in ein<br />

Hotel umgewandelt: Das Hotel Imperial gilt heute<br />

immer noch als eine der ersten Adressen der Stadt.<br />

Interessant ist die Geschichte des Palais Hansen am<br />

Schottenring. Auch dieses großartige Palais sollte<br />

anlässlich der Weltausstellung als Hotel genutzt werden<br />

– doch erst im Jahr 2013 wurde es tatsächlich<br />

zum Luxushotel: Heute ist das Palais Hansen Hotel<br />

Kempinski eines der besten Grandhotels Wiens.<br />

Von Anfang an war die Ringstraße die Flaniermeile<br />

des Wiener Bürgertums. Vor allem die Ecke<br />

Kärntner Ring und Kärntner Straße entwickelte sich<br />

schnell zum Hotspot. Weil sich hier das Lederwarengeschäft<br />

Sirk befand, nannte man diese Ecke schnell<br />

„Sirk-Ecke“. Wer sich an der Ringstraße verabredete,<br />

der traf sich hier. Mit den Flaneuren kamen auch die<br />

Kaffeehäuser. 25 große Kaffeehäuser gab es vor<br />

150 Jahren an der Ringstraße – nur wenige haben bis<br />

heute durchgehalten. Es waren egalitäre Einrichtungen,<br />

in ihnen trafen sich Künstler und Wirtschaftstreibende,<br />

Bürgertum und einfache Leute. Berühmtestes<br />

Kaffeehaus ist auch heute noch das Café<br />

Landtmann, das sich strategisch sehr gut im Brennpunkt<br />

von Politik (Rathaus, Parlament, diverse Parteizentralen),<br />

Kunst (Burgtheater) und Wissenschaft<br />

(Universität) befindet. Es ist einer der beliebtesten<br />

Treffpunkte der Stadt. Hier geben immer noch Politiker<br />

Pressekonferenzen und Künstler Interviews.<br />

Das Café Landtmann befindet sich im Palais Lieben-<br />

Auspitz. Über dem Kaffeehaus unterhielt einst Berta<br />

Zuckerkandl ihren literarischen Salon, in dem sich<br />

Arthur Schnitzler, Gustav Klimt, Gustav Mahler und<br />

viele andere Künstler, Schriftsteller, Musiker und andere<br />

Größen der Wiener Kulturszene trafen.<br />

Die Ringstraße war aber nicht nur Flaniermeile.<br />

Sie war auch der Ort von Aufmärschen, Demonstrationen<br />

und Umzügen. Auf der Ringstraße wurde<br />

wiederholt österreichische und europäische Geschichte<br />

geschrieben. Der erste große Umzug fand<br />

bereits 1879 statt. An dem Festzug zum 25. Hochzeitstag<br />

von Kaiser Franz Joseph und seiner Sisi nahmen<br />

mehr als 14.000 Personen teil. Später wurde am<br />

Ring die Erste Republik ausgerufen (am 12. November<br />

1918) und 1934 vor dem Justizpalast so heftig<br />

gekämpft, dass es schließlich zum Bürgerkrieg kam.<br />

Am 15. März 1938 fuhr Adolf Hitler im Triumph den<br />

Ring entlang, um am Heldenplatz den Anschluss<br />

Österreichs ans Deutsche Reich zu verkünden. Heute<br />

noch marschiert am 1. Mai das „Proletariat“ auf<br />

der Ringstraße, werden Fanmeilen wie bei der Fußball-Europameisterschaft<br />

2008 eingerichtet, laufen<br />

die Teilnehmer des Vienna City Marathon dem Ziel<br />

entgegen, eröffnen die Wiener Festwochen und halten<br />

die Gäste des Life Ball, des alljährlichen Charity-<br />

Events, Einzug.<br />

2001 wurde die Ringstraße von der UNESCO<br />

zum Weltkulturerbe ernannt. Ein Ort für Flaneure,<br />

ein Ort für Kultur, Politik und Unterhaltung ist sie<br />

auch heute noch.<br />


The history of Vienna’s Ringstraße began on 25<br />

December 1857. The official Wiener Zeitung<br />

newspaper printed an imperial decree, in<br />

which emperor Franz Joseph gave the order to pull<br />

down the fortifications around the city centre, and<br />

build a magnificent boulevard with representative<br />

buildings in their place. There were several reasons<br />

for this. First of all, city walls were no longer sensible<br />

from a military strategy point of view, and the rapidly<br />

growing suburbs finally had to be better connected<br />

to the imperial-aristocratic centre of power – but<br />

above all, due to the sale of the land, money would<br />

flow into the public coffers. So began the largest<br />

town planning project in the history of the city of<br />

Vienna.<br />

An international competition was tendered, 85<br />

offices submitted suggestions, from which a committee<br />

compiled a “basic plan”: a five kilometre long<br />

and almost 60 metre wide double row street, which<br />

almost formed a circle around Vienna city centre. A<br />

mixed usage was intended: not only public buildings<br />

should line the boulevard, but also palaces, private<br />

rented houses and cultural institutions, as well as<br />

parks and squares. The public buildings should be<br />

partially funded by selling land to private persons.<br />

To give these investors an incentive to purchase land,<br />

they were very generously granted 30 years of tax exemption<br />

on the condition that they complete their<br />

building project within five years.<br />

It actually only took seven years until this monster<br />

building project was sufficiently finished. On 1<br />

May 1865, in front of the castle gate, the not yet completely<br />

finished Ringstraße was officially opened by<br />

Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife Elisabeth. It was<br />

a town planning master stroke. Today, for many,<br />

Ringstraße is the most beautiful boulevard in the<br />

world. However, it took almost 50 years until Ringstraße<br />

was actually completed.<br />

What makes this boulevard so extraordinary and<br />

unique was best described by the English author Edmund<br />

de Waal, in his wonderful, melancholic, immensely<br />

successful novel “The hare with amber<br />

eyes”. “This new road is not dominated by one single<br />

building; there is no crescendo to a palace or a cathedral,<br />

but instead a continual procession from one<br />

great aspect of civilisation to the next”. The focus of<br />

de Waal‘s story is the Palais Ephrussi, which is located<br />

on the Universitätsring. Its fate and the fate of its<br />

inhabitants could stand for many magnificent buildings<br />

along Ringstraße. It is the history of the Jewish<br />

upper classes, it is the story of these Jewish entrepreneurs<br />

and bankers, the Epsteins, the Todescos, the<br />

Ephrussis, who significantly contributed to the economic<br />

upturn of the founding years who benefited<br />

from this boom, and who as patrons and art collectors<br />

significantly contributed to Vienna developing<br />

into a creative incubator in the following years – that<br />

here and above all in the area of Ringstraße arose<br />

what we call the modern age today. The story of these<br />

Jewish upper classes came to a tragic end. In 1938,<br />

after Austria joined the German Reich, they were<br />

expropriated, expelled or murdered.<br />

With all the magnificence and glory of Ringstraße,<br />

we should not forget the stories of those people<br />

who actually built this street. The many thousands of<br />

construction workers and brick layers, who worked<br />

for poor wages on this mega building site under inhuman,<br />

slave like conditions and did piece work, primarily<br />

came from Bohemia and Moravia. That’s why<br />

people called them the “Bohemian bricklayers”. Without<br />

the exploitation of these workers, the Ringstraße<br />

project would never have been completed.<br />

But many of the most important architects and<br />

builders came from all parts of the monarchy, and<br />

the rest of Europe. The look of Ringstraße was characterised<br />

by architects such as Theophil Hansen,<br />

who designed the parliament, the stock exchange,<br />

the academy of fine arts, the musical society, the Palais<br />

Epstein, Ephrussi and Hansen and who came<br />

from Denmark; Gottfried Semper, who came from<br />

Hamburg, whose works included the Neue Burg, the<br />

Vienna Burgtheater, and the Kunsthistorisches and<br />

Natural History Museums Vienna. August Sicard<br />

Die Wiener<br />

Staatsoper wurde<br />

nach dem Zweiten<br />

Weltkrieg neu<br />

aufgebaut.<br />

The Vienna State<br />

Opera was rebuilt<br />

after the 2nd World<br />

War.<br />

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Titian | Rubens<br />

Rembrandt | Tiepolo<br />

Hieronymus Bosch<br />

INFO<br />


1865, 2015. 150 Jahre<br />

Wiener Ringstraße.<br />

Anlässlich des 150.<br />

Geburtstages der Wiener<br />

Ringstraße hat Wien<br />

Tourismus dreizehn<br />

international bekannte<br />

Autoren gebeten, sich<br />

Gedanken über den Prachtboulevard<br />

zu machen.<br />

Zu den Autoren zählen<br />

Sybille Berg, Eva Menasse,<br />

Marlene Streeruwitz und<br />

Wladimir Sorokin.<br />

On the occasion of the<br />

150th birthday of<br />

Ringstraße Vienna, Wien<br />

Tourismus asked thirteen<br />

internationally renowned<br />

authors to think about this<br />

magnificent boulevard. The<br />

authors include Sybille<br />

Berg, Eva Menasse,<br />

Marlene Streeruwitz and<br />

Vladimir Sorokin.<br />

–<br />

Metroverlag<br />

€ 19,90<br />

Auch die neue Wiener<br />

Universität fand Platz an der<br />

Ringstraße.<br />

The new Vienna University was<br />

also built on Ringstraße.<br />

from Sicardsburg, who designed the Vienna State<br />

Opera together with Viennese Eduard van der Nüll,<br />

did not come from the Austrian part of the monarchy,<br />

but the Hungarian part. Heinrich Ferstel, who<br />

designed the University of Vienna, Votivkirche church,<br />

the Museum for Applied Arts and the Palais<br />

Wertheim, came from Vienna.<br />

The dominant building style is historicism, with<br />

buildings from the Renaissance, Baroque and Gothic<br />

periods as role models. It is this stylistic mixture<br />

which makes Ringstraße so attractive. If you walk<br />

along Ringstraße today, you will notice the many luxury<br />

hotels located on this boulevard. However, they<br />

were not originally planned. Only in 1873, when Vienna<br />

hosted a world exhibition, and there was a demand<br />

for sophisticated accommodation, palaces and<br />

residences were turned into hotels. The oldest hotel<br />

on the Ring is the Grand Hotel between the State<br />

Opera and Schwarzenbergplatz; it was opened in<br />

1870, emerged from a residential house and impressed<br />

at the time with its advanced technical<br />

equipment – a mechanical lift and telephone in every<br />

room were a sensation. Above all the nobility relished<br />

this modern house – Crown Prince Rudolf regularly<br />

met his lover Mary Vetsera here. The Palais<br />

Württemberg, which is opposite the Grand Hotel,<br />

was also converted into a hotel. Today, the Hotel Imperial<br />

is still seen as one of the top addresses in the<br />

city. The history of the Palais Hansen on Schottenring<br />

is interesting. This huge palace should also have<br />

been used as a hotel during the world exhibition –<br />

but it took until 2013 when it actually became a luxury<br />

hotel. Today, the Palais Hansen Hotel Kempinski<br />

is one of the best Grand Hotels in Vienna.<br />

Right from the start, Ringstraße was the strolling<br />

promenade of the Viennese middle classes. In particular,<br />

the corner of Kärntner Ring and Kärntner<br />

Straße quickly developed into a hotspot. Because the<br />

leather goods shop Sirk was located here, this corner<br />

was soon called „Sirk corner“. If you arranged to<br />

meet on Ringstraße, you met here. With the strollers<br />

came the coffee houses. 150 years ago, there were 25<br />

big coffee houses on Ringstraße – only a few of them<br />

still survive today. Artists and entrepreneurs, the<br />

middle classes and simple people met here. They<br />

were egalitarian institutions. The most famous coffee<br />

house, even today, is Café Landtmann, which was<br />

strategically located in the hotspot of politics (City<br />

Hall Vienna, the Parliament, various party headquarters),<br />

art (Vienna Burgtheater) and science<br />

(University of Vienna). It is one of the most popular<br />

meeting points in the city. To this day, political press<br />

conferences and artist interviews are held here. Café<br />

Landtmann is located in the Palais Lieben-Auspitz.<br />

Above the coffee house, Berta Zuckerkandl once<br />

held her literary salon, where Arthur Schnitzler,<br />

Gustav Klimt, Gustav Mahler and many other artists,<br />

writers, musicians and other greats of the Vienna<br />

cultural scene met.<br />

However, Ringstraße was not just a strolling promenade.<br />

It was also the location for marches, demonstrations<br />

and parades. Austrian and European<br />

history was repeatedly written on Ringstraße. The<br />

first big parade took place in 1879. More than 14,000<br />

people took part in the festive procession for the<br />

25th wedding anniversary of Emperor Franz Joseph<br />

and his Sisi. Later, the First Republic was declared on<br />

the Ring (on 12 November 1918), and in 1934, there<br />

was such violent fighting in front of the Palace of Justice,<br />

that it ended in a civil war. On 15 March 1938,<br />

Adolf Hitler drove along the Ring in triumph to announce<br />

Austria’s inclusion in the German Reich at<br />

Heldenplatz. Even today, the “proletariat” still marches<br />

on Ringstraße on 1 May. Fan miles are set up, as<br />

with the European Football Championship in 2008,<br />

the participants of the Vienna City Marathon ran towards<br />

the finishing line, the Vienna Festival is opened<br />

here and the guests enter the Life Ball location,<br />

the annual charity event.<br />

In 2001, Ringstraße was named as a world cultural<br />

heritage site by UNESCO. Even today, it is still a<br />

place for strollers, a place for culture, politics and entertainment.<br />


Ausstellungen zum 150. Geburtstag der Wiener Ringstraße<br />

Exhibitions on the 150th birthday of Ringstraße Vienna<br />

Jüdisches Museum Wien<br />

Der Ring – ein jüdischer Boulevard.<br />

Die Ringstraße ist untrennbar mit dem Schicksal der jüdischen Unternehmer und Bankiers verbunden,<br />

die als Investoren eine wichtige Rolle spielten und die am Boulevard ihre großartigen Palais<br />

errichteten. Die Ausstellung im Jüdischen Museum Wien untersucht den Aufstieg dieser jüdischen<br />

Elite vor dem Hintergrund eines aufkeimenden Antisemitismus. 25. März bis 4. Oktober.<br />

Vienna The Ring - A Jewish boulevard. Ringstraße is inseparably linked with the Jewish entrepreneurs<br />

and bankers, who played an important role as investors and built their huge palaces on the<br />

boulevard. The exhibition in the Jewish Museum Vienna investigates the rise of this Jewish elite in<br />

light of a burgeoning anti-Semitism. From 25 March to 4 October.<br />

jmw.at<br />

Wien Museum<br />

Der Ring. Pionierjahre einer Prachtstraße 1857 bis 1865.<br />

Diese Ausstellung im Wien Museum konzentriert sich auf die Jahre zwischen 1857, als der Entschluss<br />

zum Bau der Ringstraße gefasst wurde, und 1865, dem Jahr der Eröffnung. Gezeigt werden Pläne,<br />

Modelle, Entwürfe und Fotografien, die die Planungsgeschichte des Boulevards erzählen.<br />

11. Juni bis 4. Oktober.<br />

The Ring. The pioneer years of a beautiful street 1857 to 1865. This exhibition in the Vienna<br />

Museum concentrates on the years between 1857, when the decision was made to build Ringstraße,<br />

and 1865, the year of the opening. Plans, models, drafts and photographs will be shown which tell the<br />

story of the boulevard. From 11 June to 4 October.<br />

wienmuseum.at<br />

Unteres Belvedere<br />

Klimt und die Ringstraße.<br />

Gustav Klimt war der bedeutendste Künstler der Gründerzeit. Ihm und den anderen bedeutenden<br />

Malern der Ringstraße – wie etwa Hans Makart – ist diese Ausstellung gewidmet.<br />

3. Juli bis 11. Oktober.<br />

Klimt and Ringstraße. Gustav Klimt was the most important artist of the founding period. This<br />

exhibition is dedicated to him and other meaningful painters of Ringstraße such as Hans Makart. 3<br />

July to 11 October.<br />

belvedere.at<br />

Architekturzentrum Wien<br />

Wien, die Perle des Reiches. Planen für Hitler.<br />

Auch der Führer hatte Pläne mit der Ringstraße. Das Architekturzentrum Wien zeigt die teilweise<br />

unbekannten Pläne Adolf Hitlers und der Nationalsozialisten für Wien und die Ringstraße.<br />

19. März bis 17. August.<br />

Vienna, the pearl of the empire. Planning for Hitler. The Führer also had plans for Ringstraße. The<br />

Architekturzentrum Vienna shows the sometimes unknown plans of Adolf Hitler and the national socialists<br />

for Vienna and Ringstraße. 19 March to 17 August.<br />

azw.at<br />

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek<br />

Wien wird Weltstadt. Die Ringstraße und ihre Zeit.<br />

Die Ausstellung zeigt, wie sich Wien von einer aristokratisch geprägten Stadt in eine moderne<br />

Metropole verwandelte. 22. Mai bis 1. November.<br />

Vienna becomes a world city. Ringstraße and its time. The exhibition shows how Vienna changed<br />

from a city characterised by the aristocracy to a modern metropolis. From 22 May to 1 November.<br />

onb.ac.at<br />

The Paintings Gallery of the Academy<br />

of Fine Arts Vienna<br />

94 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

1., Schillerplatz 3 | Tue – Sun 10 am – 6 pm<br />

www.akademiegalerie.at<br />

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Musikalische Botschafter<br />

Musical diplomats<br />

Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />

INFO<br />

Der charakteristische<br />

Matrosenanzug sitzt bei<br />

jeder Gelegenheit perfekt.<br />

The distinctive sailor’s suit<br />

fits perfectly – whatever<br />

you’re doing.<br />



Österreichs Botschafter dürfen auch mal ganz jung sein und Matrosenanzug<br />

tragen: Die Wiener Sängerknaben gehen jedes Jahr auf Konzerttournee um die<br />

ganze Welt und absolvieren rund 300 Auftritte als musikalische Botschafter des<br />

Landes von Mozart, Schubert und Schönberg.<br />

Austria’s ambassadors may be of school age and dressed in sailors‘ suits. Year in,<br />

year out, the Vienna Boys Choir is on world tour, making something like 300<br />

appearances a year as musical ambassadors of Mozart, Schubert and Schönberg‘s<br />

country.<br />

Palm Desert, 19. Februar 2015. Der „Vienna<br />

Boys Choir“ startet seine USA-Tournee im<br />

sehr eleganten, 1.130 Zuschauer fassenden<br />

McCallum Theatre. Tags darauf heißt es wieder Koffer<br />

packen, der Tourbus bringt die Wiener Sängerknaben<br />

140 Meilen Richtung Südwesten nach San<br />

Diego für das Konzert in der Copley Symphony Hall.<br />

Next Stop Pasadena, California, dann folgt Santa<br />

Barbara, weiter geht es nach Alto, New Mexico. Die<br />

ausgedehnte Konzerttournee führt den wohl berühmtesten<br />

Knabenchor der Welt in 30 Tagen quer<br />

durch neun Bundesstaaten bis ins Upper St. Clair HS<br />

Auditorium, Pennsylvania. Nach dem Abschlusskonzert<br />

heißt es dann erneut Koffer packen für den<br />

Rückflug nach Wien. Gut 300 Konzerte vor insgesamt<br />

fast einer halben Million Zuschauer geben die<br />

Wiener Sängerknaben jedes Jahr. Längst zählen die<br />

Chorknaben in ihren charakteristischen Matrosenuniformen<br />

zu den berühmtesten Klangkörpern der<br />

Welt. Neben den USA stehen auch Japan, fast alle<br />

Staaten Europas, China, Taiwan, Südkorea, Australien,<br />

Afrika und der arabische Raum regelmäßig auf<br />

dem Tourneeplan. Nicht umsonst werden die Wiener<br />

Sängerknaben gerne auch als „jüngste Botschafter<br />

Österreichs“ bezeichnet.<br />

So reisefreudig wie heute war der berühmte Chor<br />

allerdings nicht immer. 1498 als Teil der Hofmusikkapelle<br />

von Kaiser Maximilian I. begründet, sangen<br />

die „Hofcapell-Singknaben“ die ersten 420 Jahre ihres<br />

Bestehens ausschließlich für den Kaiserhof sowie<br />

bei der sonntäglichen Messe in der Hofburgkapelle –<br />

eine Tradition, die von den Sängerknaben zusammen<br />

mit den Wiener Philharmonikern übrigens bis<br />

heute fortgeführt wird. Der Untergang der Monarchie<br />

brachte die Neuausrichtung des berühmten<br />

Chors; von nun an begaben sich die Wiener Sängerknaben,<br />

neben ihren Auftritten bei Produktionen<br />

der Wiener Staatsoper und der Salzburger Festspiele,<br />

auf Tournee durch die Konzertsäle von New York bis<br />

Beijing. Heute gibt es rund 100 aktive Sängerknaben,<br />

die auf vier Chöre aufgeteilt das enorme Pensum des<br />

weltberühmten Klangkörpers absolvieren – schließlich<br />

haben die Buben neben ihrer musikalischen<br />

Erziehung und den Konzerten auch noch das<br />

Gymnasium zu bewältigen.<br />

Mit dem MuTh steht den Wiener Sängerknaben<br />

seit Dezember 2012 nun endlich auch ihr eigener<br />

Konzertsaal in Wien zur Verfügung. Nur wenige<br />

Schritte die schöne Kastanienallee entlang sind es<br />

vom barocken Palais Augarten, wo die Knaben im<br />

Internat wohnen und zur Schule gehen, zur neuen<br />

Bühne. So bescheiden sich das futuristische Gebäude,<br />

das sich diskret an den barocken Bestand<br />

schmiegt, von außen ausnimmt, so großzügig und<br />

technisch ausgefeilt ist der Konzertsaal im Inneren.<br />

Neben den regelmäßigen Auftritten der Sängerknaben<br />

hat sich das MuTh (der ungewöhnliche<br />

Name steht für „Musik und Theater“) mit seiner<br />

hervorragenden Akustik nach dem feierlichen Eröffnungskonzert<br />

unter der Leitung von Franz Welser-<br />

Möst schnell als neuer Wiener Konzertort für<br />

kleinere Orchester und ausgefallene Produktionen<br />

etabliert, wie Direktorin Eva Hesse erzählt. Intensiv<br />

geprobt wird hier natürlich auch, schließlich dürfen<br />

die Sängerknaben schon bald wieder ihre Koffer packen.<br />

Ende März geht es für eine Woche nach Kanada,<br />

von Ende April bis in den Juni stehen dann 22 Auftritte<br />

in Japan auf dem Programm der jüngsten und<br />

musikalischsten Botschafter Österreichs.<br />

MuTh Highlights<br />

im Frühling.<br />

MuTh Highlights<br />

this spring.<br />

Vienna meets the USA<br />

Die Sängerknaben und die<br />

Junge Philharmonie spielen<br />

und singen Bach, Alban<br />

Berg, Ravel und Gerhard<br />

Tracks Symphonie<br />

„Minnequa“.<br />

• Di 24. März 2015, 19:30<br />

The Boys Choir and Young<br />

Philharmonic play and sing<br />

Bach, Alban Berg, Ravel<br />

and Gerhard Track’s<br />

Symphony, “Minnequa”.<br />

• Tuesday, 24th March<br />

2015, 7.30 p.m.<br />

Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika<br />

Konzert der Wiener<br />

Sängerknaben mit<br />

afrikanischer Musik.<br />

• Do 26. März 2015, 19:30<br />

Concert of African music<br />

by the Vienna Boys Choir.<br />

• Thursday, 26th March<br />

2015, 7.30 p.m.<br />

1398 – Der Bettelknabe<br />

Kinderoper der Wiener<br />

Sängerknaben.<br />

• Sa 2. Mai 2015, 11:00<br />

Children’s opera by the<br />

Vienna Boys Choir.<br />

• Saturday, 2nd May 2015,<br />

11.a.m.<br />

Angelika Kirchschlager<br />

und Marianne<br />

Sägebrecht<br />

Ein musikalisch-literarischer<br />

Abend mit zwei<br />

Weltstars – inklusive<br />

Gastauftritten.<br />

• Sa 30. Mai 2015, 19:30<br />

A musical-literary evening<br />

with two world stars – including<br />

guest appearances.<br />

• Saturday, 30th May 2015,<br />

7.30 p.m.<br />

INFO:<br />

www.muth.at<br />

96 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

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INFO<br />

Sängerknaben<br />

gesucht<br />

Choir Boys<br />

wanted<br />

Singen kann jeder, ist<br />

Gerald Wirth, künstlerischer<br />

Leiter der Wiener<br />

Sängerknaben, überzeugt –<br />

man muss es nur ein wenig<br />

trainieren. Für singbegeisterte<br />

Buben finden<br />

regelmäßig Schnupperwochen<br />

statt. Vorsingen ist<br />

selbstverständlich auch<br />

jederzeit erwünscht.<br />

Gerald Wirth, Artistic<br />

Director of the Vienna<br />

Boys Choir, is convinced<br />

that anyone can sing – all<br />

you need is a bit of<br />

training. If you love singing<br />

and fancy getting a feel for<br />

what it’s like to be a<br />

member of the Vienna<br />

Boys Choir, try-out weeks<br />

are offered regularly. You’ll<br />

need to audition first, of<br />

course.<br />

INFO:<br />

www.wienersaengerknaben.at<br />

Die Sängerknaben am Dach des Wiener Rathauses.<br />

The Boys Choir on the roof of Vienna’s Rathaus.<br />

Palm Desert, 19th February 2015. The Vienna<br />

Boys Choir starts its US tour at the elegant<br />

McCallum Theatre, in front of 1,130 spectators.<br />

And in a few days, it’ll be time for the members<br />

of the Vienna Boys Choir to pack their bags all over<br />

again, board the tour bus and head 140 miles southwest<br />

to San Diego for the next concert, at the Copley<br />

Symphony Hall. After that it’s Pasadena, California,<br />

shortly followed by Santa Barbara, and Alto, New<br />

Mexico.<br />

The extensive concert tour takes the world’s most<br />

famous boys choir across nine states in just 30 days,<br />

until they finally hang up their sailors’ suits – for the<br />

moment, at least – at the Upper St. Clair HS Auditorium,<br />

Pennsylvania, and head out to the airport, just<br />

in time for the flight back to Vienna. The Vienna<br />

Boys Choir performs over 300 concerts a year. As<br />

well as the US, their tour schedule regularly includes<br />

Japan, almost every state in Europe, China, Taiwan,<br />

South Korea, Australia, Africa and the Arab world.<br />

The members of the Vienna Boys Choir are frequently<br />

referred to as “Austria’s youngest ambassadors”,<br />

and not without good reason. The famous<br />

choir was not always quite as fond of travelling as it is<br />

today, however. Founded in 1498 as part of the Imperial<br />

Court Chapel, of Kaiser Maximilian I, the ‘Hofcapell-Singknaben’<br />

sang exclusively for the Imperial<br />

Court for some 420 years, as well as for Sunday Mass<br />

at the Hofburg Chapel (a tradition that the choir<br />

continues to this day, together with the musicians of<br />

the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra). Then, in 1918,<br />

