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uUtt, Alberta .. . . . . 77vVance, Robert. . . . .... . ....... . 57, 273Van Dyke, Thomas.. ... . ... .. 98, 282Van Engelen, Va t ura . .... .. ........ 98,264Va rian, Nina . .. .... . .. 33, 77, 142, 143, 262,266, 30 I, 308Vaught, Raymond... . . . .. .. .. . . 163, 168Verberkmoes. ... . ..... .. ......... 57, 282Villers, Ralph ................... .. .. 210Vincen t , Ddwain ..... 88, 140, 143, 183, 276,311, 329Vincent, Elizabeth ............ 57, 268, 296Virgin, Walter . . . . . . . . . . 77, 175, 288, 305Virt anen, Miriam .... .......... 57, 266,333Voightlander, Theodore .. . ..... 77, 166,273Van Voorhis, Harold .............. 98, 293Vosi ka, Frank..... . . . 88, 295Vosika, John . .. . .. ........ 88, 295wWade, Julia.... .. . ..... .. . .. . ... 98, 268Waggoner, Edward . . ................. 175Wagner, Herman .... . . 77, 81, 183, 274, 317Wahl, Elsie... . ....... . ........ . . 77, 269Walker, Barbara .. ................. 98, 266Walke r, Harvie ........... 77, 183, 214, 278Walker, Robert . ................... 77, 283Walker, Branch . ...... 77, 145, 183, 184,275Wallis, Randall . .. .. . ... . . .. .. ..... 57, 277Walstra, Walter . ............... ... 77, 289Walters, Ella mae . .. ......... . .. . .. 98, 267Walters, Re m a ................ 98, 202, 267Wamsley, Russell ... . .. .. ..... . ...... 289Wamstadj Charles ............. 57, 248, 283Ward, De bert ................ 57, 293, 308Ward, Dorothy ................... . 57, 267Ward, Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274Ward, T heron ........ 88, 172,210,214,218,279, 236Wark, J u dson . . .. .. . ... . ...... 98, 139, 273Warner, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Warner, Charles ..... . .... 77, 14 1, 143,275Warner, James ......... .. . .. .. . ... 57, 276Warner, Victor . . .. 59, 77, 183, 226, 228, 256,275,312Watkins, Dallas.. ... . .. . .. . ... 88, 289Watson, James ............... . 98, 138, 274Weatherby, Xena.. .................. 98Webb, Carmen ............... . .. . 98, 291Weber, Max .. . .. ..... . .............. 172Webster, James. . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77Wellhousen, Harry . ...... 175, 289, 305, 321Wesling, Willard . . . . ........ .. .. . .. 98, 281Westberg, John Orville .. ....... 77, I 66, 275Westerlund, Arnold .. ......... . ... . .. 168Weston, Raymond .... .. .. 77, 145, 255, 280Wetherall, William ...... . . 78, 147, 170, 295Wetherell, Robert .................. 78, 274Wheeler, Frances ...... 19, 40, 57, 196, 200,201. 270, 301, 315Wheeler, George.. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 78Whipple, Galt. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 58, 250White, Elizabeth . . . .. . 78, 203White, Parthena... ............. ..... 98White, Robert .... . ................ 88, 295White, Wilton ................. 98, 244, 273Whitehead, Albert E. . . . .. . . ....... 170Whiteman, Dorothy ............. . . 98, 291Whiteside, Lawrence ... .. .. . ....... . . 140Whitlock, Lloyd . . ............. 58, 166, 275Whitney, Gerald.... .. . .. . . .......... 99Wickes, Jo Betty ... . ...... 99, 138, 202, 264Wilburn, Bertha Mae ...... 78, 163, 202, 264Williams, Donald ...... .... . .. . 99, 244,273Williams, Glenn ................... 58, 280Williams, Jack . ... 33, 58, 179, 180, 182, 184Williams, Mel born ... ......... . .... 78, 285Williams, Robert .. ...... . .. .. .. . .. 99, 275Williamson, Madeleine ........... .. 58, 270Willmore, LeRoy. ... . ... .. .. . ... 99, 293Wilson, Verne. .. .. .. . .......... . 58, 276Wilson, Asher B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Wilson, Char lea .... . .. 78, 218, 248, 281, 326Wilson, Evelyn . .......... .. . .. . .. 88, 268Wilson, Geor~:e .. . . .. 58, 210, 232, 275Wilson I Harry ............. . .. 58, 257, 279Wilson, Helen E. . . . . ............ 99, 265Wilson, Helen P . . . . . ... .. 78, 265Wilson, Marjorie .. . ...... . 88, 263Wilson, Nellie . ........ . ... . .. .. .. . 88, 269Wilson, A von . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 99, 277Wilson, Ronald.. . .. .. .. . ... . ..... 256Wilson, T homas.. . .......... 99, 249, 295Wilson, Vivian . . . . ............ 78, 266Wimer, Frances. . . . 78, 138, 143, 144, 196,197, 262, 270Winkler, Betty . . .. . .. .. . .......... 99, 267Winkler, Helen ............ 81, 88, 267, 313Winter, Galen . . . . .. .. .. .... ....... 66, 274Wiseman, Howard ............. . ... 58, 281Wiswa ll, Helen . . . . .. . .. . . . 58, 198, 296, 330Wiswa\1, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Witwer, Sheldon . . .. ... . ........... 78, 295Wohllaib, Esther . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 78, 291WoH, Amber ............. . . ....... 99, 263WoHe, Don . . ............. 58, 164, 211,281WoHe, Helen ... ... . ... . .. . ........ 78, 269Wood, Edgar ...................... 88, 272Wood, Willia m ...... .. . .. .. ... 58, 164, 277Woodcock, Gretchen . . . . ... 99, 138, 140,265Woodruff, Leo . . . 78, 146, 293Woods, Elison . . . ................. ... 285Woods, Lonie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180Woodward, Kermit ............ 78, 256, 327Woodward, Richard . . .............. 78, 273Woody, Howard..................... 99Wright, Hyrtha. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. ....... 88Wright, Paul. . ................... . 99, 277Wunderlich, J ack . ....... ... ....... 58, 277Wurster, Marjorie .... 78, 139, 140, 142, 143,196, 265, 301, 310yYost, Ada. . 58, 269Yost, Max .. .. . ................... 88, 276Yost, Rita .................... 58, 262, 269Younkin, Jack . .... . ... 88, 276Yturri, Dorothy.... . . 99, 291zZiminski, Henry .......... 78, 2 50, 295, 303H ~E~~~)j;r~ sMoscow's Only Exclusive M en's StoreFor Style, Quality and ServiceSee ...BURNETT SHOE CO.213 North 8th Boise, <strong>Idaho</strong>THEOwL DRUG STOREThe R exall StoreDRUGSPrro ' E 2167PrescriptionsMOSCOWGIFTSCon. 4 Tu & MAI NFountain LunchesTOBACCOS-C A ' DY-MAG-AZI NE SCOSMETICS- DRUG SUNDRIESPrescri ptions Filled by RegisteredPharmacist s OnlyMOSCOW PHARMACYTrrmD S T R EET Free DeliveryPRONE 5151 EDDIE H AL PI ', Mgr .·We cater particularly to y ou <strong>University</strong> Studentswith the character 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