July - Summer Edition - CI Investments

July - Summer Edition - CI Investments

July - Summer Edition - CI Investments


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Introducing Black Creek<br />

[Q] Why have you chosen not to hedge against the effects<br />

of currency?<br />

KANKO: Hedging is supposed to reduce the volatility of your<br />

expected results – but it comes at a cost. It’s an ongoing cost<br />

that we’ve chosen not to incur because it eats up capital and<br />

we don’t think it serves any long-term purpose. Plus, many<br />

companies that we hold are already hedged, either through<br />

where they generate their sales and earnings, or they have<br />

hedges in place.<br />

JENKINS: The other thing is that for Canadian investors,<br />

the dollar is pro-cyclical. If the global economy strengthens,<br />

the Canadian dollar gets strong – particularly if energy<br />

prices strengthen. There’s a natural offset by owning a global<br />

portfolio to slowdowns or weakening of the economy. We<br />

saw that in 2008, when the equity market was down 50% or<br />

more, the Canadian dollar fell from US$1.02 to US$0.74. A<br />

global portfolio did substantially better in a weakened market<br />

than a Canadian portfolio. Our view of currency is based on<br />

purchasing power parity because over the long term that is<br />

the most reliable indicator. Relative to the U.S. dollar, we feel<br />

the Canadian dollar is overvalued by 25%. It’s also overvalued<br />

relative to the pound and euro. We have views on currencies,<br />

but they’re just one of the factors that go into the decisionmaking<br />

process.<br />

[Q] Canadian investors still have a large percentage of<br />

their holdings in domestic companies. What would you<br />

say to Canadian investors about going global?<br />

JENKINS: In just about every country studied, people carried<br />

a home market bias. Some of that is related to currency, some<br />

of it is a form of nationalism – I don’t know how else to put it.<br />

People tend to think that domestic companies are better than<br />

foreign ones. We try to find the very best company we can<br />

whether it’s in Canada, Japan or the U.S. – each environment<br />

has its own positives and negatives. A Canadian company has<br />

a lot of positives and some negatives – so does a Japanese<br />

one. We try to look at each case independently and find the<br />

25 best ideas.<br />

KANKO: Plus, the Canadian market is pretty narrow – it’s<br />

largely resources and financials. If you look at our portfolios,<br />

there are a lot of sectors you cannot access in Canada. There<br />

is a world of opportunities out there that simply does not exist<br />

in Canada.<br />

JENKINS: Another way to say it is, “Okay, if I’m in Canada<br />

and have a portfolio of stocks, why would I go elsewhere?”<br />

Well, I’d go elsewhere to get a better company or to invest<br />

in industries that are not available in Canada. For example,<br />

if I’m going to look at an oil company, why would I buy an<br />

oil company somewhere else? It has to be better than a<br />

Canadian one. Adidas owns Reebok CCM and everyone<br />

knows CCM hockey equipment – they just don’t know it’s<br />

owned by the Germans.<br />

Black Creek Investment Management<br />

Toronto-based Black Creek Investment Management was<br />

founded by Bill Kanko in February 2005. He was later joined<br />

by Richard Jenkins in <strong>July</strong> 2008. They believe that their ability<br />

to develop proprietary investment ideas will grow wealth for<br />

their clients over the long term. Their goal is to provide capital<br />

growth over the long term through investments in common<br />

equities, and to achieve superior returns relative to equity<br />

market averages in general and to competitors.<br />

Black Creek Investment Management strives to offer a worldclass<br />

global equity capability for its clients. Building on the<br />

background, experience and track records of the founding<br />

partners, the managers aim to provide long-term results that<br />

are among the best of their competitor peer group.<br />


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