the fall of the Habsburg Monarchy brought with it a<br />

reorientation of the famous Choir. From now on,<br />

along with appearances in productions by the Vienna<br />

State Opera and at the Salzburg Festival, they would<br />

begin touring concert halls across the world, from<br />

New York to Beijing. They perform the enormous<br />

workload of the world-famous choir divided into<br />

four choirs – because after all, the boys have to overcome<br />

the rigours of school, as well as their musical<br />

education and concerts.<br />

In December 2012, the Vienna Boys Choir was finally<br />

given a concert hall of its very own, the MuTh.<br />

It’s just a few steps from the Baroque Palais Augarten,<br />

where the boys attend boarding school, to the stage.<br />

Huddled up against its Baroque neighbours, the futuristic<br />

building initially appears humble from the<br />

outside. Inside, however, the concert hall is generously<br />

laid-out and intelligently partitioned. In<br />

addition to all those regular appearances by the<br />

Choir, the MuTh (the slightly unusual name is a<br />

mash of the words ‘music’ and ‘theatre’) has quickly<br />

established itself as one of Vienna’s premier venues<br />

for concerts by smaller orchestras and unconventional<br />

productions since its triumphant opening<br />

concert under the leadership of Franz Welser-Möst,<br />

according to current Director Eva Hesse. It is also<br />

home to intense rehearsal sessions, of course – because<br />

it’s never long before the Boys Choir is due to<br />

be hitting the road again. At the end of March they’re<br />

off to Canada for a week, and from the end of April<br />

until June, the schedule of Austria’s youngest ambassadors<br />

includes 22 appearances in Japan.<br />


Elke Hesse<br />

Direktorin des MuTh | Director of the MuTh<br />


Elke Hesse studierte Musik- und<br />

Theaterwissenschaften in Wien,<br />

arbeitete als Schauspielerin, Referentin<br />

von Direktor Hans Gratzer am Theater in<br />

der Josefstadt und war Intendantin der<br />

Festspiele Bad Hersfeld. Seit 2012 ist sie<br />

Direktorin des MuTh.<br />

Elke Hesse studied Musicology and<br />

Dramaturgy in Vienna, before going on<br />

to work as an actress, advisor to<br />

director Hans Gratzer at the Theater in<br />

der Josefstadt, and Artistic Director of<br />

the Bad Hersfeld Festival. She has been<br />

Director of the MuTh since 2012.<br />

Büro im Stadtpalais<br />

Palais Breuner<br />

1010 Wien<br />

Büroräume mit beonderem Flair<br />

(tw. Kamine und Kasettendecken)<br />

Nutzfläche: 439 m 2<br />

Lift, gute Ausstattung<br />

2 Garagenplätze<br />

Was bedeutet der neue Konzertsaal für die Sängerknaben?<br />

Das MuTh ist der Ort, wo die Wiener Sängerknaben in der<br />

Nähe ihres Zuhauses auftreten können. Es haben jetzt viel<br />

mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit, die Sängerknaben auch in<br />

Wien hautnah zu erleben, und nicht nur von ihrem Erfolg im<br />

Ausland zu hören.<br />

Die Konzerte im MuTh gehen natürlich weit über die<br />

Aufführungen der Sängerknaben hinaus. Wie würden<br />

Sie die Linie Ihres Hauses charakterisieren?<br />

So wie die Architektur des Hauses soll auch das Programm<br />

für eine Offenheit stehen, die die klassischen Genres<br />

überwindet. Auf der anderen Seite ist das MuTh natürlich<br />

als erste Bühne für den künstlerischen Nachwuchs<br />

positioniert. Es soll einfach ein buntes Treiben sein in<br />

diesem Haus.<br />

Wie fühlt es sich an, als Frau in einem „Männerverein“<br />

wie den Sängerknaben eine tragende Rolle<br />

zu spielen?<br />

(Lacht) Ich habe ja vorher die Festspiele Bad Hersfeld<br />

geleitet, da war ich auch die erste Frau – insofern ist es für<br />

mich nichts Neues. Aber ich finde es spannend, dass bei den<br />

Wiener Sängerknaben gerade ein ziemlicher Umbruch<br />

stattfindet, und ich fühle mich sehr wohl, dass ich da mit<br />

dabei sein darf.<br />

Ihr persönliches Programmhighlight der laufenden<br />

Saison?<br />

Stolz bin ich, dass Angelika Kirchschlager und Marianne<br />

Sägebrecht bei uns auftreten und Maria Happel die Regie<br />

bei „Der Bettelknabe“ übernommen hat. Das freut mich<br />

sehr!<br />

What does the new concert hall mean for the Boys<br />

Choir?<br />

The MuTh enables the Vienna Boys Choir to perform close<br />

to home – it means that far more people are now getting the<br />

chance to experience the Choir right up close in Vienna,<br />

rather than just hearing reports of their success abroad.<br />

There’s a great deal more to concerts at the MuTh than<br />

just the performances of the Boys Choir, of course.<br />

How would you characterise the venue’s philosophy?<br />

Like the architecture of the building, the programme’s<br />

designed to stand for an openness that goes beyond<br />

classical genres. On the other hand, of course, the MuTh is<br />

positioned as a first stage for the next artistic generation.<br />

It’s just supposed to be filled with noise and life.<br />

How does it feel, as a woman, to be playing a key role in<br />

a ‘men-only association’ like the Boys Choir?<br />

(Laughs) Well, I used to manage the Bad Hersfeld Festival,<br />

and I was the first woman ever to be given the job there<br />

too – so it’s really nothing new to me! But I do find it<br />

exciting that there’s something of a cultural upheaval<br />

taking place at the Vienna Boys Choir at the moment, and<br />

it’s fun to be part of that.<br />

What would be your personal highlight for the current<br />

season?<br />

I’m proud that Angelika Kirchschlager and Marianne<br />

Sägebrecht are appearing with us, and that Maria Happel<br />

has taken over the direction of “Der Bettelknabe”.<br />

I’m enormously happy about that!<br />

98 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Tel.: 02735/2205<br />

Info: Ing. Gerald Türk<br />

www.metternich.at<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


SAVOIR-VIVRE BELVE<strong>DER</strong>E<br />

Wo der Kuss zu Hause ist<br />

The home of the kiss<br />

Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien | The Austrian Gallery Belvedere, Vienna<br />

Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />


INFO<br />

Gustav Klimt,<br />

„Sonja Knips“, 1898.<br />

Im Oberen Belvedere befindet sich die<br />

weltberühmte Klimt-Sammlung.<br />

The Upper Belvedere houses the<br />

world-famous Klimt collection.<br />

21er Haus.<br />

Das Belvedere im gleichnamigen Barockschloss,<br />

welches sich einst Prinz Eugen von<br />

Savoyen als Sommerresidenz erbauen ließ,<br />

zählt zu den wichtigsten Kunstinstitutionen des<br />

Landes und gewährt eine nahezu lückenlose Zusammenschau<br />

der österreichischen Kunst vom Mittelalter<br />

über das Barock bis ins 21. Jahrhundert.<br />

Highlights der umfassenden, historisch gewachsenen<br />

Bestände sind die weltweit größte Sammlung von<br />

Werken Gustav Klimts – da runter der weltberühmte<br />

„Kuss“ – sowie Meisterwerke von Egon Schiele und<br />

Oskar Kokoschka. Neben dem Unteren und Oberen<br />

Belvedere gehören auch das kürzlich renovierte 21er<br />

Haus sowie das 2013 in ein Museum umgewandelte<br />

Winter palais des Prinzen Eugen zum Kompetenzbereich<br />

von Direktorin Dr. Agnes Husslein-Arco.<br />

The Belvedere, located in the baroque palace of<br />

the same name was originally built as the<br />

summer residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy.<br />

Today it is one of the most important art institutions<br />

in Austria, providing a practically complete overview<br />

of Austrian art, ranging from the Middle Ages and<br />

the baroque period through to the 21st century. The<br />

highlight of this extensive collection is the world’s<br />

largest collection of works by Gustav Klimt – including<br />

the world-famous “Kiss”, as well as masterpieces<br />

by Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. The director<br />

Dr. Agnes Husslein-Arco is responsible for<br />

not only the Upper and Lower Belvedere but also the<br />

recently renovated „21er Haus“ in addition to Prince<br />

Eugene’s Winter Palace, which was converted into a<br />

museum in 2013.<br />


Dr. Agnes Husslein-Arco<br />

Direktorin Belvedere | Director of Belvedere<br />

Nach ihrer Tätigkeit als Geschäftsführerin von Sotheby’s Österreich und Director of European Development des Guggenheim<br />

Museums wurde Agnes Husslein-Arco zur Direktorin des Rupertinums in Salzburg bestellt und war von 2003 bis 2005<br />

Gründungsdirektorin des Museums der Moderne Salzburg. Seit 2007 leitet Agnes Husslein-Arco das Belvedere.<br />

After having worked as the managing director of Sotheby’s Austria and director of European development at the Guggenheim Museum,<br />

Agnes Husslein-Arco was appointed director of the Rupertinum Museum in Salzburg and she was also the founding director of Museum<br />

der Moderne in Salzburg. Agnes Husslein-Arco has been running the Belvedere since 2007.<br />

Ihr Museum wird natürlich in erster Linie mit Gustav Klimt<br />

in Verbindung gebracht – wofür steht für Sie als Direktorin<br />

das Belvedere?<br />

Das Belvedere besitzt zwar die weltweit größte Sammlung an<br />

Gemälden von Gustav Klimt, die einen besonderen kunsthistorischen<br />

Schatz und, kein Zweifel, auch einen Besuchermagnet<br />

darstellt. Allerdings ist es mir persönlich wichtig, auch die<br />

herausragende Qualität der anderen Sammlungsbereiche zu<br />

vermitteln. Dieses Jahr zeigen wir etwa Ausstellungen zu einem<br />

mittelalterlichen Fastentuch, über Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka,<br />

bis hin zum zeitgenössischen österreichischen Künstler Hans<br />

Weigand, um nur einige zu nennen.<br />

Wie bringen Sie diese enorme Spannweite der<br />

Sammlungen unter einen Hut?<br />

Wir nützen sie gezielt! Es gibt und gab in der bildenden Kunst<br />

stets Wechselwirkungen zwischen Neuem und Altem. Die<br />

verschiedenen Epochen müssen sich also nicht ausschließen,<br />

sondern können in der Zusammenschau interessante Verbindungen<br />

erkennen lassen. Wunderbar sieht man das etwa in<br />

unserer derzeitigen Ausstellung „Schlaflos. Das Bett in Geschichte<br />

und Gegenwartskunst“ im 21er Haus.<br />

Mit dem 21er Haus und dem Winterpalais im 1. Bezirk hat<br />

sich das Belvedere in den letzten Jahren stark erweitert.<br />

Wie bespielen Sie diese neuen Ausstellungsflächen?<br />

Das 21er Haus ist der Ausstellungsort, wo wir die gegenwärtige<br />

und jüngere österreichische Kunstproduktion mit entsprechenden<br />

Einzelausstellungen abbilden, die oftmals eigens für diesen<br />

architek tonisch speziellen Ausstellungsort entwickelt werden,<br />

wie etwa die Schau von Gelatin (2013) oder Franz Graf (2014).<br />

Das Winterpalaisprogramm wiederum wechselt bewusst<br />

zwischen historischen Ausstellungen und Projekten, die<br />

zeitgenössische Positionen mit dem prunkvollen Setting gezielt<br />

in einen Dialog setzen.<br />

It goes without saying that your museum is primarily<br />

associated with Gustav Klimt – but what does the Belvedere<br />

mean to you as the director?<br />

The Belvedere has the world’s largest collection of paintings by<br />

Gustav Klimt, representing a special treasure of art history and it<br />

is undoubtedly also a magnet for visitors. However, it is important<br />

for me personally to also show the outstanding quality of the<br />

other collections. This year, we are exhibiting the medieval lenten<br />

veil, Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka as well as the modern Austrian<br />

artist Hans Weigand, just to mention a few.<br />

How do you accommodate such a large range of collections?<br />

We use them in a targeted manner! In visual arts, there always is<br />

and has been an interaction between old and new. The different<br />

eras, therefore, do not have to exclude each other but instead can<br />

reveal interesting connections. A perfect example of this can be<br />

seen in our current collection “Sleepless – The Bed in History and<br />

Contemporary Art” in the 21er Haus.<br />

The Belvedere has expanded significantly in the last few<br />

years with the 21er Haus and the Winter Palace in the first<br />

district. How are you going to use this new exhibition areas?<br />

The 21er Haus is the exhibition venue where we show contemporary<br />

and more recent Austrian art, including solo exhibitions<br />

that have often been developed specifically for this special<br />

architectural exhibition venue, such as the shows by Gelatin<br />

(2013) or Franz Graf (2014). The Winter Palace programme, on<br />

the other hand, consciously alternates between historical<br />

exhibitions and projects, which deliberately create a dialogue<br />

between contemporary perspectives and the magnificent setting.<br />

Aktuelle Ausstellungen<br />

und<br />

Sammlungen:<br />

Current Exhibitions<br />

and Collections:<br />

Schausammlung im<br />

Oberen Belvedere<br />

Neben klassischer Moderne<br />

und der Barocksammlung<br />

werden Gustav Klimts<br />

Meister werke mit einem<br />

frischen Raumkonzept in<br />

neuem Licht präsentiert.<br />

Public Collection in Upper<br />

Belvedere<br />

Classic modern and baroque<br />

collections. Gustav Klimt‘s<br />

masterpieces shine in new<br />

splendour in a redesigned<br />

room.<br />

Europa in Wien.<br />

Der Wiener Kongress<br />

1814/15<br />

Unteres Belvedere und<br />

Orangerie, bis 21.6.2015<br />

Europe in Vienna<br />

The Vienna Congress<br />

1814/15<br />

Lower Belvedere and<br />

Orangery, until 21.06.2015<br />

Schlaflos. Das Bett in<br />

Geschichte und<br />

Gegenwartskunst<br />

21er Haus, bis 07. 06. 2015<br />

Sleepless – The Bed in<br />

History and Contemporary<br />

Art<br />

21er Haus, until 07. 06. 2015<br />

Vienna for Art’s Sake!<br />

Archive Austria /<br />

Contemporary Art<br />

Winterpalais, bis 31.5.2015<br />

INFO:<br />

www.belvedere.at<br />

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450 Jahre hohe Reitkunst<br />

450 Years of Consummate Horsemanship<br />

Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />

Die Spanische Hofreitschule, wichtiger Bestandteil der kulturellen Identität<br />

Österreichs, feiert 2015 mit großer Geste ihr 450-jähriges Jubiläum.<br />

The Spanish Riding School, an important part of Austria’ s cultural identity,<br />

celebrates its 450-year jubilee in 2015 with a grand gesture.<br />

INFO<br />

Silbermünze<br />

„450 Jahre<br />

Spanische<br />

Hofreitschule“<br />

Silver Coin “450<br />

years Spanish<br />

Riding School”<br />



In den nächsten Wochen und Monaten laufen<br />

hektische Vorbereitungen in Stallburg und Winterreitschule<br />

der Wiener Hofburg. Lipizzaner<br />

und Bereiter der Spanischen Hofreitschule perfektionieren<br />

Levade, Kapriole und die Quadrille für den<br />

großen Tag im Juni. Als Höhepunkt der Festivitäten<br />

zum 450-jährigen Bestehen der weltberühmten Institution<br />

werden Pferde und Reiter der Real Escuela<br />

Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre aus Spanien in Wien erwartet,<br />

die gemeinsam mit der Spanischen Hofreitschule<br />

eine außergewöhnliche equestrische Galavorstellung<br />

am Wiener Heldenplatz geben werden.<br />

Seit 1565 wird in der Spanischen Hofreitschule ununterbrochen<br />

die Hohe Schule der klassischen Reitkunst<br />

in der Tradition der Hochrenaissance gepflegt<br />

und gelebt. Die Schimmel und ihre Reiterinnen und<br />

Reiter in ihrer charakteristischen Aufmachung sind<br />

ebenso unverbrüchlicher Bestandteil von Österreichs<br />

kultureller Identität geworden wie die Staatsoper<br />

oder Schloss Schönbrunn und stehen denn<br />

auch seit 2010 auf der Liste des immateriellen<br />

Kultur erbes der UNESCO.<br />

Maestoso Virtuosa oder Neapolitano Allegra heißen<br />

die stolzen Hengste, die an den Vorführungen in<br />

der Winterreitschule, die als schönster Reitsaal der<br />

Welt gilt, teilnehmen. Die komplizierten Figuren der<br />

Hohen Schule verlangen den Pferden allerhöchste<br />

Körperbeherrschung ab. Im Alter von vier Jahren<br />

kommen die ausgewählten Junghengste aus dem<br />

berühmten Lipizzanergestüt von Piber nach Wien.<br />

Nach durchschnittlich sechs Jahren intensiven Trainings<br />

dürfen sie dann erstmals bei der Nachmittagsvorstellung<br />

der Spanischen Hofreitschule in dem<br />

vom stilprägenden Barockbaumeister Fischer von<br />

Erlach ausgestalteten Winterreitsaal dabei sein.<br />

Elisabeth Gürtler trat vor acht Jahren als erste<br />

Frau den Posten als Generaldirektorin an. Seither<br />

weht ein frischer Wind durch die Spanische Hofreitschule.<br />

Die Direktorin des Hotel Sachers und frühere<br />

Vizestaatsmeisterin im Dressur reiten, hat die altehrwürdige<br />

Institution nicht nur erstmals Frauen zugänglich<br />

gemacht, sie hat es sich auch nicht nehmen<br />

lassen, wieder zum Ball zu bitten. Seit fünf Jahren<br />

verwandelt sich die Hofreitschule für jeweils einen<br />

Tag in Wiens schönsten sommer lichen Ballsaal. Zum<br />

450-Jahr-Jubiläum bringt Elisabeth Gürtler also<br />

nicht nur die Königlich-Andalusische Reitschule<br />

nach Wien, gekrönt wird die Feier von der sechsten<br />

Auflage der Fête Impériale am 26. Juni. Dann dürfen<br />

ausnahmsweise einmal die Menschen und nicht die<br />

Pferde in der wunder schönen barocken Winterreitschule<br />

tanzen.<br />

In the coming weeks and months, hectic preparations<br />

are being made in Stallburg as well as the<br />

Winter Riding School of the Vienna Hofburg.<br />

Lipizzaners and their riders from the Spanish Riding<br />

School perfect their caprioles and the quadrilles for<br />

the big day in June. As the highlight of the festivities<br />

to mark the 450-year anniversary of the world-famous<br />

institution, the horses and riders of the Real<br />

Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre from Spain are<br />

expected to give an exceptional equestrian gala performance<br />

on Heldenplatz in Vienna, together with<br />

the Spanish Riding School. Since 1565, the Spanish<br />

Riding School has maintained and lived the High<br />

School of Classical Horsemanship in the Renaissance<br />

tradition. The white horses and their riders in<br />

their characteristic appearance have become a steadfast<br />

part of Austria’s cultural identity along with the<br />

State Opera and Schönbrunn Castle, and have been<br />

on the list of the UNESCO Heritage since 2010.<br />

Maestoso Virtuosa or Neapolitano Allegra are the<br />

names of the proud stallions who will perform the<br />

demonstrations in the Winter Riding School, considered<br />

to be the most beautiful riding Hall in the<br />

world. The complex movements of the horses require<br />

perfect body control. The young stallions selected<br />

from the famous Lipizzaner stud farm of Piber come<br />

Die Münze Österreich<br />

nimmt das 450-Jahr-<br />

Jubiläum zum Anlass für<br />

die Prägung einer<br />

Sondermünze. Auf der<br />

Wertseite zeigt die<br />

20-g-Silbermünze zwei<br />

Lipizzaner beim Pas de<br />

deux, auf der anderen Seite<br />

einen Bereiter auf einem<br />

Lipizzaner, der eine Levade<br />

ausführt. Die Münze wird<br />

in limitierter Auflage von<br />

50.000 Stück geprägt.<br />

Austrian Mint takes the<br />

450-year anniversary as an<br />

opportunity for the<br />

production of a<br />

commemorative coin.<br />

On the value side, the 20 g<br />

silver coin shows two<br />

Lipizzaners at the Pas de<br />

Deux, and on the reverse, a<br />

rider on a Lipizzaner is<br />

executing a levade. The<br />

coin is minted as a limited<br />

edition of 50.000 pieces.<br />

www.muenzeoesterreich.at<br />

Junghengst bei der täglichen<br />

Morgenarbeit.<br />

Young stallion at the daily<br />

morning work.<br />

102 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 103



INFO<br />


Elisabeth Gürtler leitet das Hotel Sacher und war<br />

langjährige Organisatorin des Wiener Opernballs.<br />

Seit 2007 ist die ehemalige österreichische<br />

Vizestaatsmeisterin im Dressurreiten<br />

Generaldirektorin der Spanischen Hofreitschule.<br />

Elisabeth Gürtler manages the Hotel Sacher and was<br />

the organiser of the Vienna Opera Ball for many years.<br />

Since 2007, the former Austrian vice champion in<br />

dressage has been the General Director of the Spanish<br />

Riding School.<br />

Elisabeth Gürtler<br />

Generaldirektorin der Spanischen Hofreitschule Wien | General Director of the<br />

