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British Guideline on the MAnAGeMent of AsthMA<br />


88<br />

No significant association has been demonstrated between major congenital malformations or<br />

adverse perinatal outcome and exposure to inhaled steroids. 530,534-537, 822, 825, 828 A meta-analysis<br />

of four studies of inhaled corticosteroid use in pregnancy showed no increase in the rate of<br />

major malformations, pre-term delivery, low birth weight or pregnancy-induced hypertension. 829<br />

The UK case control study included 1,429 infants exposed to inhaled steroids and found no<br />

increased risk of major congenital malformations. 822<br />

Inhaled anti-inflammatory treatment has been shown to decrease the risk of an acute attack<br />

of asthma in pregnancy 519 and the risk of readmission following asthma exacerbation. 517 A<br />

randomised placebo controlled trial of inhaled beclometasone versus oral theophylline in<br />

moderate asthma in pregnancy showed no difference in the primary outcome of one or more<br />

asthma exacerbations resulting in medical intervention, but inhaled beclometasone was better<br />

tolerated. 807<br />

B use inhaled steroids as normal during pregnancy.<br />

7.6.3 THEOPHyLLINES<br />

No significant association has been demonstrated between major congenital malformations or<br />

adverse perinatal outcome and exposure to methylxanthines. 530,538<br />

For women requiring theophylline to maintain asthma control, measurement of theophylline<br />

levels is recommended. Since protein binding decreases in pregnancy, resulting in increased<br />

free drug levels, a lower therapeutic range is probably appropriate. 539<br />

C use oral and intravenous theophyllines as normal during pregnancy.<br />

d Check blood levels of theophylline in acute severe asthma and in those critically<br />

dependent on therapeutic theophylline levels.<br />


There is much published literature showing that steroid tablets are not teratogenic522, 530, 540 but<br />

a slight concern that they may be associated with oral clefts. Data from several studies have<br />

failed to demonstrate this association with first trimester exposure to steroid tablets540, 830 but<br />

one case control study found a significant association, although this increase is not significant<br />

if only paired controls are considered. 542 Although one meta-analysis reported an increased<br />

risk, 541 a prospective study by the same group found no difference in the rate of major birth<br />

defects in prednisolone-exposed and control babies. 541 A more recent population based case<br />

control study revealed a crude odds ratio of corticosteroid exposure from four weeks before<br />

through to 12 weeks after conception of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.1-2.6) for cleft lip. 831 Another case<br />

control study822 including 262 exposed infants found no such association, although this was<br />

not limited to first trimester exposure.<br />

The association is therefore not definite and even if it is real, the benefit to the mother and the<br />

fetus of steroids for treating a life threatening disease justify the use of steroids in pregnancy. 524,<br />

815 Moreover, the various studies of steroid exposure include many patients with conditions<br />

other than asthma, and the pattern of steroid use was generally as a regular daily dose rather<br />

than as short courses, which is how asthma patients would typically receive oral steroids.<br />

Prednisolone is extensively metabolized by placental enzymes so only 10% reaches the fetus,<br />

making this the oral steroid of choice to treat maternal asthma in pregnancy. Pregnant women<br />

with acute asthma exacerbation are less likely to be treated with steroid tablets than non-pregnant<br />

women. 527 Failure to administer steroid tablets when indicated increases the risk of ongoing<br />

exacerbation and therefore the risk to the mother and her fetus.<br />

Some studies have found an association between steroid tablet use and pregnancy-induced<br />

hypertension or pre-eclampsia, pre-term labour 520 and fetal growth but severe asthma may be<br />

a confounding variable. 832<br />

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