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•dttfouatd{Jact;a/••Richard Stanton"Skeet" has certainly improved TluArgonaut during the year, said manystudents; and that is a compliment,coming as it does from the paper'scampus readers, its most severe andexacting critics.Perry Culp, Jr.PERRY CuLP, JR.HAROLD BOYD -RICHA RD STANTON- Managing Editor- N(WJ EditorEditorH UGH ELDRIOCF. -ALBERT ANDER SONNight Editor- Da;• EditorCorY DESK-John Cusano, Editor; Leila Gabbey, Frances Wimer, Odwain Vincent, Phyllis Peterson,J ohn Lukens, J ohn Brosnan.WoMEN- Marjorie Druding, Editor; ;\lary Ellen Brown, Eileen Kennedy, .\Iildred Carson, JaneThomas.CoLUMNS-Frances Hanley, Editor; J osephine Breckenridge, .Mary Katharine Riley, Kathryn Lane,Lewis Orland, :--lina Varian. Frank Lutz, .\largaret .\lurphy.SociETY-Marjorie Wurster, Editor; Dorothy Rosevear, Kathryn Kendall, l\Iarion Johnson, J ayneJones, Christine Orchard.ExcHANCEs-Ddwain Vincent, Editor; Barbara l\lockler, Robert McFadden, Barbara Geddes,Elsie Wahl.SPORTS-William McCrea, Editor; Philip Hiaring, Earl Bullock, William Pauley, Lawrence Whiteside,Wallace Rounsavell.CAMI'US STArr-Robert Thurston, Elva Anderson, James Schick, Ruth Haller, Nancy Trever, QuinnPuhl, Avon Wilson, J ohn Bromet, Katherine Schuettenhelm, Madge Miller, Catherine Bjornstad,Maurietta Carlson, Marion Delana, Miriam Virtanen, Gretchen Woodcock, Charles Collins, EdwardPotts, Frances H erbert, Edith Slatter, Margaret Pence, Elizabeth Coats, Doris McDermott, MaryShort, Esther Flenner, Maurice Malin, Dorothy Goode, Orene Hardman.SECRETARIEs- J oan Sandford, Blanche Johnson.Back Row: P. Culp, W. Rounsavell, L. Whiteside, J. Schick, M. Pence, N. '!'rever, J. Sandford, R. Haller, J. Lukens, G. Woodcock,Front Row:M. Johnson, J. Brosnan, M. Murphy, R. StantonF. Lutz, H. Boyd, M. Wurster, W. McCrea, R. Thurston, C. Frazier, A. Anderson, J. Cusano, H. Eldridge, D. Vincent··••• *

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