Spanish Riding School Vienna<br />

Welche Highlights erwarten die Besucherinnen<br />

und Besucher der großen Gala zum runden<br />

Jubiläum der Spanischen Hofreitschule am<br />

Heldenplatz?<br />

Wir werden eine Fohlen- und Stutenherde aus unserem<br />

Gestüt Piber nach Wien bringen, was sicher die Herzen<br />

aller großen und auch kleinen Pferdefreunde berühren<br />

wird. Als Ehrengäste haben wir dann die Urahnen<br />

unserer Lipizzaner, die Andalusier, mit ihren Reitern<br />

nach Wien eingeladen. Gemeinsam mit der Real<br />

Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre werden unsere<br />

Reiter mit ihren Lipizzanern „Gustostückerl“ aus der<br />

klassischen Reitkunst zeigen: die Schulsprünge Levade,<br />

Kapriole und Courbette – und das sowohl an der Hand<br />

als auch unter dem Reiter. Natürlich wird es auch ein<br />

beeindruckendes Solo und die Vorführung am „Langen<br />

Zügel“ geben, bevor als krönender Abschluss die nur<br />

alle Jahrzehnte zu sehende 12er-Quadrille präsentiert<br />

wird.<br />

Ein weiterer Höhepunkt des Festtages wird die<br />

sechste Auflage der von Ihnen ins Leben<br />

gerufenen „Fête Impériale“. Worauf dürfen sich<br />

die Gäste des beliebten Sommerballs freuen?<br />

Nach der Vorführung am Heldenplatz bitten wir die<br />

Gäste, die auch den Ball besuchen wollen, direkt zur<br />

Michaelerkuppel, wo unser traditioneller VIP Cocktail<br />

stattfindet, bevor wir dann von den Hoch- und<br />

Deutschmeistern zur Balleröffnung in der Winter -<br />

reitschule abgeholt werden. Thematisch steht der Ball<br />

heuer im Zeichen Wiens – Details sind aber noch ein<br />

Geheimnis und werden erst bekannt gegeben!<br />

Unter Ihrer Ägide hat sich die Hofreitschule<br />

erstmals auch Frauen geöffnet. Wann wird denn<br />

die erste weibliche Oberbereiterin in der Hofburg<br />

zu sehen sein?<br />

Als im Jahr 2008 erstmals zwei weibliche Bewerberinnen<br />

in den Elevenstatus der Spanischen Hofreitschule<br />

aufgenommen wurden, gab es viele kritische Stimmen,<br />

die das als Bruch einer jahrhundertealten Tradition<br />

ansahen. Heute haben wir fünf junge Damen teils als<br />

Pferdewirtlehrlinge, Elevinnen und Hannah Zeitlhofer<br />

auch als Bereiteranwärterin bei uns. Da die Ausbildung<br />

zum Bereiter etwa 8 bis 10 Jahre dauert, kann damit<br />

gerechnet werden, dass in nächster Zeit auch eine<br />

weibliche Bereiterin in den Vorführungen zu sehen<br />

sein wird. Die Ernennung zum Oberbereiter ist nur bei<br />

ganz außergewöhnlichen Leistungen vorgesehen, die<br />

nicht nur langjährige Berufserfahrung einschließen,<br />

sondern auch Sprachkenntnisse, geschichtliches<br />

Wissen und die Fähigkeit, die Hofreitschule nach außen<br />

zu repräsen tieren.<br />

What highlights await visitors to the Anniversary<br />

Gala of the Spanish Riding School on Heldenplatz<br />

square?<br />

We will bring a foal and mare herd from our stud farm<br />

Piber to Vienna, which will surely touch the hearts of<br />

all horse lovers big and small. As guests of honour, we<br />

have invited the ancestors of our Lipizzaners, the Andalusians<br />

with their riders, to Vienna. Together with Real<br />

Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre, our riders will<br />

show “delicacies” from classical horsemanship with<br />

their Lipizzaner horses, the school jumps levade,<br />

capriole and courbette – both at halter and under the<br />

saddle. Of course, there will also be an impressive solo,<br />

and the presentation on the “long reins” before the<br />

crowning finale of the 12 quadrille which is normally<br />

presented only once per decade.<br />

Another highlight of the festival is the sixth edition<br />

of the “Fête Imperial” which had been launched by<br />

you. What may the guests of the popular summer<br />

ball look forward to?<br />

After the performance at Heldenplatz, we will<br />

accompany guests who want to visit the ball straight to<br />

the Michaelerkuppel, where our traditional VIP cocktail<br />

event takes place. Afterwards we will be collected by<br />

the High and German Masters of the Winter Riding<br />

School for the opening of the ball. Thematically, the<br />

ball this year is dedicated to Vienna! Details are still a<br />

secret and will be announced soon!<br />

With your patronage, the riding school has finallly<br />

opened up to women. When will the first female<br />

chief rider be seen in the Hofburg?<br />

When two female applicants entered the Eleves status<br />

of the Spanish Riding School in 2008 for the first time,<br />

there were many critical voices who saw it as a<br />

breaking of a centuries-old tradition. Today, we have<br />

five young ladies, some as stablehand apprentices,<br />

Eleves and Hannah Zeitlhofer as aspirant rider.<br />

Although the training of a rider takes about 8-10 years,<br />

we expect that a female rider will soon be seen in the<br />

performances. The appointment of chief rider is<br />

intended only for exceptional achievements, not only<br />

for professional experience, but also language skills,<br />

knowledge of history and the ability to represent the<br />

Riding School.<br />


to Vienna at the age of four. After an average of six<br />

years of intensive training they may, for the first<br />

time, perform at the matinee of the Spanish Riding<br />

School in the Winter Riding Hall, designed by the<br />

well-known baroque architect Fischer von Erlach.<br />

Elisabeth Gürtler became the first woman to be<br />

Director General when she took up the post eight<br />

years ago. Since then, a breath of fresh air has blown<br />

through the Spanish Riding School. The Director of<br />

the Hotel Sacher and former Vice Champion in dressage,<br />

not only made the time-honoured institution<br />

available to women for the first time, she also took<br />

the opportunity to initiate ball-goers to convene<br />

once again. For the past five years, the Spanish Riding<br />

School has been turned into Vienna’s most<br />

beautiful summer ballroom for a day. Elisabeth<br />

Gürtler does not only bring the Royal Andalusian<br />

Riding School to Vienna for the 450-year anniversary,<br />

but the celebration is crowned by the sixth edition<br />

of the Fête Impériale on June 26. On this occasion,<br />

it’s the people, and not the horses, that dance in the<br />

beautiful baroque Winter Riding Hall.<br />

EUROPA<br />

IN WIEN<br />

Der Wiener Kongress<br />

1814/15<br />

Karten für die beiden<br />

Galavorstellungen am<br />

26. und 27. Juni jeweils um<br />

19 Uhr auf dem Heldenplatz<br />

sowie für die Generalprobe<br />

am 25. Juni unter:<br />

Tickets can be purchased<br />

here for the two gala<br />

performances on 26 and 27<br />

June at 7 pm at Heldenplatz,<br />

as well as for the rehearsal<br />

on June 25th:<br />

www.srs.at<br />

Im Anschluss an die Gala am Heldenplatz lädt die Direktorin der Hofreitschule Elisabeth Gürtler am<br />

26. Juni zur „Fête Impériale 2015“. Der Reinerlös des Balls kommt dem Erhalt und der Zucht der<br />

Lipizzaner zugute.<br />

Following the gala at Heldenplatz square, the Director of the Spanish Riding School, Elisabeth<br />

Gürtler, invites you to the “Fête Imperial 2015” on June 26. The net proceeds of the ball will benefit<br />

the preservation and breeding of the Lipizzaner horses.<br />

www.fete-imperiale.at<br />

104 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

20.2.–21.6.2015<br />

belvedere<br />

UNTERES BELVE<strong>DER</strong>E & ORANGERIE<br />

Rennweg 6, 1030 Wien<br />

Täglich 10–18 Uhr<br />

Mittwoch 10–21 Uhr<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 105<br />



Mehr Preisgeld, mehr Stars, mehr Spaß<br />

More Prize Money, More Stars, More Fun<br />

Golfer’s Paradise:<br />

der Diamond Country<br />

Club bei Tulln.<br />

Golfer‘s Paradise<br />

“Diamond Country<br />

Club” in Tulln.<br />

Wenn Mitte Juni im Diamond Country Club bei Tulln die<br />

europäische Golfelite Österreichs Paradegolfer Bernd Wiesberger<br />

jagt, gibt es für Golffans nur eines: hinfahren und Daumen<br />

drücken. Es wird wohl das größte Golffest ever in Österreich.<br />

When the European golf elite hunts Austria‘s most famous golfer<br />

Bernd Wiesberger at the Diamond Country Club in Tulln in<br />

mid-June, only one thing is important for golf fans: to go there<br />

and keep their fingers crossed. It will probably be the biggest golf<br />

festival in Austria ever.<br />

Text: Klaus Nadizar<br />




Abschlag.<br />

Österreichs Nr. 1, Bernd<br />

Wiesberger, auf dem 18 Grün.<br />

Tee.<br />

Austria’s no. 1, Bernd<br />

Wiesberger, on the 18th<br />

green.<br />

Wenn am 11. Juni 2015 die erste Dreier-<br />

Gruppe aufteet und damit die Lyoness<br />

Open quasi eröffnet, wird österreichische<br />

Sportgeschichte geschrieben: Dank einer Preisgeldaufstockung<br />

von 1,0 auf 1,5 Millionen Euro matchen<br />

sich die 156 Top-Golfer der European Tour um den<br />

bislang höchsten Preisgeldscheck, der in Österreich<br />

ausgestellt wurde. Wer die Lyoness Open 2015 gewinnt,<br />

darf sich über 250.000 Euro Preisgeld freuen.<br />

Eine höchste erfreuliche Entwicklung, auch für<br />

den Golfsport, die der Tatsache geschuldet ist, dass<br />

gleich mehrere starke Persönlichkeiten den Event im<br />

Diamond Country Club bei Tulln kontinuierlich vorangetrieben<br />

und verbessert haben oder als eine Art<br />

Trägerrakete fungieren.<br />

Etwa Christian Guzy, der Besitzer der Anlage und<br />

ein nimmermüder Vordenker. Die Anlage wird<br />

heuer erneut um eine Facette reicher und besser. Ein<br />

System, das Guzy verinnerlicht hat: Nach dauerhaftem<br />

Update des Diamond Course über die letzten<br />

sechs Jahre, dem Bau des Bootshauses und einer<br />

Driving Range sowie dem Ausbau des Country<br />

Course steht 2015 eine Hoteleröffnung an, die aus<br />

der Top-Golfanlage nun ein Top-Golfresort macht.<br />

Christian Guzy: „Mit der Eröffnung werden wir<br />

den letzten großen Schritt zu einem seriösen Golfresort<br />

getan haben. Mit dem Hotel ist auch ein entsprechend<br />

professioneller internationaler Auftritt<br />

gewährleistet.“<br />

Der lange Schatten der Lyoness Open<br />

Dass das Hotel am Platz heuer ganz speziell von<br />

den Stars der European Tour eingeweiht wird, macht<br />

es natürlich doppelt wertvoll.<br />

106 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Cercle_JMW_US_2015_Layout 1 09.02.15 10:12 Seite 1<br />

Links: Blick auf den VIP-Bereich, der während der<br />

Lyoness Open im Bootshaus des DCC untergebracht ist.<br />

Rechts: die Chill-out Lounge des Bootshauses.<br />

Left: View of the VIP area, housed in the boathouse of the DCC<br />

during the Lyoness Open. Right: The chill-out lounge of the<br />

boathouse.<br />



Photographer Margit Dobronyi<br />

on the gangway of an<br />

EL AL aircraft, May 1968<br />

JMW; Dobronyi archives<br />

The permanent exhibition.<br />

Das für die Golffans Erfreuliche: Neben der bereits<br />

erwähnten Aufstockung des Preisgeldes und des<br />

dadurch wohl noch besseren Starterfeldes sind auch<br />

die langjährigen Partner bereits wieder fix an Bord:<br />

Emirates und BMW sorgen für zusätzliches internationales<br />

Flair, der ORF wird wieder live übertragen<br />

und die VIP-Area hat sich mit dem Drehen des<br />

Platzes für den European Tour Event als doppelt attraktiv<br />

erwiesen, wie Ali Al Khaffaf (Geschäftsführer<br />

Golf Open Event Gmbh) erklärt: „Es sind schon verhältnismäßig<br />

früh die ersten Anfragen für VIP-<br />

Tickets für die Lyoness Open 2015 eingetrudelt und<br />

wir werden uns einiges einfallen lassen, um diesen<br />

Bereich noch attraktiver zu gestalten. Logistisch<br />

wird es speziell wegen des Hotels eine Spur kniffliger<br />

als in den Jahren zuvor, weil nun große Stellflächen<br />

für die Tour-Trucks wegfallen.“<br />

Aber nicht nur den VIPs wurde über die Jahre<br />

immer mehr geboten, auch die zigtausend Golffans<br />

dürfen sich auf jede Menge Spaß abseits der Fairways<br />

freuen. „Der Aussteller-Bereich ist zwar aufgrund<br />

der Gegebenheiten limitiert, die zahlreichen Attraktionen<br />

sind aber derart mannigfaltig, dass spannenden<br />

Tagen im Diamond Country Club nichts im<br />

Weg steht“, freut sich Ali Al Khaffaf schon wieder auf<br />

die Tage und eigentlich Wochen im Diamond<br />

Country Club: „Die Vorbereitungen sind in Wahrheit<br />

schon voll im Gang, bis zur Turnierwoche sind<br />

wir dann auch mit dem Feintuning durch.“<br />

Von Augusta nach Tulln<br />

Der Burgenländer wird auch heuer wieder das<br />

Zugpferd der Lyoness Open sein. Und das mit einer<br />

noch nie dagewesenen Strahlkraft, „übersiedelt“<br />

Wiesberger doch nach seinem furiosen Saisonstart<br />

zur PGA Tour in die USA und kommt erst knapp vor<br />

den Lyoness Open wieder nach Europa.<br />

Die von allen heimischen Golffans lang ersehnte<br />

Premiere eines Österreichers auf dem heiligen Rasen<br />

des Augusta National Golf Clubs wird es mit 99-prozentiger<br />

Wahrscheinlichkeit in der heurigen Saison<br />

geben: Als Nummer 36 der Golf-Weltrangliste<br />

(Stand Mitte Februar) ist Wiesberger so gut platziert<br />

wie noch kein Österreicher vor ihm. Als Belohnung<br />

winken Einladungen zu Top-Events der US PGA<br />

Tour, Starts bei den World Golf Championship<br />

Events und allen Majors mit dem US Masters als<br />

glorreichem Auftakt.<br />

Dass es mit einem Sieg in der heurigen Saison<br />

noch nicht geklappt hat, magerlt Bernd wohl ein<br />

bisschen, es überwiegt aber ohne Zweifel die Freude<br />

über den sensationellen Aufstieg in der Weltrangliste<br />

und alle damit verbundenen Annehmlichkeiten.<br />

Wiesberger ist zweifelsohne in der Weltspitze an-<br />


gekommen und allein das sollte und muss Anreiz<br />

genug sein, dem heimischen Golf-Aushängeschild<br />

bei seinem Heimturnier im Diamond Country Club<br />

kollektiv vor Ort die Daumen zu drücken.<br />

Lyoness – ein Partner mit Visionen<br />

Dass Bernd Wiesberger als „Trägerrakete“ derart<br />

sensationell durchstarten würde, war nicht nur für<br />

Hauptsponsor Lyoness nicht absehbar. Auch nicht,<br />

dass man mit dem Co-Sponsoring durch Greenfinity<br />

in kurzer Zeit ziemlich viele Türen geöffnet hat.<br />

Mathias Vorbach, Konzernsprecher von Lyoness:<br />

„Natürlich hatten wir ein gewisses Bild vor Augen,<br />

als wir vor fünf Jahren hier eingestiegen sind, speziell<br />

was Lyoness betrifft. Aber der Erfolg mit Greenfinity<br />

kam doch ein wenig überraschend.“ Selbst die European<br />

Tour hat das Thema „Greenfinity“ und Nachhaltigkeit<br />

zügig aufgegriffen und den European Tour<br />

Event im Diamond Country Club dahingehend als<br />

Leuchtturm-Projekt installiert.<br />

Auch die tolle Entwicklung im heimischen TV<br />

und die gelungene Kooperation mit dem ORF im<br />

Jahr 2014 freut Mathias Vorbach: „Mit den erweiterten<br />

Sendezeiten und dem „Sport am Sonntag“-<br />

Studio hier im Vorjahr hat das Turnier insgesamt<br />

einen neuen Stellenwert erhalten. Das ist vor allem<br />

dem persönlichen Einsatz einiger ORF-Mitarbeiter<br />

12. Februar – 12. April 2015<br />

Artists and Poets<br />

Kuratiert von Ugo Rondinone<br />

24. April – 21. Juni 2015<br />

Josef Strau<br />

Kristin Oppenheim<br />

secession<br />

Dorotheergasse 11, 1010 Vienna · Sun – Fri 10 am – 6 pm · www.jmw.at<br />

Friedrichstraße 12<br />

A-1010 Wien<br />

www.secession.at<br />

108 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015


INFO<br />

several strongly committed people have worked tirelessly<br />

to promote and improve the event at the Diamond<br />

Country Club near Tulln to form a basis for<br />

bigger and better things to come.<br />

Christian Guzy, the owner of the facility and tireless<br />

mentor, has been one of them. The complex will<br />

be enriched by a few additions this year, driven forward<br />

by Christian Guzy. After continuous development<br />

of the Diamond Course over the past six years<br />

including construction of the boathouse, a driving<br />

range, the expansion of the Country Course, 2015<br />

welcomes a hotel opening, turning the top golf<br />

course into a top golf resort. Christian Guzy: “With<br />

the opening, we will have done the last major step for<br />

a reputable golf resort. The hotel also ensures a corresponding<br />

professional international presence.”<br />

Lyoness Open<br />

powered by Greenfinity<br />

Ort: Diamond Country<br />

Club<br />

Datum: 11.-14. Juni 2015<br />

Preisgeld: 1,5 Mio. Euro<br />

Location: Diamond<br />

Country Club<br />

Date: 11.-14. June 2015<br />

Prize Money:<br />

1.5 million euro<br />

www.lyonessopen.com<br />

www.countryclub.at<br />

Der Sieger der Lyoness<br />

Open 2014 sponsored<br />

by Greenfinity Mikael<br />

Lundberg, links Mathias<br />

Vorbach, Konzernsprecher<br />

Lyoness, rechts Christian<br />

Guzy, Präsident & Eigentümer<br />

Diamond Country Club.<br />

The winner of the Lyoness<br />

Open 2014 sponsored by<br />

Greenfinity, Mikael Lundberg.<br />

Left, Lyoness company<br />

spokesman Matthias Vorbach.<br />

Right, Christian Guzy,<br />

president and owner of the<br />

Diamond Country Club.<br />

wie etwa Michi Berger zu verdanken.“<br />

Besonders gut angekommen sei auch das Drehen<br />

der Löcher und das damit verbundene Finale auf der<br />

eigentlich neunten Spielbahn, einem spannenden<br />

Par 3 mit Wasser bis vors Grün. „Das war von der<br />

Wahrnehmung her deutlich besser als in den Jahren<br />

zuvor, auch für die Spieler ist es extrem interessant.<br />

Das war eigentlich ein neuer Platz für sie“, zieht<br />

Vorbach auch hier ein positives Resümee.<br />

Für 2015 sind seitens Lyoness noch mehr Attraktionen<br />

und Interaktionen mit den Golffans geplant.<br />

Da gebe es noch Potenzial, sagt Vorbach. Und mit<br />

Bernd Wiesberger als Zugpferd werden heuer wohl<br />

so viele Golffans wie noch nie nach Atzenbrugg bei<br />

Tulln pilgern.<br />

On 11 June 2015, the first group of three tee<br />

off and practically start the Lyoness Open,<br />

writing Austrian sports history. With the increased<br />

prize money from one to 1.5 million euro,<br />

the 156 top European Tour golfers aim to land the<br />

highest prize money cheque ever to be issued in Austria.<br />

The happy winner of the Lyoness Open 2015<br />

will walk away with 250.000 euro. It’s a very positive<br />

development for golf, and this is due to the fact that<br />

The Long Shadow of the Lyoness Open<br />

The fact that stars from the European Tour will be<br />

present at the opening of the hotel makes for double<br />

the value. The good news for the fans is that besides<br />

the aforementioned increase in prize money and the<br />

resulting top-profile player attendance, the longterm<br />

partners are on board: Emirates and BMW provide<br />

for additional international flair, the ORF (Austrian<br />

Broadcasting Corporation) will broadcast live<br />

again, and the VIP area is now even more attractive<br />

due to the changes on the course.<br />

Ali Al Khaffaf (Chief Executive Officer of Golf<br />

Open Event Gmbh) explains: “The first requests for<br />

VIP tickets for the Lyoness Open 2015 started coming<br />

in relatively early and we will develop fresh<br />

ideas to make the area even more exciting. Logistically,<br />

it is more of a challenge now as we have less<br />

space for the tour trucks due to the hotel.” The added<br />

value is not only a pleasure for VIP guests, but<br />

thousands of fans of golf can enjoy the off course fun<br />

and benefits as well. “The exhibition area is somewhat<br />

limited, but the numerous attractions will provide<br />

for exhilarating days at the Diamond Country<br />

Club,” Ali Al Khaffaf is pleased to report. The days<br />

and weeks at the Diamond Country Club are eventful:<br />

“Preparations are already in full swing. We will<br />

fine tune a few details, and then the tournament is<br />

ready to begin.”<br />

From Augusta to Tulln<br />

The Burgenland local spearheads the Lyoness<br />

Open again this year. With unprecedented force,<br />

Wiesberger “emigrated” to the United States after his<br />


„Hole-in-one Preis“ – der neue BMW i8.<br />

“Hole in one prize” – the new BMW i8.<br />

powerful start in the season at the PGA and only<br />

“moves back” to Europe just in time for the Lyoness<br />

Open. The long awaited premiere of an Austrian on<br />

the sacred green of the Augusta National Golf Club<br />

will most likely come true for the local golf fans, with<br />

a probability of 99 percent. Ranked number 36 in the<br />

world as per mid-February, Wiesberger has achieved<br />

what no Austrian has done before him. Invitations to<br />

the top events in the US PGA tour are his reward,<br />

along with participation at the World Golf Championship<br />

events, starting with all majors in the US<br />

Masters. This year has not brought a victory to him<br />

yet, which irks him just a little. However, his extraordinary<br />

rise in the world ranking provides for delight,<br />

coupled with the amenities that come with it. Wiesberger<br />

has undoubtedly made it to the top and this<br />

alone should and will be encouragement enough to<br />

collectively support him during his home tournament<br />

at Diamond Country Club.<br />

Lyoness – a Partner with visions<br />

The sensational start by “launcher” Wiesberger<br />

couldn’t have been foreseen by main sponsor Lyoness.<br />

The co-sponsoring partnership with Greenfinity<br />

also opened many doors. Lyoness spokesman Mathias<br />

Vorbach said: “Of course we had a certain<br />

vision in mind when we came on board five years<br />

ago, especially with regard to Lyoness, but the success<br />

with Greenfinity came as a surprise.” The European<br />

Tour carries the “Greenfinity” theme along<br />

with its message of sustainability, which has as such<br />

been implemented as a beacon project for the European<br />

Tour Event at Diamond Country Club. Mathias<br />

Vorbach is pleased with the highly prosperous cooperation<br />

with the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)<br />

in 2014 and its ensuing development in<br />

local TV: “The tournament has received an elevated<br />

status with the extended transmission times and the<br />

“Sport on Sunday” studio here last year. This is mostly<br />

thanks to the personal efforts of some ORF staff<br />

such as Michi Berger.” The course and the way shots<br />

were framed on TV were particularly well received.<br />

The final, essentially on the 9th hole, had an exciting<br />

par 3 and water right up to the green. Vorbach draws<br />

a positive conclusion, “It was a better perception to<br />

the previous years and highly interesting for the<br />

players. Actually, it was like a new course for them.”<br />

In 2015, more attractions and interaction is planned<br />

with the fans. Vorbach sees scope for potential and<br />

predicts that this year, with Bernd Wiesberger as the<br />

driving force, more fans of golf than ever will make<br />

their way to Atzenbrugg near Tulln.<br />

Bernd Wiesberger (re.)<br />

mit Caddie.<br />

Bernd Wiesberger, on the<br />

right, with caddy.<br />

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Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Genf tickt anders<br />

Geneva Ticks Differently<br />

Text: Michaela Hocek<br />

Was 1991 fünf Uhrenmarken initiierten, gilt 25 Jahre später als der exklusivste Uhrensalon<br />

der Welt. Das Jubiläum der SIHH wurde von aufsehenerregenden Neuheiten umrahmt.<br />

Five watch brands initiated a trade fair in 1991 which this year, 25 years later, still counts as<br />

the most exclusive fair for Fine Watchmaking in the world. The anniversary of the SIHH<br />

brought exciting news.<br />

Anfang des Jahres dreht sich in der Schweizer<br />

Metropole traditionell alles um erlesene<br />

Zeitmesser. Wenn der „Salon International<br />

de la Haute Horlogerie“ (SIHH) seine Pforten öffnet,<br />

sind 16 Aussteller – allen voran die Richemont-<br />

Gruppe – stolz, ihre neuesten Innovationen vorstellen<br />

zu dürfen. Der Spirit der Uhrenmanufakturen<br />

überträgt sich dank sensationeller Präsentationen<br />

auf ein ausgesuchtes internationales Publikum. In<br />

den Genuss der Präsentation der neuesten Modelle<br />

von A. Lange & Söhne, Audemars Piguet, Baume &<br />

Mercier, Cartier, Greubel Forsey, IWC, Jaeger-<br />

LeCoultre, Montblanc, Officine Panerai, Parmigiani<br />

Fleurier, Piaget, Ralph Lauren Watch & Jewelry,<br />

Richard Mille, Roger Dubuis, Vacheron Constantin<br />

und Van Cleef & Arpels kommen nur geladene<br />

Gäste. Auf 30.000 m² wird der Gipfel der Uhrmacherei<br />

erklommen. Die Räumlichkeiten in eleganten<br />

Farbtönen sind luxuriöser Rahmen, ohne vom<br />

Wesentlichen abzulenken. Die dicken Teppiche<br />

schlucken die Schritte der 14.500 Besucher. In jedem<br />

einzelnen Ausstellungsraum betritt man eine eigene<br />

Welt. Multimedia-Spektakel und Imagefilme lassen<br />

die Zuschauer großformatig in das Innere der Uhren<br />

vordringen, zeigen ihre Entstehungsgeschichte, erklären<br />

die Ideen dahinter. Die Dichte an CEOs,<br />

Produktentwicklern und Uhrmachern verschafft<br />

interessierten Einzelhändlern und Journalisten<br />

konzentriertes Wissen rund um neue Rekorde der<br />

Uhrenwelt. Umrahmt werden die Kollektionen von<br />

hochkarätigen Events. Das war auch zum diesjährigen<br />

25. Jubiläum nicht anders. Der traditionelle<br />

Fundraising Cocktail zugunsten des Genfer Roten<br />

Kreuzes durfte 2015 ebenso wenig fehlen wie exklusive<br />

Dinners und Partys der einzelnen Häuser mit<br />

Staraufgebot. Montblanc begrüßte beispielsweise<br />

Charlotte Casiraghi als neuen globalen Brand Ambassador.<br />

IWC freute sich über die Anwesenheit von<br />

Oscar-Preisträger Christoph Waltz.<br />

PROMINENZ. Mit Charlotte<br />

Casiraghi präsentierte<br />

Montblanc-CEO Jérôme<br />

Lambert einen elitären<br />

Brand Ambassador.<br />


of Montblanc, Jérôme<br />

Lambert presented Charlotte<br />

Casiraghi as their elite brand<br />

ambassador.<br />

Traditionally, the beginning of the year in the<br />

Swiss capital is all about fine timepieces.<br />

When the SIHH opens its doors, 16 exhibitors<br />

– especially the Richemont Group – are proud to<br />

unveil their latest innovations. The spirit of watchmakers<br />

surrounds a carefully selected international<br />

audience with spectacular presentations by the exhibiting<br />

Maisons. Only invited guests can join to enjoy<br />

the display of the latest models by A. Lange & Söhne,<br />

Audemars Piguet, Baume & Mercier, Cartier, Greubel<br />

Forsey, IWC, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Montblanc, Officine<br />

