F REIGN TRADE - 中国国际贸易促进委员会

F REIGN TRADE - 中国国际贸易促进委员会

F REIGN TRADE - 中国国际贸易促进委员会


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well-known, Are praised in inscriptions<br />

on bronze or stone.<br />

Part 3 Life in Upper Class<br />

※ 盘 溪 伊 尹 , 佐 时 阿 衡<br />

pán xī yī yǐn, zuǒ shí ā héng<br />

The fisher at Pan stream, and Yi<br />

with his wit, Each rose to his times and<br />

did his bit.<br />

※ 都 邑 华 夏 , 东 西 二 京<br />

dū yì huá xià, dōng xī èr jīng<br />

Two royal towns in flowering Cathay,<br />

One east, one west; full grandeur<br />

display.<br />

※ 背 邙 面 洛 , 浮 渭 据 泾<br />

bèi máng miàn luò, fú wèi jù<br />

jīng<br />

One mount-backed where the Luo<br />

waters sing, One washed by the streams<br />

where the Wei takes the Jing.<br />

※ 宫 殿 盘 郁 , 楼 观 飞 惊<br />

gōng diàn pán yù, lóu guān fēi<br />

jīng<br />

The palace ways bewilder the<br />

sight, And the eaves of the towers seem<br />

in breath-taking flight,<br />

※ 图 写 禽 兽 , 画 彩 仙 灵<br />

tú xiě qín shòu, huà cǎi xiān<br />

líng<br />

With colorful paintings of bards<br />

and beasts, Immortals, spirits, gods,<br />

and priests!<br />

※ 丙 舍 旁 启 , 甲 帐 对 楹<br />

bǐng shè pang qǐ, jiá zhàng duì<br />

yíng<br />

The wing rooms open by the central<br />

hall, With the columns, curtains,<br />

pearl-strings and all.<br />

※ 肆 筵 设 席 , 鼓 瑟 吹 笙<br />

sì yán shè xí, gǔ sè chuī shēng<br />

When banquets are held, the music<br />

will be played, And the zither and<br />

the sheng tunes rise or fade.<br />

※ 升 阶 纳 陛 , 弁 转 疑 星<br />

shēng jiē nà bì, biàn zhuàn yí<br />

xīng<br />

As men ascend the steps, how fine<br />

— Like twinkling stars their hat-gems<br />

shine!<br />

※ 右 通 广 内 , 左 达 承 明<br />

yòu tōng g uǎng nèi, z uǒ dá<br />

chéng míng<br />

The Broad Interior leads to the<br />

right, The house on the left's called Carrying<br />

Light.<br />

※ 既 集 坟 典 , 亦 聚 群 英<br />

jì jí fén diǎn, yì jù qún yīng<br />

The one keeps classics of all ages;<br />

The other, scholars, heroes, sages.<br />

※ 杜 稿 钟 隶 , 漆 书 壁 经<br />

dù gǎo zhōng lì, qī shū bì jīng<br />

The masters' writings are graceful<br />

and adept, In paint or like classics<br />

inside the walls kept.<br />

※ 府 罗 将 相 , 路 侠 槐 卿<br />

fǔ luó jiāng xiàng, lù xiá huái<br />

qīng<br />

The dignitaries posted the imperial<br />

abode, And lined His Majesty's<br />

touring road.<br />

※ 户 封 八 县 , 家 给 千 兵<br />

hù fēng bā xiàn, jiā jǐ qiān bīng<br />

Their fiefs each covered counties<br />

eight, With thousands of servants on<br />

them to wait.<br />

※ 高 冠 陪 辇 , 驱 毂 振 缨<br />

gāo guān péi niǎn, qū gǔ zhèn yīng<br />

In tall hats they followed in imperial<br />

tours through; With the rolling of<br />

carriages the leather straps flew.<br />

※ 世 禄 侈 富 , 车 驾 肥 轻<br />

shì lù chǐ fù, chē jià féi qīng<br />

Great place age-old sees riches pile,<br />

And travels in most luxurious style.<br />

※ 策 功 茂 实 , 勒 碑 刻 铭<br />

cè gōng mào shí, lè bēi kè míng<br />

Their arts of war and peace<br />

※ 奄 宅 曲 阜 , 微 旦 孰 营<br />

yǎn zhái qū fù, wēi dàn shú yíng<br />

And think of Qufu, the town near<br />

Yan — Who could make it thrive but<br />

Dan?<br />

※ 桓 公 匡 合 , 济 弱 扶 倾<br />

Huán gōng kuāng hé, jì ruò fú<br />

qīng<br />

Duke Huan assembled heroes of<br />

the day, And propped the Zhou house<br />

lest it'd decay.<br />

※ 绮 回 汉 惠 , 说 感 武 丁<br />

qǐ huí hàn huì, yuè gǎn wǔ dīng<br />

Emperor Hui had the Hoary Four,<br />

And Yue helped King Wu Ding of yore.<br />

※ 俊 义 密 勿 , 多 士 实 宁<br />

jùn yì mì wù, duō shì shí níng<br />

Thanks to efforts of righteous men,<br />

The nation was back to peace again.<br />

※ 晋 楚 更 霸 , 赵 魏 困 横<br />

jìn chǔ gēng bà, zhào wèi kùn héng<br />

Then Jin and Chu by turns prevailed,<br />

And Zhao and Wei were cunningly<br />

assailed.<br />

※ 假 途 灭 虢 , 践 土 会 盟<br />

jiǎ tú miè guó, jiàn tǔ huì méng<br />

One march by guile, two states<br />

were stormed; One sworn alliance, a<br />

leader was formed.<br />

※ 何 遵 约 法 , 韩 弊 烦 刑<br />

hé zūn yuē fǎ, hán bì fán xíng<br />

While Xiao He followed the<br />

Three-point Rule, Han Fei was caught<br />

in his statecraft tool.<br />

※ 起 翦 颇 牧 , 用 军 最 精<br />

qǐ jiǎn pō mù, yòng jūn zuì jīng<br />

General Bai Qi and a few more,<br />

Displayed miraculous art of war.<br />

(To be continued)<br />


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