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British Guideline on the MAnAGeMent of AsthMA<br />

815. Campbell L, Klocke RA. Implications for the pregnant patient. Am J<br />

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819. Gee J, Packer B, Millen J, Robin E. Pulmonary mechanics during<br />

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821. Chambers C. Safety of asthma and allergy medications in pregnancy.<br />

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822. Tata L, Lewis S, McKeever T, Smith C, Doyle P, Smeeth L, et al. Effect<br />

of maternal asthma, exacerbations and asthma medication use on<br />

congenital malformations in offspring: a UK population-based study.<br />

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823. Schatz M, Dombrowski M, Wise R, Momirova V, Landon M, Mabie W,<br />

et al. The relationship of asthma medication use to perinatal outcomes.<br />

J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004 113(6).<br />

824. Wilton L, Shakir SA. A post-marketing surveillance study of formoterol<br />

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2002;25(3):213-23.<br />

825. Gluck JC, Gluck PA. Asthma controller therapy during pregnancy.<br />

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826. Nelson H, Weiss S, Bleecker E, yancey S, Dorinsky P. The salmeterol<br />

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827. Perrio M, Wilton L, Shakir S. A modified prescription-event monitoring<br />

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828. Silverman M, Sheffer A, Diaz PV, Lindmark B, Radner F, Broddene<br />

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829. Rahimi R, Nikfar S, Abdollahi M. Meta-analysis finds use of inhaled<br />

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830. Källén B. Maternal drug use and infant cleft lip/palate with special<br />

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831. Carmichael SL, Shaw GM, Ma C, Werler MM, Rasmussen SA, Lammer<br />

EJ. Maternal corticosteroid use and orofacial clefts. Am J Obstet Gynecol<br />

2007;197(6):585 e1-7; discussion 683-4, e1-7.<br />

832. Bakhireva LN, Schatz M, Chambers CD. Effect of maternal asthma<br />

and gestational asthma therapy on fetal growth. Journal of Asthma<br />

2007;44(2):71-6.<br />

833. Twaites BR, Wilton LV, Shakir SA. Safety of zafirlukast: results of a<br />

postmarketing surveillance study on 7976 patients in England. Drug<br />

Safety 2007;30(5):419-29.<br />

834. Wensley D, Silverman M. Peak flow monitoring for guided selfmanagement<br />

in childhood asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Am<br />

J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;170(6):606-12.<br />

835. Burkhart Pv, Rayens MK, Revelette WR, Ohlmann A, McCoy K, Shade<br />

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children with asthma. J Asthma 2007;44(2):137-42.<br />

836. McCoy K, Shade DM, Irvin CG, Mastronarde JG, Hanania NA, Castro<br />

M, et al. Predicting episodes of poor asthma control in treated patients<br />

with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006;118(6):1226-33.<br />

837. Nuijsink M, Hop WC, Sterk PJ, Duiverman EJ, de Jongste JC. Long-term<br />

asthma treatment guided by airway hyperresponsiveness in children: a<br />

randomised controlled trial. Eur Respir J 2007;30(3):457-66.<br />

838. de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Group CS, Baraldi E. Daily<br />

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of childhood asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009;179(2):93-7.<br />

839. Fritsch M, Uxa S, Horak F, Putschoegl B, Dehlink E, Szepfalusi Z, et<br />

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840. Pijnenburg MW, Hofhuis W, Hop WC, De Jongste JC. Exhaled nitric<br />

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Thorax 2005;60(3):215-8.<br />

841. Szefler SJ, Mitchell H, Sorkness CA, Gergen PJ, O’Connor GT,<br />

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nitric oxide in addition to guideline-based treatment for inner-city<br />

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842. Covar RA, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Sorkness CA, Moss M, Mauger<br />

DT, et al. Factors associated with asthma exacerbations during<br />

a long-term clinical trial of controller medications in children.<br />

J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008;122(4):741-7.<br />

843. Fuhlbrigge AL, Weiss ST, Kuntz KM, Paltiel AD. Forced<br />

expiratory volume in 1 second percentage improves the<br />

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844. Zacharasiewicz A, Wilson N, Lex C, Erin EM, Li AM, Hansel<br />

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845. Juniper EF, Gruffydd-Jones K, Ward S, Svensson K. Asthma<br />

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846. Bacharier LB, Guilbert TW, Zeiger RS, Strunk RC, Morgan WJ,<br />

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improved outcomes with use of an inhaled corticosteroid in<br />

preschool children at risk for asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol<br />

2009;123(5):1077-82.<br />

847. Busse WW, Pedersen S, Pauwels RA, Tan WC, Chen yZ, Lamm<br />

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Allergy Clin Immunol 2008;121(5):1167-74.<br />

848. Castro-Rodriguez JA, Rodrigo GJ. Efficacy of inhaled<br />

corticosteroids in infants and preschoolers with recurrent<br />

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849. Kerwin EM, Pearlman DS, de Guia T, Carlsson LG, Gillen M,<br />

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850. Knuffman JE, Sorkness CA, Lemanske RF, Jr., Mauger DT,<br />

Boehmer SJ, Martinez FD, et al. Phenotypic predictors of<br />

long-term response to inhaled corticosteroid and leukotriene<br />

modifier therapies in pediatric asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol<br />

2009;123(2):411-6.<br />

851. Kooi EMW, Schokker S, Marike Boezen H, de Vries TW,<br />

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852. Papi A, Nicolini G, Baraldi E, Boner AL, Cutrera R, Rossi GA,<br />

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853. Rachelefsky G. Inhaled corticosteroids and asthma control<br />

in children: assessing impairment and risk. Pediatrics<br />

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854. de Blic J, Ogorodova L, Klink R, Sidorenko I, valiulis A, Hofman<br />

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855. Gappa M, Zachgo W, von Berg A, Kamin W, Stern-Strater C,<br />

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856. Morice AH, Peterson S, Beckman O, Kukova Z. Efficacy and<br />

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857. Pearlman D, Qaqundah P, Matz J, Yancey SW, Stempel DA,<br />

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858. Joos S, Miksch A, Szecsenyi J, Wieseler B, Grouven U, Kaiser T,<br />

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859. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. 2010.<br />

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860. Lanier B, Bridges T, Kulus M, Taylor AF, Berhane I, vidaurre<br />

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861. Raissy HH, Harkins M, Kelly F, Kelly HW. Pretreatment with<br />

albuterol versus montelukast for exercise-induced bronchospasm<br />

in children. Pharmacotherapy 2008;28(3):287-94.

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