Panerai, Parmigiani Fleurier, Piaget, Ralph<br />

Lauren Watch & Jewelry, Richard Mille, Roger Dubuis,<br />

Vacheron Constantin and Van Cleef & Arpels.<br />

The 30,000 metres altitude is a perfect fit for the<br />

summit of Fine Watchmaking. Rooms in elegant colours<br />

provide a luxurious backdrop without distracting<br />

from the essentials. Thick carpets cushion the<br />

busy footsteps of the 14,500 visitors. Stepping into<br />

each showroom, one enters a world of its own. Multimedia<br />

spectacles and image films allow the visitor<br />

to delve into the interior of large-scale watches, reveal<br />

their history and explain the ideas behind them.<br />

The sheer number of CEOs, product developers and<br />

watchmakers gives interested retailers and journalists<br />

concentrated knowledge about new records<br />

from the world of watches. Collections are highlighted<br />

with spectacular events, and this year’s 25th anniversary<br />

was no different. The traditional fundraising<br />

cocktail to benefit the Geneva Red Cross was<br />

not to be missed in 2015 besides exclusive dinners<br />

and parties of the various Maisons with a lineup of<br />

stars. Montblanc, for example, greeted Charlotte Casiraghi<br />

as their new global brand ambassador. Oscar<br />

winner Christoph Waltz pleased IWC with his attendance.<br />



Vacheron Constantin.<br />

„Mécaniques Gravées<br />

Tourbillon 14 Tage“ ist eine<br />

der beiden Neuheiten der<br />

Linie „Métiers d’Art“. Das<br />

Platingehäuse (41 mm) gibt<br />

den Blick auf das Tourbillonkaliber<br />

mit aufwendig<br />

gravierten Komponenten frei.<br />

“Mécaniques Gravées 14-day<br />

Tourbillon” is one of the latest<br />

pieces from the Métiers d’Art<br />

line. The platinum case (41<br />

mm) gives a clear view on the<br />

Tourbillon calibre with<br />

elaborately engraved<br />

components.<br />

112 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



INFO<br />

SIHH 2015<br />

Im Zuge des „Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie“ werden in Genf die Uhren der<br />

Superlative präsentiert. Heuer jährte sich das Event der hohen Uhrmacherkunst zum 25. Mal.<br />

Vom 19. bis 23. Jänner präsentierten 16 Maisons ihre aufsehenerregenden Innovationen und<br />

Weltneuheiten. Materialien wie Carbotech, Kautschuk-Lünetten mit Diamantbesatz und<br />

höchste Komplikationen in neuen Arrangements faszinierten 14.500 Besucher.<br />

Magnificent watches are presented at the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva.<br />

This year, the event for Fine Watchmaking was held for the 25 th time. From 19 to 23<br />

January, 16 Maisons presented their sensational innovations and world news. Materials such<br />

as Carbotech, rubber bezels set with diamonds and intricate complications in new<br />

arrangements fascinated 14,500 visitors.<br />

A. Lange & Söhne.<br />

In „Zeitwerk Minutenrepetition“<br />

wurde erstmals die<br />

Sprungziffernanzeige mit<br />

einer dezimalen Minutenrepetition<br />

vereint. Der komplexe<br />

Schlagwerkmechanismus<br />

steckt im 771-teiligen<br />

Manufakturkaliber L043.5.<br />

The mechanical display<br />

elements separately sample<br />

the number of hours,<br />

ten-minute intervals, and<br />

minutes acoustically with a<br />

minute repeater. This<br />

complex striking mechanism<br />

using the calibre is the<br />

771-part L043.5.<br />

Audemars Piguet.<br />

Ein starker Name und ein<br />

Höchstmaß an Femininität<br />

sind bezeichnend für die<br />

spektakuläre Manschettenuhr<br />

„Diamond Punk Haute<br />

Joaillerie“ mit mehr als<br />

8.000 Diamanten und klaren<br />

geo metrischen Linien. Neben<br />

den neuen Royal-Oak-<br />

Modellen und der „Millenary<br />

Quadriennium“ mit<br />

Vierjahreskalender ist diese<br />

opulente Extravaganz<br />

zweifellos ein beeindruckendes<br />

Stück Fachkompetenz.<br />

A strong brand name as well<br />

as a high degree of femininity<br />

are indicative of the<br />

spectacular cuff watch with<br />

over 8,000 diamonds and<br />

clean geometric lines:<br />

“Diamond Punk Haute<br />

Joaillierie”. In addition to the<br />

new Royal Oak models and<br />

the Millenary Quadriennium<br />

with a four year calendar, this<br />

opulent extravagance is<br />

undoubtedly an impressive<br />

piece of expertise.<br />

Baume & Mercier.<br />

Silberfarbene Guillochierung<br />

auf dem Zifferblatt und<br />

„Côtes de Genève“ und<br />

Phi-Symbol auf der Rückseite:<br />

„Classima“ (Ref. M0A10214)<br />

überzeugt mit schlanken<br />

Proportionen und moderner<br />

Linienführung.<br />

Embellished with a<br />

silver-coloured guilloché<br />

pattern on the dial and “Côtes<br />

de Genève” with a phi symbol<br />

on the back: “Classima” (ref.<br />

M0A10214) convinces with<br />

slender proportions and<br />

modern lines.<br />

Cartier.<br />

Die vollständig mit Diamanten<br />

ausgefasste „Rêves de<br />

Panthères“ aus Weißgold<br />

katapultiert die Ikone der<br />

Marke als Trio in eine<br />

imposante Tag/Nacht-Kulisse.<br />

Die Uhrzeit wird im sich<br />

ständig ändernden Spiel der<br />

auf und untergehenden<br />

Himmelskörper angezeigt.<br />

Fully surrounded with<br />

diamonds, “Rêves de<br />

Panthères” made of white<br />

gold catapults the icon of the<br />

brand as a trio into an<br />

impressive day/night setting.<br />

The time is displayed in the<br />

ever-changing game of the<br />

rising and setting heavenly<br />

bodies.<br />

IWC.<br />

Mit „Portugieser Handaufzug<br />

Acht Tage Edition 75th<br />

Anniversary“ wird das<br />

Jubiläum der Kollektion mit<br />

fast originalgetreuem Design<br />

stilgerecht begangen.<br />

Limitiert auf 175 (Rotgold)<br />

bzw. 750 (Stahl) Stück.<br />

The anniversary of the<br />

collection is celebrated true<br />

to the original style with the<br />

“Portugieser Hand-Wound<br />

Eight Days Edition 75 th<br />

Anniversary”, limited to 175<br />

(pink gold) and 750 (steel)<br />

pieces.<br />


Jaeger-LeCoultre.<br />

Die „Rendez-Vous Moon“<br />

wurde für 972 Jahre absolute<br />

Präzision konzipiert.<br />

The “Rendez-Vous Moon” has<br />

been designed for absolute<br />

precision for 972 years.<br />

Montblanc.<br />

Limited Edition: „Heritage Chronométrie<br />

ExoTourbillon Minute<br />

Chronograph Vasco da Gama“.<br />

Limited edition: “Heritage<br />

Chronométrie Exo Tourbillon<br />

Minute Chronograph Vasco da<br />

Gama”.<br />

Entspannt in den Frühling<br />

JUBILÄUM. Die Uhrenwelt<br />

wird seit 1991 in Genf neu<br />

definiert.<br />

ANNIVERSARY. The world of<br />

watches has been redefined in<br />

Geneva since 1991.<br />

Die Sonnenstrahlen werden immer wärmer, bald recken die ersten Blumen ihre Köpfe<br />

aus der Erde und die Wiesen färben sich in saftigem Grün – der Frühling hält Einzug<br />

auf dem Seefelder Hochplateau. Erleben Sie diese einzigartige Jahreszeit im Interalpen-<br />

Hotel Tyrol und genießen Sie feinste Kulinarik, ein luxuriöses Spa und exquisiten Service.<br />

Zwei Übernachtungen inklusive Spa-Gutschein ab € 393. Mehr Informationen auf www.interalpen.com<br />

114 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



Wie sagt man Urlaub auf Italienisch?<br />

[Costa]<br />

Panerai.<br />

Mit „Luminor Submersible<br />

1950 Carbotech 3 Days<br />

Automatic“ steht einmal mehr<br />

technische und optische<br />

Materialinnovation in der<br />

Haute Horlogerie – in diesem<br />

Fall Carbotech – auf dem<br />

Programm. Das Automatikkaliber<br />

P.9000 sorgt für eine<br />

Gangreserve von 72 Stunden.<br />

With the “Luminor<br />

Submersible 1950 Carbotech<br />

3 Days Automatic”,<br />

technical and visual material<br />

innovation in the Haute<br />

Horlogerie is once more in<br />

focus – this time, it’s<br />

Carbotech. The automatic<br />

calibre P.9000 offers a power<br />

reserve of 72 hours.<br />

INFO<br />

Parmigiani.<br />

Zehn Jahre währt die<br />

Partnerschaft von Bugatti und<br />

Parmigiani bereits. Zum<br />

Jubiläum gibt es drei neue<br />

Modelle – eines davon ist<br />

„Bugatti Mythe“. Die Uhr<br />

greift das quer angeordnete<br />

Uhrwerk des Erstlings „Type<br />

370“ auf und fasziniert mit<br />

avantgardistischer Optik.<br />

Raue, anthrazitgraue Flächen<br />

wechseln sich mit glatten,<br />

goldenen ab und spiegeln die<br />

Verbindung von Industrie und<br />

Handwerk wider.<br />

Celebrating a decade of the<br />

partnership between Bugatti<br />

and Parmigiani. For the<br />

anniversary, three new<br />

models are unveiled – one of<br />

them being the “Bugatti<br />

Mythe”. The watch repeats<br />

details from the avant-garde<br />

transverse movement design<br />

of the first Type 370 and<br />

fascinates with its<br />

avant-garde look. Rough,<br />

anthracite gray surfaces<br />

alternate with smooth, golden<br />

ones and reflect the<br />

combination of industry and<br />

craft.<br />

Piaget.<br />

„Piaget Altiplano“ wurde<br />

erstmals seit Bestehen der<br />

Kollektion mit Goldarmbändern<br />

und wahlweise mit<br />

polierter oder Brillant-Lünette<br />

ausgestattet. Die ultraflache<br />

Ikone der Manufaktur zeigt<br />

Stunden und Minuten, ist mit<br />

Genfer Streifen, perlierter<br />

Werkplatte sowie anglierten<br />

Brücken veredelt und verfügt<br />

zudem über 42 Stunden<br />

Gangreserve.<br />

“Piaget Altiplano” was, for<br />

the first time in the history of<br />

the collection, fitted with gold<br />

bracelets and optionally with<br />

a smooth or diamond bezel.<br />

The ultra-slim icon of the<br />

Maison indicates hours and<br />

minutes, is decorated with<br />

Geneva stripes, a stippled<br />

main plate, bevelled bridges<br />

and offers a 42-hour power<br />

reserve.<br />

Richard Mille.<br />

Die Magnolienblüte mit<br />

Blättern aus Weißgold der<br />

„RM 19-02 Tourbillon Fleur“<br />

öffnet und schließt sich und<br />

gibt im ständigen Wechsel für<br />

fünf Minuten den Blick auf<br />

den Tourbillonkäfig frei.<br />

The magnolia flower with<br />

leaves in white gold on the<br />

“RM 19-02 Tourbillon Fleur”<br />

opens and closes and allows<br />

for a view of the tourbillon<br />

cage while changing<br />

constantly for five minutes.<br />

Roger Dubuis.<br />

Skelettierung des Gehäuses,<br />

Zeigers und Höhenrings<br />

sowie die weltweit erste<br />

edelsteinbesetzte Lünette aus<br />

Kautschuk: Mit „Excalibur<br />

Spider Skelett Fliegendes<br />

Doppeltourbillon“ werden die<br />

Grenzen des Uhrenhandwerks<br />

neu ausgelotet.<br />

By thinning the case, the<br />

limits of watch making craft<br />

are redefined with the hands<br />

and dial ring on the “Excalibur<br />

Spider Skeleton Flying<br />

Tourbillon” as well as<br />

displaying the world’s first<br />

bejewelled rubber bezel.<br />


Inklusive<br />

NIKI Flug<br />

Zauberhaftes Mittelmeer<br />

ab Wien<br />

mit der Costa Diadema<br />

7 Tage Kreuzfahrt ab Savona inkl. NIKI Flug<br />

Wien - Genua - Wien und Transfer zum Hafen Savona/retour<br />

samstags 6. Juni - 21. November 2015<br />

Frühbucher Extra Preis* ab € 699 p.P. zzgl. Serviceentgelt*<br />

Barcelona<br />

Marseille<br />

Palma<br />

de Mallorca<br />

Savona<br />

La Spezia<br />

Florenz<br />

Neapel<br />

SIHH 2015<br />

Uhrensalon Genf/Salon<br />

International de la Haute<br />

Horlogerie Geneva<br />

www.sihh.org<br />

Beratung und Buchung im Reisebüro<br />

www.costakreuzfahrten.at<br />

Mo - So 0 - 24 Uhr, Tel. 0732/239 239<br />

116 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

*Basis 2-Bett Innenkabine Classic. Preisbeispiel: 14. u. 21.11.2015. Die Frühbucher-Extra Ermäßigung von € 200 p.P. bei Buchung bis 31.03.2015 ist im Preis bereits berücksichtigt. Limit.<br />

Kontingent! Die Frühbucher Extra und Frühbucher Ermäßigung gelten nicht für Oberbetten. Zzgl. Serviceentgelt i. H. v. max. € 8,50 p.P./ohne Servicebeanstandung an Bord verbrachter Nacht.<br />

Für Kinder zwischen 4 und 14 Jahren werden 50% des Serviceentgelts erhoben. Costa Kreuzfahrten, Niederlassung der Costa Crociere S. p. A. (Genua), Am Sandtorkai 39, 20457 Hamburg.


Glänzende Tage in der Goldenen Stadt<br />

Shiny Days in the Golden City<br />

Text: Gerald Sturz<br />


Prag ist der ideale<br />

Ort, um ein gleichermaßen<br />

entspanntes<br />

wie spannendes<br />

Wochenende zu<br />

verbringen.<br />

Prague is the ideal<br />

place to enjoy a<br />

relaxed but also an<br />

exciting weekend.<br />


Etwas mehr als vier Stunden dauert die Fahrt<br />

mit dem Railjet, dem Hochgeschwindigkeitszug<br />

der Österreichischen Bundesbahnen, von<br />

Wiens Hauptbahnhof nach Praha hlavní nádraží,<br />

dem Hauptbahnhof von Prag. Eine gute Zeit, um ein<br />

wenig Distanz zum Alltag zu gewinnen und sich auf<br />

ein wunderbares Wochenende zu freuen.<br />

Zwei, drei Tage sind vermutlich nicht genug, um<br />

alle Sehenswürdigkeiten und Annehmlichkeiten der<br />

Stadt kennenzulernen. Aber lassen Sie es uns<br />

dennoch versuchen.<br />

Wer sich zuerst einmal einen guten Überblick<br />

über die Stadt verschaffen will, wird den Hradschin,<br />

den Burgberg, besteigen. Man macht das am besten<br />

gleich am frühen Morgen, nach einem guten Frühstück<br />

im Hotel und bevor noch die Touristenmassen<br />

in Autobussen angekarrt werden. Wenn man von<br />

hier oben auf die Stadt blickt, dann versteht man,<br />

warum Prag auch die „Goldene Stadt“ genannt wird,<br />

und die „Stadt der tausend Türme“: Unter einem<br />

reckt und streckt sich tatsächlich eine Unzahl an<br />

Türmen und Türmchen hoch, glänzen Kuppeln im<br />

Licht der langsam hochsteigenden Sonne. Von hier<br />

sieht man viele der Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt:<br />

die Karlsbrücke, die die Moldau überquert, die<br />

Kirche der Jungfrau Maria vor dem Teyn mit ihren<br />

Spitztürmchen und Giebeln, das Konzertgebäude<br />

Rudolfinum, den Fernsehturm.<br />

Hier oben residierte also der kunstsinnige<br />

Rudolf II., der als Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen<br />

Reiches am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts seine Residenz<br />

von Wien nach Prag verlegte. Man kann es dem<br />

Habsburger nicht verdenken, dass er lieber an der<br />

Moldau lebte als an der Donau. Heute ist der<br />

Hradschin Sitz des tschechischen Präsidenten.<br />

Durch enge Gassen geht es dann runter nach Malá<br />

Strana, der so genannten „Kleinseite“. Nach all den<br />

frühmorgendlichen Anstrengungen ist Zeit für eine<br />

Pause. Prag hatte einst eine Kaffeehauskultur, die<br />

jener Wiens durchaus ebenbürtig war. Das Café Savoy<br />

(cafesavoy.ambi.cz), ein prächtiges Art- déco-Kaffeehaus<br />

an der Vítězná, erinnert an diese Zeit. Wir laben<br />

uns an köstlichen Patisserien und Café au lait Savoy,<br />

der mit Schokolade und Zimt angereichert wird.<br />

Es ist Zeit, das Ufer zu wechseln. Wir überqueren<br />

die Moldau von der Kleinseite, der Malá Strana, nach<br />

Staré Město, der Altstadt, und finden uns zwischen<br />

all den Kirchen, Palästen und Bürgerhäusern wieder,<br />

die wir vom Hradschin aus gesehen haben. Staunend<br />

wandern wir durch die engen Gassen.<br />

Ein riesiger roter Totenkopf am Dach des Museums DOX.<br />

A giant red skull on the roof of the DOX Museum.<br />

Zwei sehr auffällige Gebäude, die aus dem<br />

Ensemble herausragen, wollen wir bei dieser Gelegenheit<br />

erwähnen. Da ist einmal das Haus zur<br />

Schwarzen Mutter Gottes, ein Meisterwerk des<br />

tschechischen Kubismus. Im ersten Stock des eigenwilligen<br />

Gebäudes befindet sich das Grand Café<br />

Orient (grandcafeorient.cz), das sich konsequent an<br />

die Formensprache dieser besonderen Variante des<br />

Kubismus hält – und das nicht nur bei der Innengestaltung,<br />

sondern auch bei den Speisen: Hier ist<br />

der Venecky, der traditionelle Germteigkranz, quadratisch<br />

statt rund.<br />

Ein anderes recht auffälliges Gebäude nennt sich<br />

„Ginger und Fred“. Frank O. Gehry und Vlado<br />

Milunic, die beiden Architekten, hatten Fred Astaire<br />

und Ginger Rogers, das Traumpaar der klassischen<br />

Hollywood-Tanzfilme, im Kopf, als sie dieses<br />

tänzelnd leichte und frivol-elegante Gebäude entwarfen.<br />

Weil uns aber vor allem das historische, das klassische<br />

Prag interessiert, werfen wir uns jetzt in das<br />

Getümmel in der Altstadt. Dass es hier etliche Touristen<br />

gibt, die wegen ihrer Leibesfülle lieber mit<br />

dem Segway durch die Stadt kurven als sie zu Fuß zu<br />

erkunden, nehmen wir mit Amusement zur Kenntnis.<br />

Ihnen wird viel entgehen.<br />

Dass Prag in Sachen Kulinarik längst viel mehr zu<br />

bieten hat als Braten, Knödel und Bier, können wir<br />

im Restaurant La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise<br />

(ladegustation.cz, +420 222 311 234; eine Reservierung<br />

wird eindringlich empfohlen) erfahren. Was<br />

Küchenchef Oldřich Sahajdák hier seinen Gästen<br />

bietet, ist wahrlich ein Erlebnis. Seine Interpretation<br />

einer klassischen böhmischen Küche ist schlicht<br />

atemberaubend.<br />

The Augustine<br />

Der Name des Hotels spielt<br />

auf seine Geschichte an:<br />

Was heute eines der<br />

elegantesten und besten<br />

Häuser Prags ist, war einst<br />

ein Kloster der Augustiner<br />

Mönche. Das Gebäude am<br />

Fuß des Hradschin stammt<br />

aus dem 13. Jahrhundert,<br />

wurde jedoch mit viel<br />

Feingefühl zeitgemäß<br />

adaptiert. Gutes<br />

Restaurant, toller Spa,<br />

lässige Bar, eine Oase der<br />

Ruhe. Das Augustine<br />

gehört zur prestigeträchtigen<br />

Gruppe der Leading<br />

Hotels of the World.<br />

The name of the hotel has<br />

its origin in the building’s<br />

history. It was once a<br />

monastery of Augustinian<br />

monks and remains one of<br />

the most elegant and best<br />

houses in Prague today.<br />

The building at the foot of<br />

the castle dates from the<br />

13th century and has been<br />

adapted over time with<br />

much finesse. A good<br />

restaurant, great spa, a<br />

casual bar – an oasis of<br />

calm. The Augustine<br />

belongs to the prestigious<br />

group of the Leading<br />

Hotels of the World.<br />

The Augustine<br />

Letenská 12/33<br />

+420 266 11 22 33<br />

lhw.com/augustine<br />

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Hotel Diplomat<br />

Das Vier-Sterne-Hotel der<br />

Vienna-International-<br />

Hotels-Gruppe liegt im<br />

ruhigen Diplomatenviertel,<br />

unweit des historischen<br />

Stadtzentrums, und ist<br />

daher vor allem für<br />

Geschäftsreisende<br />

geeignet. Ein Business<br />

Center und ein Wellnessbereich<br />

machen das Hotel<br />

Diplomat auch zu einer<br />

idealen Location für<br />

Konferenzen und<br />

Meetings.<br />

The four- star hotel of<br />

Vienna International Hotels<br />

Group is located in the<br />

quiet diplomatic district,<br />

close to the historic city<br />

center, and is therefore<br />

particularly suitable for<br />

business travelers.<br />

A business center and a<br />

spa make the Hotel<br />

Diplomat also an ideal<br />

location for conferences<br />

and meetings.<br />

Hotel Diplomat<br />

Evropská 15<br />

+420 296 559 171<br />

diplomathotel.cz<br />

Der neue jüdische Friedhof<br />

im Stadtteil Žižkov und Blick<br />

vom Hausberg Petřín auf<br />

die Stadt.<br />

The new Jewish cemetery in<br />

the area of Žižkov and views<br />

from the mountain Petřín<br />

overlooking the city.<br />

Auf die jüdische Geschichte der Stadt stößt man<br />

an vielen Stellen. Vor allem im Stadtteil Josefov, der<br />

einst das jüdische Getto bildete. Der alte jüdische<br />

Friedhof mit seinen mehr als 12.000 Grabsteinen ist<br />

sehenswert. In Josefov befindet sich auch die<br />

Pařížská, die heute die schickste Einkaufsstraße der<br />

Stadt ist.<br />

Zwei Stadtteile außerhalb des Zentrums sind einen<br />

Besuch wert. In Holeŝovice befindet sich das<br />

DOX (dox.cz), das 2008 eröffnete Zentrum für zeitgenössische<br />

Kunst. Der Stadtteil Žižkov befindet sich<br />

östlich des Stadtzentrums, ist wegen seines Fernsehturms<br />

unübersehbar und das aktuelle Szeneviertel<br />

Prags mit Galerien, originellen Lokalen, interessanten<br />

Läden und Musikclubs.<br />

Zum Abschluss werfen wir noch einen Blick auf<br />

Prag. Zu diesem Zweck machen wir das, was viele<br />

Prager an einem Sonntag tun: Wir fahren mit der<br />

Standseilbahn, dem Funicular, auf den Petřín, der<br />

eine Art Hausberg der Stadt ist. Oben im Petřín Park<br />

kaufen wir uns ein Trdelník, einen in Zimtzucker<br />

gewalzten Germkringel, und besteigen dann den<br />

Aussichtsturm. Ach, dieser Blick! Hier liegt uns Prag<br />

zu Füßen. Der Abschied von der „Goldenen Stadt“<br />

fällt schwer.<br />

Etwas mehr als vier Stunden – und wir sind<br />

zurück in Wien.<br />

It takes slightly more than four hours with the<br />

Rail jet, the high speed train of the Austrian Federal<br />

Railways (ÖBB), to go from Vienna Main<br />

Station to Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, the main train station<br />

