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Five lovely girls pose for ourcameraman- for no other reason,evidentl y, than that theywant to make a hit. T hey'dmake a hit anywhere, you cansee t hat." " vIt's not such a far cry fromthis symbolic pioneer to DanielBoone, that other big shot.Phil Fikkan has a bearskin,and that shotgun is probably<strong>of</strong> about the vintage <strong>of</strong> 1750.Welike that suspender arrangementand the missing tooth,don't you? A plenty tricky outfit, P hil." " vWhat's the idea here-or is itan idea? ·o, it's a game-I getit! It's a few <strong>of</strong> these girl violators<strong>of</strong> t he "repeat 1903"regulations regarding hair ribbonsand such. The one stoopingto conquer looks like OlgaEwascn from the back." " """Stick 'em up, you!"-that's afamiliar greeting, or was somefew years ago. The beards adda touch, and the vehicle also.T hey tell us there were a few<strong>of</strong> those around the campus aslate as '934·" " vShades <strong>of</strong> 1903- Max, "Bull,"Eiden caught <strong>of</strong>l" his guard.What could he be t hinkingabout with that grin on hisface? Perhaps he's posing asIzzy Finkelstein planning anotherfire sale." v vT hese girls arc Edith Slatter,Jean Kingsbury, and Nina Varian,and they're posing for thecameraman. Thanks, girls."" "" vOnce again, allow us to presentsome outstanding members <strong>of</strong>the worthy " I " organization.Orville "Ox" Schmitz, CarrollLivingston, Neil Speirs, PaulBerg, and Ap Berg are assistingin the ritual. Can't identifythe "beatee"- it isn't <strong>of</strong>ten,however, that a freshman hasthe good fortune to be held byBetty Booth and Doris Papeshduring the ceremony." v ""ovember 10- Friday- andwe vowed on the following darto "repeat 1903" at any cost.Here we are, marching by,beard by beard, and hair ribbonby hair ribbon.

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