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Rack Row: R. Jensen, J. J.aclle, H. Ball, D. Eddington, T. WilsonFront Row: K. Dayle), D. Mortimer, J. Price, \1. PetersonIntramural basketball proved to be one<strong>of</strong> the most hard-fought as well as the mostjumbled <strong>of</strong> all sports. Although T. M. A.won the A league championship, they weredeclared ineligible because they used apia yer not registered in school.In the A league finals, T. 1. A. defeatedDelta Tau Delta, which gave them theright to play the D elta Chis, winners <strong>of</strong> theB league championship, for the intramuralti tie. The discovery <strong>of</strong>T. M. A.'s ineligibleplayer necessitated a championship gamebetween the Delts and Ridenbaugh. Thehall boys came through to win from DeltaTau D elta by a score <strong>of</strong> 22 to 17, givingthem the A league championship. In thegame to determine the A league runner-up,the Sigma Nus defeated Tau Kappa Epsilonin a close contest.ln the league-winner play-<strong>of</strong>f, the Ridenbaughquintet copped the university championshipby squeezing out an 18 to 16 victoryfrom the D elta Chis in the last minute<strong>of</strong> play.Indoor baseball was the first sport totake the limelight in the intramural racelast fall. After three weeks <strong>of</strong> several hardfoughtgames on the double eliminationbasis, Sigma Nu emerged as A league victorsby virtue <strong>of</strong> a decisive 25 to 5 winfrom Delta Tau Delta. Lindley H all qualifiedfor the finals by defeating the Fijis,7 to 6, in a hard-fought game.Sigma Nu nosed out Lindley H all by twopoints this year to win her second consecutiveindoor championship with a score <strong>of</strong>10-8. The good fielding and the timely hit<strong>of</strong> the winners were the outstanding features<strong>of</strong> the game, which was even up untilthe beginning <strong>of</strong> the last inning. In the laststanza, the Sigma Nus forged ahead bybringing in three runs to one for LindleyHall. Superior hitting proved to be themain <strong>of</strong>fense for the winners, as they droveout 2+ hits to 17 for the hall boys.Lefty aslund, pitcher, figured prominentlyin the success <strong>of</strong> the winning team,the Sigma Nus.dnftamutaf~otf.>Back Row: R. Barker, L. Fraley, R. l.uu, \\'. Goss, \\'.McCreaFront Row: G. asluncl, W. Hill, C. Kilimann, C. Leithe, R. l.e

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