in Prague. It’s a good opportunity to distance<br />

yourself from everyday life, and enjoy a wonderful<br />

weekend.<br />

Two or three days are probably not enough to get<br />

to know the attractions and features of the city. But<br />

let’s try! Whoever wants to get a good view over the<br />

city has to climb the Hradcany, the Castle Hill. The<br />

best time to do this is in the early morning, after a<br />

good breakfast at the hotel, before the tourist crowds<br />

arrive in their buses. As one gazes over the city, it is<br />

immediately clear why Prague is called the “Golden<br />

City” and the “City of 1000 Towers”. Looking down<br />

at the city below, there are indeed a myriad of towers<br />

and turrets, and shining domes which reflect the<br />

light of the slowly rising sun.<br />

From here, many of the city’s sights can be seen:<br />

the Charles Bridge which crosses the Vltava River,<br />

the Church of Our Lady before Tyn with its pointed<br />

turrets and gables, the concert hall Rudolfinum and<br />

the Television Tower.<br />

The art loving Rudolf II lived here, and as Emperor<br />

of the Holy Roman Empire, moved his residence<br />

from Vienna to Prague towards the end of the<br />

16th century. One can‘t blame the Habsburger for<br />

preferring to live at the Vltava River rather than at<br />

the Danube. Today, the castle is the seat of the Czech<br />

President. Narrow streets lead down to Mala Strana,<br />

the so-called “little quarter”. After all the early morning<br />

effort, it’s time for a break. Prague once had a<br />

coffee house culture almost equal to the one in Vienna.<br />

The Savoy Café (cafesavoy.ambi.cz) – a beautiful<br />

art-deco coffee house at the Vítězná – is reminiscent<br />

of these times. We refresh ourselves with<br />

delicious pastries and cafe au lait Savoy, which is<br />

enriched with chocolate and cinnamon.<br />

Now, it‘s time to change river banks. We cross the<br />

Vltava River at “little quarter” Mala Strana to Staré<br />

Město, the old town, and find ourselves amongst the<br />

churches, palaces and townhouses which we already<br />

spotted from the Hradcany. The walk is filled with<br />

awe, passing through narrow streets. Two very<br />

striking buildings worth mentioning stand out from<br />

the others. One of them is the House of the black<br />

Madonna, a masterpiece of Czech Cubism. The<br />

Grand Cafe Orient (grandcafeorient.cz) is located<br />

on the first floor of this unconventional building,<br />

which consistently adheres to the design language<br />

of this particular type of Cubism – not only reflected<br />

in the interior design, but also in the food: here<br />

the Venecky, the traditional wreath of yeast dough,<br />


is square instead of round.<br />

Another remarkable building is called “Ginger<br />

and Fred”. The architects Frank O. Gehry and Vlado<br />

Milunic had Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, the<br />

dream pair of classic Hollywood dance films, in<br />

mind when they designed the prancing and frivolously<br />

elegant building. But as we’re interested in the<br />

classic, historic Prague, we throw ourselves into the<br />

turmoil of the old town. There are quite a few corpulent<br />

tourists who prefer to cruise on a Segway<br />

through the city instead of walking. Amused, we<br />

take note, as they will overlook many interesting<br />

things whilst exploring.<br />

Prague has much more to offer than roasts,<br />

dumplings and beer. You can experience many culinary<br />

delights in the restaurant La Degustation<br />

Bohême Bourgeoise (ladegustation.cz, Tel: + 420<br />

222 311 234; a reservation is strongly recommended).<br />

What chef Oldřich Sahajdák offers his guests<br />

is an experience to behold. His interpretation of<br />

classic Czech cuisine is breathtaking.<br />

Jewish history is visible in many places in the<br />

city, especially in the Josefov district, which once<br />

formed the Jewish ghetto. It is worth seeing the old<br />

Jewish cemetery with more than 12,000 gravestones.<br />

Two districts outside the centre should not be<br />

missed. The DOX (dox.cz) Centre for contemporary<br />

art which opened in 2008 is located in Holesovice.<br />

South of the centre is where you find the<br />

Žižkov district, and is hard to miss due to its distinctive<br />

TV tower. It is currently the main scene of<br />

the Prague music clubs, galleries and interesting<br />

shops. As we come to the end of our journey, do<br />

what many citizens of Prague do on a Sunday: we<br />

take the funicular up to the Petrin, which is one of<br />

the city’s hills. In the Petrin Park, we buy a Trdelník,<br />

a yeast donut rolled in cinnamon sugar, and ascend<br />

the observation tower. Oh, what a view! Here,<br />

Prague lays at our feet. Saying goodbye to the “Golden<br />

City” is sad. A little more than four hours, and<br />

we are back in Vienna.<br />


andel‘s Hotel | angelo Hotel | Chopin Hotel | Diplomat Hotel<br />

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Hotel Sacher, Vienna<br />

Präsidenten Penthouse Suite „Pelléas et Mélisande“, Hotel Sacher Wien<br />

Interview: Evelyn Rois<br />

Hoteldirektor Reiner Heilmann über<br />

die Präsidenten Suite des<br />

Hotel Sacher Wien.<br />

Hotel Manager Reiner Heilmann talks<br />

about the Presidential Suite at the<br />

Hotel Sacher Vienna.<br />

Seit der amerikanische Präsident Woodrow Wilson in seiner<br />

Amtszeit von 1913 bis 1921 seine spezifischen Anforderungen<br />

an ein Hotelzimmer für seine Amtsreisen formulierte,<br />

verfügt jedes Fünfsternehotel über eine Presidential oder<br />

Royal Suite für höchste Würdenträger und Staatsgäste.<br />

Cercle Diplomatique hat Hoteldirektor Reiner Heilmann um<br />

ein paar Worte zur Präsidenten Penthouse Suite „Pelléas et<br />

Mélisande“ des Hotel Sacher Wien gebeten.<br />

Since the American President Woodrow Wilson formulated<br />

his specific requirements of a hotel room for his work travels<br />

during his time in office from 1913 to 1921, every five star hotel<br />

has a Presidential or Royal Suite for dignitaries and state guests.<br />

Cercle Diplomatique asked the hotel manager Reiner Heilmann<br />

for a few words about the Presidential Penthouse Suite “Pelléas<br />

et Mélisande” in the Hotel Sacher Vienna.<br />

Wie viele Räumlichkeiten und welche besonderen Fazilitäten stehen dem Gast der<br />

Präsidenten Suite im Hotel Sacher zur Verfügung?<br />

Die Präsidenten Penthouse Suite „Pelléas et Mélisande“ beeindruckt durch ihre Größe von 110 m2 und lässt sich mit der „Nurejev“ Suite<br />

auf 175 m2 erweitern. Die großzügige Dachterrasse eröffnet ein einzigartiges Panorama über die Staatsoper, Stephansdom und die<br />

Hofburg, sogar das Wiener Riesenrad erscheint zum Greifen nahe.<br />

Wie würden Sie den Stil der Präsidenten Suite „Pelléas et Mélisande“ charakterisieren – mit<br />

welchen Kunstwerken, Antiquitäten oder Besonderheiten kann die Suite aufwarten?<br />

Ein Kamin, ein großer Esstisch, ein separates Arbeitszimmer, Original-Kunstwerke und hochwertiges Interieur prägen den exklusiven<br />

Charakter der in rot gehaltenen Penthouse Präsidenten Suite. In den Sommermonaten bietet sich den Gästen der Suite ein (kostenloser)<br />

musikalischer Genuss: Wenn auf dem Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz die Opernaufführungen live ausgestrahlt werden, kann man von der Suite<br />

wunderbar den Klängen lauschen.<br />

Welches außergewöhnliche Service Ihres Hauses für die Gäste der Suite erfüllt Sie mit besonderem Stolz?<br />

Die persönliche Betreuung durch die rund 380 Mitarbeiter des Hauses: Im Sacher kommen auf einen Gast zwei Mitarbeiter, was auch<br />

unter den besten Hotels der Welt eine Ausnahmeerscheinung darstellt.<br />

Welche speziellen Herausforderungen für den normalen Betrieb des Hauses ergeben sich<br />

durch den Aufenthalt eines hohen Gastes?<br />

Diskretion und Fingerspitzengefühl sind Pflicht, selbstverständlich wird auch die hausinterne Security nach Bedarf verstärkt.<br />

Welche prominenten Gäste durften Sie schon in der Suite empfangen?<br />

Die diskrete Abgeschiedenheit der Präsidenten Suiten im Herzen Wiens wussten bereits Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson, Elizabeth II, Prinz<br />

Philip, Fürst Rainier, Gracia Patricia, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan und viele mehr zu schätzen. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit waren Rihanna,<br />

Bruce Willis und Lewis Hamilton zu Gast im Hotel Sacher.<br />

Wie ist die Präsidenten Penthouse Suite „Pelléas et Mélisande“ zu ihrem Namen gekommen?<br />

Alle Suiten im Hotel Sacher sind nach berühmten Opern benannt. Als zusätzliches Detail befindet sich in jeder Suite ein Exemplar des<br />

Theaterprogramms der Erstaufführung aus dem Archiv des Wiener Theatermuseums.<br />


How many rooms and what kind of special facilities are available to the guests of the Sacher Hotel’s Presidential Suite?<br />

The Presidential Penthouse Suite “Pelléas et Mélisande” impresses with its 110m2 and can be expanded to 175m2 in combination with the<br />

“Nurejev” Suite. The spacious roof terrace offers a unique view over the State Opera, St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Hofburg Palace. Even<br />

the Wiener Riesenrad (Vienna Ferris wheel) seems within reach.<br />

How would you characterise the style of the Presidential Suite “Pelléas et Mélisande”? What type of art works,<br />

antiques or other special things can the suite impress with?<br />

A fireplace, a large dining table, a separate study, original artwork and high quality rugs define the exclusive character in the Presidential<br />

Penthouse Suite, held in red. During the summer months, guests of the suite get to enjoy a (free) musical pleasure: when the opera<br />

performances are broadcasted live on the Herbert von Karajan square, one is able to listen to the wonderful sounds from within the suite.<br />

Which exceptional service does your hotel offer for guests of the suite that you are particularly proud of?<br />

The personal attention from the approximately 380 employees of the hotel. In Hotel Sacher, there are two employees to every guest,<br />

which is exceptional even among the best hotels in the world.<br />

What special challenges does day-to-day operation of the hotel face as a result of the stay of an important guest?<br />

Discretion and tact are mandatory, of course. The in-house security will be enhanced if necessary.<br />

Which celebrity guests could you already welcome in the suite?<br />

The discreet seclusion of the Presidential Suite in the heart of Vienna were already appreciated by Edward VIII., Wallis Simpson, Elizabeth<br />

II., Prince Philip, Prince Rainier, Princess Grace, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan and many more. In the recent past, Rihanna, Bruce Willis and<br />

Lewis Hamilton were guests at the Hotel Sacher.<br />

How did the “Pelléas et Mélisande” Presidential Penthouse Suite get its name?<br />

All Suites at the Hotel Sacher are named after famous operas. As an additional detail, there is a copy of the theatre programme from the<br />

premiere – from the archive of the Vienna Theatre Museum.<br />

INFO:<br />


Philharmonikerstraße 4<br />

1010 Wien<br />

+43 (0) 1 514 560<br />

www.sacher.com<br />

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Hotel Meliá Vienna<br />

Ein Gespräch mit Hoteldirektorin Dorothea Schuster. | A conversation with General Manager Dorothea Schuster.<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />

Etage befindet sich ein Ballsaal mit Terrasse und Blick auf die<br />

Donau. Spektakulär für besondere Veranstaltungen sind unser<br />

„57 Restaurant & Lounge“ für bis zu 110 Personen sowie unsere<br />

drei Private-Dining-Räumlichkeiten für bis zu 12 Personen auf<br />

der 57. Etage.<br />


Wodurch zeichnet sich Ihr Hotel aus?<br />

Das Meliá Vienna zeichnet sich durch die besondere Freundlichkeit<br />

unserer Mitarbeiter und die spanische Atmosphäre im Hotel<br />

aus. Ich bin sehr stolz, so viele verschiedene Nationalitäten,<br />

Sprachen und Kulturen bei uns im Team zu haben. Das schätzen<br />

auch unsere internationalen Gäste sehr. Hinzu kommen natürlich<br />

das einzigartige Design des Hotels und unser spektakuläres<br />

„57 Restaurant & Lounge“ in der obersten Etage des höchsten<br />

Gebäudes in Österreich.<br />

Können Sie Botschaften und Delegationen Special Deals<br />

anbieten?<br />

Bei Übernachtungen bieten wir spezielle Firmenkundenraten an.<br />

Die Gäste genießen zusätzlich Vorteile wie kostenfreies Wi-Fi und<br />

Minibar. Es freut mich zu sehen, dass sehr viele dieser Gäste auch<br />

unseren Business Lunch im „57 Restaurant & Lounge“ bzw. auch<br />

das Mittagsbuffet im „flow Restaurant“ in Anspruch nehmen.<br />

Welche Suiten können Sie anbieten?<br />

Das Herzstück des Hauses ist unsere Präsidentensuite mit 220 m2<br />

und herrlichem Blick auf die Stadt Wien. Zusätzlich haben wir vier<br />

Mastersuiten, die aufgrund der räumlichen Gegebenheiten –<br />

getrenntes Wohn- und Schlafzimmer – sehr gerne über einen<br />

längeren Zeitraum gebucht werden.<br />

Wie sieht es mit Sicherheitsvorkehrungen aus?<br />

Wir haben vor sowie im Hotel Kameras. Die Bilder werden auf<br />

Videobändern festgehalten. Zusätzlich können die Hotellifte nur<br />

mit eigens kodierten Zimmerkarten benutzt werden. Sie fahren<br />

nur das Stockwerk an, auf dem sich das Zimmer befindet.<br />

Außerdem lassen sich durch die außergewöhnliche Architektur<br />

bestimmte Hotelbereiche gut separieren.<br />

Können Sie auf spezielle Ernährungsbedürfnisse eingehen,<br />

wie koschere oder Halal-Kost?<br />

Unser Executive Chef Siegfried Kröpfl ist ein Experte beim Thema<br />

Ernährung. Er selbst hat bereits zwei Kochbücher über veganes<br />

Kochen herausgebracht und geht gerne auf die persönlichen<br />

Bedürfnisse unserer Gäste ein.<br />

Welche Business Facilities bieten Sie?<br />

Wir haben neben unserer „flow Bar“, die ein zentraler Treffpunkt<br />

für unsere Geschäftsreisenden ist, ein Businesscenter. Zusätzlich<br />

bieten wir im ganzen Hotel kostenfreies Wi-Fi an.<br />

Welche Veranstaltungs- bzw. Banketträumlichkeiten,<br />

die für Botschaftsempfänge geeignet sind, haben Sie?<br />

Das Einzigartige im Meliá Vienna ist, dass wir sehr viele<br />

Spielflächen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen haben.<br />

Wir haben neun lichtdurchflutete Meetingräume mit<br />

modernster Audio- und Videotechnik. In der ersten<br />

What distinguishes your hotel from the competition?<br />

The Meliá Vienna stands out due to the high level of friendliness<br />

exhibited by our employees, and the hotel’s Spanish atmosphere.<br />

I’m particularly proud to have a multicultural team that speaks<br />

different languages and has diverse cultural backgrounds. That’s<br />

something our international guests also value very highly. Then<br />

there’s the hotel’s unique design, and our spectacular ‘57<br />

Restaurant & Lounge‘, on the top floor of Austria’s highest<br />

building.<br />

Can you offer embassies and delegations special deals?<br />

We offer special corporate rates on overnight stays. Guests also<br />

enjoy benefits like free Wi-Fi and minibar. It pleases me to see<br />

that many guests also enjoy our business lunch in the ‘57 Restaurant‘<br />

and the lunchtime buffet in the ‘flow Restaurant’.<br />

What suites can you offer?<br />

The jewel in the hotel’s crown is our Presidential Suite, which has<br />

220 m2 of floor space and breathtaking views. We also have four<br />

Master Suites, which guests often like to book for extended<br />

periods because of the separate bedroom and living area.<br />

What is the situation regarding security precautions?<br />

We have cameras both in front of and inside the hotel. Images are<br />

recorded on video. In addition to this, the hotel lifts can only be<br />

used with specially encoded room keys. The lift will only stop on<br />

the floor where your particular room is situated. Apart from this,<br />

certain sections of the hotel can be separated thanks to its<br />

unusual architecture.<br />

Can you meet special dietary requirements, such as kosher<br />

or halal food?<br />

Our Executive Chef, Siegfried Kröpfl, is an expert when it comes to<br />

nutrition. He has written two vegan cookbooks himself, and is<br />

always more than happy to meet our guests’ individual nutritional<br />

requirements.<br />

What business facilities do you offer?<br />

As well as our ‘flow Bar’, a central meeting point for our business<br />

people, we also have a business centre. We also offer free Wi-Fi<br />

throughout the hotel.<br />

What kind of event or banqueting facilities do you have<br />

which would be suitable for embassy receptions?<br />

The unique thing about the Meliá Vienna is that we have such a<br />

huge number of areas on different levels. We have nine nine<br />

bright meeting rooms, featuring the very latest in audio and video<br />

technology. There’s a ballroom on the 1st Floor, complete<br />

with terrace and and boasting views of the Danube. Our<br />

‘57 Restaurant & Lounge’ that can accommodate up to<br />

110 people and three Private Dining Facilities for up to<br />

12 people, both of which are situated on the 57th<br />

Floor, are spectacular venues for special events.<br />

INFO:<br />


Donau-City-Straße 7, 1220 Vienna<br />

+43 (0) 1 901 04<br />

www.melia.com<br />

Hoteldirektorin Dorothea Schuster<br />

über das Meliá Vienna.<br />

Hotel Manager Dorothea Schuster<br />

talks about Hotel Meliá Vienna.<br />

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Kleine Fluchten<br />

Little Escapes<br />

Höchste Zeit für eine Auszeit? Wir haben vier Empfehlungen für Sie! | High time for a break? We have four recommendations for you!<br />

AN<strong>DER</strong>E HOTELS<br />



Gradonna Mountain Resort<br />

Chalets & Hotel<br />

Mit Auszeichnungen überhäuft wurde dieses Resort<br />

in der Osttiroler Ortschaft Kals am Fuße des<br />

Großglockners. Zu Recht. Nicht nur, weil es sich durch eine<br />

außergewöhnliche Architektur und Gestaltung auszeichnet,<br />

sondern auch, weil es vorbildlich zeigt, wie heute ein<br />

Luxus-Hideaway aussieht, das auf Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität<br />

und eine Verpflichtung gegenüber der Region setzt.<br />

Perfekt fügt es sich mit seinen 41 Chalets und dem<br />

Hotelturm in die alpine Landschaft ein. Selbstverständlich<br />

bietet das Gradonna alles, was man sich von einem<br />

Luxusresort erwartet. Blick auf den Großglockner,<br />

Österreichs höchsten Berg, inklusive. Die direkte Anbindung<br />

an 250 Kilometer Wanderwege – etwa im Nationalpark<br />

Hohe Tauern – sowie 110 Pistenkilometer machen es zur<br />

Ganzjahres-Urlaubsdestination. Die Zimmer und Suiten und<br />

die vor allem sehr familientauglichen Chalets sind schön,<br />

edel und praktisch ausgestattet, der Wellnessbereich ist mit<br />

3.000 m 2 großzügig angelegt und bietet alles, was man zur<br />

Regeneration so brauchen kann. Der große Outdoor-<br />

Swimmingpool (neben dem erfrischenden Badeteich und<br />

zwei Indoor-Pools) wird an kühlen Tagen auch geheizt.<br />

The resort in the East Tyrolean village Kals, located at<br />

N the foot of the Großglockner, has won multiple awards,<br />

and rightly so! Not only because it is characterised by<br />

extraordinary architecture and design, but also because it is<br />

exemplary in showing what a luxury hideaway focusing on<br />

sustainability, quality and commitment towards the reagion<br />

can look like. It fits perfectly into the alpine landscape with<br />

its 41 chalets and the hotel tower. The Gradonna of course<br />

offers everything you would expect from a luxury resort,<br />

including a view of the Großglockner, Austria’s highest<br />

mountain. The year-round holiday destination provides<br />

direct access to 250 km of hiking paths such as the National<br />

Park Hohe Tauern as well as 110 km of of slopes. All rooms,<br />

suites and family-friendly chalets are beautiful, elegant and<br />

practically furnished. Everything one could wish for to<br />

regenerate comfortably is offered in the spacious spa<br />

covering 3.000 m2. The large outdoor swimming pool next<br />

to the refreshing swimming pond and two indoor pools is<br />

heated in cold weather conditions.<br />

INFO:<br />



Kals am Großglockner<br />

Tel.: + 43 5283 2800<br />

www.gradonna.at<br />

Loisium, Langenlois<br />

Ein guter Ort, um Geist, Körper und Seele zu regenerieren,<br />

befindet sich nicht weit von Wien: Das Loisium im Weinort<br />

Langenlois im Kamptal bietet mit seinem großzügigen<br />

Spa-, Wellness- und Beauty-Angebot sowie mit seinem<br />

Gourmetrestaurant die besten Voraussetzungen für einen<br />

erholsamen Kurzurlaub.<br />

A good place to rejuvenate mind, body and soul is located<br />

close to Vienna: the Loisium Langenlois in the wine village<br />

Langenlois in the Kamptal provides the perfect conditions<br />

for a relaxing spa break with its extensive spa, wellness and<br />

beauty facilities, as well as its gourmet restaurant.<br />

www.loisium.com<br />

Elisabeth Hotel, Mayrhofen<br />

Als Refugium der Ruhe und als Rückzugsort für Erwachsene<br />

versteht sich dieses Luxus-Hideaway im Tiroler Zillertal.<br />

Besonders attraktiv: die 120 m 2 große Heaven Penthouse<br />

Suite, die einen herrlichen Ausblick auf die Tiroler Berge<br />

bietet, und der 1.400 m 2 große Wellnessbereich.<br />

This luxury hideaway in the Tyrolean Zillertal valley is a<br />

refuge for rest and a retreat for adults. A special attraction<br />

comes in the shape of the 120 m2 Heaven Penthouse Suite,<br />

which offers a magnificent view of the Tyrolean mountains,<br />

and the 1.400 m2 spa area.<br />

elisabethhotel.com<br />

Vollererhof,<br />

Puch bei Salzburg<br />

Als außergewöhnlicher<br />

Kraftplatz versteht sich diese<br />

einzigartige Kombination aus<br />

Hotel und Gesundheitszentrum<br />

vor den Toren Salzburgs. Das Expertenteam im Vollererhof<br />

hat das renommierte Entschlackungskonzept nach FX Mayr<br />

„modernisiert“ und weiterentwickelt.<br />

Located on the outskirts of Salzburg, this unique<br />

combination of hotel and health centre can be seen as an<br />

exceptional place of regeneration. The team of experts at<br />

Vollererhof “modernised” and further developed the<br />

prestigious purification concept by FX Mayr.<br />

www.vollererhof.at<br />

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Neues aus dem Kreuzfahrerlogbuch<br />

News from the ship’s log<br />

Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />

Die Kunst des stilvollen Reisens an<br />

Bord eines Oceanliners verzeichnet<br />

ungebrochene Zuwachsraten. Exotischer,<br />

luxuriöser, intimer und immer<br />

weiter in den Norden heißen die<br />

wichtigsten Trends für 2015.<br />

The art of stylish travel aboard an<br />

ocean liner records unbroken growth<br />

rates. The main trends of 2015 can be<br />

summarized as exotic, luxurious,<br />

intimate, and going further North.<br />

Die Costa Diadema, das<br />

neue Flaggschiff von Costa<br />

Crociere, im Hafen von<br />

Genua.<br />

The Costa Diadema, the new<br />

flagship of Costa Crociere in<br />

the port of Genoa.<br />


Das Dinner spiegelt mit lokalen Rezepten und<br />

passender Weinbegleitung die Geschmäcker<br />

der berühmten Sehnsuchtsinsel Capri<br />

wider, die sich im warmen Abendlicht aus dem Mittelmeer<br />

erhebt. Noch bis zum Morgen liegt die mit<br />

600 Kabinen zu den mittleren Schiffen ihrer Zunft<br />

zählende Costa neoRiviera vor Capris magischer<br />

Felsenküste – ein Ankerplatz, der den Riesen der<br />

Branche verwehrt bleibt. Eine wunderbare Gelegenheit,<br />

ohne Hektik den Sonnenuntergang und den<br />

nächtlichen Lichterglanz von Neapel zu erleben.<br />

Slow Cruise ist eines der Zauberworte der Kreuzfahrtsaison<br />

2015. Die neue Linie von Costa Kreuzfahrten<br />

mit intimeren Schiffen, ausgedehnten Landgängen<br />

mit Kunst- und Kulturschwerpunkten und auf die<br />

Reiseziele abgestimmter Slow-Food-Küche wurde<br />

letztes Jahr als beste Innovation in der internationalen<br />

Kreuzfahrtbranche ausgezeichnet.<br />

Kurs 80 Grad Nord<br />

Nordatlantik und Mitternachtssonne sind ein<br />

weiterer großer Trend dieses Jahres. Neben den<br />

14 Decks der AIDAdiva auf ihrem Weg in den Norden<br />

nehmen sich die Hafenfähren und Schlepper im<br />

Hamburger Hafen wie Spielzeugschiffe aus. Die<br />

deutschen Häfen boomen als sommerliche Heimat<br />

der internationalen Kreuzfahrtflotte, und mit ihnen<br />

die entsprechenden Destinationen. Die atemberaubende<br />

norwegische Fjordküste kann mittlerweile<br />

nur noch Kreuzfahrernovizen beeindrucken – das<br />

Nordkap und Island sind die abenteuerlichen neuen<br />

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INFO<br />

Die AIDAmar bei den Hamburg Cruise Days 2014.<br />

The AIDAmar at the Hamburg Cruise Days 2014.<br />

Ziele. TUI Cruises und Phoenix laufen im Juni und<br />

Juli sogar das am 80. Breitengrad gelegene Spitzbergen<br />

an, Hapag-Lloyd erkundet mit der MS Europa<br />

die spektakuläre Westküste Grönlands bis hinauf<br />

nach Uummannaq und zu den schimmernden Eisbergen<br />

der Diskobucht.<br />

Rund um den Globus<br />

Einmal per Schiff die Welt umrunden ist nach wie<br />

vor der Traum, den sich viele erfüllen möchten.<br />

Je nach gewählter Route vereint die lange Fahrt<br />

tropische Traumdestinationen wie Tahiti oder Bora<br />

Bora mit so abenteuerlichen Orten wie dem chilenischen<br />

Amalia-Gletscher oder der Osterinsel.<br />

Neue Stapelläufe<br />

Der ungebrochene Boom der Branche verlangt<br />

natürlich auch nach neuen Schiffen. Costa hat Ende<br />

2014 sein neues Flaggschiff Costa Diadema in Betrieb<br />

genommen. Auf der 500 Meter langen Promenade<br />

vom Bug bis zum Heck schlendert man wie auf<br />

einem italienischen Corso entlang von Bars und<br />

Restaurants, allein das Spa umfasst 7.800 Quadratmeter.<br />

2015 stehen sieben weitere Stapelläufe an, von<br />

denen die AIDAprima sicherlich der spektakulärste<br />

Neuzugang unter den über die Weltmeere kreuzenden<br />

Luxusdampfern ist: 18 Decks, 1.643 Kabinen,<br />

12 Restaurants und 18 Bars wird das neue Flaggschiff<br />

der Reederei beherbergen. Nach dem Stapellauf<br />

führt die Jungfernfahrt ab dem 3.10. von Osaka<br />

in Japan in 50 Tagen nach Dubai. Im Frühling 2016<br />

geht es für die exakt 300 Meter lange AIDAprima<br />

dann weiter nach Hamburg, wo sie als erstes Schiff<br />

der Flotte ganzjährig stationiert sein wird.<br />

Kurztrips auf See<br />

Einchecken in Wien am Flughafen und dann bequem<br />

in Savona aufs Schiff spazieren, wo das Gepäck<br />

schon in der Kabine wartet. Marseille, Barcelona,<br />

Mallorca und Napoli läuft die Costa Diadema an, bevor<br />

es am Samstag darauf mit Fly Niki wieder zurück<br />

nach Wien geht. Kurze Trips für eine Woche oder ein<br />

paar Tage auf See sind ebenfalls in höchstem Maße<br />

angesagt. Costa fährt Marseille und Barcelona sogar<br />

in einer nur dreitägigen Runde an. Aida hat Minikreuzfahrten<br />

nach Oslo oder Amsterdam und London<br />

im Programm, MSC etwa eine fünftägige Runde<br />

von La Spezia nach Marseille, Mallorca und Ajaccio.<br />

Ob Kurztrip nach Oslo, ein Longdrink in der<br />

Artico Ice Bar von Honningsvåg, Flanieren in<br />

Positano oder die Umschiffung von Kap Hoorn –<br />

Meeresbrise und die Erkundung der Welt an Bord<br />

eines Schiffes liegen jedenfalls 2015 voll im Trend.<br />

Warm light rising from the Mediterranean<br />

sunset is reflected in the dinner, which<br />

serves local cuisine and smooth wine to<br />

echo the famous, dreamy island of Capri. The Costa<br />

neoRiviera, with 600 cabins a medium size vessel in<br />

their fleet, anchors until the morning at Capri’s magical<br />

rocky coastline – a privilege denied to the giant<br />

vessels in the market. It is an opportunity to enjoy<br />

the sunset without a mad rush and take in the nightly<br />

sparkle of Naples. One of the magic words of the<br />

cruise season 2015 is ‘Slow Cruising’. The new line of<br />

Costa Cruises with intimate ships, extensive shore<br />

leave with focus on art and culture as well as Slow<br />

Food cooking was last year awarded best innovation<br />

in the international cruise industry.<br />

Course 80 Degrees North<br />

A further big trend this year is the North Atlantic<br />

and the midnight sun. Next to the 14 decks of AIDAdiva<br />

on its way north, the ferries and tugboats in the<br />

harbour of Hamburg resemble toy ships. The Ger-<br />


Die MS Europa von Hapag-Lloyd Kreuzfahrten erkundet im Sommer 2015 Grönlands Westküste.<br />

