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d,1-itam(/c.ta f:behafe••WoMEN's I NTRAMURAL D EBATE contestwas won April 18 by Kappa Alpha Theta,represented by Carol Campbell and AnnaSweeley. T his group defeated D elta DeltaDelta's team, J ane Merrick and R uthDunn, to win the forensics trophy for thesecond consecutive year. The question fordebate was, Resolved: ((That Hitler IsBenefitting Germany." The Kappa AlphaTh et~s argued the affirmative side <strong>of</strong> thequestion.T n the first round Kappa Kappa Gamma,H ays H all, and Delta D elta Delta defeatedAlpha Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, andAlpha Phi, respectively. Kappa :\lphaTheta eliminated Kappa Kappa Gamma,and Delta Delta Delta won from Pi BetaPhi in the second round <strong>of</strong> the contest. Inthe semi-finals Kappa Alpha Theta defeatedH ays Hall.The purpose <strong>of</strong> this intramural debatewas to foster forensics on the campus, inview <strong>of</strong> finding possible varsity material.Carol Campbell, Anna SweeleyM EN's I NTRAMURAl, D EBATE con testwas won April 12 by the Sigma Nu debateteam, represented by Theron \ Vard andMax Weber. In the finals this group, arguingon t he affirmative side <strong>of</strong> the question,defeated the Phi Delta Theta team, consisting<strong>of</strong> Branch Walker and Lewis Orland.The question debated was, Resolved:"That the powers <strong>of</strong> the president shouldbe substantially increased as a settled policy."Eight minutes were allowed for theconstructive argument and four minutesfor the rebuttal. Faculty members werejudges.In the first round, Phi D elta T heta, ChiAlpha Pi, igma Nu, D elta Chi, L. D. S.Jnstitute, igma Chi, and T au KappaE psilon emerged victorious. Chi Alpha Pi,Alpha T au Omega, and Phi Delta Thetawere the winners <strong>of</strong> the second round, thelatter two also victorious in the third. Inthe semi-finals Sigma Nu defeated AlphaTau Omega.Theron Ward, Max Weber•••••• *

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