Nurses Day! - Birmingham Children's Hospital

Nurses Day! - Birmingham Children's Hospital

Nurses Day! - Birmingham Children's Hospital


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Annual Governance Statement<br />

Scope of responsibility<br />

As Accounting Officer, I have responsibility for<br />

maintaining a sound system of internal control that<br />

supports the achievement of the NHS Foundation<br />

Trust’s policies, aims and objectives, whilst<br />

safeguarding the public funds and departmental<br />

assets for which I am personally responsible, in<br />

accordance with the responsibilities assigned to<br />

me. I am also responsible for ensuring that the<br />

NHS Foundation Trust is administered prudently<br />

and economically and that resources are applied<br />

efficiently and effectively. I also acknowledge my<br />

responsibilities as set out in the NHS Foundation<br />

Trust Accounting Officer Memorandum.<br />

The purpose of the system of<br />

internal control<br />

The system of internal control is designed to<br />

manage risk to a reasonable level rather than<br />

to eliminate all risk of failure to achieve policies,<br />

aims and objectives; it can therefore only provide<br />

reasonable and not absolute assurance of<br />

effectiveness. The system of internal control is<br />

based on an ongoing process designed to identify<br />

and prioritise the risks to the achievement of<br />

the policies, aims and objectives of <strong>Birmingham</strong><br />

Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> NHS Foundation Trust, to<br />

evaluate the likelihood of those risks being<br />

realised and the impact should they be realised,<br />

and to manage them efficiently, effectively and<br />

economically. The system of internal control has<br />

been in place in <strong>Birmingham</strong> Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

NHS Foundation Trust for the year ended 31 March<br />

2013 and up to the date of approval of the annual<br />

report and accounts.<br />

Capacity to handle risk<br />

Leadership<br />

The Board of Directors is responsible for the<br />

management of key risks. Key risks are described<br />

within the Board Assurance Framework which is<br />

considered every month by the Board of Directors.<br />

In addition, risks are clearly defined within the<br />

reports presented to the Board by the Executive<br />

Directors. This process is supplemented on a<br />

quarterly basis when the self assessment of the<br />

financial, activity and service risks is made for<br />

submission to the independent regulator, Monitor.<br />

The Trust’s Risk Management policies clearly set<br />

out responsibilities for risk management within<br />

the organisation. As Chief Executive Officer I<br />

have overall responsibility and accountability<br />

for risk management. This is shared with the<br />

Executive Directors who are responsible for<br />

ensuring that the risk management framework is<br />

systematically implemented and developed across<br />

the organisation. In addition they, through the Board<br />

of Directors’ committee structure, are responsible<br />

for providing assurance to the Board of Directors<br />

that risk management continues to be an essential<br />

element of all management systems and corporate<br />

planning, as well as the setting of strategy and<br />

objectives. The committees for 2012/13 included<br />

the Quality Committee and the Finance and<br />

Resources Committee, which are both chaired by<br />

Independent Non-Executive Directors, with nonexecutive<br />

and executive director membership.<br />

The sub-committees which monitor risks to safety,<br />

quality and workforce objectives include the Clinical<br />

Risk and Quality Assurance Committee, the Non-<br />

Clinical Risk Coordinating Committee, the Patient<br />

Experience and Participation Committee and the<br />

Strategic Workforce Committee.<br />

Staff training and guidance<br />

A range of risk management and information<br />

governance training is provided to staff and there<br />

are policies in place to describe their role and<br />

responsibilities in relation to the identification<br />

and management of risk. This includes an online<br />

training resource for refresher training. This<br />

ensures that risks are actively managed at all levels<br />

of the organisation. The importance of feedback to<br />

staff on incidents reported is stressed at all levels of<br />

training.<br />

changes have been made to mandatory training<br />

related to medicines management, observation and<br />

monitoring, and resuscitation.<br />

Bespoke risk management training has also been<br />

developed for Board members and directors to<br />

enable them to fully understand their role and<br />

responsibilities in relation to risk management.<br />

The risk and control framework<br />

The Trust’s risk management policies ensure that<br />

risk management is embedded in the activities of the<br />

organisation in a number of ways:<br />

l Both Corporate and Directorate objectives are<br />

risk assessed and inform the Board<br />

Assurance Framework, which is reviewed<br />

regularly by the Board of Directors and the<br />

Audit Committee.<br />

l The Trust has achieved level 3 compliance with<br />

the NHS Litigation Authority (Clinical Negligence<br />

Scheme for Trusts) Risk Management<br />

Standards. This demonstrates not only that there<br />

are clearly defined and embedded policies in<br />

place to address risk but also that those policies<br />

are monitored on an ongoing basis and that<br />

action is taken when those policies are not<br />

effective.<br />

To ensure the quality of local management of<br />

incidents, we deliver training (level 2) for all local<br />

managers. This is an interactive session which<br />

covers day-to-day management of risks at a<br />

local level, investigation tips and techniques for<br />

managing incidents and complaints and guidance<br />

on how to carry out robust risk assessment and<br />

how to use the risk register appropriately.<br />

Level 3 ‘Risk Leaders’ training has been designed<br />

for members of staff that need a high level of<br />

expertise in risk management. The session is<br />

focused on Root Cause Analysis techniques<br />

and processes, includes some advanced risk<br />

management techniques and introduces the role<br />

and development of assurance frameworks.<br />

Training implications are considered as part of<br />

all Root Cause Analysis investigations. As a<br />

direct result of learning from these investigations,<br />

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l Risks to information are managed<br />

through the use of the NHS Information<br />

Governance Toolkit. The Trust’s policy provides<br />

a documented mechanism for the immediate<br />

reporting and investigation of actual or<br />

suspected information security breaches/ losses<br />

and potential ulnerabilities/weaknesses within<br />

the Trust.<br />

The Information Governance Toolkit<br />

submissions and the annual plan to improve<br />

compliance with the relevant standards is<br />

approved and regularly reviewed by the<br />

Regulatory Compliance Committee, which<br />

reports to the Board via the Quality Committee.<br />

Following a self-assessment and submission the<br />

overall score against the Information<br />

Governance Toolkit for 2012/13 was 82% and<br />

graded Green (‘Satisfactory’).

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