The MS Europa from Hapag-Lloyd cruises explores the west coast of Greenland in 2015.<br />

man harbours are booming as a summer home for<br />

the international cruise fleet with their respective<br />

destinations. The Norwegian fjord coast can now<br />

only impress cruise novices – the North Cape and<br />

Iceland are the new adventurous designations.<br />

TUI Cruises and Phoenix even sail to Spitzbergen,<br />

located at 80 degrees latitude, Hapag-Lloyd explores<br />

the west coast of Greenland up to Uummannaq<br />

and the shimmering icebergs of the Disko Bay.<br />

Around The World<br />

Circumnavigating the world by ship is the dream<br />

many want to fulfil. Depending on the chosen route,<br />

the long journey combines tropical dream destinations<br />

such as Tahiti or Bora Bora with the adventurous<br />

locations of the Chilean Amalia Glacier or Easter<br />

Island.<br />

New Launchings<br />

The unbroken boom in the industry of course<br />

calls for new ships. Costa put its new flagship, the<br />

Costa Diadema, into operation at the end of 2014.<br />

On the 500 metre long promenade from bow to<br />

stern, one can stroll as if on an Italian corso along<br />

bars and restaurants. The spa alone has 7,800 metres!<br />

In 2015, further seven launchings are due, of which<br />

the AIDAprima will be the most spectacular of luxury<br />

cruise newcomers crossing the world seas: 18<br />

decks, 1,643 cabins, 12 restaurants, and 18 bars will<br />

be housed in the shipping line’s new flagship. After<br />

launching, the maiden voyage on 3rd October goes<br />

from Osaka in Japan to Dubai in 50 days. In the<br />

spring of 2016, the precisely 300 metre long AIDAprima<br />

continues to Hamburg, where it will be the first<br />

ship of the fleet to be stationed there year-round.<br />

Short Trips at Sea<br />

Check-in at Vienna airport and stroll comfortably<br />

onto the ship in Savona, where the luggage is already<br />

waiting for you. The Costa Diadema calls at Marseille,<br />

Barcelona, Mallorca, and Naples before returning<br />

you to Vienna on Saturday with Fly Niki. A few<br />

days at sea or a short week’s trip are in high demand.<br />

The Costa can cruise to Marseille and Barcelona in<br />

only three days. Aida has mini cruises to Oslo or<br />

Amsterdam and London in their schedule, MSC a<br />

5-day tour of La Spezia to Marseille, Mallorca, and<br />

Ajaccio. Whether a short trip to Oslo, a long drink at<br />

the Arctic Ice Bar in Honningsvåg, strolling in Positano<br />

or circumnavigating Cape Horn – the ocean<br />

breeze and exploring the world on board a ship is the<br />

trend in 2015.<br />

Unterwegs auf<br />

den Weltmeeren.<br />

Travelling on the<br />

world’s oceans.<br />

Costa Kreuzfahrten<br />

www.costakreuzfahrten.at<br />

Hapag-Lloyd<br />

www.hl-kreuzfahrten.at<br />

Aida<br />

www.aida-cruises.at<br />

Tui Cruises<br />

www.tuicruises.com<br />

MSC Kreuzfahrten<br />

www.msckreuzfahrten.at<br />

Royal Carribean<br />

www.royalcaribbean.at<br />

Hurtigruten<br />

www.hurtigruten.com/de<br />

Seadream<br />

www.seadream.de<br />

Ruefa Reisen<br />

www.ruefa.at/kreuzfahrten<br />

Seereisen Center<br />

www.seereisen-center.at<br />

Die Costa Diadema auf<br />

offener See.<br />

The Costa Diadema on the<br />

open sea.<br />

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Powerpakete mit Allround-Qualitäten<br />

Power packages with all-round qualities<br />

Mercedes CLA Shooting Brake: Moderner Sportwagen | Modern Sports Car<br />

Sportliche Proportionen und eine kraftvoll-dynamische Silhouette: Der neue CLA Shooting Brake ist das jüngste Mitglied der erfolgreichen Kompaktklasse-Familie von<br />

Mercedes-Benz. Das dynamische Design – in der limitierten Orange Art Edition mit orange lackiertem Felgenring und orange/schwarzen Sportsitzen – geht jedoch nicht zu<br />

Lasten von Effizienz und Familientauglichkeit; bequemer Einstieg, erhöhte Kopffreiheit, serienmäßige ECO Start-Stopp-Funktion und bis zu 1.354 Liter Ladevolumen gehören<br />

zu den vielen Stärken des CLA Shooting Brake.<br />

Sporty proportions and a powerful, dynamic silhouette. The new CLA Shooting Brake is<br />

the latest member of the successful compact class family of Mercedes-Benz. However,<br />

the dynamic design – in the limited Orange Art edition, with orange painted rim ring and<br />

orange/black sports seats – is not at the expense of efficiency and family friendliness:<br />

comfortable entry, increased head clearance, ECO start/stop function as standard and up<br />

to 1,354 litre loading volume are amongst the many strengths of the CLA Shooting Brake.<br />

Motor Engine<br />

Antrieb Drive<br />

kW (PS) kW (HP)<br />

Hubraum Capacity<br />

Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption<br />

Preis Price<br />

R4<br />

Vorderradantrieb, Allradantrieb als CLA 250 4MATIC<br />

100 – 130 (136 – 177) / 90 – 155 (122 – 211)<br />

Diesel: 2143 cm3 / Benziner: 1595 – 1991 cm3<br />

4,4 – 3,9 l/100 km / 6,8 – 5,3 l/100 km<br />

ab | from 32.540 Euro<br />

Audi Q7: Abgespeckter Klassenprimus | Streamlined<br />

Class Leader<br />

Motor Engine<br />

Vierzylinder Drive-E<br />

Antrieb Drive<br />

Allradantrieb serienmäßig | Four wheel drive as a standard<br />

kW (PS) kW (HP)<br />

236 (320) T6 AWD / 165 (225) D5 AWD<br />

Hubraum Capacity 1969 cm 3<br />

Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption 10,8 – 7,5 l/100km / 7,7 – 2,7 mit Twin Engine<br />

Preis Price<br />

ab | from 58.450 Euro<br />

Volvo XC90: Skandinavischer Champion | Scandinavian Champion<br />

Der Volvo XC90 markiert den Neubeginn beim schwedischen Autobauer: Die zweite Generation des SUV aus Göteborg ist das erste Modell unter der Regie des neuen<br />

chinesischen Eigentümers Geely. Klares Design, skandinavisches Understatement, luxuriöse Verarbeitung, ein zukunftsträchtiger Touchscreen, der neu entwickelte Motor und<br />

als Weltneuheiten die Run off Road Protection sowie der Kreuzungsbremsassistent, der den Wagen automatisch abbremst, wenn er beim Abbiegen in den Gegenverkehr zu<br />

steuern droht, machen Volvos stolzes neues Flaggschiff zum Spitzenreiter seiner Klasse.<br />

The Volvo XC90 marks a new start for the Swedish car maker. The second generation of the SUV from Gothenburg is the first model under the reign of the new Chinese<br />

owner Geely. Clear design, Scandinavian understatement, luxurious finishing, a future oriented touch screen, the newly developed engine, and as a world innovation, the run<br />

off road protection and emergency brake assist which immediately brakes the car if it threatens to steer into oncoming traffic, when turning, make Volvo’s proud new flagship<br />

the frontrunner in its class.<br />



BMW X6: Effiziente Powermaschine | Efficient Power<br />

Mit dem X6 M kombinierte der bayrische Autohersteller vor fünf Jahren erstmals<br />

M-typische Power und Emotionalität mit robusten X-Genen. Der BMW X6 startet<br />

im Frühjahr 2015 in seine zweite Generation und setzt erneut Maßstäbe:<br />

Das kraftvolle, bullige Äußere und der M TwinPower Turbomotor, das stärkste<br />

Triebwerk, das BMW bis jetzt in seine Allradfahrzeuge eingebaut hat, sorgen<br />

gemeinsam mit dem neu entwickelten „8-Gang M Steptronic“-Getriebe für<br />

gesteigerte Fahrdynamik bei außergewöhnlicher Effizienz.<br />

With the X6 M, the Bavarian car manufacturer combined M typical power and<br />

emotionality with robust X genes for the first time five years ago. The BMW X6<br />

starts its second generation in spring 2015, and is setting new standards: a<br />

powerful, bullish exterior; the M TwinPower TurboEngine, the strongest engine that<br />

BMW has built into its four wheel drive vehicles until now, ensures increased<br />

driving dynamic with extraordinary efficiency at the same time with the newly<br />

developed 8 gear M Steptronic gears.<br />

Motor Engine<br />

R6 Turbo<br />

Antrieb Drive<br />

Allradantrieb serienmäßig | Four wheel drive as standard<br />

kW (PS) kW (HP) 190 (258) – 330 (450)<br />

Hubraum Capacity<br />

2993 cm3<br />

Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption 9,7 – 6,0 l/100 km<br />

Preis Price<br />

ab | from 74.450 Euro<br />

Audi gibt den Trend vor: SUVs werden wieder kleiner und leichter. Mit Leichtbaukarosserie<br />

und neuem Fahrwerk bringt der Audi Q7 325 kg weniger als sein<br />

Vorgänger auf die Waage und ist mit 1.995 kg Leergewicht nun der Leichteste<br />

seiner Klasse. Entsprechend agil und spritzig liegt er auf der Straße und ist mit<br />

einem um 26% reduzierten Kraftstoffverbrauch auch höchst effizient. Ein<br />

umfassendes Portfolio an neuen Assistenzsystemen ergänzt das Bild, etwa die<br />

intelligente Smartphone-Integration, die der Audi Q7 als eines der ersten Modelle<br />

weltweit serienmäßig anbietet.<br />

Audi sets the trend: SUVs are getting smaller and lighter again. With lightweight<br />

bodywork and a new chassis, the Audi Q7 weighs 325 kg less than its predecessor<br />

and as such now the lightest in its class with 1,995 kg empty weight. It is<br />

correspondingly agile and zippy on the road, and is also highly efficient with<br />

around 26% reduction in fuel consumption. An extensive portfolio of new<br />

assistance systems complete the picture, for example the intelligent smartphone<br />

integration, with the Audi Q7 being one of the first models worldwide to offer this<br />

as standard.<br />

Motor Engine<br />

V6 Turbo<br />

Antrieb Drive<br />

Allradantrieb serienmäßig | Four wheel drive as standard<br />

kW (PS) kW (HP)<br />

200 (272) 3.0 TDI / 245 (333) 3.0 TFSI<br />

Hubraum Capacity<br />

2967 cm3 / 2995 cm3<br />

Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption 6,1 – 5,7 l/100 km / 8,1 – 7,7 l/100 km<br />

Preis Price<br />

noch offen | to be announced soon<br />

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Start in den Frühling<br />

Start into the spring season<br />

High-End-Reiseprofi<br />

High-end travel professional<br />

Maßgeschneidert<br />

Tailor-made<br />

Die neapolitanische Familie Kiton<br />

hat die traditionelle Schneiderkunst<br />

seit 1956 fest in ihrer DNA<br />

verankert. „Schneiderei ist Teil<br />

unserer Kultur und Neapel ist die<br />

Stadt der Schneider“, erklärt<br />

CEO Antonio De Matteis.<br />

Die Spezialisierung auf<br />

maßgeschneiderte<br />

Anzüge mit dem „made<br />

to measure“-Service war<br />

der richtige Schritt,<br />

wie die mittlerweile<br />

45 Flagshipstores<br />

weltweit – der jüngste<br />

davon im Wiener<br />

Goldenen Quartier –<br />

beweisen.<br />

The Neapolitan Kiton<br />

family has had the<br />

traditional art of<br />

tailoring firmly<br />

anchored in its DNA since<br />

1956. “Tailoring is part of<br />

our culture, and Naples is<br />

the city of tailors,”<br />

CEO Antonio De Matteis<br />

explains. Specialising in<br />

tailored suits with the<br />

‘made to measure’ service<br />

proved to be the right<br />

step, as the company’s<br />

45 stores around the<br />

world – the latest of which<br />

recently opened in Vienna’s<br />

Golden Quarter – clearly show.<br />

www.kiton.it<br />


Das Reisegepäck von Rimowa wird härtesten Prüfverfahren unterzogen und auch die Designansprüche sind hoch. Die neue Onyx-Serie besteht aus Luxus-Businesskoffern und<br />

passenden Notebook-Bags. Details wie stufenlos ausziehbare Teleskopgestänge mit Druckknopf, Griffe aus Rindsleder, Rollen aus eloxiertem Aluminiumguss, Hightech-<br />

Materialien wie Polycarbonat in Verbindung mit silbernen Aluminiumrahmen und Vortaschen aus Leder und keprotec® machen sie ebenso praktisch wie resistent und daher<br />

bestens geeignet für den oft hektischen Reisealltag der Vielreisenden.<br />

Travel luggage made by Rimowa is subjected to the very strictest testing procedures, and the design standards are equally high. The company’s new Onyx series includes<br />

luxury business cases and suitable notebook bags. Details such as continuous extendable telescopic handles with push-button, cowhide grips, rollers made from anodised<br />

aluminium cast, high-tech materials like polycarbonate connected with silver aluminium frames and front compartments made of leather and keprotec® are as practical as<br />

they are resistant in the often hectic everyday travel routine of frequent travellers.<br />

www.rimowa.com<br />

Absoluter Genuss<br />

Absolute enjoyment<br />

Mitunter dauert es 26 Jahre,<br />

bis ein Stör erstmals Rogen<br />

produziert. Vivace – Correct<br />

Caviar ist es gelungen, eine<br />

Methode zu entwickeln, bei<br />

der hochwertige Qualität<br />

gewonnen wird, ohne den<br />

Stör zu töten. Die Eier können<br />

mehrmals geerntet werden,<br />

nehmen an Größe und<br />

Intensität zu und kommen<br />

ohne Konservierungsstoffe<br />

aus.<br />

It can sometimes take<br />

26 years for a sturgeon to<br />

produce its roe for the first<br />

time. Vivace – Correct Caviar<br />

has succeeded in developing<br />

a method of winning<br />

high-value quality roe without<br />

killing the sturgeon. The eggs<br />

can be harvested several<br />

times, become larger and<br />

more intense, and do not<br />

require the addition of<br />

preservatives.<br />

www.vivacecaviar.de<br />

Atmosphärische Mode<br />

Atmospheric fashion<br />

Sølve Sundsbø hat in London die aktuelle<br />

Werbekampagne für Giorgio Armani fotografiert.<br />

Leinwände mit abstrakten Motiven und das<br />

spezielle Licht betonen die zeitlose Eleganz der<br />

Kollektion des italienischen Couture-Meisters.<br />

Sølve Sundsbø photographed the current<br />

advertising campaign for Giorgio Armani in<br />

London. Abstractly picturesque screens in<br />

special light emphasise the timeless elegance of<br />

the new collection of the Italian Master of<br />

Couture.<br />

www.armani.com<br />

Ungezwungener Charme<br />

Effortless charm<br />

Die aktuelle Hermès-Kollektion bewegt sich<br />

im Farbbereich Weiß, Kalkstein, Sand, Hanf,<br />

Schwarz, Eukalyptus und Kürbis. Zu Windbreakern<br />

und linearen Blousons gesellen sich<br />

einfach geknöpfte Anzüge und Rundhalspullover,<br />

die mit dem klassischen Schuhwerk aus edlem<br />

Leder in Bicolor-Optik perfekt harmonieren.<br />

The current Hermès collection moves within a<br />

range of colours from white through to chalk,<br />

sand, hemp, black, eucalyptus and pumpkin.<br />

Simply buttoned suits and roundneck pullovers<br />

are combined with windbreakers and linear<br />

blousons, harmonising perfectly with classic<br />

footwear made of classy leather in a bicolour<br />

visual.<br />

www.hermes.com<br />

Wahres Glück<br />

True happiness<br />

Der Name dieser Kollektion<br />

der Schmuckmanufaktur<br />

Wellendorff steht für die<br />

handwerklich ausgereifte<br />

Kombination aus farbenprächtigem<br />

Kaltemail,<br />

erlesenem Gold und kleinen<br />

Besonderheiten wie der<br />

drehbaren Leiste mit<br />

Diamantbesatz; die<br />

geheimnisvolle Tiefe der<br />

Wellen zeigen faszinierende<br />

Nuancen von Tiefschwarz bis<br />

zu warmen Orangetönen.<br />

The name of this Wellendorff<br />

collection stands for the<br />

sophisticated, hand-crafted<br />

combination of brilliantly<br />

coloured cold enamel,<br />

exquisite gold and unique<br />

little features such as the<br />

rotatable bar set with<br />

diamonds; the depth of the<br />

mysterious is rendered in<br />

fascinating nuances, from<br />

deep black through to fresh<br />

turquoise and warm orange<br />

tones.<br />

www.wellendorff.com<br />

Schmucker Duft<br />

Heaven scent<br />

Die traditionsreiche<br />

Emailschmuck-Manufaktur<br />

hat sich auf neue Pfade<br />

begeben. Das Ziel der Reise<br />

sind flüssige Schmuckstücke,<br />

die mit frischen über blumige<br />

bis zu orientalisch-opulenten<br />

Nuancen faszinieren.<br />

Vier Parfums in noblen<br />

Flakons gilt es bei „Bijoux<br />

Liquides“ zu entdecken.<br />

Auch die Verpackung trägt<br />

unverkennbar die Handschrift<br />

von Frey Wille.<br />

The highly traditional enamel<br />

jewellery manufacturer has<br />

followed new paths. The aim<br />

of its journey: liquid pieces of<br />

jewellery which fascinate<br />

with nuances ranging from<br />

fresh through floral to oriental<br />

opulent. ‘Bijoux Liquides’ are<br />

four perfumes in classy<br />

flacons. Even the packaging<br />

bears the unmistakable<br />

signature of FreyWille.<br />

www.freywille.com<br />

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Kulturelle Höhepunkt 2015<br />

Cultural Highlights 2015<br />

Bunte Videowelten<br />

Colourful Video Spaces<br />

Pipilotti Rist, Sip My<br />

Ocean, 1996, Installationsansicht<br />

Fundació<br />

Joan Miró, Barcelona<br />

Die Kunsthalle Krems unterstreicht ihren herausragenden Platz im österreichischen Kunstgeschehen<br />

zum 20-jährigen Bestehen mit einer großen Pipilotti-Rist-Personale. Die Ausstellung<br />

vom 22.3. bis 28.6. umfasst Arbeiten aus rund 30 Jahren inklusive eines Auftritts der bekannten Schweizer Video- und Objektkünstlerin beim Donaufestival.<br />

The Kunsthalle Krems, on the occasion of its 20-year anniversary, highlights its prominent presence in the Austrian art scene with a comprehensive Pipilotti Rist solo<br />

exhibition. It runs from 22nd March to 28th June and encompasses works from 30 years of her career, including an appearance by the famous video and object artist at the<br />

Donaufestival.<br />

www.kunsthalle.at<br />

Höhepunkte der Fotoreportage<br />

Highlights of Photojournalism<br />

Edward Steichen:<br />

Marlene Dietrich, 1934<br />

In High Fashion<br />

Edward Steichen gilt als eine der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten<br />

in der Geschichte der Fotografie. Seine Arbeiten für die<br />

Zeitschriften Vogue und Vanity Fair in den Jahren 1923-1937<br />

revolutionierten die Mode- und Porträtfotografie.<br />

Das Fotomuseum WestLicht zeigt unter dem Titel „Edward<br />

Steichen – In High Fashion“ vom 18.2. bis zum 19.4. rund<br />

200 Vintageabzüge aus dem Condé-Nast-Archiv.<br />

Edward Steichen is one of the most influential figures in the<br />

history of photography. His pictures for Vogue and Vanity Fair<br />

between 1923 and 1937 revolutionised fashion and portrait<br />

photography. 200 unique vintage prints from the Condé Nast<br />

Archive are displayed for the first time under the title “Edward<br />

Steichen – In High Fashion” in Austria at WestLicht Museum for<br />

Photography from 18th February to 19th April.<br />

www.westlicht.com<br />


Edgar Degas<br />

Der Badezuber, 1886<br />

Meisterwerke aus<br />

dem Musée<br />

d’Orsay<br />

Masterpieces from<br />

the Musée d’Orsay<br />

Die Albertina ermöglicht<br />

einen Blick in die Tresore des<br />

Pariser Musée d’Orsay:<br />

Pastelle von Edgar Degas,<br />

Gouachen von Honoré<br />

Daumier und Aquarelle von<br />

Paul Cézanne sind mit<br />

130 weiteren Meisterwerken<br />

bis zum 3.5. in der<br />

Ausstellung „Degas, Cézanne,<br />

Seurat – das Archiv der<br />

Träume aus dem Musée<br />

d‘Orsay“ zu bewundern.<br />

The Albertina will make it<br />

possible for visitors to cast<br />

their eyes on treasured works<br />

from the Musée d’Orsay in<br />

Paris. Pastels by Edgar Degas,<br />

gouaches by Honoré Daumier<br />

and watercolours by Paul<br />

Cézanne, along with 130<br />

gems of graphic art, can be<br />

admired in the exhibition<br />

“The Dream Archive from the<br />

Musée d’Orsay” until 03.05.<br />

www.albertina.at<br />

Die Bilder des österreichischen Fotografen<br />

Erich Lessing gingen um die Welt. Für die<br />

Ausstellung „Lessing zeigt Lessing“ vom 29.4.<br />

bis 8.9. im Jüdischen Museum hat Hannah<br />

Lessing eine sehr persönliche Auswahl von<br />

Fotografien ihres Vaters zusammengestellt.<br />

Neben den berühmten Fotoreportagen<br />

sind idyllische israelische Landschaften<br />

und zeithistorische Rückblicke auf das<br />

Lebensgefühl der österreichischen und<br />

europäischen Nachkriegszeit zu sehen.<br />

The pictures by the Austrian<br />

photographer Erich Lessing are<br />

world-famous. Hannah Lessing has<br />

made a highly personal selection of<br />

her father’s photos for the exhibition<br />

“Lessing on Lessing” at Museum<br />

Judenplatz from 29.04. - 08.09.<br />

Besides the renowned photo reports,<br />

idyllic Israeli landscapes and a<br />

historical retrospective of life in<br />

post-war Austria and Europe are on<br />

show.<br />

www.jmw.at<br />

Fenster zur internationalen<br />

Theaterwelt<br />

A Window to the World<br />

of International Theatre<br />

39 herausragende<br />

Produktionen aus 20 Ländern<br />

zeigen die Wiener<br />

Festwochen (14.5 bis 21.6.)<br />

Vom Schauspiel „Fishers of<br />

Hope“ von Lara Foot aus<br />

Kapstadt über Gogols „Tote<br />

Seelen“ in einer elektrisierenden<br />

Produktion des<br />

Gogol-Zentrums Moskau bis<br />

zur überdrehten Oper „Ohne<br />

Titel Nr. 1“ von Herbert<br />

Fritsch.<br />

39 outstanding productions<br />

from 20 countries are<br />

showcased at the Wiener<br />

Festwochen, running between<br />

14.05. and 21.06. The<br />

programme includes the play<br />

“Fishers of Hope” by Lara<br />

Foot, Gogol’s “Dead Souls” in<br />

an electrifying production by<br />

the Gogol Center in Moscow<br />

and the slapstick opera “Ohne<br />

Titel Nr. 1” by Herbert Fritsch.<br />

www.festwochen.at<br />

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Art Austria<br />

Visualisierung des<br />

Bühnendesigns<br />

A visual of the stage<br />

design.<br />

Singendes Europa<br />

Singing Europe<br />

Nachdem Conchita Wurst den<br />

Eurovision Song Contest 2015<br />

nach Österreich gebracht hat,<br />

steht Wien vom 17. bis 23.5.<br />

ganz im Zeichen des größten<br />

Unterhaltungsevents der<br />

Welt: 180 Millionen<br />

Zuschauer werden das Finale<br />

in der Wiener Stadthalle an<br />

ihren TV-Geräten mitverfolgen!<br />

Am Rathausplatz<br />

bietet das „Eurovision<br />

Village“ täglich spannendes<br />

Programm für die angereisten<br />

Fans aus ganz Europa.<br />

Conchita Wurst brought the<br />

Eurovision Song Contest to<br />

Austria in 2015. Vienna will be<br />

dominated by the world’s<br />

largest entertainment event<br />

from 17.05 - 23.05. with 180<br />

million viewers glued to the<br />

television sets to watch the<br />

spectacle from the Wiener<br />

Stadthalle! The “Eurovision<br />

Village” at the Vienna City<br />

Hall Square (Rathausplatz)<br />

offers an exciting daily<br />

programme for visitors from<br />

all over Europe.<br />

www.eurovision.tv<br />

Pop-Art All-Stars<br />

Die knalligen Werke der<br />

Pop-Art illustrieren wie keine<br />

andere Kunstform den<br />

gesellschaftlichen Umbruch<br />

der 1960er-Jahre. Das<br />

Sammlerehepaar Peter und<br />

Irene Ludwig erkannten die<br />

Bedeutung der neuen<br />

Kunstströmung früh und<br />

begann, Werke von Andy<br />

Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein oder<br />

Jasper Johns zu kaufen – absolute<br />

Klassiker der Pop-Art,<br />

die vom 12.2. bis 13. 9. in der<br />

Ausstellung „Ludwig Goes<br />

Pop“ im MUMOK wieder<br />

zusammen zu sehen sind.<br />

The bright, gaudy works of<br />

Pop Art portray the social<br />

upheaval of the sixties like no<br />

other form of art. The<br />

collectors, Peter and Irene<br />

Ludwig, discovered the<br />

significance of the new<br />

movement early and began to<br />

acquire pieces by Andy<br />

Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and<br />

Jasper Johns. These works of<br />

classic Pop Art are brought<br />

together for the first time in<br />

the “Ludwig Goes Pop”<br />

exhibition in MUMOK from<br />

12.02 to 13.09.<br />

www.mumok.at<br />

Roy Lichtenstein<br />

M-Maybe (A Girl’s Picture),<br />

1965<br />


Auf drei Ebenen des Leopold Museums präsentieren bei der Kunstmesse Art Austria (19. bis 22.3.) rund 50 namhafte Galerien ausschließlich<br />

Kunst aus Österreich – ein Erfolgskonzept, das letztes Jahr fast 25.000 Kunstinteressierte anlockte. Werke aus der Zeit des Biedermeiers<br />

und Jugendstils finden sich dabei ebenso wie zeitgenössische Arbeiten.<br />

A sports coupe that refines the everyday life on our roads. The 10 mm lowered body and the impressive 19-inch alloy wheels „R“ reinforce<br />

the sporty appearance, but also specific rear diffuser with chrome dual exhaust, the Bi-Xenon headlights with dynamic cornering light and<br />

dark titanium bezel and matte black roof arches emphasize its dynamic appearance.<br />

www.art-austria.info<br />

Alles Regal!<br />

Literal Shelf Life!<br />

Am 18. April ist es so weit:<br />

Das Literaturmuseum der<br />

Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek<br />

öffnet seine<br />

Pforten. Neben Hörproben<br />

türmen sich in den<br />

altehrwürdigen Bücher -<br />

regalen des ehemaligen<br />

k.k. Hofkammerarchivs in der<br />

Wiener Johannesgasse<br />

Schauobjekte, Fotos und<br />

Werkskizzen österreichischer<br />

Literatur vom 18. Jahrhundert<br />

bis in die Gegenwart.<br />

Die Ausstellungsarchitektur<br />

von planet architects und<br />

BWM Architekten darf als<br />

Kunstwerk für sich gelten.<br />

The Literature Museum of the<br />

Austrian National Library will<br />

open its doors starting 18<br />

April 2015. Audio samples are<br />

next to piles of photos and<br />

sketches with Austrian<br />

literature on the time-honoured<br />

bookshelves of the former<br />

imperial chamber archive<br />

(Hofkammerarchiv) in<br />

Johannesgasse in Vienna<br />

spanning from the 18th<br />

century until the present. The<br />

exhibition architecture by<br />

planet architects and BWM<br />

Architects can be seen as a<br />

work of art alone.<br />

www.onb.ac.at<br />

Liebe Drama Fettuccine<br />

Love, Drama, Fettuccine<br />

Puccinis Oper „Tosca“ steht im Sommer unter<br />

der Regie von Robert Dornhelm auf der<br />

eindrucksvollen Naturbühne des Steinbruchs<br />

St. Margarethen am Spielplan. Zwischen den<br />

Akten wird in der Opernlounge ein opulentes<br />

Dinner serviert. Premiere ist am 8.7.2015.<br />

Directed by Robert Dornhelm, Puccini‘s opera<br />

“Tosca” is shown on the impressive natural<br />

stage of the St. Margarethen quarry. Between<br />

acts, an opulent dinner is served in the opera<br />

lounge. The opera premieres on 08.07.2015.<br />

www.arenaria.at<br />

Klassik unter<br />

freiem Himmel<br />

Classical Music in the<br />

Open Air<br />

Drei absolute Weltstars,<br />

Dirigent Zubin Mehta, Pianist<br />

Rudolf Buchbinder und<br />

natürlich das weltberühmte<br />

Orchester selbst, bestreiten<br />

am 14.5. das traditionelle<br />

Sommernachtskonzert der<br />

Wiener Philharmoniker. Das<br />

Konzert unter freiem Himmel<br />

vor dem Neptunbrunnen im<br />

Schlosspark Schönbrunn<br />

findet wie jedes Jahr bei<br />

freiem Eintritt statt.<br />

Three world stars, conductor<br />

Zubin Mehta, pianist Rudolf<br />

Buchbinder and of course the<br />

world famous orchestra itself<br />

perform the traditional<br />

Vienna Philharmonic Summer<br />

Night Concert on the 14th of<br />

May. The yearly open air<br />

concert in front of the<br />

impressive Neptune Fountain<br />

in the beautiful Schönbrunn<br />

Palace gardens is free of<br />

charge.<br />

www.wienerphilharmoniker.at<br />

Russische und<br />

italienische Klänge<br />

Russian and Italian<br />

Sounds<br />

Die Osterfestspiele vom<br />

28.3. bis 6.4. stehen ganz im<br />

Zeichen italienischer und<br />

russischer Musik. Höhepunkte<br />

sind die Opern „Cavalleria<br />

rusticana“ von Mascagni und<br />

„Pagliacci“ von Leoncavallo<br />

mit Startenor Jonas Kaufmann<br />

in der Inszenierung von<br />

Philipp Stölzl, einer der<br />

gefragtesten Opernregisseure<br />

seiner Generation.<br />

The Salzburg Easter Festival<br />

from 28.03. - 06.04. is<br />

focused on Italian and<br />

Russian music. Philipp Stölzl,<br />

one of the most sought-after<br />

movie and opera directors of<br />

his generation, directs the<br />

sets of two powerful operas,<br />

“Cavalleria rusticana” by<br />

Mascagni and “Pagliacci” by<br />

Leoncavallo, featuring the<br />

star tenor Jonas Kaufmann.<br />

www.osterfestspielesalzburg.at<br />

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Fernweh<br />

Itchy feet<br />

Die besten neuen Hotels und Restaurants aus aller Welt. | The best new hotels and restaurants around the world.<br />

Peking | Beijing<br />

Sunrise Kempinski Hotel<br />

Was wie das futuristische Bauwerk aus einem<br />

Science-Fiction-Film aussieht, ist das neue<br />

Kempinski Resort in der Nähe Pekings. Das<br />

Sunrise Kempinski liegt 60 Kilometer außerhalb<br />

der Stadt an dem schönen Yanqi-See, zur<br />

Großen Mauer ist es nicht weit, doch tolle<br />

Spa- und Wellnessanlagen sorgen dafür, dass<br />

man kaum Lust verspürt, die nahe Metropole<br />

oder die Mauer zu besuchen.<br />

What looks like a futuristic building from a<br />

science fiction film is in fact the new<br />

Kempinski Resort near Beijing. The Sunrise<br />

Kempinski is located at the beautiful Yanqi<br />

Lake, 60 kilometres from Beijing. The<br />

Great Wall is not far, but the fantastic spa<br />

and wellness facilities ensure that guests<br />

rarely feel like visiting the nearby<br />

metropolis or the Wall.<br />

kempinski.com<br />


Uttarakhand, Indien | India<br />

Vana Retreats<br />

Das Malsi Estate im nordindischen Uttarakhand<br />

ist kein Hotel und kein Resort, sondern ein<br />

wahrer Rückzugsort. Das Retreat am Fuße<br />

des Himalaya bietet Ayurveda, traditionelle<br />

chinesische Medizin, Tibetan Healing und<br />

Natural Therapies, Yoga, Spa, Fitness und Aqua<br />

von erfahrenen Ärzten und Therapeuten gelehrt<br />

und angewendet – jeweils zugeschnitten auf die<br />

individuellen Bedürfnisse des Gastes. Also keine<br />

vorgefertigten Packages. Bemerkenswert ist<br />

auch das Design des Retreats: sehr clean und im<br />

Einklang mit der Natur.<br />

The Malsi Estate in the north Indian province of<br />

Uttarakhand is neither a hotel nor a resort, but a<br />

true haven. The retreat at the foot of the<br />

Himalayas offers Ayurveda, traditional Chinese<br />

medicine, Tibetan healing and natural therapies,<br />

yoga, spa, fitness and aqua, taught and applied<br />

by experienced doctors and therapists – all<br />

geared to the individual needs of the guests. No<br />

ready-made packages here! The design of the<br />

retreat is also remarkable: very clean and in<br />

harmony with its natural surroundings.<br />

vanaretreats.com<br />

Tokio | Tokyo<br />

Aman Hotel Tokyo<br />

Das jüngste Haus aus der wunderbaren Aman Resorts Gruppe ist ein<br />

Traum! Es ist das erste richtige Stadthotel von Aman, es befindet sich<br />

zwischen dem 33. und 38. Stockwerk des Otemachi Tower nahe der<br />

Toyko Station, und wer aus einem der für japanische Verhältnisse sehr<br />

großen Gästezimmer blickt, dem liegt Tokio zu Füßen. An klaren Tagen<br />

kann man sogar den Berg Fuji sehen. Eindrucksvoll sind auch die<br />

30 Meter hohe Lobby und die riesige Spa- und Wellnessanlage samt<br />

Swimmingpool hoch über Tokio.<br />

The latest addition to the wonderful Aman Resort Group is a dream! It<br />

is Aman‘s very first urban hotel and located between the 33rd and 38th<br />

floors of Otemachi Tower near Tokyo Station. When guests look out of<br />

their room, large by Japanese standards, they have an overview of<br />

Tokyo at their feet. On clear days, one can even see Mount Fuji. The 30<br />

metre high lobby and the enormous spa and wellness facility, which<br />

includes a swimming pool high over Tokyo, are impressive.<br />

amanresorts.com<br />

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Paris<br />

La Réserve Paris<br />

London<br />

Shangri-La Hotel at the Shard<br />

Paris<br />

Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée<br />

Mit neuem Design lockt das Restaurant des Multi-Sterne-<br />

Kochs Alain Ducasse im noblen Hôtel Plaza Athénée. Und auch<br />

wenn hier alles glitzert und glänzt: Die Küche steht unter dem<br />

Motte „naturalité“ und setzt vor allem auf gesundes Gemüse.<br />

Alain Ducasse, multiple Michelin-starred chef, presents his<br />

restaurant with a new design in the luxury hotel Plaza<br />

Athenée. And even though everything here sparkles and<br />

shines: the idea behind the cuisine is “naturalité”, focussing<br />

strongly on healthy vegetables.<br />

alain-ducasse.com<br />

Eine wahre Flut von Luxushotels eröffnet – oder<br />

eröffnet wieder – in diesen Monaten in Paris.<br />

Dennoch sticht das La Réserve aus dem Angebot<br />

heraus. Nicht nur, weil es ein ziemlich intimes<br />

Hotel ist und sich durch eine gute Lage unweit<br />

der Champs-Élysées auszeichnet, sondern auch,<br />

weil es dem Designer Jacques Garcia gelungen<br />

ist, ihm einen historisch-eleganten Look zu<br />

geben, der niemals altmodisch oder bieder<br />

wirkt. Technisch ist es das wohl avancierteste<br />

Hotel in Paris.<br />

A real flood of luxury hotels is opening or<br />

re-opening in the next few months in Paris. La<br />

Reserve, however, stands out from the crowd.<br />

Not only because it is quite an intimate hotel<br />

and characterised by its excellent location not<br />

far from the Champs Elysées, but also because<br />

the designer Jacques Garcia has managed to<br />

give it an elegant and historical look, which<br />

never seems old-fashioned or conventional. It is<br />

probably the most high-tech hotel in Paris.<br />

lareserve-paris.com<br />

New York<br />

Ralph Lauren’s Polo Bar<br />

„Die Polo Bar“, sagt Eigentümer und Modeschöpfer<br />

Ralph Lauren, „soll jene Wärme und<br />

lässige Eleganz ausstrahlen, die die Gäste<br />

veranlassen, immer wieder zu kommen,<br />

so als wäre das ihr Lieblings-Club.“ Mission<br />

accomplished, mag man jetzt sagen. Tatsächlich<br />

ist das Restaurant samt Bar, das aussieht, als<br />

würde es schon seit Ewigkeiten existieren, zu<br />

einem beliebten Treffpunkt an der Upper East<br />

Side von Manhattan geworden.<br />

“The Polo Bar”, the owner and designer Ralph<br />

Lauren says, “is supposed to radiate the warmth<br />

and casual elegance that would encourage<br />

guests to return, as though it were their<br />

favourite club.”. Mission accomplished, one<br />

could say. In fact, the restaurant along with the<br />

bar looks like it has been there forever and has<br />

become a popular venue on Manhattan‘s the<br />

Upper East Side.<br />

ralphlauren.com<br />


Gut, dass jeder Gast in seinem Zimmer ein Fernglas<br />

vorfindet. So kann er ganz gelassen einen Stuhl vor<br />

die zimmerhohen Fenster schieben und die<br />

Sehenswürdigkeiten Londons aus luftiger Höhe<br />

betrachten – befinden sich doch die Zimmer des<br />

neuen Luxushotels zwischen dem 36. und<br />

52. Stockwerk des Shard, jenes neuen, von dem<br />

italienischen Architekten Renzo Piano entworfenen<br />

Wolkenkratzers, der heute die Skyline von London<br />

beherrscht.<br />

It‘s great that every guest will find binoculars in<br />

their room. Then they can push a chair in front of<br />

the ceiling-high windows and view London‘s<br />

attractions comfortably at a dizzy height – after<br />

all, the rooms of this new luxury hotel are located<br />

between the 36th and 52nd floors of the Shard, the<br />

new skyscraper designed by the Italian architect<br />

Renzo Piano, which dominates London‘s skyline<br />

today.<br />

shangri-la.com/london<br />

London<br />

Ham Yard Hotel<br />

Das jüngste Projekt der britischen Firmdale Gruppe (Soho Hotel in<br />

London, Crosby Street Hotel in New York) befindet sich im Londoner<br />

Stadtteil Soho unweit des Piccadilly Circus und bietet neben<br />

entzückenden Zimmern auch ein Restaurant, Shops, ein kleines Kino,<br />

eine Library, ein Spa, eine Bowlingbahn aus den 1950er Jahren,<br />

die aus Texas importiert wurde, und auch sonst alles, was ein intimes,<br />

urban-lässiges (und ein wenig exzentrisches) Hotel ausmacht.<br />

Eine nachdrückliche Empfehlung.<br />

The newest project by the British Firmdale Group (Soho Hotel in<br />

London, Crosby Street Hotel in New York) is located in London‘s Soho<br />

area, not far from Piccadilly Circus. It not only offers charming rooms<br />

but also a restaurant, shops, a small cinema, a library, a spa, a bowling<br />

alley from the 1950s imported from Texas, and anything else that would<br />

be typical for an intimate casual urban (and slightly eccentric) hotel.<br />

Highly recommended.<br />

designhotels.com<br />

142 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 143


Lesenswertes aus und über Wien<br />

Book Tips from and about Vienna<br />

Ewald und Mario Plachutta<br />

Plachutta<br />

Wiener Küche<br />

Ein neues und unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk<br />

zur Wiener Küche.<br />

A new and essential reference book on Viennese<br />

cuisine.<br />

Andreas Oberkanins & Ulrike Tschabitzer-Handler<br />

Austrian Fashion<br />

Design<br />

Mehr als bloß Helmut Lang – ein längst überfälliger<br />

Überblick über österreichische Mode.<br />

More than just Helmut Lang – a long overdue review<br />

of Austrian fashion.<br />

Werner Rosenberger<br />

Im Cottage<br />

Ein Spaziergang durch einen der schönsten<br />

Stadtteile Wiens, die so genannte „Cottage“.<br />

A stroll through one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods<br />

in Vienna, the so-called “Cottage”.<br />

Oliver Rathkolb<br />

Die paradoxe<br />

Republik<br />

Die Neuauflage einer kritischen<br />

Auseinandersetzung mit Österreich und<br />

seiner jüngsten Geschichte.<br />

A new edition of a critical debate on Austria and its<br />

most recent history.<br />

Wolfgang Freitag<br />

Wo Wien beginnt<br />

Am Rand der Stadt: eine Reise in die<br />

Außenbezirke der Metropole Wien.<br />

On the outskirts: a journey to the suburbs of the<br />

metropolis of Vienna.<br />

art:phalanx<br />

Das Tor zur Welt<br />

Das Coffeetable-Book erzählt die Geschichte<br />

des Wiener Hotels InterContinental.<br />

A coffee-table book on the history of the InterContinental<br />

Hotel in Vienna.<br />

In Wien sind die Plachuttas eine Institution.<br />

Ihre Restaurants sind nicht nur bekannt für ihren<br />

hervorragenden, perfekt präsentierten „Tafelspitz“,<br />

sondern auch für die zeitgemäße Zubereitung von<br />

Wiener Küchenklassikern. Für dieses Buch haben sie<br />

in ihrer Rezeptsammlung geblättert und 170 Rezepte<br />

„für jeden Tag und jede Gelegenheit“ ausgewählt.<br />

Von Tafelspitz bis Kaiserschmarren. Ein unverzichtbares<br />

Standardwerk und Nachschlagewerk für jeden,<br />

der Interesse an der Wiener Küche hat.<br />

The Plachuttas are an institution in Vienna. Their<br />

restaurants are not only famous for their excellent,<br />

perfectly presented “Tafelspitz” (boiled fillet of beef),<br />

but also for their modern preparation of classic<br />

Viennese cuisine. They browsed through their<br />

collection of recipes for this book and selected 170<br />

recipes “for everyday and every occasion”, ranging<br />

from Tafelspitz to Kaiserschmarrn. An essential<br />

standard reference book for anyone interested in<br />

Viennese cuisine.<br />

–<br />

Brandstätter Verlag<br />

€ 34,90<br />

Eine sehr gut illustrierte, gut gestaltete und mit<br />

klugen Essays versehene „Zeitreise durch die Mode“.<br />

Am Anfang stehen Gustav Klimt und Emilie Flöge, die<br />

um die vorletzte Jahrhundertwende den modischen<br />

Look des Landes prägten. Die Reise führt den Leser<br />

zu Rudi Gernreich und Helmut Lang, bis er in der<br />

Gegenwart ankommt, bei Shootingstars und<br />

Szenelieblingen wie Peter Pilotto und Lena Hoschek.<br />

Eine längst überfällige Aufarbeitung.<br />

A very well-illustrated, well-designed “time travel<br />

through fashion” with cleverly written essays. It starts<br />

with Gustav Klimt and Emilie Flöge who shaped the<br />

fashionable look of the country around the turn of the<br />

nineteenth century. The journey takes the reader to<br />

Rudi Gernreich and Helmut Lang up to the shooting<br />

stars and designer darlings of the present day such as<br />

Peter Pilotto and Lena Hoschek. A long overdue<br />

reappraisal.<br />

–<br />

Brandstätter Verlag<br />

€ 39,90<br />

Dass die „Cottage“, dieser Stadtteil im 18. und<br />

19. Wiener Gemeindebezirk, auch bei Botschaften,<br />

Mitarbeitern internationaler Organisationen und<br />

anderer Expats so beliebt ist, hat natürlich seine<br />

guten Gründe: die prachtvollen Villen, die herrlichen<br />

Gärten, die weitläufigen Parkanlagen. Der Journalist<br />

und Flaneur Werner Rosenberger erzählt die<br />

spannende Geschichte der Villen und ihrer Bewohner.<br />

There are obviously many good reasons why the<br />

“Cottage”, a municipal district in the 18th and 19th<br />

centuries in Vienna, is so popular with embassies,<br />

employees of international organisations and other<br />

expats: the magnificent villas, the glorious gardens,<br />

the extensive parks. The journalist and flaneur Werner<br />

Rosenberger has exciting stories to tell about the<br />

villas and their residents.<br />

–<br />

Metroverlag<br />

€ 19,90<br />

Soeben ist eine aktualisierte Fassung des Standardwerks<br />

zur österreichischen Geschichte seit 1945<br />

erschienen. Der renommierte Zeitgeschichtler Oliver<br />

Rathkolb beschreibt Österreich und seine jüngste<br />

Vergangenheit in all ihrer Widersprüchlichkeit und<br />

Inkonsequenz. Ein sehr lesenswerter, kritischer, auch<br />

immer wieder diskussionswürdiger Überblick über<br />

Geschichte und Politik der Zweiten Republik.<br />

An updated version of the standard reference on<br />

Austrian history since 1945 has just been published.<br />

The renowned contemporary historian Oliver Rathkolb<br />

describes Austria and its most recent past with all its<br />

contradictions and inconsistencies. A critical,<br />

interesting overview worthy of discussion regarding<br />

the history and politics of the Second Republic.<br />

–<br />

Zsolnay Verlag<br />

€ 30,80<br />

Die Wiener Innenstadt kennt jeder. Wie aber sieht<br />

Wien an seinen Rändern aus? Der Journalist<br />

Wolfgang Freitag hat sich auf eine Expedition entlang<br />

der 136 Kilometer langen Stadtgrenze begeben.<br />

Er hat Biergärten ebenso besucht wie Hightech-<br />

Unternehmen. Spannend, was da alles zusammenkommt.<br />

Ja, auch das ist Wien.<br />

Everyone knows the city centre of Vienna. But what<br />

do the outskirts of Vienna look like? The journalist<br />

Wolfgang Freitag has gone on an expedition along the<br />

city boundaries, which is 136 km long. He visited beer<br />

gardens as well as high-tech companies and came<br />

across many fascinating things. Yes, this is Vienna,<br />

too.<br />

–<br />

Metroverlag<br />

€ 19,90<br />

Als das InterContinental Wien 1964 als erstes<br />

internationales Hotel in Wien eröffnet wurde,<br />

kam endlich mit ein klein wenig Verspätung die<br />

Fifties-Moderne auch nach Wien. Internationale Stars,<br />

die in die Stadt kamen, stiegen nun hier ab. Das gut<br />

illustrierte Buch erzählt die Geschichte dieses<br />

ikonischen Gebäudes und stellt es nicht nur in einen<br />

historischen, sondern auch in einen politischen,<br />

gesellschaftlichen, ästhetischen und sogar<br />

kulinarischen Kontext.<br />

When the InterContinental Vienna opened its doors in<br />

1964 as the very first international hotel in Vienna, the<br />

modern fifties finally arrived in Vienna albeit a little<br />

late. International stars who came to Vienna now<br />

stayed there. This well-illustrated book recounts the<br />

history of this iconic building, putting it not only into<br />

a historical but also into a political, social, aesthetic<br />

and even culinary context.<br />

–<br />

Amalthea Verlag<br />

€ 29,90<br />

144 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 145


Alberto Carnero<br />

Spanischer Botschafter | Spanish Ambassador<br />

Interview: Petra Stix<br />


Sie sind nun seit eineinhalb Jahren in Wien. Welche Orte in<br />

der Stadt haben Sie in dieser Zeit besonders lieb<br />

gewonnen?<br />

Gerne schlendere ich durch die Altstadt. Die kleinen Gässchen<br />

und Plätze machen diese Stadt sehr reizvoll.<br />

Was macht für Sie Wien aus?<br />

Die Stadt bietet eine enorme Vielfalt an Kulturangeboten. Da ist<br />

für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei. Von der Hochkultur in den<br />

großen Häusern bis zu den kleinen Lokalen, wo Musik oder<br />

Theater gespielt wird. Wien bedeutet Vielfalt der Kultur.<br />

Wenn Sie Besuch aus Ihrer Heimat haben, wohin führen Sie<br />

Ihre Gäste zuerst?<br />

Von großer Bedeutung ist für uns Spanier natürlich die Spanische<br />

Hofreitschule. Über Jahrhunderte gab es zwischen Österreich und<br />

Spanien nicht nur auf politischer Ebene eine gemeinsame<br />

Geschichte. Zeugnisse davon konnte man bis vor Kurzem im<br />

Kunsthistorischen Museum in der großartigen Velázquez-<br />

Ausstellung besichtigen. Die Spanische Hofreitschule ist ein<br />

bewundernswertes Produkt dieses kulturellen Austausches.<br />

Haben Sie einen Lieblingsort? Wenn ja, welchen?<br />

Da gibt es viele. Wie schon erwähnt, die Altstadt. Aber nachdem<br />

ich Läufer bin und die Natur liebe, suche ich gern das Grüne auf.<br />

Manchmal ist das der Prater, dann wieder der Wienerwald.<br />

Welche Erinnerungen werden Sie mitnehmen,<br />

wenn Sie Wien wieder verlassen müssen?<br />

Die vielen Freundschaften, die ich hier geschlossen habe.<br />

Natürlich werde ich das kulturelle Angebot vermissen. Aber auch<br />

so praktische Dinge wie die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel, das<br />

Gesundheitswesen, die Ämter. Generell funktionieren hier die<br />

Dienstleistungen bestens und wie in kaum einer anderen Stadt.<br />

im Weingarten<br />

Das LOISIUM Wine & Spa Resort**** s in Langenlois vermittelt ein<br />

besonderes Lebensgefühl getragen vom Erlebnis eines spektakulären<br />

und sehr individuellen Wein- und Spa-Genusses sowie einer<br />

inspirierenden Atmosphäre zeitgenössischer Architektur.<br />


Alberto Carnero Fernandez wurde im Dezember 1962 in Madrid geboren. Nach dem Abschluss<br />

seines Studiums der Rechtswissenschaften im Jahr 1988 trat er in den diplomatischen Dienst ein.<br />

Bevor er 2013 nach Österreich kam, war er Direktor des Kabinetts des Ministers für auswärtige<br />

Angelegenheiten und Zusammenarbeit, Don José Manuel García-Margallo, gewesen.<br />

Alberto Carnero Fernandez was born in December 1962 in Madrid. After completing his degree in<br />

law in 1988, he entered the diplomatic service. Before he came to Austria in 2013, he was the Director<br />

of the Cabinet for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Don José Manuel García-Margallo.<br />

You have now been in Vienna for a year and a half. Which<br />

places in the city have become particularly dear to you in this<br />

time?<br />

I like to stroll around the old town. The small alleyways and<br />

squares make this city very attractive.<br />

What makes Vienna outstanding for you?<br />

This city offers an enormous diversity of cultural programmes.<br />

There is something for every taste. From high culture in the big<br />

houses to the small pubs, where music is played and theatre is<br />

performed. Vienna means cultural diversity.<br />

When you have visitors from home, where do you take your<br />

guests first?<br />

For us Spaniards, the Spanish Riding School is of course very<br />

important. Austria and Spain have had a common history for<br />

centuries, and not only on a political level. Until recently, you<br />

could see proof of this in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in the<br />

magnificent Velázquez exhibition. The Spanish Riding School is a<br />

remarkable product of this cultural exchange.<br />

Do you have a favourite place? Where is it?<br />

There are many. As I already mentioned, the old town. But as I am<br />

a runner and a nature lover alike, I seek out the countryside.<br />

Sometimes this is the Prater park or the Vienna Woods.<br />

What memories will you take with you when you have to<br />

leave Vienna?<br />

The many friendships that I have made here. Of course, I will miss<br />

the cultural programme. But also practical things such as public<br />

transport, the healthcare, the public offices. The services<br />

generally function excellently here, like in hardly any other city.<br />



▪ 3 Tage | 2 Nächte im Design Zimmer<br />

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▪ Verkostung von 2 Weinen in unserer LOISIUM Vinothek<br />

▪ Erfrischender Frühlingskräuter Salat an der Bar<br />

▪ Entspannung pur im Wine Spa, u.v.m.<br />


Zum Wohlfühlen lädt das LOISIUM Wine Spa auf 1.000 m² ein. Es<br />

verfügt über einen ganzjährig beheizten Outdoor Pool umgeben<br />

von Weingärten, einen großzügigen Saunabereich, individuell<br />

gestaltete Ruhezonen sowie ein umfassendes Angebot an hochwertigen<br />

Wein- und BeautyTreatments von AVEDA & Vinoble.<br />


Im Restaurant Vineyard erleben Sie die Dramaturgie des Weines<br />

kombiniert mit Kreationen aus den besten Produkten der Region.<br />

Das Ganze interpretiert mit einem Hauch internationaler Cuisine. Entdecken<br />

Sie in der LOISIUM Vinothek mit Ab-Hof-Preisen die Vielfalt<br />

regionaler Weine.<br />

ab 199.00 EUR p.P. im DZ<br />

Gültig von 13.03. bis 15.06.2015 auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit.<br />

146 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


www.loisium.com<br />

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buchen.langenlois@loisium.com, +43 (0) 2734 77 100-0

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Flurry of flashbulbs<br />

December 17, 2014<br />

The Armenian Embassy and Cercle Diplomatique presented the last issue of Cercle Diplomatique<br />

with Armenia on the cover produced by Waltraud Steinböck at the Armenian Cultural Center. On this occasion,<br />

the new editors were introduced to the public for the first time.<br />

February 23, 2015<br />

„Walking Lunch“ at the Belgian Embassy on the occasion of<br />

the concert of the „Brussels Philharmonic“ at the<br />

Musikverein, Vienna.<br />

January 22, 2015<br />

Eurovision Song Contest:<br />

Ambassadors‘ Breakfast in<br />

Palais Daun-Kinsky, Vienna<br />

Armenia‘s Ambassador<br />

Dr. Arman Kirakossian<br />

and Waltraud<br />

Steinböck<br />

Belgian Ambassador<br />

Baron Willem Van<br />

de Voorde (on the<br />

right)<br />


Left to right: Edgar Böhm, ESC 2015<br />

Executive Producer, Hélène Doub,<br />

Cultural Attaché of the French<br />

Embassy in Austria, Galit Ronen,<br />

Counsellor to the Israeli Embassy in<br />

Austria, Edgars Skuja, Ambassador<br />

of Latvia in Austria<br />

150 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />



February 14, 2015<br />

Amadeus International School Vienna and Cercle Diplomatique invited to a gala concert at the Musikverein,<br />

Vienna. The concert presented performances by student soloists and ensembles as well as a number of<br />

distinguished music instructors, including Elisabeth Dvorak-Weisshaar (piano) and Paul Gulda (piano).<br />

January 17, 2015<br />

CD congratulates Maria<br />

Antonia Delera Bosa, Cultural<br />

Attaché at the Embassy of<br />

the Philippines and Fabienne<br />

Van Espen-Boonen on their<br />

marriage.<br />

Feburary 6, 2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique at the “Ball of the Viennese Coffee House Owners”<br />

January 24, 2015<br />

Ball of the Viennese Industry<br />

at the Hofburg, Vienna<br />


January 31, 2015<br />

Opernredoute, Graz<br />

The hosts: Consuls<br />

Edith and KR Johannes<br />

Hornig, Consul<br />

Waltraud Steinböck<br />

152 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 153


February 24, 2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique and Patara Fine Thai Cuisine invited honorable guests to honor the new Ambassadors to the<br />

„Ambassadors Lunch“ at Patara restaurant.<br />


Since its foundation in 1869 the International Pharmacy has collected a lot of experience and expertise in sourcing and trading with<br />

foreign medication, food supplements, medical devices and cosmetics and maintains contact with customers around the world.<br />

CD editors Waltraud<br />

Steinböck, Alexander<br />

Bursky and Andrea<br />

Fürnweger<br />

“(…)My pharmacy is situated (…) directly next to and opposite of all those hotels, who have the most foreign guests. (…) My pharmacy is visited<br />

by far more foreign customers, of all nations, as by Viennese. (…) In my pharmacy we speak French, English, Italian, (…) Hungarian, (…). The term<br />

“International” is a word that is the same in any language and always has the same meaning and is always understood. Finally I want to remark<br />

that I am the supplier to all the embassies.”<br />

Citation Mag.pharm.Arnold Stumpf, 1925<br />

CD editors Andrea Fürnweger,<br />

Alexander Bursky, Waltraud<br />

Steinböck and Stefan Ho,<br />

Patara‘s manager, welcomed<br />

the following guests:<br />

The connection between history and modernism is apparent not only in the adapted Arte Deco interiors, but also throughout the<br />

archives of our investigations and the fact that the business is managed cross generationally by mother and daughter. In the constant<br />

quest of assisting you as best as we can, we’re always trying to keep our knowledge up to date while at the same time not to<br />

forget about traditional and longstanding treatments.<br />

CerCle<br />

Diplomatioue<br />


Andrea Fürnweger<br />

Mag. Alexander Bursky<br />

Publisher of<br />


&<br />


cordia ly invite to an<br />

Ambassadors Lunch<br />

to welcome a l new Ambassadors<br />

accredited Winter 2014<br />

at<br />

Restaurant Patara<br />

Petersplatz 1, 1010 Wien<br />

on Tuesday, February 24 th , 2015<br />

at 12.30 p.m.<br />

Guest of honour:<br />

h.E. Arthayudh SRISAMOOT<br />

Ambassador of Thailand<br />

The invitation is no transferable<br />

R.S.V.P. by Emai latest February 19 th , 2015<br />

to office@firstclassmedia.at<br />

Macedonia Vasilka Poposka-<br />

Trenevska<br />

Panama Gloria del Carmen Young<br />

Chizmar<br />

Sudan Mohamed Hussein Hassan<br />

Zaroug<br />

Thailand Arthayudh Srisamoot<br />

(guest of honor)<br />

Tunisia Ghazi Jomâa<br />

Egypt Khaled Abdelrahman<br />

Finland Anu Irene Laamanen<br />

Tajikistan Ismatullo Nasredinov<br />

Kyrgyzstan Ermek Ibraimov<br />

India Rajiva Misra<br />

Bangladesh Mohammed Abu Zafar<br />

Hungary Dr. János Perényi<br />

OFID Suleiman J. Al-Herbish,<br />

Director General<br />

Vienna Economic Forum Dr. Elena<br />

Kirtcheva, Secretary General<br />

Federal Ministry for Europe,<br />

Integration and Foreign Affairs<br />

Mag. Konstanze Mantsch, Protocol<br />

Officer and Dr. Wolfgang Spadinger,<br />

Minister<br />

Federation of Austrian-Foreign<br />

Societies - PaN<br />

Senator Walter Gerbautz<br />


To assist our guests as personally as possible, we employ a high proportion of pharmaceutical professionals as well as trained<br />

beauty consultants and wellness coaches. English, Russian, French, Spanish, Hungarian and Croatian – each of our colleagues<br />

speaks at least one of the mentioned foreign languages.<br />

Following our principle “Medicine around the world – get well and stay well!” we would be pleased to be of assistance to you, no<br />

matter where you are or where you need something from!<br />



Opening hours Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 7:00pm and Saturdays between 8:00am and 6:00pm<br />

1010 Wien, Kärntner Ring 17, T: +43 (0)1 512 28 25, F: +43 (0)1 512 28 259 | www.internationale-apotheke.at

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Relocation Services<br />

Crown Worldwide GmbH<br />

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office@crownrelo.com<br />

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E.R.A. Executive Relocations Austria<br />

Tel.: +43 699 11 55 93 24<br />

office@era-relocation.com<br />

www.era-relocation.com<br />

E. Fall International Movers<br />

Tel.: +43 1 865 95 33<br />

office@e-fall.com<br />

www.e-fall.com<br />

Expat Consulting Real Estate &<br />

Relocation Services GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 328 8818 0<br />

office@expat-consulting.com<br />

www.expat-consulting.com<br />

ICUnet.AG<br />

Tel.: +43 1 8778264-14<br />

info@icunet.ag<br />

www.icunet.ag<br />

Interdean Relocation Services<br />

Tel.: +43 1 865 4706<br />

vienna@interdean.com<br />

www.interdean.com<br />

Moves consulting Relocation<br />

Tel.: +43 1 956 58 31<br />

office@moves-consulting.com<br />

www.moves-consulting.com<br />

Presup – Professional Expat Support<br />

Tel.: +43 676 448 64 06<br />

info@presup.at<br />

www.presup.at<br />

Randos Relocation and Office Service<br />

GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 710 33 18 0<br />

randos.vienna@relocation.at<br />

www.relocation.at<br />

Relocation Services Erika Strohmayer<br />

Tel.: +43 1 706 21 70<br />

office@relocation-services.at<br />

www.relocation-services.at<br />

Sobolak International GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 2262 6910<br />

office@sobolak.com<br />

www.sobolak.com<br />


Real Estate Agents<br />

BAR bareal Immobilientreuhand<br />

GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 20 52 15<br />

office@bar.at<br />

www.bar.at<br />

Dr. Koch & Co. GesmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 479 15 58<br />

kochreal@kochreal.at<br />

www.kochreal.at<br />

EHL Immobilien GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 512 76 90<br />

office@ehl.at<br />

www.ehl.at<br />

Heissenberger & Rainer Immobilien<br />

GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 904 30 22<br />

t.heissenberger@hr-immo.at<br />

www.hr-immo.at<br />

Hübl & Partner GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 277 88<br />

office@huebl-partner.com<br />

www.huebl-partner.at<br />

KMR Immobilien GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 20 5 2 15<br />

raffi@bestapartments.at<br />

www.bestapartments.at<br />

ÖRAG Immobilien Vermittlungs<br />

GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 534 73-240<br />

immobilienvermittlung@oerag.at<br />

www.oerag.at<br />

OTTO Immobilien GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 512 77 77<br />

office@otto.at<br />

www.otto.at<br />

Real Good Living Real Estate Services<br />

Tel.: +43 1 890 01 52<br />

office@realgoodliving.at<br />

www.realgoodliving.at<br />

RE/MAX Solutions<br />

Tel.: +43 699 108 920 20<br />

offfice@remax-solutions.at<br />

http://www.remax-solutions.at/<br />

RUSTLER Immobilientreuhand GmbH<br />

Tel.: +43 1 894 97 49<br />

office@makler.rustler.eu<br />

www.makler.rustler.eu<br />

158 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 159


Amadeus International<br />

School provides all<br />

students with a comprehensive<br />

education in the<br />

performing arts.<br />


Lawyers<br />

Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati<br />

Tel.: +43 1 514 35 0<br />

office@chsh.com<br />

www.chsh.com<br />

CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz<br />

Tel.: +43 1 40 44 30<br />

vienna@cms-rrh.com<br />

www.cms-rrh.com<br />

Dorda Brugger Jordis<br />

Tel.: +43 1 533 4795-0<br />

office@dbj.at<br />

www.dbj.at<br />

Lansky, Ganzger + Partner<br />

Tel.: +43 1 533 33 30-0<br />

office@lansky.at<br />

www.lansky.at<br />

Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Nikolaus Rast<br />

Tel.: +43 1 317 12 26<br />

info@anwaltrast.at<br />

www.anwaltrast.at<br />

Schönherr Rechtsanwälte<br />

Tel.: +43 1 534 37-0<br />

office.austria@schoenherr.eu<br />

www.schoenherr.eu<br />

TaylorWessing enwc<br />

Tel.: +43 1 716 55 0<br />

vienna@taylorwessing.com<br />

www.taylorwessing.com/at/home.html<br />

Foreign and austrian embassies:<br />

For the lists of foreign embassies in Austria and the Austrian embassies abroad<br />

and the Foreign Trade Centers of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce,<br />

please visit our website at:<br />

www.cercle-diplomatique.com/vertretungen<br />

Health<br />

International Pharmacy<br />

Kärntner Ring 17<br />

1010 Wien<br />

Tel.: +43 1 512 28 25<br />

www.internationale-apotheke.at<br />

Service Department for foreign patients<br />

of the Vienna Medical Association<br />

Tel.: +43 1 513 95 95<br />

viennamed@aekwien.at<br />

Austrian Health – agency for high<br />

quality medicine<br />

Tel.: +43 1 361 88 66<br />

info@austrianhealth.at<br />

www.austrianhealth.at<br />

mediclass<br />

Tel.: +43 1 890 45 20–60<br />

info@mediclass.com<br />

www.mediclass.com<br />

Private Clinics<br />

Goldenes Kreuz Privatklinik<br />

Tel.: +43 1 40 111-0<br />

www.goldenes-kreuz.at<br />

Privatklinik Döbling<br />

Tel.: +43 1 36 066-0<br />

www.pkd.at<br />

Rudolfinerhaus<br />

Tel.: +43 1 360 36<br />

www.rudolfinerhaus.at<br />

Wiener Privatklinik<br />

Tel.: +43 1 40 180<br />

www.wiener-privatklinik.com<br />


Security<br />

The investigator – The Bodyguard<br />

Tel.: +43 664 44 99 464<br />

office@derfahnder.at<br />

www.closeprotection.wien<br />

4mation<br />

Tel.: +43 664 124 14 67<br />

office@4mation.at<br />

www.4mation.at<br />

Transportation<br />

Vienna public transport information<br />

www.wienerlinien.at<br />

Austrian Federal Railways ÖBB<br />

www.oebb.at<br />

Austrian Airlines<br />

www.austrian.com<br />

Vienna Airport<br />

www.viennaairport.com<br />

Vienna Airportlines<br />

www.viennaairportlines.at<br />

CAT (City Airport Train)<br />

www.cityairporttrain.com<br />

Taxi 40100<br />

www.taxi40100.at<br />

Taxi 60160<br />

www.taxi60160.at<br />

Taxi 31300<br />

www.taxi31300.at<br />

Austrian Automobilist Club ÖAMTC<br />

(AAA – partner)<br />

call 120 for breakdown-assistance<br />

www.oeamtc.at<br />

International Schools in<br />

Vienna<br />

Vienna International School<br />

Straße der Menschenrechte 1, 1220 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 203 55 95-0<br />

Fax: +43 1 203 03 66<br />

www.vis.ac.at<br />

Mail: info@vis.ac.at<br />

The American International School<br />

Salmannsdorfer Straße 47, 1190 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 401 32-0<br />

Fax: +43 1 401 32-5<br />

www.ais.at<br />

Mail: info@ais.at<br />

Danube International School Vienna<br />

Josef-Gall-Gasse 2, 1020 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 720 31 10<br />

Fax: +43 1 720 31 10-40<br />

www.danubeschool.com<br />

Mail: info@danubeschool.com<br />

Amadeus – International School<br />

Vienna<br />

Bastiengasse 36-38, Haus 3, 1180 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 470 30 37-00<br />

www.amadeus-vienna.com<br />

Mail: info@amadeus-vienna.at<br />

Vienna Elementary School<br />

Lacknergasse 75, 1180 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 470 46 00<br />

Fax: +43 1 470 46 00-99<br />

www.vienna-elementary-school.at<br />

Mail: office@ves.at<br />

International Christian School of<br />

Vienna<br />

Wagramer Straße 175, 1220 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 251 22-0<br />

Fax: +43 1 251 22-518<br />

www.icsv.at<br />

Mail: office@icsv.at<br />

Lycée Français de Vienne<br />

Secondary school / Lycée:<br />

Lichtensteinstraße 37A, 1090 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 317 22 41<br />

Fax: +43 1 310 24 17<br />

Kindergarten + primary school /<br />

Maternelle et Elémentaire:<br />

Grinzingerstraße 95, 1190 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 370 12 17<br />

Fax: +43 1 370 12 17-22<br />

Web (for both): www.lyceefrancais.at<br />

Svenska Skolan / Swedish School<br />

Scheibelreitergasse 15, 1190 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 320 79 80<br />

Fax: +43 1 320 79 80-20<br />

www.svenskaskolan.at<br />

Mail: svenskaskolan@svenskaskolan.at<br />

Japanese School in Vienna<br />

Prandaugasse 2, 1220 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 204 22 01-0<br />

Fax: +43 1 204 22 01-85<br />

www.japaneseschool.at (Japanese only)<br />

Useful Links & Resources<br />

Emergency numbers<br />

(all without prefix):<br />

Fire-brigade 122<br />

Police 133<br />

Ambulance 144<br />

City Of Vienna<br />

www.wien.gv.at/english<br />

Vienna Tourist Board<br />

www.wien.info/en<br />

Immigration & residency<br />

www.wien.gv.at/english/administration/<br />

civilstatus<br />

Vienna Service Office<br />

(in the UN center)<br />

www.vso.wien.at<br />

Vienna Expat Center – A service<br />

provided by the City of Vienna:<br />

Schmerlingplatz 3, 1010 Vienna<br />

Tel.: +43 1 4000-86949<br />

Info@expatcenter.at<br />

www.expatcenter.at<br />



Seit über 40 Jahren das führende Magazin<br />

Österreichs für das Diplomatische Corps, Internationale<br />

Organisationen, Wirtschaft, Unternehmen,<br />

Tourismus, Lifestyle & Kultur sowie Events<br />

Herausgeber:<br />

Andrea Fürnweger, Mag. Alexander Bursky &<br />

KR Prof. Waltraud Steinböck (Mitherausgeberin)<br />

Medieninhaber, Hersteller & Verleger:<br />

FCM firstclassmedia GmbH<br />

Pokornygasse 17/2, A-1190 Wien<br />

Tel.: +43 1 934 65 94, Fax: -4<br />

E-Mail: office@firstclassmedia.at<br />

www.firstclassmedia.at<br />

www.cercle-diplomatique.com<br />

Geschäftsführer:<br />

Mag. Alexander Bursky, Andrea Fürnweger<br />

Anzeigen:<br />

Mag. Alexander Bursky, Andrea Fürnweger,<br />

Michaela Hirsch, Eva Nikolaou, Gunther Pany<br />

Leitung Back-Office, Produktion &<br />

Druckunterlagen:<br />

Doris Schölnast, BA<br />

(doris.schoelnast@firstclassmedia.at)<br />

Redaktion:<br />

Mag. Petra Stix (Chefredaktion)<br />

petra.stix@firstclassmedia.at<br />

Mag. Gerald Sturz (redaktionelles Konzept)<br />

Michaela Hocek, Evelyn Rois & Bruno Stubenrauch,<br />

Mag. Eva Maria von Schilgen, Klaus Nadizar<br />

Art-Direktor:<br />

Ralph Manfreda<br />

Grafik:<br />

Gabriele Sonnberger<br />

Korrektur:<br />

Barbara Hofmann<br />

Transvox Language Services<br />

Übersetzungen:<br />

Tim Martinz-Lywood, M.A., European Exchange Ltd.<br />

Transvox Language Services<br />

Fotograf:<br />

Harald Klemm<br />

Druck:<br />

Berger Druck, Wiener Straße 80, 3580 Horn<br />

Erscheinungsweise:<br />

4 x p.a., 40.000 Auflage<br />

Abo:<br />

Heftpreis EURO 10,-, Jahresabo EURO 36,-<br />

(innerhalb Ö.)<br />

Alle Beiträge in CERCLE DIPLOMATIQUE sind<br />

urheberrechtlich geschützt. Eine Weiterverwertung<br />

und Reproduktion von Texten, Fotos und Layout<br />

ohne schriftliche Zustimmung des Verlages und des<br />

Designers ist untersagt und strafbar.<br />

Für unverlangt eingesandte Manuskripte, Fotos u.a.<br />

wird keinerlei Haftung übernommen.<br />

Für namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel ist der<br />

Autor verantwortlich. Die Inhalte der Artikel spiegeln<br />

nicht zwangsläufig die Meinung der Herausgeber<br />

bzw. Redaktion wider. Alle hier bereitgestellten<br />

Beiträge dienen lediglich zu Informationszwecken<br />

sowie der freien Meinungsbildung.<br />

Preisliste gültig ab 1. Jänner 2015<br />

Offenlegung:<br />

Die Offenlegung gem. § 25 Mediengesetz ist unter<br />

www.cercle-diplomatique.com/impressum ständig<br />

abrufbar.<br />

160 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015 161


Stadtspaziergang<br />

City stroll<br />

Burggarten, 1. Bezirk | Burggarten, 1st. District<br />

Springtime again!<br />

Zeit, die ersten<br />

wärmenden Sonnenstrahlen<br />

in einem der<br />

vielen historischen<br />

Wiener Parks zu<br />

genießen – etwa<br />

zwischen den blühenden<br />

Baumriesen im<br />

Burggarten vor der<br />

beeindruckenden Fassade<br />

der Neuen Burg.<br />

Time to enjoy those first<br />

warming rays of sun in<br />

one of Vienna’s many<br />

historic parks and green<br />

spaces – between the<br />

huge, flourishing trees in<br />

Burggarten, for instance,<br />

in front of the imposing<br />

façade of the Neue Burg.<br />


162 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015

Das Beste kennt keine Alternative.<br />

Die neue C-Klasse Limousine. Jetzt bei Wiesenthal.<br />

Kraftstoffverbrauch (NEFZ) 4,0–6,0 l/100 km, CO 2<br />

-Emission 103–139 g/km. www.wiesenthal.at<br />

Autorisierter Mercedes-Benz Vertriebs- und Servicepartner<br />

Diplomatic Sales: Ing. Robert Krempel, Tel. 01/60 1 76-254, Mag. Clemens Neukomm, Tel. 01/60 1 76-228<br />

1104 Wien, Troststraße 109–111; Internet: www.wiesenthal.at

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